The Cuba Project In this February 20, 1962 document, CIA counterinsurgency specialist Edward Lansdale summarizes plans and objectives for the Kennedy-authorized Operation Mongoose. Lansdale outlines a coordinated program of intelligence gathering, sabotage and political warfare. Operation Mongoose, he reports, "aims for a revolt which can take place in Cuba by October 1962." Though this document (initially classified TOP SECRET/SENSITIVE) still contains significant deletions, its declassified portions graphically detail the covert war against Castro. Note: For the purposes of coherence, the formatting of this document has been slightly altered. The content of the document remains unaltered. See document image scans for original formatting. [document begins] SENSITIVE 20 February 1962 Program Review by Brig. Gen. Lansdale The Situation. We still know too little about the real situation inside Cuba, although we are taking energetic steps to learn more. However, some salient facts are known. It is known that the Communist regime is an active Sino-Soviet spearhead in our Hemisphere and that Communist controls inside Cuba are severe. Also, there is evidence that the repressive measures of the Communists, together with disappointments in Castro's economic dependency on the Communist formula, have resulted in an anti-regime atmosphere among the Cuban people which makes a resistance program a distinct and present possibility. Time is running against us. The Cuban people feel helpless and are losing hope fast. They need symbols of inside resistance and of outside interest soon. They need something they can join with the hope of starting to work surely towards the overthrow of the regime. Since late November, we have been working hard to re-orient the operational concepts within the U.S. government and to develop the hard intelligence and operational assets required for success in our task. The next National Intelligence Estimate on Cuba (NIE 85-62) promises to be a useful document dealing with our practical needs and with due recognition of the sparsity of hard facts. The needs of the Cuba project, as it goes into operation, plus the increasing U.S. capability for intelligence collection, should permit more frequent estimates for our guidance. These will be prepared on a periodic basis. Premise of Action. Americans once ran a successful revolution. It was run from within, and succeeded because there was timely and strong political, economic, and military help by nations outside who supported our cause. Using this same concept of revolution from within, we must now help the Cuban people to stamp out tyranny and gain their liberty. On 18 January, the Chief of Operations assigned thirty-two tasks to Departments and Agencies of the U.S. government, in order to provide a realistic assessment and preparation of U.S. capabilities. The Attorney General and the Special Group were apprised of this action. The answers received on 15 February provided the basis for planning a realistic course of action. The answers also revealed that the course of action must contain continuing coordination and firm overall guidance. The course of action set forth herein is realistic within present operational estimates and intelligence. Actually, it represents the maximum target timing which the operational people jointly considered feasible. It aims for a revolt which can take place in Cuba by October 1962. It is a [view page 1 document scan] ![]() series of actions and dates, not a rigid time-table. The target dates are timed as follows: Phase I, Action, March 1962. Start moving in. Phase II, Build-up, April-July 1962. Activating the necessary operations inside Cuba for revolution and concurrently applying the vital political, economic, and military-type support from outside Cuba. Phase III, Readiness, 1 August 1962, check for final policy decision. Phase IV, Resistance, August-September 1962, move into guerrilla operations. Phase V, Revolt, first two weeks of October 1962. Open revolt and overthrow of the Communist regime. Phase VI, Final, during month of October 1962. Establishment of new government. Plan of Action. Attached is and operational plan for the overthrow of the Communist regime in Cuba, by Cubans from within Cuba, with outside help from the U.S. and elsewhere. Since this is an operation to prompt and support a revolt by the people in a Communist police state, flexibility is a must for success. Decisions on operational flexibility rest with the Chief of Operations, with consultation in the Special Group when policy matters are involved. Target actions and dates are detailed in the attacked operational plans, which cover: A. Basic Action Plan Inside Cuba B. Political Support Plan C. Economic Support Plan D. Psychological Support Plan E. Military Support Plan F. Sabotage Support Plan G. Intelligence Support Plan Early Policy Decisions. The operational plan for clandestine U.S. support of a Cuban movement