RECORD NUMBER 180-10072-10296 AGENCY FILE NUMBER 008159 ORIGINATOR-HSCA TO: Clark, Ramsey FROM: DATE: 5/16/78 PAGES: 14 SUBJECTS: Kennedy, John, Autopsy Photographs and Films X-rays Evidence, Medical RELEASED: 10/23/93 CONTENTS: Outside Contact Report on telephone interview with Ramsey Clark by HSCA investigator Andy Purdy (handwritten). Document follows in full. KENNEDY OUTSIDE CONTACT REPORT DATE 5/6/78 TIME [blank] I. Identifying Information: NAME: Ramsey Clark TELEPHONE 212/475-3232 ADDRESS: New York City, N.Y. Type of Contact: X Telephone Person II. Summary of Contact: Clark panel was established following availability of autopsy photos & X-rays. He called Robert Kennedy who put him in touch with Burke Marshall and negotiation ensued (October, 1966. When he got access called Drs. Finck, Boswell and Humes & Ebersole to see them. Felt that it was inadequate so he got no. of university presidents to pick pathologist, lawyer, & radiologist to review autopsy. Asked if he discussed it with RFK. He said "I don't remember. . ." III. Recommended Follow-up (if any): [blank] Signature /s/ Andy Purdy [end of page one] KENNEDY OUTSIDE CONTACT REPORT DATE 5/6/78 TIME p. 2 I. Identifying Information: NAME: Ramsey Clark (R.C.) TELEPHONE [blank] ADDRESS: [blank] Type of Contact: X Telephone Person II. Summary of Contact: surprised if anyone talked with Bob Kennedy but me & . . .if more than one time." Harold Reis - 1st A-G office of Legal Counsel - came in to see R.C. (then Dep. A-G) (Reis still in D.C.) [sic], said you need to know there is time crisis -- statute of limitations problem re: statute in fall of 1964 authorized A-G to retain & preserve matters relevant to assassination (purpose: to acquire rifle). Actually acquired "alot. . ." would have expired in early October, 1966; R.C. called Bob K. and -- "think I got very negative reaction from him" -- present III. Recommended Follow-up (if any): [blank] Signature: [blank] [end of page two] KENNEDY OUTSIDE CONTACT REPORT DATE 5/6/78 TIME p. 3 I. Identifying Information: Name: Ramsey Clark (R.C.) Telephone: [blank] Address: [blank] Type of Contact: X Telephone Person II. Summary of Contact: impression is that he was not sympathetic, U.S. needed to acquire autopsy photos & X-rays. R.C. said he had obligation to acquire material. Story he heard was that Bob sent Kenny O'Donnell to Bethesda to pick up autopsy photos & X-rays. R.C. concerned they might say they didn't have them. Burke Marshall & R.C. negotiated . . . fairly heated time about it...alot of people didn't like it. Sympathetic to family but didn't want limits on ability to investigate re: these matters. III. Recommended Follow-up (if any): [blank] Signature: [blank] [end of page three] KENNEDY OUTSIDE CONTACT REPORT DATE: 5/6/78 TIME: p. 4 I. Identifying Information: Name: Ramsey Clark Telephone: [blank] Address: [blank] Type of Contact: X Telephone Person II. Summary of Contact: "I don't remember knowing of earlier list [of autopsy material]. . . assume we relied on their good faith; maybe we knew how many pictures were taken." R.C. concerned that had all the photos. Think totally talking re: photos & X-rays. Remembers discussion of "segments of . . . cut segments of various organs of President that would be placed in clear plastic . . . believe . . . entirely collateral to X-rays & photos" -- certainly some discussion of those. Remember might show whether had Addison's disease . . . R.C. not very III. Recommended Follow-up (if any): [blank] Signature: [blank] [end of page four] KENNEDY OUTSIDE CONTACT REPORT DATE: 5/6/78 TIME: p. 5 I. Identifying Information: Name: Ramsey Clark Telephone: [blank] Address: [blank] Type of Contact: X Telephone Person II. Summary of Contact: interested in that . . . "not my responsibility." [sic] Possible someone said no they might be relevant to assassination . . . my impression was they were "quite small" . . . not sure where from the body they had come. "Fairly sure I never saw them." [what appears to be a lower case backwards "s" with a line over it is next] Who? R.C. went & saw photos & X-rays & talked with doctors -- very concerned re: independant findings. Believes Warren Christopher did all the calling in setting this review (Clark Panel) up . . . they didn't know in advance what they were going to do. People of stature & independence, (& inspire public confidence.) [sic] were sought. III. Recommended Follow-up (if any): [blank] Signature: [blank] [end of page five] KENNEDY OUTSIDE CONTACT REPORT DATE: 5/6/78 TIME: p. 6 I. Identifying Information: Name: Ramsey Clark Telephone: [blank] Address: [blank] Type of Contact: X Telephone Person II. Summary of Contact: R.C. Asked [sic] them if they needed support personnel or equipment. Doesn't recall that they did. "Don't believe we had body tissue." Would remember if they said they needed them. Drew this line: not