Ch. 1 brief transcript of DPD tape (Canadian copies) Ch. 2 brief transcript compared to establish real time on 11/22/63 Elapsed Channel 1 Correct Elapsed Channel 2 Correct Estimate time in Unit message(""), event, repeat( {} ), time in time in Unit message(""), event, repeat( {} ), time in realtime seconds Number unintelligible( ~~~~~~~~) seconds seconds Number unintelligible( ~~~~~~~~) seconds P.M. Calling timed at underlined word Calling timed at underlined word 0.0 38 "Mind telling some of those people 3.2 28:36.7 involved having this deal out here at Market Hall that there's people walking across Southbound Stemmons here in front of the Marriott Hotel all the way down South?" 61.3 tires squealling 63.9 29:37.4 0.0 1 "Triple underpass." 0.0 30:24.6 114.1 tires squealling 116.1 30:29.6 8.0 dispatcher"12:30, KKB-364." 8.0 30:32.6 136.0 Shot #1 from TSBD 137.8 30:51.3 32.7 1 "Go to the hospital . . ." 32.7 30:57.3 143.2 Grassy Knoll shot 144.9 30:58.4 40.6 Dallas 1 "Get a man on top of that." 40.6 31:05.2 150.8 Bell tone( low A @220 cps) 152.4 31:05.9 55.1 1 "Have Parkland stand by." 55.1 31:19.7 90.5 Dallas 1 "..and hold everything secure until 90.5 31:55.1 Homicide & other investigators can get {secure..} {secure..} there." -6.6 repeat1 125.3 dispatcher"Parkland has been notified,12:32 118.7 32:23.3 ... {notified...} " -3.4 repeat2 238.5 dispatcher "531, testing-1,2,3,4...", whistles 239.3 32:32.8 142.7 sirens 132.7 32:37.3 153.7 5 "You want, what's the~that I have 143.7 32:48.3 with me?{what's the~.. with me?}" -3.8 repeat3 1 160.0 1 "Just go on to Parkland Hospital 146.2 32:50.8 5 and 1 {with me? Just go on to Parkland -3.4 repeat4 Hospital!}" 262.1 sirens 262.6 32:56.1 268.5 Courson? "Take off, Buddy." 269.0 33:02.5 183.0 1 "Get these trucks out of the way.. 165.8 33:10.4 {~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~}" -3.4 repeat5 297.0 car horn beeps 297.2 33:30.7 209.3 dispatcher"Could you send someone up there 188.7 33:33.3 to tell him to shut it of{tuck open on channel 1.Could you}" -3.5 repeat6 317.5 190 "You want me to still hold this 317.5_230.5 190 "You want me to still hold this 206.4 33:51 traffic on Stemmons 'til we find traffic on Stemmons 'til we find out something or ~~~~~~~~~." out something or let it go?" 344.5 break in recording for 6 seconds 345.3 34:18.8 271.9 dispatcher"12:35 {12:35}" Repeat 7(-3.5) 247.8 34:32.4 318.8 dispatcher"10-4.283, cut traffic Hines and NA NA Industrial.{10-4. 283,cut traffic}"-3.5 repeat8 432.5 dispatcher "Attention all emergency equipment, 426.5_324.5 dispatcher"Attention all emergency equipment 315.4 35:40 Gerald attention all emergency equipment. Gerald Henslee Do not use Industrial Boulevard, do Henslee Do not use Industrial Boulevard, simulcast not use Industrial Boulevard.12:36." simulcast 12:36." Skips 1 & 2