inside Cuba to overthrow the Communist regime is within policy limits already set by the President. A vital decision, still to be made, is on the use of open U.S. force to aid the Cuban people in winning their liberty. If conditions and assets permitting a revolt are achieved in Cuba, and if U.S. help is required to sustain this condition, will U.S. respond promptly with military force to aid the Cuban revolt? The contingencies under which such military deployment would be needed, and recommended U.S. responses, are detailed in a memorandum being prepared by the Secretaries of State and Defense. An early decision is required, prior to deep involvement of the Cubans in this program. [view page 2 document scan] ![]() Distribution: Copy No. 1. The President 2. The Attorney General 3. General Taylor 4. The Secretary of State (through Deputy Under Secretary Johnson) 5. The Secretary of Defense (Through Deputy Secretary Gilpatric) 6. The Director, Central Intelligence Agency 7. The Director, U.S. Information Agency (through Deputy Director Wilson) 8. State (Mr. Goodwin) 9. Defense (Brig. Gen. Craig) 10. CIA (Mr. Harvey) 11.-12. Chief of Operations (Brig. Gen. Lansdale) [view page 3 document scan] ![]() INSIDE CUBA PHASE I (March, 1962) MARCH OPERATION IN CUBA a. Establish three "pathfinder" agent operations in key areas selected by CIA. PURPOSE Explore operational conditions and requirements. Report on potential and active resistance elements and situation for exploitation by resistance teams. Lay groundwork for bringing in additional agents and teams as conditions warrant. CONSIDERATIONS Agent operations must stay alive, make useful contacts and communicate accurately with CIA. Risk to the personnel is substantial due to lack of intelligence, but mission is essential to planning and operations. (April-July 1962) OPERATION IN CUBA a. Establish up to five more agent operations in key areas selected by CIA. PURPOSE Report on resistance potential and lay groundwork for additional operations. CONSIDERATIONS These additional teams provide current reporting on major Cuban areas, so broad political action can be planned. Risk to teams will continue high, but mission is essential. [view page 4 document scan] ![]() PHASE II (cont.) OPERATION IN CUBA b. "Voice" of Cuban movement goes on the air. PURPOSE Establishes vital psychological assurance to people that a movement exists to overthrow the regime. CONSIDERATIONS Preferably, the "voice" should be from mobile transmitter inside Cuba. Broadcasts can be brief ones at first: identifying music, song, and short news. News to include reports on "resistance" acts, taking credit for all sabotage. As daily broadcasts are established, "criminals against people" should be named and promised swift justice, two names per broadcast. If operational judgment dictates, [3 lines deleted]. It is vital to take risks by having it inside Cuba; a second transmitter and crew should be moved in if the first is lost. MAY OPERATION IN CUBA c. Re-supply agent operations as necessary. PURPOSE Deliver supplies to satisfy needs developed by agent operations, if valid. CONSIDERATIONS The agents will have to prove to local partisans that outside support is a reality. Thus, as arms, ammunition, and equipment, etc., are needed to equip resistance groups, we must be able to respond effectively to these needs. Maritime and, as feasible, air re-supply will be used. This capability will have to expand as resistance is developed. [view page 5 document scan] ![]() PHASE II (cont.) OPERATION IN CUBA d. By June establish 12 more agent operations in key areas selected by CIA. PURPOSE Mission is the same for previous "pathfinder" operations. CONSIDERATIONS These will be the last agent operations infiltrated into key areas from the outside. Further expansion by "pathfinders," after these teams are in, can be done from groups inside. It is likely that some of these last "pathfinder" operations will be replacing casualties. JUNE OPERATION IN CUBA e. By June, introduce three resistance teams in areas under initial "pathfinder" surveillance, if situation is favorable. PURPOSE This will test acceptance and use of the more highly trained teams that must guide development of the popular revolution within Cuba. This also will check emphasis and timing of program from viewpoint of Cuban situation. CONSIDERATIONS Very minor resistance actions by important population elements such as labor must be tried and groundwork laid for broader anti-regime program leading toward firm uprising program. Realism of political platform can be tested. OPERATION IN CUBA f. Establish bases for guerrilla operations. PURPOSE To have focal points, with some validity to stockpile for defensive needs and for future attack operations. CONSIDERATIONS These bases are to be selected after on-the-ground surveys by the teams inside Cuba. Some may exist already. These will also be logistical bases, for caches and stockpiling