Leo Sauvage
Leo Sauvage was serving as chief U.S. correspondent for the French daily Le Figaro
when Kennedy was assassinated. One of France's most distinguished writers, he took an early interest in the assassination and soon published the book L'Affaire
Oswald in Paris. In March 1964 he published a summary of the book under its
English title "The Oswald Affair" in Commentary, making it one
of the earliest articles published after the assassination. After Thomas Buchanan published his early book Who
Killed Kennedy?, Sauvage aligned himself strongly against it and the
six-part series in the French weekly L'Express from which the book was
synthesized. He did battle
with Buchanan in a three-part series in The New Leader (Sauvage,
Buchanan, Sauvage) in its issues of 28 September and 9 November 1964.(For
specific links
to Sauvage's two contributions to this series, see below.) For more
on this minifeud, and Buchanan's article in response to Sauvage's first, see Pre-WCR
Reactions of the Left.
Shortly after the Warren Commission released its Report, Sauvage published in
The New Leader another three critical articles on it, entitled "The Warren Commission's
Case Against Oswald," "Oswald's Case Against the Warren
Commission," and "The Case Against Mr. X." We also provide links
to these three articles below. Sauvage was a cogent thinker and a very good
writer, even in English. His articles presage many of the arguments that the JFK
critical community would make for many more years. His articles make good reading
because they express their criticisms more clearly and cogently than most later
writers would.
"The Oswald Affair" (Commentary, March 1964)
"Thomas Buchanan,
Detective" (The New Leader, 28 September 1964)
"As I Was Saying" (The New Leader, 9
November 1964)
"The Warren Commission's Case Against
Oswald" (The New Leader, 22 November 1965)
"Oswald's Case Against the Warren Commission" (The New Leader, 20
December 1965)
"The Case Against Mr.
X" (The New Leader, 3 January 1966)