The Warren Commission was dominated by establishment types who were connected to the Rockefeller family, or by political types who had ties to NIXON.


The Rockefeller family had a huge stake in keeping the Communists out of Latin America. After World War II, Nelson Rockefeller (born July 8, 1908; died January 1979), used his contacts in the Office of Inter-American Affairs to form the International Basic Economy Corporation, which invested heavily in supermarkets in Latin America. The Rockefellers also had stock in the United Fruit Company. During the Eisenhower Administration, Nelson Rockefeller served as Under Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare. In this capacity he was apprised of MKULTRA and MKNAOMI. [Szulc NY Mag. 8.29.77] Nelson Rockefeller became a Special Assistant to President Eisenhower from 1954 to 1955. He sat in on Cabinet and National Security Council meetings. During this period PB SUCCESS was effectuated. In September 1955 Nelson Rockefeller became a member of President Eisenhower's Operations Coordinating Board with Allen Dulles, the then-Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. By 1958 the International Basic Economy Corporation had 140 subsidiaries. Thomas S. Gates was a director of the International Basic Economy Corporation. [Federal Register 1959 p427] In Brazil and Venezuela, the International Basic Economy Corporation was directed by Joan Braden, the wife of Tom Braden. The Bradens were close to Richard Helms and Cord Meyer, who was Tom Braden's deputy at the International Organization Division of the CIA. Cord Meyer was a close associate of JAMES ANGLETON. Nelson Rockefeller was elected Governor of New York State in January 1958, and held this position until 1973.

Nelson Rockefeller told a meeting of the Organization of American States on February 12, 1961, that the United States had failed to "make good on the Monroe Doctrine" as far as Cuba was concerned. The Monroe Doctrine announced in 1823 that there would be no colonization, and no intervention, by European states in the Americas. Governor Rockefeller urged that an inter-American conference of foreign ministers be called to map hemispheric strategy to meet the threat of international communism. Nelson Rockefeller warned that Cuba had become "the principal Communist base in the Western Hemisphere from which men, money and propaganda are moving into other American republics on an unprecedented scale. We must face the fact that certain of the weaker Western Hemisphere countries are currently vulnerable to this onslaught. It is conceivable that pro-Castro governments of the Castro type might be established through revolutionary coups in one or more of these countries in the near future." Rockefeller disclosed in 1963 that his major disagreement with President Kennedy centered on Kennedy's anti-Cuban exile position.

In 1963, Walter J. Mahoney, the Republican Majority Leader of the New York State Senate, charged that the Kennedy Administration had dispatched Federal agents to Albany, New York, to gather embarrassing information on Governor Nelson Rockefeller. Mahoney said agents of the FBI, Treasury and Tax departments were "honeycombing" the state "under the guise of a gambling investigation and there were wiretaps galore. The ruthlessness of the federal administration is beyond all believing," Walter J. Mahoney charged. He said the agents had been instructed to "pay particular attention to those who may be advisors to Governor Rockefeller." Mahoney said the "widespread network" was being run by United States Attorney General Robert Kennedy "to embarrass a great American." He said the Kennedy Administration was afraid of Rockefeller. [FBI 62-72612-84]

In the early 1970's, Nelson Rockefeller was a member of NIXON'S Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board. Other members of the Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board at that time included Texas Governor John Connally, Claire Booth Luce, and Leo Cherne. [Ross & Wise Inv. Gov. p187]



The constitutional amendment which allowed NIXON to appoint Gerald Ford Vice President was approved by the Senate on September 29, 1964, less than 24 hours after the Warren Report was published.

When Vice President Spiro Agnew (Angnostopoulos) resigned on October 10, 1973, after pleading no contest to charges of income tax evasion after he came under investigation for receiving payoff when he was Governor of Maryland, NIXON appointed Gerald Ford as his Vice President. When NIXON resigned, Gerald Ford became President, and appointed Nelson Rockefeller as his Vice President. Rockefeller was Ford's running mate in 1976, but he withdrew from the ticket.

During Nelson Rockefeller's Vice Presidential confirmation hearings, Nelson was asked if he believed the CIA was justified in its activities in Chile: "I assume they were done in the best national interests...I think the flexibility of the present potential actions by our Government are important in the event of some unforeseen circumstances. Therefore, I would question whether the potentiality should be eliminated...I think it would be a mistake. How they are conducting what is done is a matter for good judgement."


Rockefeller was a patrician and would never have involved himself with STURGIS, HEMMING, HARGRAVES and their ilk. He was not involved in the Kennedy assassination. Rockefeller, however, was deeply involved in the Warren Commission and Rockefeller Commission cover-ups of the Kennedy assassination. His name surfaces with Ford, an associate of NIXON who covered up the coup. Rockefeller attained the Vice Presidency of the United States as an indirect result of the coup, and Ford attained the Presidency.

We will find that Nelson Rockefeller had many associates on the Warren Commission, but NIXON'S connection led to the top:


Earl Warren (born March 19, 1891) was Attorney General of California from 1939 to 1943, and Governor from 1943 to 1953. Murray Chotiner was the political public relations man for Earl Warren during his gubinatorial campaign in California. Murray Chotiner had been associated with NIXON since 1946. When NIXON became the Vice Presidential nominee of the Republican Party in 1952, Murray Chotiner served as his campaign manager. In September 1953 Earl Warren was appointed Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court by President Eisenhower. In 1966 Murray Chotiner was called before Senator John McClellan's committee investigating organized crime. Congressional investigator Robert F. Kennedy questioned Chotiner about his client, crime syndicate member Marco Reginelli, and demanded a list of Murray Chotiner's other clients. Dan Moldea reported that Murray Chotiner, and his brother Jack, handled 249 cases of mob figures arrested or indicted between 1949 and 1952. [Moldea, Hoffa Wars, Padington Press, 1978]


In 1968 syndicate member Mickey Cohen, who was serving Federal prison time, said that Murray Chotiner had solicited campaign contributions from him on behalf of NIXON. Meyer Harris Cohen (A.K.A. "Mickey" Cohen), the son of Jewish immigrants, grew up in Cleveland, Ohio, where he started in the rackets. In 1940 Mickey Cohen moved to Los Angeles and worked with Jack Dragna and Meyer Lansky's partner, Benjamin "Bugsy" Siegel. When Siegel was murdered by Meyer Lansky's hitmen in 1947, Mickey Cohen took over for him. California crime lord Jack Dragna became uncomfortable with Cohen, and numerous attempts were made on the life of Mickey Cohen. Meyer Lansky finally arranged for a truce between Dragna and Cohen.

In 1970 Murray Chotiner became NIXON'S Special Counsel; and in 1971, as a private attorney, he helped Teamster Union boss James Hoffa secure a Presidential pardon. Murray Chotiner was contacted by his friend, I. Irving Davidson, regarding this matter. [FBI FOIA Req. #72,182 approx. 500 pp.; HSCA OCR 11.2.78 Brady]


On January 24, 1974, Murray Chotiner's automobile collided with a Government-owned truck driven by Charles Mickens. Murray Chotiner died of a blood clot a week later, while still hospitalized for the automobile accident. [NYT 1.31.74]

NIXON knew Earl Warren though Murray Chotiner. The White House tapes revealed that NIXON and H.R. Haldeman considered setting up another Warren Commission, complete with Earl Warren, to investigate Watergate. H.R. Haldeman: "But if you want Earl Warren, he'll do it..." The extent of the NIXON/Warren relationship remained a mystery because of the theft of all the contents from a folder labeled "Correspondence with RICHARD NIXON," found among the possessions of Earl Warren after he died.


Earl Warren was easily manipulated by NIXON. NIXON had Earl Warren put Gerald Ford on the Warren Commission. Murray Chotiner's death should be looked into, due to the nature of his associations and the knowledge that he possessed.


"On January 20, 1964, Chief Justice Warren met with the staff. After brief introductions, the Chief Justice discussed the circumstances under which he had accepted the chairmanship of the Commission. When the position had first been offered to him he declined it, on the principle that Supreme Court Justices should not take this kind of role. His associate justices concurred in this decision. At this point, however, President Johnson called him. The President stated that rumors of the most exaggerated kind were circulating in this country and overseas. Some rumors went as far as attributing the assassination to a faction within the Government wishing to see the Presidency assumed by President Johnson. Others, if not quenched, could conceivably lead the country into a war which would cost 40 million lives. No one could refuse to do something which might help to prevent such a possibility. The President convinced him that this was an occasion on which actual conditions had to override general principles. The Chief Justice then discussed the role of the Commission. He placed emphasis on the importance of quenching rumors, and precluding future speculation such as that which has surrounded the death of Lincoln. He emphasized the Commission had to determine the truth, whatever that might be." [WC Eisenberg Memo 2.17.64]

John J. McCloy recalled that Warren stated: "When the country is confronted with threatening divisions and suspicions and its foundation is being rocked...the gravity of the situation is such that it might lead into war, and if so, it might be a nuclear war...the first nuclear strike against us might cause the loss of 40 million people..." Earl Warren delivered this response: "Mr. President, if the situation is that serious, my personal views do not count. I will do it." [?]