of arms and equipment to be used by the resistance, but also should be able to provide some welfare aid (such as to families of resistance members, families affected by plant shut-down and sabotage, etc.). [view page 6 document scan] ![]() PHASE II (cont.) JUNE (cont) OPERATION IN CUBA g. Establish clandestine leadership headquarters with means to communicate with all resistance elements. PURPOSE Organize internal direction and control of the popular movement. CONSIDERATIONS Leadership will have been emerging and this is about the earliest date possible to establish a clandestine headquarters. It should be of a bare, field type, in the securest area possible. This can become the meaningful source of political-psychological actions, to develop Cuban will to resist and fight. OPERATION IN CUBA h. [paragraph redacted] PURPOSE [paragraph redacted] CONSIDERATIONS [paragraph redacted] JULY OPERATION IN CUBA i. By July establish up to 5 more resistance teams in areas prepared by "pathfinder" operations, as operationally feasible. PURPOSE Mission is the same as for the first resistance teams (A II e above). CONSIDERATIONS Experience of first resistance teams must be considered in preparing these additional teams for operations. Security of personnel is very important at this point, as the operation expands. OPERATION IN CUBA j. Basic organization of underground in vicinity of airfields and communications centers. PURPOSE To prepare the means of sabotage against military aircraft and key communication links of the regime's security forces. CONSIDERATIONS This requires ground surveys, selection of sites for caching of sabotage supplies, and recruitment of local underground, including members of military and communications employees. Popular support must be prepared by resistance teams. [view page 7 document scan] ![]() PHASE II (cont.) JUNE (cont) OPERATION IN CUBA g. Establish clandestine leadership headquarters with means to communicate with all resistance elements. PURPOSE Organize internal direction and control of the popular movement. CONSIDERATIONS Leadership will have been emerging and this is about the earliest date possible to establish a clandestine headquarters. It should be of a bare, field type, in the securest area possible. This can become the meaningful source of political-psychological actions, to develop Cuban will to resist and fight. OPERATION IN CUBA h. [paragraph redacted] PURPOSE [paragraph redacted] CONSIDERATIONS [paragraph redacted] JULY (cont.) OPERATION IN CUBA k. Expand infiltration points along coasts. PURPOSE To obtain security for stepped-up infiltration. CONSIDERATIONS Original "rat-lines" need to be expanded into a functioning "underground railway" to pass more infiltrees into interior. Means of quick alerts to danger, delaying defenses, multiple routes, coastal watchers and receivers need to be organized and activated. OPERATION IN CUBA l. [paragraph redacted] PURPOSE [paragraph redacted] CONSIDERATIONS [paragraph redacted] [view page 8 document scan] ![]() PHASE III (1 August 1962) AUGUST OPERATION IN CUBA m. Final check on resistance elements in Cuba. PURPOSE To have a final look at the situation and at the means in place before giving the signal to initiate actions leading to full-scale revolt. CONSIDERATIONS This is a last-minute pause, to be certain that the resistance has a possible organization in key places which will act when needed, that the significant portion of the Cuban people are in sympathy with the aims of the movement and will join in when given the chance, and that the movement will be able to gain an area of Cuba as its own against the regime's military forces, as a minimum (August-September 1962) AUGUST OPERATION IN CUBA n. Symbolic work slow-down. PURPOSE To give workers a feeling of participation in the popular movement, without immediate reprisal. CONSIDERATIONS 12 August is the anniversary of the overthrow of dictator Machado. The resistance should link the Castro-Communists with Machado and call on workers to lose one hour by slow-down methods on 12 Aug. to commemorate the overthrow of one dictator. Workers should be asked to give either one-hour by slow-down or one act of sabotage. The "Voice" of the movement should thank them the next day for their splendid response (to shame those who didn't participate by making them feel alone). [view page 9 document scan] ![]() PHASE IV (cont.) AUGUST (cont.) OPERATION IN CUBA o. Symbolic signs painted on walls: "Machado One" PURPOSE To commemorate the downfall of one remembered dictator and give a symbolic pace to the resistance. CONSIDERATIONS Timed with the symbolic work slow-down (A IV n above). Spaced a few days apart, the signs should have lines added to them to read: "Machado One Batista Two Castro Three." OPERATION IN CUBA p. By August, have actions to penetrate and subvert the regime. PURPOSE To weaken and frustrate organized actions against the popular movement. CONSIDERATIONS These