Born in Beverly Hills 1922, Mae
Brussell was the daughter of the Wilshire Boulevard Temple Rabbi Edgar Magnin
and great granddaughter of Isaac Magnin, founder of the I. Magnin clothing
By the time President Kennedy was
assassinated in 1963, Mae was married with five kids. Hardly satisfied with the
Warren Commission Report on the assassination, Mae bought the 26 volume Warren
Commission hearings and began reading, filing, and cross-indexing. With the
massive addition of her books, articles, and other government documents, Mae not
only found connections to the CIA and Germany, but began to see relationships to
many other current and past events throughout the world.
Mae also began to observe a "shift
of power" that the United States is experiencing. Most anything Americana
was being infiltrated, raped,
murdered, infected, poisoned, or deregulated: from the Kennedys, Rockefellers,
and Howard Hughes, to the banks, unions, news media, and the U.S. Constitution.
Even influential rock musicians and Hollywood personalities were being killed.
As Mae stated at Merrill College in Santa Cruz, California, "What is
happening to us is a classical case of totally destroying us. And [by] the same
people who've been at top doing it since World War II."
In May 1971, after 7 years of research
and now living in Carmel, California, Mae appeared as a guest on KLRB, a local
FM radio station independently owned by Mr. and Mrs. Bob and Gloria Baron. Mae
discussed her views on political assassinations and the New York Times release
of the Pentagon Papers. The response was so good Mae became a regular weekly
guest and before too long had her own show, Dialogue: Conspiracy. (She later
changed the name to World Watchers International, hoping it would spread like
Weight Watchers did.) Almost every week for seventeen years Mae shared with her
audience her voluminous daily research in her rapid-fire, no-holds-barred style.
In addition to Mae's close friends and
weekly listeners, she corresponded and networked with such people as Jim
Garrison, Col. L. Fletcher Prouty, and Larry Flynt. Her first published article
in Paul Krassner's The Realist was actually financed by John Lennon. And Frank
Zappa once gave her a computer for filing and cross-indexing her research. (But
she never used it.)
Many of the articles Mae wrote tackled
subjects that to this day remain unparalleled by anyone in the United States.
The epitome of Mae's journalism "The Nazi Connection to the John F. Kennedy
Assassination" appeared in Larry Flynt's premier issue of Rebel magazine in
November 1983.
Mae's countless list of German and
White Russian fascist fingerprints to President Kennedy's assassination reached
its peak in May of 1988 when she discovered the name "Adolf (H.)
Schicklgruber" handwritten in Marina Oswald's notebook of poetry in the
Warren Commission's exhibits. (According to William "Wild Bill"
Donovan's 1943 OSS psychological report on Adolf Hitler, Hitler's father was the
illegitimate son of Maria Anna Schicklgruber. Where the name Hitler came from is
a mystery.)
There were times when death threats
drove Mae off the air: one time by Charlie Manson family member Sandra Good in
September 1975. At one point Mae resorted to recording her shows at home on her
small General Electric cassette tape recorder and privately mailed out copies to
her subscribers.
In 1983 Mae's show moved to KAZU in
Pacific Grove and there it stayed until her last broadcast (#862) on June 13,
1988. On October 3rd of that year, at age 66, Mae died of cancer.