Desert Aerosol Transport in the Mediterranean Region as Inferred
from the TOMS Aerosol Index
P. L. Israelevich, Z. Levin, J. H. Joseph, and E. Ganor
Department of Geophysics and Planetary Sciences,
The Raymond and Beverly Sackler Faculty of Exact Sciences,
Tel Aviv University, Ramat Aviv 69978, Israel
Abstract. The data on TOMS aerosol index from the period August 1966 to
April 2000 were used to determine the aerosol distributions over the
Mediterranean Sea, Northern Africa and the eastern Atlantic. It was discovered
that during the period April to August, the flux of dust from the sources
located at latidude ~ 16o N and longitude ~ 16o E and
around latitude ~ 19o N and longitude ~ 60 W exceed the
sinks due to settling and transport. As a result the atmosphere over North
Africa is almost permanently loaded with significant amount of mineral desert
dust in spring and in summer. It is also shown that the Chad basin located
around latidude ~ 160 N and longitude ~ 160 E is relatively
more stable with a maximum activity around April. The region around latitude 190
N and longitude 60 W appears as a more variable source with maximum
in July. Over the Mediterranean low pressure systems, called Sharav cyclones,
form along the North Africa coast, primarily from March to June and travel
eastward. They mobilize the already suspended mineral dust and transport it
eastward and northward along the Mediterranean basin. Identifiable dust plumes
appear first in the western sector of the sea and then move eastward with a
speed of about 7 to 8 degrees per day, corresponding to average motion of the
Sharav cyclone. In spring, this motion continues at least up to the eastern
coast of the Mediterranean. In summer the dust plume is prevented from penetrating
further east of about 150 E.
1. Introduction
The role of
aerosol particles in atmospheric processes is extremely important in climate
research, rain formation, weather forecasting, bio-geochemical cycling as well
as remote sensing of the reflectance and texture of ground and other surfaces.
The aerosol forcing affects the atmosphere in two ways: (1) direct effect in
which aerosols reflect and absorb solar radiation; (2) indirect effect when
aerosols affect clouds by (a) increasing drop concentration and optical depth
and (b) by reducing drop size making the clouds more stable with lower
potential to produce rain. The last effect extends the lifetime of the clouds
and modifies ground wetness . For this reason, systematic studies are undertaken
now in order to retrieve global as well as regional distributions of aerosols.
However, well known difficulties in obtaining dust particles characteristics
via remote sensing methods [Kaufman et al., 1997, 1998] demand also
correlated (ground based, airborne, and space) observations in dedicated
campaigns in specific regions (e.g. ACE 1,2, TarFox, Scar A/B/C, Safari 2000,
ACE-Asia and MEIDEX [see]).
Such comprehensive studies and specific campaigns, along with the information
on the events, will improve the methods of retrieval of aerosol parameters, and
enable mutual calibration and validation of data sets. In this context, the
immediate sea surface environment of the main global source of desert aerosol
the North African Desert is a convenient focus for investigation of desert dust
properties and its influence on the climate in the region.
works on the Mediterranean dust [e.g., Manes and Joseph, 1971; Joseph
et al., 1973; Joseph and Wolfson, 1975; Joseph, 1984, Koren
et al.,2000; Levin and Lindberg, 1979; Levin et al., 1980; Bergametti
et al., 1989; Dayan et al., 1991; Alpert and Ganor, 1993,
2001; Molinaroli et al., 1993; Kubilay and Saydam, 1995; Loye-Pilot
and Martin, 1996; Marticorena and Bergametti, 1996; Moulin et al., 1997, 1998; Prospero et al., 2001]
enabled to outline the following pattern of the desert dust transport above the
Mediterranean sea. The main sources for the dust in the Mediterranean region
are specific regions of the Sahara desert. Prospero et al. [2001] determined
sources of the Saharan dust using TOMS aerosol index. The dust is transported
from these sources over land and sea to regions like Europe, the Middle East
and across the Atlantic to areas as far away as Mexico City. This transport
occurs in spectacular storm-like events, when clouds of the desert aerosol
particles take the shape of giant plumes that can span the North-South extent
of the Mediterranean or cover large regions west of Africa and extend more than
one thousand kilometers from the source. The enormous dust plumes, emanating
from the west coast of Africa from February to September are generated by the
action of low latitude easterly waves [e.g. Karyampudi et al., 1996].
