From - Fri Nov 15 11:00:26 1996 From: Greg Jaynes Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy.jfk.moderated Subject: Acoustics 202 - Visual proof that the HSCA was wrong. Date: 14 Nov 1996 21:15:35 -0600 Organization: Flashnet Communications Lines: 401 Sender: Approved: Message-ID: <> Reply-To: NNTP-Posting-Host: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.0Gold (Win95; U) Status: O Path:!!!!!!!not-for-mail The point is not to say "Aha! You were wrong." It is to move on. If thats not true, then what is. - GJ Acoustics 202: Visual proof that the HSCA was wrong. FIRST, THE PICTURE I have posted parts of this from time to time but here is the whole thing. John McAdams was nice enough to let me place a scanned photograph of Zapruder frame 223 on his system. The file shows the whole frame including the sprocket area. It was scanned from the November 25, 1966 life magazine. Inset in the Z-223 frame, I have placed two smaller frames from the Hughes film. As is explained below, McLain had to have been near the corner of Houston and Elm no later than Z-201 for the HSCA acoustics conclusions to be true. This file will show that he was near the intersection of Main and Houston at the time the first shots would have been recorded. The file is larger than your monitors screen and you will have to scroll around to see all of it but you can see details that otherwise might not be visible. The car that Dave Wiegman was riding in was a yellow 1964 Chevrolet Impala. It is visible in Z-223 while it is on Houston Street. Look at the area above the white wall and through the tree and you will see it. You can also see the car in the right frame of the Hughes film that is inset. This Hughes film frame also shows McLain who is supposed to be near Houston and Elm at this time but is obviously just coming through the turn from Main Street onto Houston Street. NOW, THE DETAILS The November 25, 1966 LIFE magazine shows Zapruder Frames : Z-193, Z-206, Z-231 through Z-244. The Full Frames are visible including the sprocket area. The interest in these frames is that they show the area above the white wall that separates the reflecting pool portion of Dealey Plaza and Houston street from the infield grass that is situated between Main and Elm streets. And we can see three motorcade cars: 1.) National Press Pool car 2.) Camera car #1 and 3.) Camera car #2. The frames are also numbered in what would be the lower left sprocket hole of each frame. This gives us a point of reference in the Zapruder film to compare to the Hughes film which shows the same three cars just mentioned while they are on Houston street as well as Officer McLain. Officer McLain's exact location at certain points on a time line are criticle to the conclusions of the HSCA. "Pictures of the Pain" by Richard Trask has several frames of the Hughes film pictured on page 265. We can compare vehicle locations on Houston street with the numbered frames of the Zapruder film published in the November 25, 1966 LIFE magazine. Presidential Motorcade Schematic Listing by Todd Vaughan is a great resource. It details the type and significance of each car in the motorcade I have included a cooked down version of the motorcade listing, detailing every car and motorcycle in the motorcade. All the information regarding the cars in the motorcade including their description and position in the motorcade came from Todd Vaughan's book. Volume 18 of the Warren Commission Exhibits contains 80 pages of frames from the Zapruder film, two to a page including frames 171 through 334. They are black and white so for clarity the LIFE magazine issue will be better for the frames it shows. The WC vol 18 has the benefit of containing the complete set of frames as mentioned and helps in determining elapsed time. Four Shots, Time Intervals Reported 1.6, 5.9, .5 Seconds Dr. James Barger testified to the House Assassinations Committee that the Dallas Police channel one dictabelt they studied contained four impulse's that could not be ruled out as rifle shots. He said the intervals between the shots were 1.6, 5.9 and .5 seconds. >From Barger's HSCA testimony.... Mr. CORNWELL. Let me then ask you in sum, is it fair and accurate to state that after all of the analysis there is evidence