Farewell Lunch

    We left Xiamen for Wuyishan on a 9 p.m. flight. Before that we had a farewell lunch and then a smaller farewell dinner. Here is the restaurant where we had lunch.

We dined inside (with air-conditioning) even though the restaurant had ample outdoor seating. I liked the air-conditioning!

The second water buffalo doesn't seen too happy about his job. I don't blame him! He probably isn't too keen about the whip part, either.

On the right is Dr. Wu Jingfeng, a native of Xiamen who has just finished seven years at MIT, including getting his Ph.D. there. He is now at the International Arctic Research Center at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. We had good conversations at some of the dinners.

Wu Jingfeng, Chen Lixi, Li Linmei, Yang Xulin, and a guy from the Third Institute whose card I didn't get. Sorry!

The same group but with me in place of the guy from TIO.

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