The main axis of transport migrates northward from about 10o N in
February to 25o N in September. The total optical depth in the
visible solar spectrum may reach as high as 6. Many of the plumes have a SW-NE
major axis orientation, with large variability in direction. The orientation of
these plumes does not correspond directly to the average atmospheric
circulation that has predominant wind directions from E and NE in low latitudes
to W and NW in the subtropics. The
observed dust events are associated with the northward components of winds
produced by synoptic depressions.
Using daily
satellite observations in the visible light, Moulin et al. [1998]
identified three major situations responsible for Saharan dust transport over
the Mediterranean sea in accordance with the main zones of cyclogenesis in the
Mediterranean [Alpert et al. 1990]. In the spring, these are Sharav
cyclones [Alpert and Ziv, 1989] which move eastward along the North
African coast and bring the dust to the eastern Mediterranean. In summer, high
pressure over Libya [Bergametti et al., 1989] prevents further eastward
propagation of these cyclones, and the associated dust transport occurs in the
central Mediterranean. At the end of the summer, low pressures near the
Balearic Islands result in dust transport mainly to the western Mediterranean.
The best estimate for the maximal number of dust events in a two weeks period
is 3 [see Moulin et al., 1998, Ganor, 1994, Ganor and Foner,
1996]. Several studies have shown the importance of these aerosols to the
global and regional energy balance [Joseph, 1984, Tegen et al.,
1996, Sokolik and Toon, 1999], to weather forecasting [Alpert et al.,
1998] and to rain formation [Levin et al., 1996]. These, however,
represent results from limited data and are based on localized statistics. In order
to study Mediterranean weather and climate it is important to obtain higher
spatial-temporal resolution of the dust transport dynamics and of the aerosol
type as well as their spatial and temporal correlation. In this paper we
present results of a study of the desert transport to the Mediterranean basin
using TOMS aerosol index.
2. UV detection of the desert aerosol
TOMS aerosol
detection technique utilizes the spectral contrast of two ultraviolet channels,
(A and B) [Herman et al., 1997]. The central wavelengths
of channels used for determination of the aerosol index were different for
different modifications of TOMS instrument. NIMBUS-7 aerosol index was
calculated for 340 nm (channel A)
and 380 nm (channel B). Aerosol index from Earth Probe used 331 nm (A)
and 360 nm (B) wave lengths. Since the aerosol scattering weakly depends
on wavelength, its presence reduces the
spectral contrast as compared to that expected for Raleigh atmosphere.
Therefore, the ratio of intensities IA/IB
can be used for detection of the presence of Mie scatterers. TOMS aerosol index
incorporates also the change in backscattered radiance in channel B. For
the fixed radiance corresponding to channel B, the spectral contrast is
largest for non-absorbing aerosols and decreases with increasing absorption.
Therefore, the aerosol index is defined as
(where the
indices mes and mod refer to the measured and modeled for pure
Raleigh scattering, respectively) is positive for absorbing aerosols (e.g. dust
and smoke particles) and negative for non-absorbing aerosols (e.g. sulfates) [Herman
et al., 1997; Torres et al., 1998]. Moreover, for clouds, AI » 0 [Herman et al., 1997], and therefore the main effect of
the sub pixel clouds on the aerosol index is the partial screening of the
aerosol. The TOMS radiances at the near-UV channels have been used in an
inversion algorithm to derive aerosol optical depth and single scattering
albedo [Torres et al., 2002].