HEMMING told this researcher: "If I was sent over to brief Earl Warren, you know what I would say to him? Mr. Chief Justice, we have a situation here where we are closing the barn door and the horse is gone. The President is dead. This matter has to be disposed of quickly to renew the confidence of the American people. We've got civil unrest in this country. We've got a stock market to worry about, we've got investors to worry about, we've got bankers to worry about. We have serious problems. We have got to resolve this."


President Lyndon Johnson may have believed that a presidential assassination was worth starting a conventional war if an intelligence agent of a foreign power was responsible for it, but he did not believe that a Presidential assassination was worth starting a nuclear war over. The job of the Warren Commission was to prevent a nuclear war between the United States and the Soviets over the issue of Cuba and the Kennedy assassination.

All the evidence created against OSWALD led to the Soviets and Cubans. Had TIPPIT killed OSWALD, instead of visa versa, the murder of the President would have been investigated by federal and local government agencies, and it might have been determined that Castro was involved in the Kennedy assassination. Another invasion of Cuba would have been launched. The Soviets would have intervened. We could have all been blown to kingdom come.

The Warren Commission also should have logically concluded OSWALD worked for the KGB. Instead, it determined there was no conspiracy.

James Hosty commented, "They covered up the KGB's involvement for obvious reasons - it would have started World War III, now wouldn't it have? How did World War I start?"

HEMMING told this researcher: "The key ticket with the guy was that he defected to the Soviet Union, he's been trained as a KGB agent. How could these people possibly figure out that this scenario would scare the shit out of the people in Washington? What backfired on the plotters was painting this picture that it was a Castro hit. It scared the shit out of some high-ranking people, and they covered it up. Jesus Christ, the best laid plans of mice and men. They did it too good. They painted too clear of a picture that burned it's way right back to Fidel Castro. It scared the fuck out of the powers that be. They wouldn't go to war. The American people never realized we had come so fucking close to nuclear holocaust."

The CIA commented on OSWALD'S blazing trail: "Long standing KGB practice generally forbids agents serving outside the USSR to have any contact with domestic communist parties or with Soviet Embassies or consulates. This prohibition, designed to reduce the possibilities of compromise to a minimum, is probably most stringently applied to agents on extremely sensitive missions. Yet OSWALD blazed a trail to the Soviets that was a mile wide. He corresponded with the national headquarters of the Communist Party USA -- apparently with some regularity - and visited the Soviet Consulate in Mexico City. In addition to his well-known leftist political activities, he also subscribed to the Daily Worker and a Trotskyite publication, allegedly received newspapers from the Soviet Union and last June asked that his passport be revalidated for travel to the USSR." [CIA 376-154 Neil Huntley]



Allen Dulles, who was perhaps the most famous Director of the CIA, was fired by President Kennedy in 1962. He was unfairly blamed for the Bay Pigs disaster. The law firm of Allen Dulles, Sullivan & Cromwell, represented the interests of the Rockefellers and Allen Dulles was the former Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations. During the 1970's, David Rockefeller was the Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations. In 1987 the Council on Foreign Relations received a grant from the Asia Foundation. [CFR Annual Report 1988] After J. Lee Rankin was appointed chief counsel, Rankin suggested that Allen Dulles become "a Commission CIA file reviewer." Allen Dulles declined, but announced his willingness to provide a statement or testimony concerning his knowledge of OSWALD. Allen Dulles stated that "as far as he could remember he never had any knowledge of OSWALD at any time prior to the date of the assassination." [CIA 618-793] Allen Dulles died on January 30, 1969, at age 75 due to influenza complicated by pneumonia.


Allen Dulles had an ax to grind against Kennedy. He should not have been looking into the circumstances surrounding Kennedy's assassination. His appointment meant that no one in or around the CIA would be blamed. Dulles believed that co-existence with the Soviet Union did not prevent the Russians from engaging a war of subversion against the West. [Chicago Tribune, 4.29.64 page 10I] Why didn't he believe that OSWALD was part of this subversion? Dulles had no knowledge of OSWALD and his relationship to ANGLETON.


John J. McCloy was born on March 31, 1895. His law firm, Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy, represented the Rockefeller interests beginning in the 1920's. In June 1941 Vacuum Oil and Royal Dutch Shell Oil entered into a deal with the Soviets wherein they would purchase oil from the Soviet Union. This infuriated the Standard Oil Companies of New Jersey, which was controlled by the Rockefeller family. The Standard Oil Company of New Jersey announced its refusal to buy oil from Soviet Russia until it recognizes private property rights. The New York Times reported: "The Standard of New Jersey owns a 51% interest in the Nobel Company, a Russian oil unit that was nationalized along with the rest of the Russian petroleum interests after the Soviets took charge of the Government. The Standard of New Jersey had no substantial interests in Russia prior to the nationalization of the industry. The Standard of New Jersey, through its ownership of control of the Nobel Company has a claim against the Soviet Government." [NYT 1.16.28] The New York Times reported: "The Rockefellers, who are largely interested in the Standard of New Jersey and the Vacuum Oil Company, are expected to use their influence to prevent any widening of the breach between the three companies." [NYT 7.26.27] In the 1930's, John J. McCloy became a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. During World War II, John J. McCloy was an Assistant to the Secretary of Defense, and supervised the Strategic Services Unit of the War Department in 1944. In 1945 he was appointed High Commissioner to Germany, the top-ranking United States official there. By 1947 John J. McCloy was an official in the Office of Policy Coordination. He worked closely with Frank Wisner on numerous CIA operations in post-war Europe. In the early 1950's John J. McCloy pardoned Nazi war criminals, despite protests from divergent quarters. When he returned to the United States, John J. McCloy resumed his role as the Attorney for the Rockefellers, and engineered the merger of the Chase and Manhattan Banks. The Chase Manhattan Bank was employed to launder CIA funds. John J. McCloy was installed as a Director of the Chase Manhattan Bank and a Director of the Rockefeller Foundation. John J. McCloy was a Director of United Fruit. In 1959 he worked with the CIA in funding anti-Communist activities at the Vienna World Youth Festival. He was a close friend of the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, John McCone. After the Cuban Missile Crisis in October 1962, John J. McCloy negotiated with the Russians. In 1964 John J. McCloy thought it was imperative to "show the world that America is not a banana republic, where a government can be changed by a conspiracy." John J. McCloy was involved in the overthrow of Joao Goulart simultaneously with his position on the Warren Commission. Joao Goulart, a left-of-center President of Brazil, had expropriated the iron ore concessions of a client of John J. McCloy. John J. McCloy worked with Colonel Vernon Walters, the U.S. Military Attache in Rio on this operation. NIXON suggested in 1972 that the Justice Department appoint John J. McCloy as the Special Prosecutor in Watergate. He refused the assignment.


Warren Commissioner Gerald R. Ford (born July 14, 1913) was a Congressman from Michigan and a member of the Georgetown University Center for Strategic Studies from 1963 to 1964.

Arleigh Burke, who was a Director of the Free Cuba Committee, was the Director of Center for Strategic Studies at this time. Arleigh Burke told Jack Anderson that "government gumshoes, probably CIA burglars, broke into his private office and stole some important personal documents." [Miami Herald 2.2.77] George Smathers was on the Advisory Board of the Center for Strategic Studies at this time.

Ford was first mentioned as a possible presidential candidate in January 1964. When the FBI discovered that the Warren Commission was impressed with an article about the Kennedy assassination in the New Republic entitled Seeds of Doubt, Hoover suggested: "I think DeLoach should brief Ford regarding the New Republic article and its authors. H." [FBI 62-109090-73 Brennan to Sullivan 12.19.63] The United Press reported that documents released under the Freedom of Information Act indicated that the FBI considered Ford its spy on the Warren Commission. [Miami Herald 1.19.78] Ford told the Long Island Daily, Newsday, that "there was never any real disagreement among the members or anything." [Newsday 9.28.74]


In 1965 NIXON'S former campaign manager, John Stiles (John Stiles born May 12, 1916; died in March 1976) and Gerald Ford, co-authored OSWALD: Portrait of the Assassin. The CIA Counter-Intelligence Section liked Gerald Ford's book, since "Only slight mention is made of the charge put forth by OSWALD'S mother and others that OSWALD may have been a CIA agent." The CIA examined the galley proofs before the book was published. [CIA 1289-1019] Raymond Rocca wrote, "JIM, herein is (deleted) copy of Congressman Ford's rehash of the OSWALD case. Stiles sat with him during much of the hearings period. I do not regard any treatment of the CIA - which is minimal - to be objectionable. Rock." [CIA 994-937 NARA 1993:06.21.18:32:01:250310] When Ford became President, Stiles, who had become a White House consultant, and producer Sheldon Davis, tried to have Portrait of an Assassin made into a movie. Playboy Magazine carried a story that alleged that Gerald Ford received secret CIA campaign funding in 1968.

