FROM: Gary L. Aguilar, 73653,2623 TO: Anthony Marsh, 72127,2301 CC: Gary Aguilar, 73653,2623 Bob Artwohl, 71712,2151 Lisa Pease (on Artwohl), STEVE N. BOCHAN, 74273,3457 Frank S. DeBenedictis, 72040,2426 Mary Ferrell, 76450,706 G. Alan Trimble, M.D., 75530,3456 Barb Junkkarinen, 74754,2302 David S. Lifton, 72303,2702 DATE: 6/15/95 1:12 AM Re: AMA blows it - again The following message has scrolled from Political Debate Forum. #: 363765 S7/JFK Debate 02-Jun-95 06:37:47 Sb: AMA blows it - again Fm: Anthony Marsh [72127,2301] To: Gary L. Aguilar [73653,2623] What happened to Artwohl's hint at the Chicago conference that they had more dirt on Crenshaw? Tony Dear Tony, Re: Your ? on Artwohl's dire warning on Crenshaw at Chicago - I don't know what 'else' they had on Crenshaw, if anything. As bad a source as Crenshaw may be, he's far more reliable than the fools the AMA quoted attacking him, as I've shown by quoting their various versions of the 'truth' Baxter, Jenkins, Peters, et al have put forward. I suggest we ask Artwohl. He still has a CServe address, does he not? Gary PS The AMA got Shires quote very wrong in its response to Crenshaw, and in a tendentious way. Perhaps Arwhohl will explain how Shires word, "missile" was mistaken for "wound" in JAMA's latest invention of the Warren Commission. This type of silly nonsense is typical of the AMA's research on JFK I'm afraid. PPS Lets see if Artwohl answers us, or whether he's 'sworn to secrecy' in his dedication to help Breo confront the 'defamers of the truth', i.e. those who would distort Warren Commission testimony to make Shires' irrelevant point conclusive refutation of Crenshaw. I believe Artwohl is too beholdin' to Lundberg to ever break ranks and demur, and, hence, he's fled the scene to save his crediblilty, or what's left of it. PPPS. You may find Weisberg's latest book of interest with respect to Artwohl. Weisberg tells the tale that Dr. Malcolm Perry of Parkland told him the throat wound had the characteristic bruising of an entrance wound "as they always do". Weisberg never sold out, and continues to report Perry's privately revealed comment that, whether true or not, Perry originally believed the throat wound was an entrance wound - AND CONTINUED IN THAT BELIEF WELL AFTER THE WARREN COMMISSION DISSOLVED. Artwohl spoke to Perry in 1986 and reported on Prodigy that Perry told him, physician to physcian, the throat wound was an entrance wound - an opinion he later abandoned when put under the public gun by the AMA. Now Artwohl will claim that Artwohl's unambiguous assertion to him in '86 was 'overinterpreted' or 'overzealous' or some such nonsense - as if in '86 Artwohl was incapable of understanding clear statements from a fellow physician. Now Artwohl insists Perry expressed no firm opinion in'86 about the nature of JFK's throat wound. So, amazingly, on 11/22/63 at a press conference, to Weisberg privately in the 70's, and again in '86 to Artwohl privately, Perry 'knew' the throat wound was an entrance wound. But for the record, with the AMA breathing down his neck, Perry forgets and claims he had no firm opinion about the throat wound - entrance or exit. And of course all of this is not in the least peculiar to Artwohl. Not in the least. FASCINATING!