The aerosol
index is proportional to the single-scattering albedo and to the absorption
optical depth (i.e. to the amount of the aerosol present in the column along
the line of sight). However, it also exhibits strong dependence on the height
distribution of the aerosols. In particular, this dependence significantly
decreases the aerosol index sensitivity to the aerosol presence at altitudes
below 1 km. In spite of that, the TOMS aerosol index measurements are linearly
proportional to the aerosol optical thickness derived independently from
ground-based Sun-photometer instruments over regions of biomass burning and
regions covered by African dust [Hsu et al., 1999]. Therefore the
aerosol index is an effective measure of the dust loading in the atmosphere,
and it has been successfully used to determine the dynamics of global
distributions of the absorbing aerosols by Herman et al. [1997] and
their sources Prospero et al., [2001].
We are
interested in mineral dust dynamics over the Mediterranean. Therefore, we use
in this study only positive values of AI above the North Africa and Mediterrenean sea provided by the TOMS
instrument aboard the Earth Probe satellite ( The
data are put into grid sizes of 1o latitude by 1.25o
3. Sources of desert dust for the
distribution of sources of mineral dust (in particular, sources in Northern
Africa) has been obtained recently by Prospero et al. [2001] from TOMS
aerosol index provided by NIMBUS-7 measurements. They used frequency of dust
events occurence statistics, and identified regions with high dust occurence as
mineral dust sources. In order to reduce statistical "noise"
introduced by low values of the aerosol index, Prospero et al. [2001]
used a threshold filter that eliminated daily aerosol index data below a
specified value. The threshold value was 1.0 for Northern Africa sources.
Here we
perform the detection of Saharan dust sources using a different approach in
handling aerosol index data which uses averaging of the aerosol index
distribution over long period of time. We consider the aerosol distribution
according to TOMS aerosol index in the region within latitudes range between
20.5o S to 54.5o N and longitude range from 540
W to 70o E during the period
from August, 1996 to April, 2000. This region includes the Mediterranean basin
and Northern Africa along with neighboring regions (Figure 1a). Figure 1b shows
the 2D distribution of the average value of positive AI for each pixel for the
whole period.
If we treat
the aerosol index as a measure of the amount of aerosols, the local maxima of
the AI distribution corresponds to the strongest sources of aerosols. Indeed,
the continuity equation for the aerosol column density r is
where A
is the source term and S is the rate of loss. The average column density
The local
maxima of the average column density occur at the points where ,
. Hence, one can expect that at these points
, and that the local maxima of the source term A
approximately coincide with the local maxima of
. Note, that we do not use threshold filters, but all
positive values of aerosol index have been incorporated in the distributions
under discussion.
In fact,the
aerosol index does not depend only on the column aerosol mass loading, but also
on the other parameters of the aerosol. For our analysis, most important and
most sensitive is the dependence of the AI on the height distribution of the
aerosol index. We can neglect other dependencies, like the dependence on the
scattering angles (since the orbit is Sun-synchronous), dependence on the size
distribution etc., but the aerosol index dependence on the dust layer altitude
is significant and, in principle, might affect our conclusions.
Let the
aerosol size and composition distribution be given. Then, the aerosol index
increases monotonically with the increase of the amount of absorbing dust if
the height distribution remains the same.
However, the aerosol index also increases monotonically with the height
of the aerosol layer if the amount of dust does not change. Therefore, the
local maximum of the aerosol index in its instantaneous distribution may be
associated either with the maximum of the aerosol amount, either with the
maximum height of the aerosol layer, or with some combination of these
parameters. Indeed, one can easily find many daily distributions with local
aerosol maxima above, say, the sea surface. Therefore the local maxima
positions indicate the main transport ways for the aerosols.
However, in
order to reveal dust sources, we average the aerosol distributions over long
periods of time. Naturally, dust sources remain at the same places giving the
largest input to the averaged AI value, whereas positions of local maxima along
the transport paths vary from day to day and, after averaging, result in
relatively uniform background.