trying reopen Warren Commission, only purpose: examine this new evidence (autopsy photos & X-rays) & tell us what they showed. Probably discussions re: organs with Burke Marshall -- never with Evelyn Lincoln on this subject. Not Recall [sic] attempt to find missing materials in 1967 by U.S.S.S., GSA, III. Recommended Follow-up (if any): [blank] Signature: [blank] [end of page six] KENNEDY OUTSIDE CONTACT REPORT DATE: 5/6/78 TIME: p. 7 I. Identifying Information: Name: Ramsey Clark Telephone: [blank] Address: [blank] Type of Contact: X Telephone Person II. Summary of Contact: Archives. Not knew why October, 1966 document would have listing of physical materials other than photos & X-rays. Possibly Marshall turned over more than R.C. requested. Only thing R.C. thought was critical to examine was autopsy photos and X-rays. Vaguely remember JFK clothing also. Not requested. What did U.S. consider requesting? He said Harold Reis would know. R.C.'s initial & entire interest was in autopsy photos & X-rays; because we were told Warren Commission did III. Recommended Follow-up (if any): [blank] Signature: [blank] [end of page seven] KENNEDY OUTSIDE CONTACT REPORT DATE: 5/6/78 TIME: p. 8 I. Identifying Information: Name: Ramsey Clark Telephone: [blank] Address: [blank] Type of Contact: X Telephone Person II. Summary of Contact: not examine them & it was possible they could have some importance -- both X-rays & photos. Reis gave information to R.C. R.C. probably wouldn't have fought family over clothing because previously examined. "If we know of 1965 inventory -- & we may well have -- I don't remember it." Strong impression that Bob or someone sent O'Donnell to Bethesda & ". . . I assumed they took X-rays & photos then." R.C. believed he was told by Burke Marshall that C. J. Warren III. Recommended Follow-up (if any): [blank] Signature: [blank] [end of page eight] KENNEDY OUTSIDE CONTACT REPORT DATE: 5/6/78 TIME: p. 9 I. Identifying Information: Name: Ramsey Clark Telephone: [blank] Address: [blank] Type of Contact: X Telephone Person II. Summary of Contact: had reviewed autopsy photos & X-rays. Know he was told Boswell, Finck & Humes hadn't seen them but had wanted to . . . not sure how could make final conclusions without seeing them. Believe Burke said we have clothing in addition to photos & X-rays and turned them over. R.C. had to convince Kennedys through Burke Marshall that he would sue Mrs. Kennedy or whoever if he had to. III. Recommended Follow-up (if any): [blank] Signature: [blank] [end of page nine] KENNEDY OUTSIDE CONTACT REPORT DATE: 5/6/78 TIME: p. 10 I. Identifying Information: Name: Ramsey Clark Telephone: [blank] Address: [blank] Type of Contact: X Telephone Person II. Summary of Contact: R.C. was told autopsy photos & X-rays existed & not examined (by Reis); assumed Nick Katzenbach & Bobby Kennedy had discussed this & Reis knew of discussions (then Executive Assist. of Atty. General) & told R.C. R.C. naturally called Bobby & said he knew he had autopsy photos & X-rays. No recollection of discussion with RFK re: other materials. [The words "Very likely" appear next, but are crossed out] Not impression that they withheld anything we were interested in. Has a sense that they knew how many photos & X-rays they were supposed to III. Recommended Follow-up (if any): [blank] Signature: [blank] [end of page ten] KENNEDY OUTSIDE CONTACT REPORT DATE: 5/6/78 TIME: p. 11 I. Identifying Information: Name: Ramsey Clark Telephone: [blank] Address: [blank] Type of Contact: X Telephone Person II. Summary of Contact: have. Re: slides -- guesses he discussed them ("told by") with someone following up the situation for him, probably Reis (or, but doubt it: Warren Christopher). Relieved when experts corroborated Warren Commission findings. Delayed issuing report; they Used [sic] Garrison case as vehicle for issuing report; didn't want to stir skepticism and doubt, simply wanted report to be in the public record. Dep. A-G until February or March of 1967. . . & Acting Atty. General (late Sept., 1966) Katzenbach named to be Under Secretary of III. Recommended Follow-up (if any): [blank] Signature: [blank] [end of page eleven] KENNEDY OUTSIDE CONTACT REPORT DATE: 5/6/78 TIME: p. 12 I. Identifying Information: Name: Ramsey Clark Telephone: [blank] Address: [blank] Type of Contact: X Telephone Person II. Summary of Contact: State. Thinks Evelyn Lincoln had all the material. SUGGESTS: Harold Reis; Sol Lindenbaum (No. Virginia; Watergate Apts.) -- was creer lawyer, Office of Legal Counsel, R.C.'s executive assistant when A-G; Evelyn Lincoln; Burke Marshall; R.C.'s secretary, fully apprised of whole thing, she went over 1st time Jane McHale, Secretary to Thurgood Marshall; 37th Arlington JA5-6565 James -- husband. III. Recommended Follow-up (if any): [blank] Signature: /s/ Andy Purdy [end of page twelve and end of document]