Robert G. Vernon
Robert G. (Bob) Vernon is a TV/music producer from
Antioch, CA, who has had a long career in the entertainment business. He is
originally from New Orleans, where he began
as a professional drummer at age 6. Later he went on to manage the likes of Fats
Domino. He also has a longstanding interest in the story of one James E. Files,
who has "confessed" to firing the fatal head shot at President
Kennedy. Former associate John Stockwell wrote this about Vernon some years ago:
"Vernon is in fact a remarkable man. Perhaps 300 lbs. Looks like a large
Phil Silvers. Chain smoker. Heavy bourbon drinker. Brilliant. Exceptional gift
of gab, whether telling off-color jokes or wheeling a business deal. Large
"Roladex" [sic] of phone numbers in the entertainment
He may be brilliant in some ways, but my E-mail
correspondence with him has revealed that he either does not understand or does not acknowledge the difference between physical evidence and other types.
When I referred to physical evidence, he responded with everything but. This is
characteristic of his approach to James Files and his story of killing the
president—he avoids physical evidence at all
costs. The net effect of this stance, whether intended or unintended, is to
obscure the fact that Files's story is easily repudiated by several important
pieces of physical evidence. (See Violations
of the physical evidence in James Files's "confession."
The materials on James Files and the alleged conspiracy (see
link below) are extensive, and we will not repeat there here. Suffice it to say
that Bob Vernon is pushing this story aggressively, and has been for years. He
contributes regularly to the major JFK newsgroups alt.conspiracy.jfk and
alt.assassination.jfk, where he distinguishes himself by his strong language and repeated commercials
for the story. But it is very easy to see that the story is false. Files is
certainly lying about it, but I cannot tell whether Vernon really believes it or
not. He certainly claims to. On the other hand, John Stockwell has reported that
Vernon over several years said hundreds of times something like "Hey, I'm
in this for the money." (Stockwell
Critique of Files Story, Part 2, posted originally on CompuServe and later
by John McAdams on alt.assassination.jfk). For detailed materials both pro and con on the Files story, see the
"Links" page below.
Links to materials on James Files and the
alleged conspiracy
Violations of the physical evidence in James Files's "confession."
Bob Vernon
responds with bombast
on Vernon's response
Differences between the transcript and the videotape of James Files's
The initial E-mail correspondence between Bob Vernon and K. Rahn