The presence
of sub pixel clouds reduces randomly the value of the aerosol index as compared
with its 'true' value, and resulting in slight reduction of the averaged value of the aerosol index. Hence the
presence of sub pixel clouds does not affect our analysis, and it is reasonable to conclude that our
analysis and determination of dust sources is correct.
following main sources of the UV-absorbing aerosols can be inferred from the
Figure 1b: region A centered at lat » 160 N and long » 16o
E corresponding to the Chad basin and the wadi deltas leading out of
mountainous areas of Ahaggar and Tibesti into the basin. The second major
source region, region B
centered at lat » 190
N and long » 60
W corresponds to the Eljouf basin, again supplied with silt and clays
thorugh the wadis descending from the neighbouring mountains. They are the
primary sources of mineral dust for the Mediterranean basin. Two smaller local
maxima can be seen in region C centered at lat » 33o N and long
» 7o E, and in region D at lat » 25o N and long » 18o
E. Aerosol sources in Northern Sudan and in the Arabian Peninsula can
also be identified. Regions E (at lat » 5o N and long » 20 E) and F (lat » 7o S and long » 12o
E) located near Central Africas Atlantic coast, are associated with
biomass burning. It is worth noting that the mineral dust sources A D
identified as local maxima of aerosol distribution coincide with the sources
found by Prospero et al. [2001] as places of maximum frequency of
occurence of dust events. We refer the reader to [Prospero et al., 2001]
for detailed characterization of these sorces.
Figure 1c
represents the distribution of the highest observed values of TOMS aerosol
index for the period August, 1996 to
April, 2000. Obviously, the largest values of AI occur along the main
trajectories of the dust plumes. Figure 1d shows schematically the main
directions of the aerosol transport.
While region
A seems to be a steady source of dust, region B shows periods with higher
average values of AI (Fig. 1c). This point is further illustrated by Figure 2a,
which shows the dispersion of the aerosol index for the period of measurements:
regions E and F appear to be the most variable, they are clearly
associated with biomass burning. Region B, on the other hand, reveals
the strongest variability among all the sources of desert aerosols.
The two main
sources, A and B, as well as source C have the same
surface properties as to propensity of dust formation. The difference in the
variation with time of the two source regions, A and B+C, is probably to be found in the different
meteorological conditions leading to dust formation. The atmosphere over source
A, the Chad basin is under the influence of the steady Easterly winds at
the southern edge of a system of high pressure. Perturbations in the flow in
the form of Easterly Waves form semi- periodically in the Easterly flow South
of the High and keep the dust supply from the Chad region in a more or less
stationary regime from February to September with possibly a maximum in the
spring after the drying out of the playa and its tributaries. The more Northern
source C and the more Western source, B, may be activated by, in addition, travelling cyclone systems. These are
instigated by wave intrusions invading over the Western Atlas ranges from the
Atlantic, by European lows or by the Genoa low, invading over the more Eastern
Atlas ranges. These travelling cyclone systems intensify on reaching the lee of
the Atlas Mountains and can reach regions B and C mostly in
spring and early summer, but also in the fall. They usually travel East and
North afterwards.
It is
curious that the normalized distribution of the AI dispersion (i.e. ) shown in Figure 2b
exhibits rather clearly the coastlines of the region of interest (except for
the Atlantic coast of Central Africa). One can easily identify in Figure 2 the
North African coast along the Mediterranean, the Arabian Peninsula, Madagascar
and even the Iberian peninsula and Asia Minor. However, there is no one to one
relation between
above the sea and
above the land surface. In the Northern African region (Sahara),
is larger above the
sea than above the land, whereas in Europe or in Madagascar this relation is
reversed. For this reason, it seems less probable that TOMS aerosol index is
directly contaminated by the surface reflectivity. The most plausible
explanation of coastlines' "visibility" in the distributions (Figures
1b,c, 2a, and, especially, b) is that the average wind direction is normal to
the coastline (because of breeze). This
is definitely not true for tropical West Africa, where the average wind
direction is westward, and, indeed, the African Atlantic coast is not seen in
the Figure 2b. Nonetheless, one cannot exclude the different behavior of
aerosol sinks above the sea and the land surfaces. For example, the aerosol
particles above a sea rapidly absorb moisture, grow in size, and, as a result, sediment faster [Ganor
and Foner, 2001]. The lower "visibility" of the West African
coast line may be due to the average
optical depth there being larger and the decay
of the latter slower with increasing distance from the shore.
Figure 3a
shows the daily values of the aerosol index integrated over the whole region
of interest (20.5o S < lat
< 54.5o N, 54o W < long < 70o E).