are actions on officials of the regime, including the military and the police. Some should be defected in place. Others should be defected and helped to escape to the outside world to tell the inside story of the regime's tyranny, to evoke world sympathy with the freedom fighters. OPERATION IN CUBA q. Cuban paramilitary teams infiltrated to bases in the hills. PURPOSE To provide a trained guerrilla cadre upon which to form guerrilla units. CONSIDERATIONS The paramilitary teams must be capable of initiating minor harassment and reprisal actions, as well as organizing and training guerrilla units. Popular support is essential. OPERATION IN CUBA r. Guerrilla bands activated in key areas. PURPOSE To build a military striking force for the popular movement inside Cuba. CONSIDERATIONS Recruits will be coming in after the symbolic harassment and reprisal actions. They will be screened, organized, and trained for guerrilla action. The regime's security forces can be expected to be very active. Anti-tank and anti-aircraft tactics are necessary. Increased popular support is a must in this phase. [view page 10 document scan] ![]() PHASE IV (cont.) SEPTEMBER OPERATION IN CUBA s. Commence expanding underground to every locality in Cuba. PURPOSE To have a truly revolutionary organization throughout Cuba. CONSIDERATIONS The guerrillas are the open arm, but the popular movement must have mass support, which requires intelligence collection and clandestine activists in cities and towns throughout. They will surface when the revolt needs open support. OPERATION IN CUBA t. [paragraph deleted] PURPOSE [paragraph deleted] CONSIDERATIONS [paragraph deleted] OPERATION IN CUBA u. [paragraph deleted] PURPOSE [paragraph deleted] CONSIDERATIONS [paragraph deleted] OPERATION IN CUBA v. Start entry of volunteer "freedom fighters" from Latin America and elsewhere. PURPOSE To let the Cuban people know that they are not alone in their struggle against tyranny, by the physical presence of foreign "freedom fighters." CONSIDERATIONS A "Marti Battalion" might be formed for foreign volunteers. Recruits from Latin America, from refugee groups (such as Hungarians, Poles, etc.), and Americans, need a controlled means of entering the good fight. Some veterans of the Huk campaign could be a gesture and a practical one. [view page 11 document scan] ![]() PHASE IV (cont.) SEPTEMBER (cont.) OPERATION IN CUBA w. [paragraph redacted] PURPOSE [paragraph redacted] CONSIDERATIONS [paragraph redacted] OPERATION IN CUBA x. [paragraph redacted] PURPOSE [paragraph redacted] CONSIDERATIONS [paragraph redacted] OPERATION IN CUBA y. [paragraph redacted] PURPOSE [paragraph redacted] CONSIDERATIONS [paragraph redacted] [view page 12 document scan] ![]() PHASE IV (cont.) SEPTEMBER (cont.) OPERATION IN CUBA z. [paragraph deleted] PURPOSE [paragraph deleted] CONSIDERATIONS [paragraph deleted] (FIRST TWO WEEKS, OCTOBER 1962) OCTOBER OPERATION IN CUBA a. General strike by the Cuban workers. PURPOSE To make public the popular support of the militant revolt, signifying the passing from underground to open rebellion. CONSIDERATIONS Strike must tie-up transportation and communications. The resistance teams must have set the readiness of the workers for this defiance of the regime. Arms must be available. Military cells will be activated. Funds will be needed to help the workers hold on and to bait defections of groups. OPERATION IN CUBA b. Anti-regime demonstrations. PURPOSE Same purpose as noted above (A V a) for the general strike. CONSIDERATIONS The resistance teams must have set the readiness of all population elements (youth, farmers, Church, etc.) to openly defy the regime. Arms must be available, including anti-tank weapons. Military cells will be activated. OPERATION IN CUBA c. Declaration of the revolt. PURPOSE To initiate the hour of decision by calling on all Cubans for open support. CONSIDERATIONS Since the aims of the liberation will have been publicized previously, this is the "go signal." All Cubans and the world need to hear it. [view page 13 document scan] ![]() PHASE V (cont.) OCTOBER (cont.) OPERATION IN CUBA d. Open revolt by the Cuban people. PURPOSE To overthrow the Communist regime. CONSIDERATIONS This is the combat phase, fighting to take and hold ground. OPERATION IN CUBA e. Return of Cuban refugees who are qualified and want to help liberate their homeland. PURPOSE To start a more open movement back to Cuba of those Cuban refugees who are able and willing to risk their lives in overthrowing the Communist regime. CONSIDERATIONS Cuban refugee organizations will be tested with a "put up or shut up" proposition. Those who have the ability to contribute to the popular movement inside Cuba should be given a chance to go home and act. Their screening and infiltration will have to be controlled. It must be a joining-in, not a taking-over of the inside movement. (DURING OCTOBER 1962) OPERATION IN CUBA a. Establish a new Cuban