On October 17, 1974, President Ford vetoed an effort to expand the Freedom of Information Act. [NYT 10.18.74] During his unelected presidency, Gerald Ford named Governor John Connally to his Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, after Connally was acquitted of bribery charges. Ford's reorganization of the intelligence community included attempts to tighten Government secrecy by providing by providing penalties for officials who divulged classified information. [Miami Herald 2.21.76] Ford named Leo Cherne to his intelligence advisory board. Gerald Ford pardoned NIXON and named George Bush as CIA Director.


After World War II, John Sherman Cooper (born August 23, 1901), worked with John J. McCloy and helped reorganize the Bavarian judicial system in West Germany. In 1950 he served as advisor to the Secretary of State at NATO meetings. From 1955 to 1956 he was Ambassador to India. Cooper was a former trustee of the Asia Foundation. John Sherman Cooper was a United States Senator when he served on the Warren Commission. In 1969 he was reappointed Ambassador to India by NIXON.


Richard Russell (born November 2, 1897) was a Senator from Georgia who was Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee from 1951 to 1952, and from 1955 to 1968. In this capacity, he "established continuing relationships with the Directors of the Central Intelligence Agency and preserved an exclusivity in his knowledge of Agency activities. [He was] also able to develop relationships of mutual trust and understanding with the the Directors of the Central Intelligence Agency that allowed informal exchanges to prevail over formal votes and close supervision." [Sup. Det. Staff Reports on For. & Mil. Intell. Bk. IV Sel. Comm. to Study Gov. Ops. with Resp. to Intell. Act. 4.23.76] Senator Russell was a leader of the Dixiecrats, and had opposed President Kennedy's military and civil rights programs. Richard Helms claimed Senator Richard Russell was aware of the CIA assassination plots against Fidel Castro. Senator Russell told the Atlanta Journal "that it was at his insistence that the report stipulated that there was no evidence of a plot, rather than saying flatly none existed. [Atlanta Journal 9.28.64] Richard Russell expressed his doubts about the conclusions of the Warren Commission on a WAB-TV interview in Atlanta in January 1970. He affirmed that he believed there had, in fact, been a conspiracy: "I think someone else worked with OSWALD. Too many things cause me to doubt he planned it all by himself." Senator Russell believed the Soviets and the Cubans were involved in the assassination. He refused to sign the Warren Commission Report until a clause was added saying their conclusions represented a judgement based on the best information available. Richard Russell's lungs were already crippled by chronic emphysema and he was hospitalized in December 1970 due to a recurring respiratory infection. He died on January 22, 1971, at age 73. [Atlanta Journal 2.28.64; NYT 1.22.71; Atlanta Constitution 1.22.71]


Senator Richard Russell was from the deep South, believed in segregation, and was re-elected for decades by his constituency. Because of Senate seniority rules he was Chairman of the Armed Services Committee. In this context he came into contact with Allen Dulles. Dulles influenced Russell, when they were both on the Warren Commission, however, Russell still believed the evidence pointed to the Soviets and Cubans. Senator Richard Russell was not part of the eastern establishment. This was why he was the only dissenting voice.


Congressman Hale Boggs (born February 15, 1914) grew up in Jefferson Parish, Louisiana. He was an attorney in New Orleans who was first elected to the United States House of Representatives in 1946. Congressman Hale Boggs had questioned James Forrestal about the need to create the CIA. On April 5, 1971, he made an impassioned speech to his fellow Representatives on the tyranny of intelligence agencies turning America into a police state: "The story is colorfully recounted in a file Roll Call obtained from the FBI under the Freedom of Information Act. It began on April 5, 1971, when Boggs unexpectedly took the House floor during one-minutes to declare that 'when the FBI taps telephones of the members of this body and the members of the Senate, when the FBI stations agents on college campuses to infiltrate college organizations, when the FBI adopts the tactics of the Soviet Union and Hitler's Gestapo, then it is time - it is way past time, Mr. Speaker - that the present director no longer be the director.' That afternoon, FBI Congressional liaison Tom Bishop, one of FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover's loyal lieutenants, wrote a memo to the FBI hierarchy describing Bogg's speech: 'Our relations with Boggs generally have been cordial and a letter of congratulations was sent to him by Mr. Hoover upon his most recent re-election to the House.' wrote Bishop, 'It is not known what has gotten in to him to make this statement.' But Hoover, who had increasingly been under siege from a number of other, less prominent Members for his controversial tactics, wrote bitterly in the margin, 'Just another jackal joining the pack.'...The next afternoon, Hoover himself typed up a memo for Bishop and his closest aid, Clyde Tolson, detailing his response to Boggs. He wrote that he had spoken with House Minority Leader Gerald Ford and House Speaker Carl Albert (Dem.-OK) and informed them 'there has never been a wiretap or microphone or what we call an electronic installation on any Congressman or Senator since I have been Director, which has been since 1924.' ...Numerous prominent Members began volunteering suspicions they too had been spied on by the FBI. According to an April 7, 1971, article in Roll Call, Senators George McGovern (SD), Harold Hughes, (Iowa), and Birch Bayh (Ind) - all liberal Democrats running for President - all suspected they were being bugged and Bayh actually found a device...Boggs did not produce irrefutable evidence that the FBI had been spying on Members, but he did build a persuasive case, citing among other things the Bayh incident and a claim that Senator Ralph Yarborough (Dem. -TX) and FBI critic, 'found an electronic surveillance device in the intercom system in his desk.' He also cited a case in which the neighbor of liberal Senator Charles Percy (R-Ill.) discovered a broadcasting device underneath his car, which was always parked in front of Percy's house. Shortly thereafter, Percy's wife found two men working on the phone line outside Percy's house for what they said were 'safety purposes.' And Senator Wayne Morse (D-Ohio) another liberal, was informed of a bug in his office by a reporter." [Roll Call 8.10.92]

Congressman Hale Boggs advised his colleagues that he had evidence that the FBI was tapped his telephones. FBI document WFO-113 contained only one undeleted line: "Also on this date, Subject [CARLOS MARCELLO] placed a call to Congressman Hale Boggs, Democrat from Louisiana. (Deleted.) It is not known whether Subject actually talked to Boggs or not."

On October 16, 1972, Congressman Hale Boggs, Congressman Nick Begich, and an aide to Nick Begich, left Anchorage, Alaska, at 9:00 a.m. en route to Juneau, Alaska, (575 miles) in a twin-engine Cessna 310. They were last heard from at 9:09 a.m. when Federal Aeronautics Administration officials received a visual flight plan, just as the plane was approaching the Chugach Mountain Range. The pilot gave the route as:

(1) Over the Chugach Mountain Range to Prince William Sound.

(2) Along the coast to Glacier National Monument.

(3) To Juneau, skirting the edge of the St. Elias Mountain Range. This route would have taken them over water for a very brief period. No one on the plane was heard from again. The pilot, Don E. Jonz, had 15,000 flying hours and a good reputation. He owned Pan Alaska Airways, from which the plane was chartered. The aircraft of Don E. Johnz was not equipped with a built-in emergency radio beacon; when asked by the Federal Aeronautics Administration whether he had "emergency gear and a locator beacon aboard," the pilot replied, "Affirmative." Don E. Jonz was required by Alaska State law to carry a hand-held locator beacon. The weather forecast that day predicted no significant changes from earlier forecasts.

More than 100 private and 40 military aircraft flew up and down the southern Alaska coast in search of the missing plane. Later, two jet reconnaissance planes, each equipped with cloud-piercing electronic equipment, intensified the emergency mission, accompanied by a total of 52 other aircraft. Air Force C130s stayed aloft throughout the search, electronically equipped to locate the emergency beacon of the Cessna aircraft. The Air Force brought out the SR-71, the successor to the U-2, to aerially photograph the landscape. There were 55 sightings of material thought to be wreckage, but none of it came from the plane. The NTSB called the mission "one of the most extensive searches in recent aviation history." After 3,600 hours of serial hunting, not a trace of the wreckage was ever found.