This quantity, to a first approximation, can be used as a measure of the total
amount of the Saharan desert aerosol in the atmosphere. The aerosol loading
exhibits clear annual variations, it
increases in spring-summer, and almost disappears in winter. The available
amount of aerosol on each day is larger than its day-to-day variations due to
different levels of dust storm activity. Daily values of the aerosol index
integrated over small regions near the sources (Figure 3b: 16.5o
< lat < 18.5o, 18.125o < long < 21.875o for
region A; Figure 3c: 19.5o < lat < 22.5o,
-14.375o < long -10.625o for region B)
exhibit the same behavior: the annual variation of the average amount of the
aerosol is comparable with the daily variations associated with dust storms.
This means
that during the spring the dust sources are more powerful than the sinks. It,
therefore, implies that the desert aerosol particles are permanently available
as a reservoir in the atmosphere above Northern Africa, even if there are no
primary dust mobilization from the
source regions A-D. Hence, the appearance of the desert dust in the
Mediterranean region is not necessarily always directly caused by the dust
storms in the primary sources. It can be transported to the Mediterranean from
the permanently existing reservoir of dust in the atmosphere above Northern
Africa as soon as the appropriate synoptic conditions arise.
calculated the seasonal dependence of dust occurrence probability. Figure 4
represents 2D plots of the distribution function F(t,AIR)
which is defined as the probability that at a given month t the daily
aerosol index integrated over the region is larger than AIR.
The abscissa is the month of the year, and the ordinate corresponds to the
integrated aerosol index. Shadow coding shows the value of the distribution
function. The maximum dust loading is expected in spring (April) for the source
region A (Figure 4a). Near the source region B, the maximum of
the dust activity occurs in summer (July, Figure 4b).
4. Desert dust above the Mediterranean
Figure 5
shows the daily values of the aerosol index integrated over the regions (a) in
the Eastern (35o < lat < 40o, 25o
< long <35o), (b) Central (35o < lat
< 40o, 12o < long < 22o), and
(c) Western Mediterranean (35o < lat 40o, 0o
< long < 10o). Contrary to the aerosol loading above
the Sahara (Figure 3), there is no significant annual variation of the
background amount of the aerosol present in the atmosphere. Instead, the annual
variation is revealed in the amount of dusty days during different seasons and
in the strength of the aerosol loading during these days. Between the dusty
days, the loading remains low, as it can be seen from the Figure 6, showing the
aerosol index integrated over the same regions with increased time resolution
for May, 1998.
Figure 7
represents the probability of dust occurrence for these regions in the same
format as Figure 4. The maximum dust loading is expected in spring (April) for
the eastern Mediterranean (Figure 7a), and in summer for the central
Mediterranean (June, Figure 7b) and western Mediterranean (July, Figure 7c).
These distributions are in good agreement with the Moulin et al. [1998]
occurrence of dust events for the eastern sector (Figure 7a) resembles that for
the source region A (Figure 4a), whereas the distribution functions for
central and
Mediterranean sectors are similar to that of source region B (Figure
4b). However, this does not mean that region A directly supplies the
desert dust to the eastern Mediterranean, and region B is a direct
primary source for the western and central sections.
The clear
difference between the distribution functions for the three sectors (Figure 7)
can be explained by different dynamics of dust events in the Mediterranean
rather than by different sources. This is illustrated by the time variation of
the aerosol index value above the Mediterranean taken along a certain latitude.
Figure 8 shows the distribution of the aerosol index along the latitude 35.5o
during the year 1999. The abscissa corresponds to the longitude, and the
ordinate is the day of the year. The Mediterranean dust storm appears as a
"spot" in such a presentation. One can see that there are no isolated
dust storms in different sectors. Each dust storm occupies (during its life
cycle) almost the whole length of the Mediterranean Sea. Almost each event
starts in the western sector, and then propagates eastward. The eastward
transport can be clearly seen as an inclination of the "spot" axis.
