Record Number 180-10116-10052 Agency File Number 002504 Originator-WC From: To: Date: Pages: 9 Subjects:Kennedy, John, Autopsy Evidence, Medical Autopsy X-rays, autopsy Photographs, autopsy Secret Service Autopsy material, transfer of Receipts, autopsy material Date of release: Not applicable -- released by Warren Commission Contents: Seven receipts dated from November 22, 1963 through April 26, 1965, related to the autopsy materials: X-rays, photos, skull fragments, film exposed by Secret Service, paraffin blocks, "gross material," antemortem blood, autopsy report, etc. Receipts follow in full. Note that these are all typed documents with handwritten changes and/or notations. Note further that the first two documents are identical -- except that hand written notations have been typed in. The second version has been totally retyped. 22 November 1963 From: CAPT J. H. STOVER, JR., MC, USN Commanding Officer U.S. Naval Medical School To: Roy H. Kellerman Assistant Special Agent in Charge United States Secret Service The following items of photographic material were placed in the custody of Mr. Roy H. Kellerman, Assistant Special Agent In Charge, United States Secret Service, 22 November 1963 at the Morgue, U.S. Naval Hospital, Bethesda, Maryland: JHS 11 JTS [these added in long hand and "8" crossed out] (a) 8 graphic film holders (4 x 5) containing 16 sheets of exposed Ektachrome E3 film JHS 9 JTS [these added in long hand and "6" crossed out] (b) 6 graphic film holders (4 x 5) containing 12 sheets exposed Portrait Pan film (c) 1 roll 120 Ektachrome E3 exposed film. To my personal knowledge this is the total amount of film exposed on this occassion [sic]. It is requested the film holders be returned or replaced. /s/ J. H. Stover, Jr. CAPT, MC, USN Commanding Officer U.S. Naval Medical School /s/ John T. Stringer, Jr. (Photographer) [in long hand] /s/ Floyd A. Riebe HM2, USN [in long hand] Rec. By: /s/ Roy H. Kellerman U.S. Secret Service 11-22-63 [in long hand] [end of first receipt] 22 November 1963 From: CAPT J. H. STOVER, JR., MC, USN Commanding Officer U.S. Naval Medical School To: Roy H. Kellerman Assistant Special Agent in Charge United States Secret Service The following items of photographic material were placed in the custody of Mr. Roy H. Kellerman, Assistant Special Agent In Charge, United States Secret Service, 22 November 1963 at the Morgue, U.S. Naval Hospital, Bethesda, Maryland: (a) 11 graphic film holders (4 x 5) containing 16 sheets of exposed Ektachrome E3 film (b) 9 graphic film holders (4 x 5) containing 12 sheets exposed Portrait Pan film (c) 1 roll 120 Ektachrome E3 exposed film. To my personal knowledge this is the total amount of film exposed on this occasion. It is requested the film holders be returned or replaced. /s/ J. H. Stover, Jr. J. H. STOVER, Jr. /s/ John T. Stringer, Jr. CAPT, MC, USN Photographer Commanding Officer U.S. Naval Medical School /s/ Floyd A. Rabe [sic] HM2, USN Rec. By: Roy H. Kellerman (s/s) U. S. Secret Service - 11-22-63 CERTIFIED TO BE A TRUE COPY: CERTIFIED TO BE A TRUE COPY: /s/ C. B. Galloway /s/ J. H. Stover, Jr. C. B. GALLOWAY J. H. STOVER, JR. RADM, MC, USN CAPT, MC, USN Commanding Officer Commanding Officer Accepted and Approved [this notation is all hand written] GGBurkley RADM, MC, ??? [illegible] Physician to the President [end of second receipt] 22 November 1963 From: Commander John H. EBERSOLE, MC, USN, 495535/21CO Acting Chief of Radiology, United States Naval Hospital, National Naval Medical Center, Bethesda, Maryland To: Roy H. KELLERMAN, Assistant Special Agent in Charge United States Secret Service 1. The following number and types of X-ray films were taken this date. Eight (8) 14 X 17 inch X-ray film JHE SIX (6) [this line added in long hand and 3 crossed out] Three (3) 10 X 12 inch X-ray film /s/ John H. Ebersole John H. EBERSOLE Commander, MC, USN USNH, NNMC, Bethesda, Md. Rec. by Roy H. Kellerman [hand written notation] U. S. Secret Service 11-22-63 [end of third receipt] 11/27/63 5:15 p.m. Just received a small Neman [sic] Markus box about 2 1/2" x 3 1/2" containing material which had been discussed previously with them. A letter of the full report will be made. This material will be deposited with the Commanding Officer of the Bethesda Naval Hospital for subsequent retention with other material of similar nature. Material was received in the presence of Dr. James M. Young and me. The contact with the FBI was Roy Jevous at Code 175 x 353. /s/ GGBurkley [sic] G. G. Burkley, M.D. Received from Robert I. Bouck, Special Agent in Charge, U. S. Secret Service, specimen of bone that appears to be from a skull, turned over to Secret Service by David Burros. It was apparently found on the parkway near the scene of the assassination (marked Fragment No. 2 for identification). Both above described specimens to be turned over to Naval Hospital by Dr. Burkley for examination, analysis, and retention until other disposition is directed. /s/ George G. Burkley G. G. Burkley, M.D. [the name of Robert I. Bouck appears under Burkley's but has been "X"ed out with the typewriter] [end of fourth