Even more mysterious was the fact that the C130s were unable to pick up any radio signals from the emergency equipment aboard the Cessna. Had the transmitter been destroyed even though it was specifically designed to survive a plane crash? After the crash, a hand-held emergency beacon was found in the cabin of another Pan Alaska aircraft; it was said to belong to Don E. Jonz. This seemed to explain the missing emergency radio signal. However, a witness who had seen the pilot, recalled that Don E. Jonz had an unidentified object in his briefcase the size and shape of an emergency locator. This locator was a different color than those sold at Anchorage Airport. Was it a bomb? The NTSB concluded it was "unable to determine the probable cause of the accident." [NTSB Report AAR-72-28]


Congressman Hale Boggs son, Thomas Boggs, disclosed to the press in 1975 that the FBI had leaked damaging material to his father about the personal lives of researchers who studied the Kennedy assassination. Congressman Hale Boggs placed this material in the care of his son. Thomas Boggs added that his father "felt personally intimidated by the FBI's visits to see him. It was, you know, 'We know this and that about you, and a lot of things could come out in public about you.'" The FBI sent reports on seven Warren Commission critics to the Johnson White House. An FBI document:


TO: Mr. Callahan


SUBJECT: Information Concerning Washington Star news article dated January 31, 1975, Regarding Hale Boggs' Son Claiming Possession of File on Warren Commission Critics.


The Washington Star News, a Washington, D.C. daily newspaper, carried an article in the January 31, 1975, edition under an Associated Press release captioned "Boggs Son Tells of Files on Warren Panel." The article quotes Tom H. Boggs, Jr., son of the late Representative Hale Boggs, as claiming that in 1970 his father gave him dossiers which the FBI compiled on critics of the Warren Commission in an attempt to discredit them. According to the article, Boggs son stated "they weren't basically sex files. They had some of that element, but most of the material dealt with left wing organizations these people belonged to."

Tom H. Boggs, Jr. declined to identify all seven of the critical authors but stated that writer Edward J. Epstein and lawyer Mark Lane were among the individuals whom he had information regarding. Boggs Jr. reportedly stated that the information given him by his father included a photograph of one of the seven engaging in an unnatural sex act with two women.


In a review of Bureau files by the Inspection Staff, no evidence was found that any information of this nature was ever disseminated directly to Hale Boggs from the FBI.

However, the Bureau file review indicates that on November 8, 1966, memoranda were furnished to Marvin Watson, Special Assistant to President Johnson, at the White House, setting forth pertinent information contained in Bureau files regarding background on seven individuals who wrote unfavorable articles concerning the Warren Commission findings.

The seven individuals mentioned in the memorandum to Mr. Watson were Edward J. Epstein, Joachim Joesten, Penn Jones, Mark Lane, Richard Popkin, Leo Sauvage and Harold Weisberg.

In addition to background information regarding the seven critics of the Warren Commission, we disseminated to Mr. Watson at the White House one facial photograph of Mark Lane, one obscene photograph of Mark Lane lying on a bed, a hand printed instruction by Lane regarding perverted sexual acts, and signed statements from two women concerning the performance of unnatural sexual acts on the person of Mark Lane.

Regarding the dissemination concerning Mark Lane, were received information that in 1962 the District Attorney of Queens County, New York, conducted an investigation of Mark Lane for alleged sodomy. At that time, statements from two women were received, along with an obscene photograph of Mark Lane and hand printed instructions which Mark Lane gave to one of the girls in order that they could perform upon his person perverted sexual acts of a sadistic masochistic nature.

The background information furnished to the White House regarding Mark Lane indicated that he is an attorney, born in New York City on February 24, 1927, and that he has a long history of affiliation with Communist Party groups and organizations.

Lane was elected to the New York State Assembly in 1960 and in May 1962, he was defeated in an attempt to secure the nomination as a candidate for the United States House of Representatives from the 19th Congressional District in New York.


There is no evidence to indicate that Representative Hale Boggs received information disseminated from the Bureau regarding persons critical of the Warren Commission, or information concerning the immoral activity of Mark Lane. As this information was furnished to the White House, it appears that President Johnson, or a member of the White House disseminated it to the Warren Commission, of which Representative Boggs was a member or directly to Boggs.

No written request from the White House to furnish information regarding Warren Commission critics was located in Bureau files; however, according to Bureau Supervisors James C. Farrington and James M. Murphy, who were in the Crime Records Division in 1966, and assisted in the preparation of the summary memoranda mentioned above, which was furnished to the White House, this request from the White House appeared to be a routine telephonic request which was taken through Assistant Director DeLoach's office. At that time it was customary for the White House to telephonically request background information directly through the Crime Records Division and the response to the request would be delivered through Mr. DeLoach, who had liaison directly with the White House.[FBI 62-109090-635X]

In the Summer of 1992 Roll Call published a story, allegedly based on FBI documents, which revealed that the Government had received a report, shortly after the plane disappeared, that experimental tracking equipment had located the wreckage of an airplane near Yakutat, Alaska, and that there were two survivors. This researcher was unable to locate these documents. The wife of Nick Begich stated: "It's a mystery. What did happen? How did it happen? My children wish there were answers." HEMMING told this researcher: "The people who do this shit are independent contractors. They have nothing to do with the politics of anybody. If the plane got blown to shit over the water, they ain't gonna recover nothing."

Robert Olsen of the Rockefeller Commission reported that "HUNT categorically denied...any participation or involvement whatever in the attempted assassination of Governor Wallace, the disappearance of Congressman Hale Boggs or the shooting of Senator Stennis." [NARA SSCIA 157-10011-10090] Senator Stennis was shot on January 31, 1973, in front of his home in the capital during an apparent robbery. Three black men were convicted of this crime. There was no political motive.


On June 19, 1964, at 10:00 p.m., Senator Birch Bayh (Dem.-IN) and Senator Edward M. Kennedy (Dem.-MS) were injured in a private plane crash on the way to the Massachusetts Democratic Convention. A local physician declared it was amazing that Edward M. Kennedy had survived. The pilot, an experienced airman familiar with the airport in question, was killed, and two other people were injured. The crash was blamed on poor weather. The seven-passenger plane was making an instrument approach when it lost contact with the airport control tower. There was no previous indication of trouble. Moments before the crash, the twin-engine plane dropped 2,000 feet in one minute. The normal rate of landing descent for that type of plane was 500 feet-a-minute. The left propeller of the plane was immobilized when the craft hit the ground. Upon investigation, an official said the propeller showed signs of being turned back; the mystery of the apparent loss of engine power was indecipherable. The Director of the Massachusetts Aeronautics Institute said the plane may have been flying "at altitudes lower than those required for safe clearance of high terrain in the vicinity." The Civil Aeronautics Board investigated the crash. The results of its investigation were destroyed. The only record that remained was a computer printout which assigned the probable cause of the crash to "Pilot In Command - Improper IFR [Instrument Flight Rules] Operation - Factors: Low ceiling and Fog; Weather Briefing Received; Forecast substantially correct; Visibility at Accident Site 2 miles or less."


In 1968 Senator Bayh began to advocate the withdrawal of American troops from Vietnam. Senator Bayh blocked the confirmation of two of President NIXON'S nominees for seats on the Supreme Court, Clement F. Haynesworth, and G. Harrold Carswell. In 1971 Senator Birch Bayh suspected his telephone was bugged. Equipment used by the Sergeant-at-Arms of the Senate indicated there was a bug in the office of Birch Bayh. [Roll Call 4.7.71] In 1972 Bayh made a brief run for the Democratic presidential nomination, but withdrew when his wife underwent surgery for cancer. [NYT 7.26.80] In the late 1970's Birch Bayh became Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee.


An intruder entered the home of Senator Charles Percy (Rep.-IL) in Kenilworth, Illinois, on September 18, 1966, and brutally murdered his 21-year-old daughter, Valerie Percy. Senator Percy, a Christian Scientist, was the former President of Bell and Howell. Valerie Percy died of a fractured skull and 14 stab wounds: "An autopsy today showed that two stab wounds in the abdomen had penetrated the liver, one in the left breast had penetrated the heart, one in the right breast had reached a lung, and one through the throat had been stopped by the spinal column. Coroner Andrew J. Toman said there were also several cuts on the face, apparently inflicted with a double-edged knife, and several abrasions, like tooth marks, on two fingers of her right hand. But he said that death was caused by heavy blows to the left side of Miss Percy's head. He said the blows had probably been inflicted before the knifing since the victim did not scream. He said they had shattered her skull, leaving triangular depressions." [NYT 9.20.66 p43] Cash plainly visible on the dresser was left undisturbed. This was the first murder in Kenilworth in 75 years. Senator Percy's wife heard moaning from Valerie Percy's bedroom and discovered her murderer standing over her with a knife. The murderer had found his way onto the back patio of the Percy's home and cut through the locked screen door and pane of glass to gain entrance. The police conducted an extensive investigation and theorized the murderer was familiar with the layout of the Percy estate because the family dog alerted no one to the intrusion. The crime remained unsolved. When Charles Percy commenced his Senate campaign against Senator Paul Douglas (Dem.-IL), the police advised him to hire a bodyguard because he may have been the intended victim of the killer. Senator Paul Douglas, a former Marine, campaigned as a hawk, and suggested that small nuclear weapons should be used in Vietnam. Charles Percy wanted an Asian peace conference.