This inclination remains almost the same for all the events, i.e. the eastward
propagation occurs with the same velocity (~ 7-8 degrees/day) for all dust
storms, independently of the season. In spring, the dust propagates without
interruptions to the Eastern coast of
the sea. In contrast, in summer the propagation of the dust is stopped at the
longitude ~ 10-15o. The reason for this could be the high pressure
that develops over the central Mediterranean and blocks the eastward
propagation of the dust, as was noted by Moulin et al. [1998], and/or
southward deviation of the dust by the strong Etesian NW winds in the Eastern
Mediterranean during summer, associated with the cyclonic circulation around
the dominant heat low over the Middle-Eastern deserts. In autumn, the dust
events penetrate the eastern sector again. This type of dynamics as well as the
velocity of eastward displacement is typical for Sharav cyclones [Alpert and
Ziv, 1998; Alpert et al., 1990]. Thus, it is reasonable to assume
that the dust events in the Mediterranean are not caused directly by the
increased dust supply (dust storms) in the main source regions but by the
occurrence of proper synoptic conditions. The role of the source region is to
maintain the reservoir of desert aerosol above the whole of Northern Africa
during spring-summer months (Figures 1b, 3a). The dust for Mediterranean region
is mobilized and transported north- and
eastwards from this reservoir each time a Sharav cyclone is formed.
One more
feature, which can be traced in Figure 8, is worthy of mentioning. The region
between the longitudes 0o 10o (denoted by vertical
dashed lines) is above the land surface. In this region, the aerosol index is
slightly higher than in the adjacent areas above the surface, resulting in a
vertical band of relatively enhanced intensity which can be seen in Figure 8.
It is not clear, whether the aerosol loading is larger above the land as
compared to the sea, or whether there is contamination of the reflecting
surface BDRF in the aerosol index. This effect, however, does not mask the general
dynamics of the dust events in the Mediterranean region inferred from the TOMS
aerosol index.
aerosol index shows that during the period April - August, the whole region
above the Northern Africa is almost permanently loaded with significant amounts
of desert dust. The main, most
powerful, sources of this dust are located in the regions centered at lat
» 16o and long » 16o and lat » 19o
and long » -6o. During the spring-summer
time the sinks do not compensate the dust supply by these sources. The Chad
basin region at lat » 16o
and long » 16o
is more stable, with maximum activity in April, and the region at lat » 19o and long » -6o reveals a more variable dust
supply with the maximum in July. The heat lows, called Sharav cyclones, form along the Mediterranean coastal zones
of North Africa, primarily from March to June and travel West to East. These
mobilize the available desert dust and transport it eastward and northward
along the Mediterranean basin. Identifiable dust plumes appear first in the
Western sector of the sea, and then moves eastward with the speed of ~7-8
degrees/day, corresponding to the average motion of the Sharav cyclone. In
spring, this motion continues at least up to the eastern coast of the sea. In
summer, the dust plume does not penetrate longitudes to the east of ~ 15o.
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(a) The map of the region of interest. The shadowed areas show the
main sources of UV-absorbing aerosol.
(b) Distribution of the average values of the positive aerosol index
above the region of interest for the period from August 1996 to April 2000.
(c) Distribution of maximum values of the aerosol index observed
during the period from August 1996 to April 2000
(d) Main transport ways for the desert dust
Fig. 2. Distribution
of dispersion (a) and normalized dispersion (b) of the aerosol index during the
period of observation
Fig. 3.
Daily values of the aerosol index integrated over the whole region of interest
(a) and over small areas near the source regions A (b) and B (c)
Fig. 4.
Distribution function for the dust occurance probability near the source region
A (a) and near the source region B (b)
Fig. 5. Daily values of the
aerosol index integrated over the Eastern (a), Central (b), and Western
Mediterranean (c)
Fig. 6. Daily values of
the aerosol index integrated over the Eastern (a), Central (b), and Western
Mediterranean (c) for May, 1998
Fig. 7. Distribution
function for the dust occurance probability in the Eastern (a), Central (b),
and Western Mediterranean (c)
Fig. 8. Daily distributions of the aerosol
index in the Mediterranean along the latitude 35.5o