government, which can be recognized by the U.S. PURPOSE To give legality to the moral right of the Cuban revolt. CONSIDERATIONS When the popular movement is holding meaningful territory in Cuba, it should form a provisional government. This should permit open Latin American and U.S. help, if requested and necessary. A military government situation will exist for the initial period and we must insist upon realism in this interim period preceding reasonable civilian control. [view page 14 document scan] ![]() ACTIVITY 1. Use OAS and its organs. PURPOSE To reaffirm strong official condemnation of Communist rule in Cuba. To influence Latin American and world opinion against Communist grab of Cuba and favorably toward Cubans recapturing their freedom. CONSIDERATIONS OAS members must be firm and open about this being a regional concern. OAS must build support for the cause of the Cuban people against the Communist regime, by statements and reports about the police state methods and foreign domination of Cuba. This will require official and personal diplomacy with a real sense of mission, and must be an effort by Latin American as well as U.S. officials. (State responsibility, with CIA and USIA support.) ACTIVITY 2. Use United Nations members and U.N. organs. PURPOSE To enlist world opinion for plight of Cuban people under domination of a foreign sponsored government. Build hostility to Communist regime and a favorable attitude to people's revolt. Develop basis for outside support of Cuban people. CONSIDERATIONS Statements of world leaders for humanity and justice can come from speeches and comments about misery of Cubans under Communist political-economic program. Plight of trade unionism, religion, health, education all fall within UN interest. Phony Communist maneuvers about persecution of Castro regime can open way for a challenge to a UN inquiry team from OAS states re the true status of popular support within Cuba. A challenge to hold free elections under UN monitor could be timely and place Cuban Communists on the defensive. A UN "aid for Cuban poverty and health" would be sound move to highlight situation. (State responsibility.) ACTIVITY 3. Use US officials and news releases at Washington level. PURPOSE Indicate policy and commit prestige of U.S. government to appropriate support of the Cuban people vs. Communist dictatorship. CONSIDERATIONS Top officials of Executive and Legislative branches can keep pressure upon Castro regime by timely statements. This also supports similar attitude by leaders of other nations and helps spirit of Cubans. Developments of sympathy leading to favorable opinion about outside support for Cuban people is crucial. (State has responsibility to lead in [view page 15 document scan] ![]() (cont.) ACTIVITY 4. Use U.S. diplomats and staffs in official and other contacts. PURPOSE To influence attitude of political leaders favorably for the Cuban people and hostile to the Communist dictatorship. To influence key staffers of foreign leaders along same line and, as appropriate, influence leaders in intellectual and major population groups. CONSIDERATIONS Personal influence upon foreign officials is vital to build sympathy and support for Cuban revolution against Castro regime. Can lead to independent actions by other nations to build the case for the Cuban people. Latin American nations are most important, but NATO also important. Official attitude of Spanish government can be key to operational values in homeland ties to Spanish colony in Cuba. (State responsibility, with support by others as required.) ACTIVITY 5. Activate Latin American leaders, government and public. PURPOSE Commit national prestige and power of Latin political, intellectual, labor, youth, religious, military leaders to cause of Cuban people against Communist regime. For own public impact, international support, and morale of resistance within Cuba. CONSIDERATIONS Timely and strong public statements will be encouraged. Maximum publicity at country of origin, other key countries and into Cuba by CIA assets. (State responsibility, with support by CIA and USIA.) ACTIVITY 6. [paragraph redacted] PURPOSE [paragraph redacted] CONSIDERATIONS [paragraph redacted] [view page 16 document scan] ![]() (cont.) ACTIVITY 7. [paragraph redacted] PURPOSE [paragraph redacted] CONSIDERATIONS [paragraph redacted] ACTIVITY 8. Use exile groups under Cuban Revolutionary Council. PURPOSE To maintain a significant symbol of special groupings for contact within Cuba and impact upon Latin American public opinion. CONSIDERATIONS Special groupings such as students, youth, professions, women are under the CRC and must be used with care and avoid political imprint of CRC to maximum. ACTIVITY 9. Use exiles as touring teams for political action in Latin America. PURPOSE To give personal witness against the Communist regime and ask support for the people recapturing their freedom. CONSIDERATIONS Teams of students, lawyers, ex-Castro