Former Vice President RICHARD NIXON was scheduled to campaign for Senator Percy around this time. He canceled his plans to do so and attended Valerie Percy's funeral. Senator Charles Percy was on NIXON'S Enemies List in the early 1970's. In 1971 Senator Charles Percy was also the victim of a bugging device; it was positioned on the underside of his car. On June 21, 1972, the FBI reported on a telephone number connected with the Watergate break-in this manner: "Telephone number three one two dash W T E A U E O T is believed to be typing error created by misplacing of hands on bottom line of keyboard. Instead of third, above letter combination would result from an intention to strike number two five three dash seven three nine five." (Striking of letter "A" was unexplained.) This telephone number lists to Thomas J. Houser. Chicago indices reflect Thomas J. Houser was formerly state campaign manager for U.S. Senator Charles H. Percy, in 1966...Was counter-intelligence agent U.S. Army...Thomas J. Houser will be contacted regarding his knowledge of McCORD and other Subjects..." [WFO 139-166 6.2172 rec. 6.27.72 serial illegible 139-4081-76]


Birch Bayh, who almost lost his life on June 19, 1964, was a liberal. Senator Ted Kennedy was also a liberal. Senator Percy was a liberal Republican. The attack on Valerie Percy September 18, 1966, seemed to have been committed by a violent psychopath, and not by a professional assassin, however, someone could have pointed this person in Valerie Percy's direction. Hale Boggs, a conservative democrat, who died on October 16, 1972, had ties with CARLOS MARCELLO, so it is difficult to say what happened to him. There were other liberals having problem with air travel around this time:


The fatal plane crash of Walter Reuther, a liberal who was head of the United Automobile Workers union on May 9, 1970, also raised questions.

In 1933 Victor and Walter Reuther had lived and worked in the Soviet Union. They were favorably impressed with pre-Stalinist Marxist-Leninism. In 1937 Walter Reuther became the leader of a United Automobile Workers insurgent faction that included Communists. The FBI reported: "He ran for the Common Council in Detroit in the 1937 election on a Communist Party of the United States of America ticket." [FBI 61-9556-283, p8] In 1940 J. Edgar Hoover stated: "Walter Reuther was one of the Reuther brothers of the CIO, an avowed Communist, who was educated at the propaganda college in Moscow; was sent to this country eight or nine years ago, and was active in the Detroit area." It was suggested to the FBI by one of its informants that Walter Reuther's anti-communism was insincere, and merely a self-serving ruse in his quest for power. Walter Reuther was characterized as a Communist mole within the labor movement. The Communist Party of the United States of America had tried to recruit Walter Reuther, but was unsuccessful. In June 1963, Victor Lasky reported that Walter Reuther had urged United States Attorney General Robert Kennedy to curb the FBI's war on Communism. [NY Journal American 6.5.63]


In early April 1948, Walter Reuther received an unsigned letter threatening him with bodily harm from someone who claimed to be a communist. On April 20, 1948, (one week after labor leader Jorge Gaitan's death), someone fired a shotgun through the kitchen window of the Reuther home. Walter Reuther was almost killed. The FBI refused to investigate the case since there was no violation of federal law. To this day, it remains unsolved.

On May 24, 1949, an assassination attempt was made on Walter Reuther's brother, Victor Reuther. At 11:50 p.m. an unidentified assailant fired a shotgun blast through the window of Victor Reuther's home. A double barrel 12-gauge Stevens shotgun was found in the shrubbery outside the window. Again, Hoover refused to investigate. The Detroit Police Commissioner requested the FBI "investigate the shipment of 735 shotguns of the same make that apparently was used in the Victor Reuther shooting. These guns were shipped to 26 places." Assistant Director Nichols commented: "This would necessitate at least 735 individual interviews coupled with additional checking in those instances where the guns were transferred." Despite a $200,000 reward offered by the United Automobile Workers, this case was also unsolved. The New York Post: "The methods of the would-be assassin who shot Walter Reuther more than a year ago, and the assailant of his brother Victor, are so similar as to suggest that both these cowardly attacks were the work of the same criminal..." The Justice Department believed that "press dispatches have indicated for some time past that the Reuthers actively fought the Communist element in the labor movement...and consequently incurred their enmity." Walter Reuther was part of the anti-Communist left, a democratic socialist who followed Norman Thomas. Other factions in the United Automobile Workers included a Communist Party-oriented faction and a conservative, anti-communist group, influenced by the CIA's neo-conservative Jay Lovestone. In 1967 Jack Anderson reported that Lovestone "takes orders from Cord Meyer of the CIA."

In December 1957, Ralph Winstead, a detective employed by the United Automobile Workers who investigated the Walter Reuther shooting for eight years, vanished. Ralph Winstead's body, frozen and dressed in fisherman's clothing, was recovered a few days later from Lake St. Clair. The coroner ruled the death accidental.


David Halberstam related the President Kennedy planned to replace John McCone as CIA Director with Jack Conway, Walter Reuther's chief political lobbyist. In 1966 Victor Reuther told Drew Pearson and The Los Angeles Times that many of the AFL/CIO's overseas operations were conduits for the CIA. Victor Reuther named CIA labor operatives and CIA-founded unions. He described AID and AIFLD as CIA conduits. This allegation angered former CIA Staffer Thomas Braden and he revealed that in 1967, that some time between 1950, and 1954, he gave the Reuther brothers $50,000 of CIA funds. Braden was born in Dubuque, Iowa, on February 22, 1918. As World War II approached, he enlisted in the British Army. When the United States entered the war, he served in the OSS. He joined the CIA in 1950 as Special Assistant to Allen Dulles. In 1948 Braden married the former Joan Ridley, whom he met when she was on Nelson Rockefeller's staff.

Walter Reuther admitted having taken the money, and said that Braden had tried to recruit his brother Victor as a CIA agent: "Victor was contacted by Tom Braden at the U.S. Embassy in Paris and asked to become a CIA agent, using as a 'front' his position [with the CIO]." Braden stated: "Victor spent the money, mostly in West Germany, to bolster labor unions there. He tried undercover techniques to keep me from finding out how he spent it. But I had my own undercover techniques." Braden gave Walter Reuther the money in $50 bills.


Although funding non-communist labor unions was a common practice, had Walter Reuther misappropriated any of these funds, the CIA would have been able to get a handle on him. Victor Reuther wrote: "I was still in Paris when the transfer of the $50 bills took place. The $50,000 was obviously an attempt to silence us..."


In 1960 NIXON called Walter Reuther "a labor leader-turned- radical politician." In 1962, Walter Reuther, a member of the Tractors for Freedom Committee, helped conduct negotiations to release the Bay of Pigs Brigade prisoners from Cuba. NIXON called this "submission to blackmail."


By 1964 any assassination attempt against the Reuthers would prove troublesome due to a bullet-proof car, and several bodyguards from the United Automobile Workers Union. In October 1964 the Reuther brothers had another brush with death as they flew to Washington. Victor Reuther explained: "A slight rain was falling as we circled for an 11:35 a.m. landing at Dulles Airport [in our leased Executive Jet Aviation, Inc. Lear Jet]. At 500 or 600 feet the copilot called, 'Runway in sight,' and the pilot went visual. The sky at this point was clear and the plane was allowed by the tower to continue its descent toward the runway. At that very instant, both pilots realized the aircraft was too low. As the pilot leveled, there was a jolt, the plane shuddered, and when the wheels touched there was a loud dragging and scraping sound, and then enormous sparks as the metal hit the concrete. The plane whipped from side to side, nearly capsizing, but the pilots held it to the runway until it had slowed sufficiently to allow them to maneuver it onto the soft surface of an open field. The engines and all electric power were cut off, and we were told to leave the plane at once. Suspecting a fuel leak and fearing a fire, the crew even cut off radio contact with the tower. We could see that we had struck a steel girder as we was later determined that this steel object was 'the inner marker antenna which is approximately 12 feet above the ground and 82 feet below the proper glide angle for an ILS approach.' The altimeter setting was reported to have been 29.96 inches. When the crew decided it was safe to resume radio contact with the tower, which had no idea where we were, a rescue car came out to retrieve us."


