Introduction to the series of essays

    I use short essays as a way of thinking and of developing ideas. More of the essays that have appeared on this page dealt with matters of critical thinking, and nearly all of them have been incorporated into the section "Critical Thinking." Those listed here are planned for the future. Interested readers may wish to check this page occasionally to see new essays or those that are being developed.

Older essays
    Alien Agenda? was moved on 14 August 2000 to Jim Marrs under The Critics.

Essays to come
"Declare victory and change the subject" (incorporates "Charlie Drago and the Church Lady")
George Michael and the spectroscopist
An improved view of the neutron-activation data
Why most of the evidence in the JFK case is useless
The fatal error of moving to Step 2 before settling Step 1
Predisposition in JFK research
Hidden assumptions of JFK researchers of all persuasions
The fatal consequences to JFK research of neglecting classical reasoning
Why not all approaches to the JFK assassination are created equal
Why there is only one truth to the JFK assassination
The "tough love" approach to JFK research and evidence
What's wrong with this argument? 1. James Fetzer, "Assassination Science"
What's wrong with this argument? 2. David Lifton, "Best Evidence"
What's wrong with this argument? 3. Gerald Posner, "Case Closed"
What's wrong with this argument? 4. Jim Moore, "Conspiracy of One"