of four shots on the Dallas Police Department tape, and that the acoustical sounds that may represent those shots are spaced as follows: between the first and second approximately 1.6 seconds, between the second and third approximately 5.9 seconds, and between the third and fourth approximately 0.5 of a second? Dr. BARGER. Yes, that is a possible conclusion. END OF TESTIMONY EXCERPT They Change The Reported Time Interval's In Later testimony Dr. Mark Weiss testified that the interval times had to be adjusted. Weiss's services had been retained by the Committee to double check the work of BBN and expand on it if necessary. Dr. Weiss testified that the tape was recorded 5% slow. Apparently the original Dictabelt machine operated at a slower speed than a properly operating recorder. When the scientists copied the dictabelt onto a properly operating tape recorder, it played back the recording faster than the correct speed. That means that the original reported time interval's that Dr. Barger testified about were incorrect. >From Weiss's HSCA Testimony.......... Mr. WEISS. As a matter of fact, we know that it is 5 percent or approximately 5 percent slow from the time analysis done by Barger, these data having been presented to the committee the open hearing in September when he discussed this factor did this by extrapolating a straight line to fit the time ments made by the dispatcher on channel 1, which is the on which these data were recorded, and found that its slope was about 5 percent or something in that vicinity. Now this affects measurements in the following way: If the tape was, in fact, recorded slowly, then it would be played back--and we played it back on equipment that we believe plays at true speed as indicated--then if it was recorded slowly, events occurring, let us say, 1 second apart, when you play it back on a machine that plays a tape more quickly, will occur in an interval of less than 1 second. If you then make a measurement and forget that the tape may not have been recorded at the correct speed, you are in error; so you have to adjust the observed spacing between! events, the events being impulses, for example, that you correct them to determine what they really should be or in fact were at the time that the recording was made. "...WE FOUND IT NECESSARY TO ALTER IT, SO THAT THE DATA FELL IN A LITTLE BIT BETTER ..." - Dr. Mark Weiss Now this adjustment of 5 percent is only an approximate one. In fact, it was altered slightly during our analyses as we found it necessary to alter it, so that the data fell in a little bit better and a little bit more meaningfully. We checked with Dr. Barger on the validity of doing this, and his opinion was there is absolutely no reason that it could not have been done that way, that in fact the fit that he had was over an average of a number of minutes, and that the Dictabelt itself was not notorious for holding constant, speed, so that its speed could have been varying by a minute amount during this period of time, so a small upward or downward adjustment was perfectly valid. It therefore was necessary to make such an adjustment in order to find what the correct interval spacing was, or our best guess at what it was. Mr. PREYER. I get the impression that the fit, the match, determined the tape speed, rather than the tape speed having much effect or influence on the match? Mr. WEISS. No, because the adjustment that is necessary is only a small one. If it were a matter of saying, well, I have to slow this tape, or I have to speed this tape up, by, say, 50 percent, or slow it down by 25 percent, then it would have been a situation of that sort. The trim was a very small amount around the estimate that had been made by Dr. Barger in the first place. For that matter-- actually, the adjustment was--instead of using 5 percent, we used 4.3 percent. END OF TESTIMONY EXCERPT NOTE: I did the following calculations. They are not from the scientists. I believe I have duplicated what they did. I used Z-313 as a common reference point because it is obvious that this would account for one of the last two shots/impulses if the BBN WA conclusions were correct. Then I accounted for the reported impulse intervals and calculated which Z-frames would correspond to an impulse