On May 9, 1970, Walter and May Reuther, Oskar Stronorov, William Wolfman, George Evans and Joseph Karrafa were killed when their Executive Jet Aviation M43EJ Lear Jet crashed at Emmet County Airport in Pellston, Michigan. Victor Reuther wrote: "Like others, I have been haunted continually by the question, 'Was the crash accidental?' There had been so many attempts on Walter's life. But from the intensive FAA investigation, the facts seem to say clearly that it was caused by human error, not neglect..." The FAA/NTSB found "no indication of sabotage." An examination of the reports by Barfield and Kollsman Instruments, on which the National Transportation Safety Board based their findings, told a different story.


The National Transportation Safety Board report stated that "while all systems were irreparably damaged [including the co-pilot's altimeter], information was nevertheless obtained from a few units. The captain's altimeter showed a reading of 1400 feet M.S.L. with an altimeter setting 29.75 inches..." This was similar to the altimeter reading uncovered after the crash of October 1964. The altimeter was sent to Barfield Instruments, and then to James W. Angus at Kollsman Instruments for examination. The Kollsman Instrument's report stated: "No identification was present to trace the specific instrument type and date of manufacture. The mechanism construction isolated the unit to one of three major types, each of which had numerous variations, none of which were TSO certified. All of these types were essentially military."


Had an untraceable altimeter been substituted for the original? Had this altimeter been constructed and tested so that it would fail at a specific, critical time during the flight?


The jet Walter Reuther was on had been initially assigned a ferry job from Columbus to Akron, Ohio. The plane refueled at Akron and went on to Detroit's City Airport, then on to Detroit's Metro Airport. According to Victor Reuther: "It was on the ground only 20 minutes, taxiing in and out before it loaded Walter and his party at 8:44 p.m. The Lear Company maintained that it was impossible for anyone but trusted officials of their firm to have known who was to use the plane..." Steven I. Schlossberg, who conducted the investigation of the crash for the United Automobile Workers, reported: "In view of the fact that almost no one outside of top officials of Executive Jet could have known the identity of the passengers and there was little, if any, chance for ground tampering of this airplane, it appears to me that further investigation on a private basis is unwarranted." David O. Norris, a private detective hired by Elizabeth Reuther Dickmeyer, youngest daughter of Walter Reuther, discovered evidence to the contrary: "Just hours after the crash a reporter from the Detroit News talked to the night dispatcher at Butler Aviation who said he knew that Walter Reuther was on the plane." Mrs. Dickmeyer stated that her father was going up to Black Lake almost every weekend, and that information would not have been hard to discern. Twenty minutes on the ground gave the saboteur enough time to change an altimeter. Aside from the fact it had no past, there were many other strange things about the captain's altimeter:


A report from the Barfield Instrument Corporation dated May 19, 1970, stated: "One of the set screws was out of the rocking shaft, allowing the calibration arm assembly to be loose in the shaft. There was an indentation adjacent to the missing set screw hole. The set screw, which was missing from the rocking shaft, was recovered from within the case. Inspection revealed charred aluminum in the brass screw threads. The rocking shaft screw hole was inspected and found to have the threads torn out."

A report from the Kollsman Instrument Company stated: "If the questionable calibration arm set screws were loose..."

Click HERE and HERE and HERE to see this.


The screw had not fallen out due to worn out or damaged threads. Photographs of the set screw revealed normal threading. The screw hole shaft had its threads "torn," or drilled out. This was why it popped out. This was consistent with the indentation mark near the screw hole, that looked like a mark a left by a high speed drill bit that had drilled in the wrong area, then quickly withdrawn. The proper hole was located, and the threads were drilled out. The set screw was put back in place. The altimeter looked intact, even though it had been tampered with. As the rocking arm rotated, erroneous information would be transmitted to the dials from the altimeter's pressure capsule.

The Kollsman Instrument Report: "If the questionable calibration arm set screws were loose at the time of the approach under concern, the instrument would probably have indicated high by roughly 225 to 250 feet." This finding was based on a test during which the rocking shaft "calibration arm set screw was loosened. The unit was exposed to 10,000 ft. pressure altitude, then the return scale error readings were recorded."

This error was significant. Walter Reuther's jet had been cleared for an instrument landing and broke through scattered clouds at 400 feet. But it landed short of the airport, and crashed into 50-foot elm trees. The jet engines were immediately stopped by the branches. The momentum of the plane took it 269 feet farther, cutting through the trees; then it exploded into a ball of fire. The bodies were burned beyond recognition except for dental records. The crash occurred because the pilot thought he was flying higher than was indicated by the altimeter readings. Weather conditions that day were reported as "scattered clouds at 400 feet, measured ceiling 800 feet overcast, visibility seven miles, thunderstorms and light rain showers, wind at ten knots." The crew was experienced: Captain Evans with 7760 flight hours and his copilot, Karaffa, with 6533.

The loose set screw could not be explained. A Kollsman Instrument Report attempted to explain the indentation: "Examination of the shaft indicated physical damage adjacent to the questionable screw hole in the shaft. Further microscopic examination leads to the belief that this was due to causes other than upset by staking, due to the lack of upset material adjacent to the depression, and hole shape. It was more likely caused by high heat and pressure of a part laying in contact. A staked depression would deform the adjacent holes and shaft as noted in Photo 45 which was purposely done on an equivalent shaft at room temperature." The altimeter, however, had only been partially opened by crash events and the rocking shaft in question was still shielded by the altimeter's case. It could not have been caused by "a part laying in contact." Click HERE to see this. The Barfield Report never addressed itself to where the drill mark came from, or how the threads had been torn out. The Kollsman Report speculated that the damaged threads, and loose screw, might have been caused by heat damage: "Examination of a similar rocking shaft exposed to 1100 degrees Fahrenheit, believed to be higher than that which the subject instrument was exposed to, showed that with a thread which is unabused, and with a properly tightened screw:

a)the screw did not come out due to high temperature exposure:

b)there is an aluminum deposit on the brass screw threads under load:

c)the thread in the shaft tapped hole, Photo 39, is not damaged to the extent shown on Photos 24, 25, 26 and 27."

This ruled out heat damage as being responsible for the threads being torn out.


The investigators at Kollsman agreed with those at Barfield that the set screw was in place during the crash. The Kollsman Report stated: "Examination of the calibration arm, Photo 31, and 32, and the end of the questionable screw show discolorations whose shapes tend to confirm that this screw was in position at the time of exposure to high temperature. The questionable calibration arm set screw is reasoned to have been in position at the time the X-ray pictures were taken (analysis of the X-ray, Photo 10, and Photo 5 NTSB picture) and Photos 11 - 14 allow the conclusion that the questionable calibration arm set screw was in the shaft at the time the X-ray was taken and the stains on the calibration arm indicate that the arm position was reasonably correct." The Barfield Report, which was based on the primary examination of the unit, agreed: "One of the set screws was out of the rocking shaft, allowing the calibration arm assembly to be loose in the shaft. However, a bright spot on the arm in the area indicated (ref D) was in position in line with the set screw hole at the time the mechanism was removed from the case."


No test was conducted to determine if the set screw, sitting in a drilled-out thread, would leave a similar mark; with the threads torn, it could not have left a bright spot or stain on the shaft, since there would have been a total absence of tension. Even if there were tension, the screw would have left traces of movement on the shaft. When recovered, the rocking shaft was bent, so the screw must have changed position. The screw was tightened prior to the drilling-out of its base threads, so that the screw left the proper mark on the shaft. The fact that the screw was still in place after the crash, and was in a virtually pristine condition, while the threads that surrounded it had been obliterated was, furthermore, never addressed. There were several other problems with the construction of this altimeter:


According to a Kollsman Instrument report, the same rocking shaft that contained the missing set screw "has the improper pivot on the forward end." The Kollsman report stated: "One of the pivots which supports the rear of the rocking shaft was incorrect in that it is intended for a ring stone application only. If it was placed in the end of the shaft that did not have an end stone, it means that the improper jewel installation in the rocking shaft A was noted." Click HERE to see this.


The correct pivot was conical, the incorrect pivot was flat. The technician that placed the wrong pivot should have realized that the end stone had been "installed in an inverted position." On the opposite end of the same rocking shaft the end stone was missing and the ring jewel was pushed off center. The forward jewel for this shaft was damaged (oval recess) but not cracked. A drawing of this shaft and its jeweled bearings pointed out several areas of "possible interference" with the altimeter's accuracy as a result of these mismatches. Click HERE to see this.


The link pin of the same rocking shaft was incorrect. "Pin installed was a P/N 371-80 (should be 1357-37)." The correct link pin ends were flat, while the incorrect one was tapered on one end. The Kollsman Report stated: "The link from shaft A to the capsule is the unit which had the improper link pin in the spring clip on the capsule."


Any part that comes into contact with the altitude capsule itself is critical. The technician who assembled the altimeter had made too many mistakes in the same area, to have done so innocently.