associates can tell impressive story that is newsworthy. ACTIVITY 10. [paragraph redacted] PURPOSE [paragraph redacted] CONSIDERATIONS [paragraph redacted] [view page 17 document scan] ![]() (cont.) ACTIVITY 11. Radio programs for Cuban political activation. PURPOSE To inform and keep basic interests within the Cuban population. CONSIDERATIONS Religious programs, interviews with exile workers, students, fishermen, families to help keep Cubans in touch with the way of life they must recapture from the Communists. CIA capability for daily and special broadcasts exists, noting Swan Island station, and arrangements with private stations in Miami, New Orleans, and some 75 small outlets in the Caribbean area. [approximately one sentence redacted] ACTIVITY 12. By October, official U.S. and Latin American policy support. PURPOSE To provide a positive basis for more open support of the people's revolution, possibly a foundation for military assistance upon request of recognized new government. CONSIDERATIONS The policy line for recognition of a revolutionary government is involved directly at this point. [view page 18 document scan] ![]() ACTIVITY 1. Persuade OAS, NATO and countries friendly to freedom to desist from trading with the Communist dictatorship in Havana. PURPOSE To build anti-regime feelings among Cuban people, by economic squeeze. CONSIDERATIONS The regime may be weakened as the Cuban dollar market is depleted through loss of credit line. Requires full cooperation of allies and friends. (State responsibility with CIA and Commerce.) ACTIVITY 2. Stop trans-shipment of U.S. items to Cuba, especially via Mexico and Canada. PURPOSE To reduce supply of items and parts critical to the Cuban regime's economic program. CONSIDERATIONS Target is Cuban sugar economy, power petroleum, communications, transport. (State responsibility with CIA, Commerce, Justice.) ACTIVITY 3. A "positive list" for Latin America subject to licensing procedures for other parts of the Free World. PURPOSE To reduce supply of items and parts critical to the Cuban regime's economic program. CONSIDERATIONS Target is Cuban sugar economy, power petroleum, communications, transport. (Responsibility of State with Commerce and CIA participating.) ACTIVITY 4. [paragraph redacted] PURPOSE [paragraph redacted] CONSIDERATIONS [paragraph redacted] ACTIVITY 5. Obtain cooperation of National Foreign Trade Council in delaying or refusing charters to vessels calling at Cuban ports, by mid-March. PURPOSE To reduce supplies the Cuban regime must have to keep economy going. CONSIDERATIONS (Responsibility of State, with Commerce and CIA participating.) ACTIVITY 6. [paragraph redacted] PURPOSE [paragraph redacted] CONSIDERATIONS [paragraph redacted] ACTIVITY 7. Obtain by mid-March the cooperation of U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the National Association of Manufacturers to influence U.S. firms having subsidiaries abroad to adhere to the spirit of U.S. economic boycott of Cuban regime. PURPOSE To harass Cuban economy. CONSIDERATIONS (Responsibility of State, with Commerce and CIA participating.) [view page 19 document scan] ![]() (cont.) ACTIVITY 8. [paragraph redacted] PURPOSE [paragraph redacted] CONSIDERATIONS [paragraph redacted] [view page 20 document scan] ![]() ACTIVITY 1. Create atmosphere of a "crusade" for human liberty" PURPOSE To set the deeply moving tone and motivating force for the liberation of Cuba. CONSIDERATIONS All media. This means maximum use of spiritual appeal (such as the prayer for Cuba by Bishop Boja Masvidal who has a genuine Cuban revolutionary background), recapturing the ideal of Marti by taking use of his memory away from the Communists (even to issue of commemorative U.S. stamp), and popularizing songs by commercial recordings. (USIA and CIA responsibility.) ACTIVITY 2. [paragraph redacted] PURPOSE [paragraph redacted] CONSIDERATIONS [paragraph redacted] ACTIVITY 3. In March, commence visits of prominent U.S. and Latin American personalities to Cuban refugee camps in Florida. PURPOSE To demonstrate concern for plight of refugees, particularly parentless children. CONSIDERATIONS Mrs. Kennedy would be especially effective in visiting children refugees. (One camp near Miami has about 1,000 children who came out without their parents.) Her impact upon Latin Americans on the recent Presidential visit to Venezuela and Colombia suggests this. (USIA responsibility.) ACTIVITY 4. Publicity for selected defectors from Castro team. PURPOSE To demonstrate Cuban regime's failure to live up to promises of original 26th of July movement. CONSIDERATIONS Feature stories, documentaries, etc. (USIA responsibility, with help of CIA, Justice, and State.) [view page 21 document scan] ![]() (cont.) ACTIVITY 5. Publications of weekly reports with human interest stories about Cuban refugees, starting in March. PURPOSE To illuminate intolerable conditions in Cuba and the plight of the Cubans