at that interval. I did this based on two scenarios. One, the headshot was the third impulse and two, if the headshot was the fourth impulse. Barger's original Testimony IF HEADSHOT IF HEADSHOT WAS THIRD WAS FOURTH SHOT SHOT INTERVALS 0.00 Z-175.75 Z-166.60 1.60 Z-205.03 Z-195.88 5.90 Z-313.00 Z-303.85 0.50 Z-322.15 Z-313.00 Speed Corrected Intervals ADDING 4.3% SPEED ADJUSTMENT 1.67 instead of 1.60 6.15 instead of 5.90 0.52 instead of 0.50 ADDING 4.3% SPEED ADJUSTMENT IF THE HEADSHOT WAS THE: NEW THIRD FOURTH INTERVALS SHOT SHOT 0.00 Z-169.85 Z-160.30 1.67 Z-200.39 Z-190.84 6.15 Z-313.00 Z-303.46 0.52 Z-322.54 Z-313.00 ACOUSTICS DATA SHOW TWO SHOTS PRIOR TO Z-201 Now that all this has been stated. It is clear that according to the HSCA conclusions regarding the acoustics, the first two shots have been fired at least before Zapruder frame # 201. This means that if Officer McLain recorded these impulses in either of the scenarios listed above he would have to have been in the zone of microphone number four prior to Z-201. McLAIN HAS TO BE IN MICROPHONE #4 ZONE BEFORE Z-201 IF ACOUSTICS CONCLUSIONS ARE TRUE The HSCA determined that Dallas Police Officer H.B. McLain who was riding in the motorcade on a police motorcycle had a stuck microphone and recorded the impulse's of rifle fire during the assassination. McLain would have to be near the corner of Elm and Houston streets prior to Z-201 if his microphone recorded the impulses as concluded. Because by this time at least two shots would have had to have been fired. This is the general area of test microphone #4. If McLain was not to this point before Z-201 then he could not have recorded the shots of the assassination as has been concluded. And the conclusions of the HSCA regarding a shot from the grassy knoll gunmen will be proven invalid. It would not prove that there were no shots fired from the knoll. Just that there were no shots for the reasons given. The firm of Bolt Beranak and Newman ,with the assistance of the Dallas Police Dept. placed microphones and target sandbags at specific places in Dealey Plaza. They fired test shots and recorded the sounds and echos. Based on the analysis of the original Dallas Police Dictabelt recording and comparisons to the results of the test firings and the calculations performed by Weiss and Aschenasy and film analysis the HSCA concluded that officer McLain inadvertantly recorded the assassination onto Police channel one. The problem for this comes when we compare the Hughes film to the Houston street area's of the Zapruder film. ______________________________________________________________________________________ From Todd Vaughan's Presidential mototcade Schematic: THE MOTORCADE 1.) Advance car 2.) Pilot car White Ford Sedan MCBRIDE -133 BELLAH-190 GARRICK-132 ELLIS-150 BREWER-137 GREY-156 FREEMAN-135 LUMPKIN-152 3.) Lead car - Curry, Decker, Sorrels, Winston Lawson White Mercury Sedan 4dr 4.) Presidential Limo - Lincoln Continental 1961 HARGIS-136 MARTIN-131 CHANEY-151 JACKSON-138 5.) Presidential Secret Service Black Cadillac 1956 6.) Vice Presidential limo Steele Grey Lincoln 7.) Vice Presidential Secret Service car 4dr Yellow Mercury Monterey 8.) Mayor's car Red interior 2dr Mercury Comet 1964 9.) National press pool car ray Chevrolet Bel Air 1959 10.) Camera car #1 Yellow convertible Chevrolet Impala 1964 11.) Camera car #2 Silver convertible 2d Chevrolet Impala 1964 12.) Camera car #3 Gray convertible 2d Chevrolet Impala 1964 MCLAIN-155 BAKER-134 13.) Congressman's car #1 Red int.White convertible 2dr Mercury Comet 1964 14.) Congressman's car #2 White convertible 2dr Mercury Comet 15.) Congressman's car #3 Lincoln Sedan 1964 Gray 16.) VIP car Mercury station wagon 1964 COURSON-153 HAYGOOD-142 17.) White House Press Bus #1 BUS 18.) Local Press Pool car Chevrolet 4dr hardtop 19.) White House Press bus #2 BUS SMART-170 DALE-161 20.) Extra car #1 Grey or Blue Chevrolet Hardtop 21.) Western Union car Black Ford hard top 1957 22.) White House Signal Corps car White Chevrolet Impala 1964 23.) Extra car #2 Two tone blue Hardtop Chevrolet Impala 1964 24.) Official Party Bus BUS 25.) Rear Police car 3 WHEELER DRIVER UNKNOWN ______________________________________________________________________________ Greg Jaynes