The Kollsman report concluded: "Considerable reinspection of altimeters of same repair history is recommended to ensure that the altimeters in service are in accordance with the manufacturer's recommended standards regarding parts used, assembly techniques, and calibration/compensation." [Reuther, Victor The Brothers Reuther Houghton-Mifflin 1976; NYT 5.8.67, 5.11.1970; Kollsman and Barfield reports; NTSB records]


In April 1993, Victor Reuther received documentation of the preceding information. He stated: "I've had very strong suspicions from the day the accident occurred. I'm convinced there was tampering with the altimeter and, although the plane was on the ground for only a short time, it was time enough. The full story was not told. When I wrote my book I had not seen these files. I relied on the then-General Counsel of the United Automobile Workers, Steve Schlossberg, who I know from later experience was not too eager to make the investigation terribly thorough...He was more interested in passing the reigns of power to the new president, Leonard Woodcock, and getting the Reuther years behind him, so I felt he was too quick to accept the findings...he is now in Washington as the official representative of the ILO [International Labor Organization]..."


Schlossberg had made reference to a faulty altimeter in his report: "This possibility is discounted because there were two altimeters in this particular Lear Jet, but the instrumentation is still being checked." Schlossberg was sent a copy of this analysis and contacted. He stated that as he understood it, the cause of the crash was a faulty altimeter. He took the technicians' word there was no evidence of sabotage. Steve Schlossberg told this researcher: "It's not my field. The technical part of the report was like a foreign language to me. I was impressed with the honesty of the people who were doing this." He did not believe Walter Reuther's death was the result of a conspiracy, nor did he believe CIA had any motive to assassinate him. He elaborated: "Walter Reuther became a dove in the middle of the Hubert Humphrey - NIXON election. He was very much a hawk. A wonderful guy, but he was for the war. He was Johnson's biggest supporter. Walter finally opposed the war, but he never made it into a crusade. In the future he probably would have, he was a wonderful guy and it's too bad he didn't come around earlier. But when he did come around, it was great, and who knows what he would have developed into. Probably something wonderful."

HEMMING commented: "Sabotage of the altimeters would not do the job. Every instrument rated pilot sets the field elevation published on the front of the control tower when he takes off. You check if what the tower just gave you is correct. He'd know something was wrong. The fact it was a war surplus altimeter is strange. They don't put them in Lear Jets. Instrument Landing System, ILS, is a separate instrument you are viewing that had the cross-hairs. You're going up against an instrument pilot who's been through partial panel training, where you have a failure of half your critical instruments. You don't file with just one clue. There was also a radar altimeter."


NIXON called Walter Reuther's death "a deep loss." With Walter Reuther dead, AFL-CIO President George Meany's hawkish views on the Vietnam war went unopposed. Of the Vietnam war, Walter Reuther had stated: "It has divided this nation. It is wasting our resources that we need at home and it is tarnishing our moral credentials in the world." Victor Reuther: "My brother came out against it and that opposition persisted through the Johnson years. Vietnam soured the relationship between Johnson and my brother."

Victor Reuther now believes that sabotage was involved in his brother's death; however, he did not believe it was the CIA: "What I did not garner from the material you sent me was that it was the CIA...there are all kinds of wing groups, who could hire sophisticated people; there was a history of right-wing attacks on us." It was explained to Victor Reuther that an intelligence agency was often involved in sabotage of a sophisticated nature. Victor Reuther wondered if organized crime or the Communist Party was involved. It was pointed out to Victor Reuther that no mafia figures had offered valid information on the plane crash. Victor Reuther conceded that this was true. He added that he believed the altimeter had been tampered with during the earlier plane crash, and that the two accidents were related.


From November 22, 1963, to June 17, 1972, many people opposed to the war in Vietnam were assassinated or were involved in fatal, or near fatal, accidents. Others were discredited. OPERATION CHAOS targeted dissidents when they traveled abroad. OPERATION PHOENIX targeted Viet Cong leaders. If ever there was a domestic assassination program within the United States carried on by renegade government agents and their associates, it was from November 22, 1963, to June 17, 1972. From June 17, 1972, to August 9, 1974, there was an effort made to cover up Watergate and its relation to the Kennedy assassination, which apparently resulted in the crash of United Airlines Flight 533.


J. Lee Rankin was the General Counsel of the Warren Commission. The FBI reported: "J. Lee Rankin, chief counsel of the Commission, has been investigated twice by the Bureau. An applicant-type investigation was conducted in 1953 prior to his employment with the Department. He was investigated again in 1955 when he was being considered as the Department's representative to the President's Committee on Disarmament Problems. Both investigations were favorable, and our relations with him while he was in the Department were cordial." [FBI Belmont to Rosen 1.23.64]

Allen Dulles opposed the appointment of J. Lee Rankin as the Chief Counsel of the Warren Commission:

Warren: Before Allen goes away, I think we ought to discuss the question of the counsel, because we had our meeting at eight thirty this morning and we discussed Mr. Rankin. Mr. McCloy, and Mr. Dulles, and Congressman Ford, all had some reservations about whether he has the great ability to do this job. I'm sure that discretion is used here, but I told them I would not want to have anyone here that would not have the full confidence of the Commission...

Dulles: I have checked very carefully on Mr. Rankin and I give you my proxy to go ahead, to go with him before we have another meeting. There are one or two other names, if Mr. Rankin's name does not come to the top among all of you. I would like to have another look at (Deleted) a little older than the age limit that has been suggested.

Warren: Little older than forty, he's seventy four.

Dulles: He's that exactly, but he's a vigorous 74. I just checked on him recently as far as his health was concerned. (Deleted) I have had very, very, well described to me. I don't know him personally. There is a man in the younger bracket named (Deleted), who came down with (Deleted) and made a great impression here, who is a lawyer. Whether he's available or not, I don't know. He's in government now, and is working with AID.

McCloy: He's in the War Department. (Deleted)

Dulles: He's been highly recommended...

Warren: ...[Rankin] has lived for causes all his life. They wanted to make him a (Deleted) when he left there, and he wouldn't take it because he wanted to be able to work for causes. I suppose if he had taken a job as (Deleted) everybody would say "there's a hell of big man." But he wouldn't do it because he took this job; he thought it was a cause to serve over there and he just dedicated himself to it.

Russell: Mr. Chairman, if it is in order, I move the Chief Justice, Mr. McCloy and should constitute a subcommittee to look into this matter, and I would like to have Mr. Ford, too, to interview Mr. (Deleted) and others, and to select a counsel for this Commission.

In 1972 Charles Colson attempted to recruit J. Lee Rankin for Watergate Special Prosecutor. NIXON eventually hired J. Lee Rankin to edit the strategic portions of the White House tapes.



Burt Griffen was a former assistant U.S. Attorney General who became a judge in Ohio. Griffin investigated the RUBY aspect of the assassination. Griffen was interviewed by this researcher in 1977. He stated that he did not believe RUBY was a member of organized crime, despite his numerous syndicate associates. He said "Everyone knows somebody connected with organized crime - a bookie, etc." He was convinced that OSWALD acted alone. Burt Griffin was hired by the Office of Economic Opportunity.


Norman Redlich was the only Warren Commission Assistant Counsel who had a civil libertarian background. Very few documents were generated by him.


Joe Ball handled "the identity of the assassin issue" with David Belin. Ball had been an old friend of Earl Warren and believed that was why Warren hired him. David Belin did an article entitled "The Second Gunman Syndrome" for William Buckley's National Review. [4.27.79]


David Slawson, whose father was a close friend of Gerald Ford, was appointed General Counsel of the Federal Price Control Commission by NIXON. David Slawson was in the United States Army from 1954 to 1956. He was trained as a combat engineer at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, and served as a communications clerk at the anti-aircraft artillery at Fort MacArthur, California, and as a mathematical physicist for the Chemical Corps at Dugway Proving Ground, Utah, a poison gas testing center, before joining the Warren Commission. [NYT 4.19.72] David Slawson told the HSCA: "I suppose I had a little bit more than the average person's knowledge about the CIA, very slightly. My recollection is that the CIA, when I was in college, recruited people...I knew one or two people in the class ahead of me who, by all accounts, went to work for the CIA, and it was something I briefly considered myself..." [HSCA V11 p42] During his time as a Warren Commission counsel, David Slawson worked with the CIA. David Slawson handled the "Possible Conspiratorial Relationships" aspect of the investigation, and he weighed the possibility of an anti-Castro Cuban plot: "My theory was that...the anti-Castro Cubans were very angry with Kennedy because they felt they had been betrayed with the Bay of Pigs. OSWALD, on the other hand, was identified publicly with Castro, he was pro-Castro. So, we felt that if somehow the anti-Castro Cubans could have got OSWALD to do it, or had done it themselves, but framed OSWALD, either way, somehow put the blame on OSWALD, that they would achieve two objectives...revenge on Kennedy...possibly cause an invasion of Cuba..." When asked whether he ever questioned the reliability of CIA information because of the involvement of the CIA with anti-Castro Cuban exiles, he replied: "No. I concluded that Raymond Rocca's strong anti-Castro feeling did not bias, or did not prevent him, from being an honest investigator." When asked whether he ever considered the plausibility of CIA involvement as part of his anti-Castro theory, David Slawson responded: "No, I don't think that I entertained very long the possibility that Rocca, or anybody else I had known at the CIA, was in any way involved in the Kennedy killing." [HSCA V11 p57]


