This packet contains the following files: BBNstudy.bas - The BBN echo study program written in QBASIC. BBNstudy.exe - The BBN echo study program compiled with First BASIC. Dplaza.gif - My computer-drawn map of Dealey Plaza. BBNstudy.txt - This text file describing the BBN echo study program. The BBN echo study program is a test of method which analyzes three test shots from the test by Bolt, Beranek and Newman on August 10, 1978 in Dealey Plaza. Mike locations 4, 5, and 6 were chosen because they most frequently matched DPD tape shots 1 and 2. BBN has refused to release their raw data, so some of the varibles are my best estimates. For example, we do not know what the temperature was for each shot, so I have estimated the temperature based on a ratio of probable time for each shot compared to the range of temperature over the total time for the shooting test. The location of the test rifle is based on an analysis of photographs taken of the test shooting and plotting reasonable trajectories and firing positions. The locations of the test mikes is based on analysis of photographs taken of the test shooting and inferences from HSCA testimony about the design of the test. BBN attempted to place the microphones exactly 18 feet apart in a straight line up Houston Street. My selection of reflective (refractive?) objects is based partly on the success of professors Weiss and Aschkenasy in identifying echo generating objects in Dealey Plaza and the old string method with a calculator to look for echo generating objects. You will notice that the last impulse should always match with the Post Office. On most test shots fired from the TSBD window #1 and picked up by microphones at the top end of Houston Street, there are several early impulses up to about the point of 400 or 500 milliseconds, then a gap until the last impulse at about 900 milliseconds. It appears that the corner of the Post Office is the only echo generating object which can produce a strong echo in this general area which is then picked up by the test mikes. Relying on that fact, we can attempt to change the other variables enough to allow a perfect match between the last echo and the predicted echo pattern from the Post Office. This is an additional confirmation of method. This BASIC program was converted to QBASIC for the IBM from an old Commodore BASIC program which I wrote many years ago. Not every feature could be translated elegantly. And there are some flaws and uncertainties which make it impossible to achieve a perfect match between the BBN test shot impulses and predicted echo patterns. There are several variables for which we do not know the true values with absolute certainty. We can only use a reasonable estimate. I have provided default values which are assumed to be very close to the true values for some of these variables, such as the position of the rifle, the position of the mikes and the speed of sound. Only direct path echoes are calculated, not compound echo paths as Weiss and Aschkenasy were able to do. If anyone has suggestions on how to add this type of calculation, please E-MAIL me the code. Also, you may notice that there are some differences between the QBASIC program and the compiled BASIC. First BASIC was the only shareware QBASIC compiler I could find, so if you can compile it with something better, please do so and E-MAIL it to me. Most of the screen output and printout shoud be self-explanatory, but there is one field which is not explained. The field just before the word "**BLAST**" is a sum-of-squares calculation which I use as a visual check to see if the matching process is getting better on subsequent runs. Since the predicted blast will always be 0.0 due to the fact that this begins the matching process, this field did not need to be displayed and could be used to keep a running check on the sum-of-squares calculation. Any value above 20 shows poor matching. Any value closer to 10 would indicate a much better match. Anything near 5 would be an excellent match. If you get results with a sum of squares less than 10, please E-MAIL me at with the variables you used.