The First Meeting of The Dust Club

4–5 April 2005
CRAES, SEPA, Beijing

Goals of the first meeting
Allow dust-storm scientists in Beijing to get better acquainted.
    Bring each other up to date on recent research.
    Introduce students to the field.
    Discuss new findings.
    Address new problems.
    Search for clear answers.

Overview of sessions
    The original plan was to consider sources and transport on the first morning, and effects, mitigation, and areas of contention on the first afternoon. In the end, all the topics were considered both morning and afternoon.
    The second morning was devoted to discussing possible next steps, including collaborative research among the members.

Topics slated to consider
    History of dust storms in China
    Sources of dust storms
        From surface networks
        From meteorology
        From chemistry
        From satellites
        From surface networks
        From meteorology
        From chemistry
        From satellites
    Areas of current debate
    Gaps in knowledge
    Next steps
    Potential collaboration

    Cai Xuhui, Peking University
    Du Wupeng, CRAES
    Gao Qingxian, CRAES
    Gao Xiang, Fudan Unijversity, Shanghai
    Guo Jinghua, Beijing Normal University
    Kang Na, CRAES
    Lu Shiqing, CRAES
    Meng Wei, CRAES
    Rahn, Kenneth A., University of Rhode Island, USA
    Shi Zongbo, Tsinghua University
    Xu Jun, CRAES
    Xue Min, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, CAS
    Zhang Kebin, Beijing Forestry University
    Yang Fumo, Tsinghua University
    Yang Xiaohui, Chinese Academy of Forestry
    Zhang Shihuang, Institute of Geographic Science and Natural Resource Research, Beijing
    Zhang Xiaoling, Institute of Urban Meteorology, Beijing
    Zhang Zhigang, CMA
    Zhao Linna, National Meteorological Center, CMA

Presentations (links are to ppts)
    Gao Qingxian: "Welcome."
    Kenneth A. Rahn: "Introduction to the workshop."
Zhang Kebin: “Dust storms and desertification.”
    Gao Xiang: “Dust storms in Tibet.”
    Zhao Linna: “Integrated dust storm numerical system and its application.”
    Zhang Shihuang: “Fluctuation of desertification of China and Mongolia from the fraction of vegetation cover.”
    Kenneth A. Rahn: “New chemical information on sources of dust storms.”
    Guo Jinghua: “PM10, SO2, and dust storms.”
    Cai Xuhui: “Numerical simulation of dust particle dispersion from surface to the atmosphere
    Zhang Xiaoling: “Dust weather in Beijing and model simulations.”
    Shi Zongbo: “The chemical and mineralogical compositions of Asian dust-storm particles.”

Summary of ideas presented
    To my mind, at least, the first day's discussion was most active when it focused on (1) the possibility that Mongolia is a source that is rapidly becoming more intense, and (2) the conflict between the chemical and meteorological evidence for the source of the March 2002 superstorm in Beijing. An increasing Mongolian source was offered as one solution to the dilemma of diminishing Chinese dust while Korea and Japan are getting increasing dust. As for the March 2002 superstorm in Beijing, the chemistry puts its source farther west then the models do, Xinjiang and northern Gansu versus Inner Mongolia and Mongolia, respectively.
    The second morning was mostly devoted to discussing the possibilities for a joint paper and a joint project. The paper would bring all available data to a deep treatment of the super dust storm of March 2002, who sources, at least for Beijing, are still unclear. The project is less focused at the moment. Guo Jinghua kept notes on that morning's discussion, and has put an outline of them into a brief ppt.

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