who remain inside. CONSIDERATIONS This should include supporting reports giving statistics on the numbers of refugees who have fled, and keep fleeing, to the U.S., Jamaica, Venezuela, Mexico, and Spain. (USIA responsibility, with support of others as required.) ACTIVITY 6. [paragraph redacted] PURPOSE [paragraph redacted] CONSIDERATIONS [paragraph redacted] ACTIVITY 7. Dramatize individual stories of Cuban refugees representative of major population groups: workers, youth, farmers, fisherman, women, church. PURPOSE To publicize that ordinary citizens, not just the rich, have fled tyranny. CONSIDERATIONS Documentaries, etc., of these refugees now at work in the U.S. (not just in refugee centers), awaiting the day they can return to strike a blow for liberty. (USIA responsibility.) [view page 22 document scan] ![]() ACTIVITY 1. Provide logistic, personnel and training support. PURPOSE To insure optimum implementation of the basic plan. CONSIDERATIONS The basic plan requires complete and efficient support of the military, to include the use of facilities and military cover. (Defense responsibility.) [remainder of page redacted] [view page 23 document scan] ![]() [remainder of page redacted] [view page 24 document scan] ![]() ACTIVITY 1. Special Operations Room fully activated, by 1 March 1962 PURPOSE To provide the Chief of Operations and the project team with current intelligence and daily developments. To provide top U.S. officials with status briefings, as useful. CONSIDERATIONS A maximum security room for this project will be maintained in the inner JCS security area of the Pentagon. (Defense responsibility, with support from the CIA and others as required.) ACTIVITY 2. Caribbean Admission Center, Opa-Locka, Florida, fully activated by 15 March 1962. PURPOSE To collect intelligence required for the operations, to identify and earmark assets as refugees arrive, and to provide greater security against Communist agent operations. CONSIDERATIONS This operation, in response to early recommendation as essential by the Chief of Operations, is moving at utmost speed to become fully active by 15 March, with a new building completed and occupied, and with a staff of 42 at work. The staff is now being increased in phases, as quickly as personnel are trained, to supplement the initial staff of 9. (CIA responsibility, with support by Defense, Justice, State, USIA.) ACTIVITY 3. Develop additional Interrogation centers in other areas, during March 1962. PURPOSE To collect intelligence in a Latin atmosphere, at different levels than now seem possible in the continental U.S., to spot additional assets for the operation, and to provide security against Communist agent operations. CONSIDERATIONS This operation, in response to early recommendation as essential by the Chief of Operations, is moving at utmost speed to become fully active by 15 March, with a new building completed and occupied, and with a staff of 42 at work. The staff is now being increased in phases, as quickly as personnel are trained, to supplement the initial staff of 9. (CIA responsibility, with support by Defense and others as necessary.) ACTIVITY 4. Expand special intelligence and other sensitive intelligence coverage, as required. PURPOSE To develop increased "hard" intelligence. CONSIDERATIONS (Defense responsibility, in collaboration with CIA.) [view page 25 document scan] ![]() (cont.) ACTIVITY 5. Develop intelligence potential of Cuban "colonies" in U.S. PURPOSE To exploit the intelligence possibilities of former residents of Cuba (including U.S. citizens) now in the United States. CONSIDERATIONS There are colonies in Washington, D.C., and other U.S. cities which are "little Cubas." Family, Church, and business interests provoke unusual personal ties inside Cuba for some of these residents; a real potential exists for collection of intelligence not otherwise available. (Justice/FBI responsibility, with support of others as required.) ACTIVITY 6. Develop [deleted] to provide substantive intelligence on Cuban activities. PURPOSE To add to the increased U.S. intelligence coverage on Cuba and to strengthen the concern of Latin American states for security. CONSIDERATIONS (Responsibility of Defense, with support by others as required.) ACTIVITY 7. Periodic intelligence estimates, as required by progress of operations. PURPOSE To up-date NIE 85-62, so that current estimates can be considered at national policy levels. CONSIDERATIONS As the operations develop, there will be both increased intelligence collection and a need for as current an Intelligence Estimate as the U.S. can produce meaningfully. It is likely that a more informal method of producing an Intelligence Estimate for use at the national level (than now governing the issuance of NIE's) may have to be followed. (CIA responsibility, with support of others as required.) [view page 26 document scan] [document ends]
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