receipt] UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum U. S. Secret Service TO: Chief DATE: Apr. 26, 1965 FROM: SAIC Bouck - PRS FILE: CO-2-34,030 SUBJECT: Transfer of Material - Assassination of President Kennedy Shortly after the assassination of President Kennedy, Admiral George G. Burkley delivered to this Section certain specimens, photographs and documents relating to the autopsy. On April 22, 1965 Senator Robert F. Kennedy forwarded a letter to Dr. Burkley requesting that these items be transferred to the custody of Mrs. Evelyn Lincoln at the National Archives. A copy of the letter is attached. On this date the indicated materials and documents were inventoried by Admiral Burkley, Inspector Kelley, SAIC Bouck, ASAIC Miller, and AA [sic] Duncan. They were then personally transported by Dr. Burkley and SAIC BOUCK to the Archives Building where they were turned over to Mrs. Evelyn Lincoln and receipted for by an endorsement on the inventory memorandum, a copy of which is attached. /s/ Robert I. Bouck Robert I. Bouck Special Agent in Charge Approved: /s/ Thomas J. Kelly for Inspector Thacker Elliott C. Thacker [a line has been drawn through this] Inspector [end of fifth receipt] United States Senate Washington, D. C. April 22, 1965 Dear Dr. Burkley: This will authorize you to release to my custody all of the material of President Kennedy, of which you have personal knowledge, and now being held by the Secret Service. I would appreciate it if you would accompany this material personally and turn it over for safekeeping to Mrs. Evelyn Lincoln at the National Archives. I am sending a copy of this letter to Mrs. Lincoln with instructions that this material is not to be released to anyone without my written permission and approval. Sincerely, /s/ Robert F. Kennedy Robert F. Kennedy My thanks Bob Kennedy [this notation is in long hand] Vice Adm. George G. Burkley Physician to the President The White House Washington, D. C. cc/Mrs. Evelyn Lincoln [hand written note] certified a true copy George G. Burkley Apr. 22, 1965 [end of sixth receipt] TRANSFERRED TO MRS. LINCOLN, NATIONAL ARCHIVES, APRIL 26, 1965 1. One broken casket handle 2. Envelopes numbered 1 to 18 containing black and white negatives of photographs taken at time of autopsy 3. 7 envelopes containing 4 x 5 negatives of autopsy material 4. 5 envelopes containing 4 x 5 exposed film containing no image 5. 1 roll of exposed film from a color camera entirely black with no image apparent 6. Envelope containing 8 X-ray negatives 14" x 17"; 6 X-ray negatives 10" x 12"; 12 black and white prints 11" x 14"; 17 black and white prints 14" x 17"; all negatives and prints pertaining to X-rays that were taken at the autopsy 7. 36 8" x 10" black and white prints - autopsy photos 37 3 1/2" x 4 1/2" black and white prints - autopsy photos 27 color positive transparencies 4" x 5" 1 unexposed piece of color film 8. 27 4" x 5" color negatives of autopsy photos 55 8" x 10" color prints of autopsy photos 9. 1 plastic box 9" x 6 1/2" x 1" containing paraffin blocks of tissue sections 1 plastic box containing paraffin blocks of tissue sections plus 35 slides A third box containing 84 slides a stainless steel container 7" in diameter x 8" containing gross material 3 wooden boxes, each 7" x 3 1/2" x 1 1/4", containing 58 slides -- blood smears taken at various times during life Complete autopsy protocol of President Kennedy (orig. & 7 cc's [sic]) - Original [sic] signed by Dr. Humes, pathologist Letter of transmittal of autopsy report (orig. and 1 cc) Office Memorandum from James K. Fox to SAIC Bouck Nov 39, 1963, concerning the processing of film in the presence of Lt. (jg) V. Madonia, USN (orig. & 2 ccs) Orig memo from Lt. Madonia to J. K. Fox, U. S. Secret Service, White House, Special Officer, dated Nov. 29, 1963, concerning receipt of certain films and prints and the processing thereof (Orig. & 1 cc) [the following initials appear in long hand] E. L. GGB RIB CJM 1965 [end of page one of seventh receipt] Certificate of destruction of preliminary draft notes on protocol of autopsy (1 cc signed by Dr. J. J. Humes) Orig. & 1 cc and one xerox reproduction of memo from Comdr. John H. Ebersole, M.C., U.S.N., Acting Chief of Radiology, to Roy H. Kellerman, ASAIC, U. S. Secret Service, regarding X-ray films dated 11-22-63. Thermofax reproduction of memo from Francis X. O'Neill Jr., Agent FBI, and James W. Sibert, to Capt. J. H. Stover, Commanding Officer, USN Medical School, regarding receipt of missile, dated 11-22-63. 1cc [sic] of letter dated Dec. 5, 1963 from SAIC Bouck to Capt. J. H. Stover, Jr., MC, USN, concerning graphic film holders. 2 page memo from Captain Stover, MC, USN, Nov. 22, 1963 to Roy H. Kellerman concerning receipt of photographic material. /s/ George G. Burkley George G. Burkley Vice Admiral, MC, USN Physician to the President WITNESSES: /s/ Robert I. Bouck /s/ Chester J. Miller /s/ Edith E. Duncan [the notation that follows is in long hand] Received April 26, 1965 in Room 409, National Archives, Washington, D. C. from Dr. Burkley and Robert Bouck. /s/ Evelyn Lincoln [end of second page of seventh receipt and end of document]