What does Rosemary say *today* about the shots and her actions? This is from the Texas Monthly, 11/98 issue. Quote on: "As the motorcade made the turn from Houston to Elm Street, they'd just gone a few feet when the first shot rang out. I didn't know what it was, but I was looking for what I heard. And the pigeons immediately ascended off the roof of the school book depository building - that's what caught my eye. The second shot that I heard came from behind my right shoulder. By that time the limousine had already moved farther down. And the next one, right after that, still came from the right but not from as far back - it was up some. Still behind me, but not as far back as the other one. And the next one that came was from the grassy knoll, and I saw smoke coming through the trees, into the air, and fragments of his head ascended into the air, and from my vision, focal point, the smoke and the fragments, you know, everything met. I mean, there's no question in my mind what I saw or heard."