Bevilaqua's 'Final Solution" to the JFK
John Bevilaqua
(The full text of a post to alt.conspiracy.jfk on 5:11 a.m. of 24 April
Title: JFK: The Final Solution (vintage 1996)
What if I told you that Citizens for Democracy
[Bevilaqua's organization] was
literally on the brink of solving the mystery behind the John F. Kennedy
assassination and finding the identity of the members of the highest levels of
the cabal? How would you be able to tell whether or not it was really
correct? Simple. If I could show you that two other persons had
already solved portions of this case years ago and left clues for everyone to
follow to the ultimate conspirators would you be convinced then? Possibly.
Then what if I showed you that they also reached the very SAME conclusions that
I had via a completely independent set of sources and separate methodologies?
Would you be convinced of it then? Are you willing to
hear more?
Well, who are they all saying was behind the JFK murder plot?
The plotters were all members of some of the most fascist and
repressive organizations in the 50's and the 60's: the House Un-American
Activities Committee (HUAC), Senate Internal Security Subcommittee (SISS), and
The Pioneer Fund (TPF) of New York which is still active today with Proposition
187, the Bell Curve and the Steve Forbes presidential campaign. Later some
of them ended up either on the World Anti-Communist League (WACL) or on The
Council for Nazional Policy (CNP) or The Liberty Lobby (TLL), all of which are
still active today in spreading their particular brand of devisiveness and
JFK: The Final Solution.
The Manchurian Candidate and The Richard Giesbrecht Incident
Richard Condon in his "novel" The
Manchurian Candidate and Richard Giesbrecht who overheard some of the plotters
in Winnipeg, Canada left us many clues to help solve the mystery.
How would you like to help finish solving one of the toughest
enigmas in history and perhaps make a name for yourself in the process?
The final solution to the JFK assassination is very close at hand and we need
just a little bit of help from our friends to finish the job properly. Anything you can add to the solution of the word plays will be very helpful
The first person to solve any one of these 10-12 remaining
puzzles will be credited in any book that is published as a result of this
research. This is your chance to earn a niche for yourself in history and to
help all of mankind to "Fight the Reich Wing."
Here is how it works. We have focused on two very
well defined portions of the JFK Assassination:
1) The historical novel called "The Manchurian
Candidate" by Richard Condon which was published in 1958-59 and became a
movie of the same name starring Frank Sinatra a few years later.
2) A little known event called the "Richard Giesbrecht
Incident" ...which occurred on February 13, 1964 in Winnipeg, Manitoba,
Canada and involved an accidentally overhead discussion about the pending payoff
for the murderers of President John F. Kennedy the previous Fall. When
Giesbrecht was noticed, one of the men scared him off.
We have also discovered that Richard Condon left several more
undeciphered anagrams and word plays in his novel which point to persons who
were involved with a project run by Army Intelligence involving programmed
assassins and mind control experiments. Almost all of them have been deciphered
and they all point to members of what we have termed the "Reich Wing
Extremists" in America and across the globe. We believe that it was this
group that orchestrated the JFK murder. Richard Condon has never
implicated anyone in this assassination and has been unwilling to discuss this
matter with any of the authors.
The final solution to the JFK assassination involves the
most remarkable collection of eugenicists, Master Race proponents, involuntary
sterilization supporters, racists, anti-Semites and anti-immigration supporters
you have ever seen in your lifetime. In short they were fascists or Nazi
sympathizers or former Nazis.
I am enlisting the support of the general community, some of
whom may be skeptical about the Richard Condon anagrams and word plays he
utilized, in order to help me solve some of the more difficult remaining
puzzles. We are absolutely serious about this matter.
An example of the solved pieces of the puzzle:
These first two point not to persons or places but things.
"Al Melvin" is an easy one for starters, if you
would like to try and decipher it just for practice. If you can not get this one
or any of the next three, you probably do not have a knack for unscrambling
anagrams into their component parts. The answers are below.
"Dr. Yen Lo" is also fairly easy. Yen was at
the Manchurian Candidate meetings in Harbin or Mukden, Manchuria where Raymond
was told to murder his two fellow comrades as a programmed assassin. Anastase
Vonsiatsky was headquartered in Harbin, Manchuria for years with his Russian
Fascist Organization. Use ALL the letters here. Hint: Dr. Yen Lo was the
"lone Communist" in attendance at these meetings. Answer below.
To show how many simple anagrams and palindromes were
utilized: "Tungwha" is "What gun?" and "Etah" is a
palindrome for "Hate".
Some of the more difficult ones that were already solved: "Ole Banstoffsen-Washington" who is a ficticious
person in the Manchurian Candidate is actually an anagram for:
"H. B. Angleton Waffen SS Notsi"
"H. B.
Angleton Waffen SS - No shit"
There are three other references to Waffen SS or "Notsi", etc. Another
reference to Hugh Angleton is "Hugh Bone" which is really "Hugh B
One" or Hugh be one (of them), meaning the Reich Wing in America and the
Reich Wing internationally.
Hugh B. Angleton was the father of James J. Angleton, who was
removed as Deputy Director of the CIA after being exposed for opening the mail
of American citizens without any court order or even any CIA authority whatsoever. Tom Mangold indicated that Hugh B. Angleton was "not
unfriendly with the Fascists (in Italy)" and that "he was acquainted
with Benito Mussolini when he ran the NCR franchise in Italy from 1933-1939 before the war." Mangold may be implying that he was a closet member
of Hitler's Waffen SS.
What if I could prove to you that Condon wrote about an
actual Warren Commission interviewee approximately 5 years before the fact? This one
must have been very difficult to create because it took me a long time to decipher it, but it points to someone who was even interviewed by the
Warren Commission's chairman, Earl Warren, as his special project. This man vehemently opposed the school desegregation supreme court opinion of
1954: Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas and the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Suspend your tendency to disbelief for just a few moments...
"Miss Viola Narvilly, opera singer" a PERFECT anagram for:
P. Oliver, is an SS Girman aly"
Verify it for yourself. Each phrase contains the SAME letters.
Could it be possible that this is what was actually meant?
Answers to three anagrams above:
1) Al Melvin as an anagram becomes "l Evil
Man" or "One Evil Man"
2) Dr. Yen Lo an an anagram becomes "Only Red"
3) Bennet Arnold Marco becomes: "RM a Benedect
Arnold" whoever RM may be.
Ordering information for press and the media:
The manuscript contains almost 50,000 words and is well
footnoted. Order it today. Do not be the last person on the block to get it.
You are encouraged to cross post this article, completely intact, if you believe that Democracy is being threatened by neo-Fascism.
Only by propagating this message can we mobilize any resources to fight back at The Reich Wing who would reign in a totalitarian