Contact Profile 03/17/97 Contact Name: Patricia "Hutton" Formerly known as Patricia Hutton, she was present in Trauma Room One during President Kennedy's treatment. Her handwritten statement appears on page 216 of Warren Commission Volume 21. She was never interviewed, or called to testify, before either the Warren Commission or the HSCA. She said she had thought long and hard over the years, as well as this weekend (following the receipt of our information package), about whether or not she wanted to say anything more about the Kennedy assassination. She said that everything she said in her written statement prepared on November 22, 1963 (and she emphasized everything), which now appears as Price Exhibit No. 21, on page 216 of WH 21, stands as is, and is correct as far as she is concerned. She said she neither desires to, nor feels able to, contribute anything further to what she wrote on 11/22/63. Douglas Horne/ARRB ----------- TOP SECRET ACTIVITIES OF PAT HUTTON ON FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1963 I came back from lunch, and went to the O.B.-Gynocology section where I was working. At approximately 12:30 P.M., the triage nurse called us to bring a cart out to the entrance. We took said cart out the door, and it was then that I realized who was in the car. Several people helped put the President on the cart, and we then proceeded to the Major Surgery Section of the Emergency Room to Trauma Room #1. Mr. Kennedy was bleeding profusely from a wound on the back of his head, and lying there unresponsive. As soon as we reached the room, a doctor placed an endotracheal tube, and prepared for a tracheostomy. Within a few minutes, there were numerous doctors in the room starting I.V.Ős, placing chest tubes and anesthesia with O2. A doctor asked me to place a pressure dressing on the head wound. This was of no use, however, because of the massive opening on the back of the head. Blood was pumped in along with the I.V.Ős running. After a period of handling instruments and equipment to the doctors as needed, it was announced that the President had expired. We then removed the tubes and I.V.Ős from him. Mrs. Kennedy came in with a priest, and last rites were performed. When Mrs. Kennedy left, we removed all of the equipment from the room, and I then left at the request of the supervisor to get a plastic cover to line the coffin. I returned with it, and Mr. Kennedy was placed in the coffin to await orders to move him by ambulance. After that, I stood outside the door with Mrs. Nelson until the body was removed. When the area was clear, another nurse and I went up to the dining room for coffee. We returned to the Emergency Room where I changed clothes, and left at approximately 4:00 P.M. for home. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1963 I arrived for work at 9:30 A.M., and was told that our names had been released, and to check with administration before talking with anyone. I was not asked any questions by anyone, and spent an uneventful 8 hours on duty. Patricia B. Hutton, R.N. PBH:bwh TOP SECRET