Subj: JFK: Aut. X-rays & Pics Section: JFK Debate To: All Sunday, September 11, 1994 4:07:06 PM From: ROBERT R. ARTWOHL, 71712,2151 #236791 OK, one more time. I found both by showing photographs of the JFK autopsy x-rays as well as my own x-rays of skulls, most people, radiologists and x-ray technicians included, do not realize the the "AP" (anterior-posterior) photograph is not a true front to back projection, but really a "modified waters view" in which the x-ray beams were projected upward through the skull at about 20 degrees. Thus, what appears to be "behind the forehead and eye, are not structures directly behind it, but structures at the top of the head. Thus the parietal defect in the top back of the head, which can be seen in the Zapruder film, is actually projected on over the upper third of the face. Since there is no bone there, the structures of the upper third of the face are "burned out" (appear darker) and are harder to see. However, even close with careful careful inspection of the photographs, one can make out the right frontal sinus, and the right orbit. The right orbit is fractured in several places. This corresponds to the autopsy photographs that show brusing around JFK's right eye, (see TKOAP p 82). This is even clearer in the original autopsy photographs. Furthermore, this also corresponds to Humes description of the right orbital area in his autopsy report: "There is edema and ecchymosis [bruising] diffuse over the right supraorbital ridge with abnormal mobility of the underlying bone." Again, we can see the ecchymosis in the autopsy photographs, and we can see the severely fracture right orbit in the x-rays which would create abnormal mobility of the underlying bone. These fractures were cause by the rapid rise in intracranial pressure caused by bullets deceleration as in fragment in JFK's skull, which cause and preceded the head explosion. Here are some additional reference aids for the medically obsessive regarding the projection of the JFK skull films: 1. The height of the skull above the orbits is too low to be a true AP. 2. In a true AP projection, the lambdoid suture is projected above the orbit. In the JFK frontal view, the lamdoidal sutures rise to the level of the inferior orbital rims. In the photograph provided with the article, one can make out part of the left lambdoid suture at the inferior rim of the left orbit. In the original x-rays, nearly the entire left and right lambdoid sutures can be discerned. 3. In a true AP projection, the mastoid air cells reach at least to the level of the superior orbital rims. In the JFK frontal view, they reach only to the inferior orbital rim. 4. In a true AP projection, the sphenoparietal ridge intersects the orbits at their superior margin. In the JFK frontal view, they intersect at the upper third. 5. In a true AP projection, the lambdoid sutures are projected above the petrous and sphenoparietal ridges. In the JFK frontal view, the lamdoid sutures are below these ridges. 6. The shape of the orbits themselves are more typical of a obliquely projected film than a true AP. That the projection of the JFK film is upward and not a true anterior posterior can be verified by lining up corresponding landmarks on the lateral and frontal views. For example: 1. The distinct bifurcating fracture of the left parietal bone is situated immediately over the superior margin of the left orbital rim in the frontal view. On the lateral view, this fracture is seen significantly higher than the orbit. A twenty degree upward projection is required to line up the fracture to the same vertical proximity to the left superior orbital margin as seen on the lateral view. 2. The bullet fragment seen on the frontal view is slightly below the right superior orbital rim. On the lateral view, the bullet fragment is significantly above a horizontal anterior-posterior line drawn from just below the level of the superior orbital rim. However, a line angled twenty degrees upward from just below the superior orbital rim intersects the bullet fragment at the rear of the skull. I hope anyone who is interested in the truth about the medical evidence will take this posting to a radiologist for verification. (Mike, please take this post, along with the JFK autopsy pics and x-rays to your radilogic technicican.) Bob A.