William T. Coleman was a native Philadelphian, born on July 7, 1920. He was a former clerk to Justice Felix Frankfurter of the Supreme Court. He was the first Blackman to serve as a law clerk to a Supreme Court Justice. He was a registered Republican. During the Eisenhower administration Coleman was on the President's Committee on Governmental Employment Policy. As a Republican, Mr. Coleman served in appointed Federal positions under four Presidents. He was a delegate to the United Nations and a member of President NIXON'S Price Commission. He is reported to have advised Mr. NIXON to resign, rather than undergo an impeachment proceeding. He is on the record as saying a President should be allowed to destroy tapes and documents before leaving office. Coleman has been a Board Member of the New York Stock Exchange, and a Director of the Rand Corporation. He was a director of the National Civil Service League, and the Council on Foreign Relations. [NYT 1.14.75 p.23] The FBI reported that back in 1959, a Special Inquiry investigation was conducted concerning Coleman, Bufile 77-80913. [FBI 62-109060-66] Coleman had a security clearance from the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, headed by John J. McCloy, and the Atomic Energy Commission. William Coleman was on leave from the law firm of J. Richardson Dilworth, Dilworth, Paxson, Kalish, Kohn & Dilks. Dilworth was Chairman of the Board of Rockefeller Center, and a director of the Chase Manhattan Bank. In 1965 Dilworth's associates included Roger Blough, Chairman of U.S. Steel, who had received a letter from President Kennedy in 1961, warning him not to raise steel prices. Blough resented Kennedy's interference and said so publically. Blough was tied in with the Bechtel Corporation. [L. McCartney, Friends In High Places p107] George Champion, former head of the Chase Manhattan Bank, (he joined the bank in 1930), was an associate of Dilworth and of former CIA Director William Casey, Martin S. Davis of Gulf and Western and Donald Kendall of Pepsico. [Persico, J. William Casey 1991 p172,458] JAMES McCORD reported "The Chase Manhattan Bank was a former NIXON law client in the 1960's and its Chairman, George Champion, a close friend of the President." [Piece of Tape p208] Champion was a fundamentalist Christian who supported Billy Graham's crusades. Another associate of Dilworth, John DeWitt, worked with John J. McCloy on the interment of Japanese Americans during World War II. NIXON considered Coleman for Watergate Special Prosecutor, and President Gerald Ford appointed him Secretary of Transportation. William Coleman examined "Possible Conspiratorial Relationships" with David Slawson, and worked closely with the CIA. [NYT 1.14.75 p23, 5.4.73; WR 477; CIA 988-927B, 618-793 Note J. Richardson Dilworth and Richardson Dilworth former Mayor of Phil. are two different people.]


Leon Dayries Hubert was born in New Orleans, Louisiana, on July 1, 1911; he attended Tulane University where he became president of the Phi Beta Kappa honor society. He received his degree in law in 1934, and he practiced law in New Orleans. Hubert was an Assistant United States Attorney in the Eastern District of Louisiana from November 12, 1934, to 1942. The FBI: "Hubert was investigated in 1937 as a departmental applicant. He was under consideration for appointment as Assistant United States Attorney in New Orleans. This investigation was entirely favorable. He was considered brilliant, above average in ability, excellent personal character, habits and reputation." Leon Hubert resigned his post as Assistant United States Attorney General in 1942 as a result of the war. In May 1941, a confidential informant told the FBI that Leon Hubert's name was obtained from ledger cards at the National Headquarters of the National Lawyers Guild, which had been cited as a Communist front. [FBI 77-8959-4] Hubert resigned from the Guild in 1940. From 1945 to 1946, Hubert was again a Assistant United States Attorney General. In Hubert 1946 he became a law professor at Tulane University. Hubert was elected District Attorney of New Orleans Parish from 1954 to 1958. During this time, CARLOS MARCELLO controlled this office.

The FBI reported: "In 1955 a letter was received by the FBI from the Anti-communist Committee of the Americas. The letter, in part, stated that as a condition [prior] to the last election of the Mayor of New Orleans was his acceptance of Leon Hubert as District Attorney of New Orleans Parish [and that] Hubert had been a protégé of one Dr. Mitchell Franklin, a professor of law at Tulane University, who was allegedly an admitted addict of Russian communism, and a long time Vice President of the National Lawyers Guild. The letter continued that the Committee would not contend that Hubert was a Communist or knowingly aided and abetted subversion; however the Committee believed that Hubert was inexperienced, naive, and was permitted to become district attorney so that there would be no prosecution under the Louisiana Communist Control Act. (Several paragraphs deleted)." [FBI 77-8959-4X w/h, NR 1.30.64 w/h]

The FBI reported: "In 1956 Leon Hubert contacted SAC Weeks and offered the service of his wife as a translator of Slavic languages. Hubert at that time was the District Attorney in New Orleans, Louisiana, and attending a convention in Miami, Florida. We had no need for a part-time translator at that time. Bureau files were reviewed and revealed Leon Hubert had been a member of the National Lawyers Guild (cited in 1944 by the House Committee on Un-American Activities). The information we received indicated Hubert resigned from the National Lawyer Guild in May 1940.

"In addition, our files show that Guy Banister, former SAC, had contacted the New Orleans Office in July 1956, and confidentially advised that within a short time several top heads of the New Orleans Police would 'roll.' Guy Banister indicated that corruption among the city officials was great, and indicated that he had enough on D.A. Leon Hubert and the rest of the city officials to charge them with malfeasance. He did not explain, or clarify, the type of charges he intended to press." [FBI NO 77-72922] The FBI: "In commenting upon the possible state action, Mr. Banister said that there is a remote possibility that Mayor DeLesseps Morrison...and District Attorney Leon D. Hubert will be implicated on the theory that they permitted a situation to exist in the department involving a number of policemen." Guy Banister wrote: "Cases of malfeasance were prepared, and submitted to the New Orleans Parish Grand Jury, against Mayor Morrison, Police Superintendent Provosty A. Dayries, and District Attorney Leon Dayries Hubert. These cases were 'tried' before the Grand Jury, and no indictments were returned." On June 12, 1956, J. Edgar Hoover asked the New Orleans office of the FBI to "conduct complete discreet investigation character reputation qualifications of Leon Dayries Hubert Jr. presently Assistant U.S. Attorney New Orleans, Louisiana. Department applicant. Ascertain particular kind of practice since admission Louisiana Bar submitting report by June 17, 1956." In 1958 Hubert resumed teaching at Tulane. Leon Hubert was assigned to investigate RUBY by the Warren Commission. In late 1963, Guy Banister appeared on New Orleans television, at his own expense, to attack Leon Hubert. Guy Banister charged that the Federal Prosecutors Office, which was once headed by Leon Hubert, failed to investigate a complaint against Assistant District Attorney Grady C. Durham, whom Guy Banister believed to be swindler. Before the HSCA called him as a witness, Leon Hubert died on March 26, 1977, after an extended illness. He was 65 years old.


Albert Jenner served as NIXON'S Minority counsel on the House Judiciary Committee. The Judiciary Committee studied grounds for NIXON'S impeachment. Albert Jenner resigned during these hearings. Albert Jenner handled OSWALD'S background. Albert Jenner, born June 20, 1907, died on September 18, 1988.


Wesley Liebler was appointed to the Policy Planning Office of the Federal Trade Commission by NIXON. Wesley Liebler supported the testimony of the Secretary of Agriculture Earl Butz, at a two day conference on food prices, on October 30, 1974. [NYT 11.1.74] Wesley Liebler handled OSWALD'S background. Known as an extreme conservative, he worked for Carter, Ledyard & Milburn. [HSCA V11 p390] Tracy Barnes and Frank Wisner also worked there.


Arlen Spector, originally from Kansas, was with the Office of Special Investigations while he was in the Air Force from 1951 to 1953. He entered Yale University Law School where he was editor of the Yale Law Journal. He graduated in 1956. He was appointed to the Philadelphia District Attorney's Office in 1958 where he secured the conviction of an important organized crime figure in 1962, and was offered a position in the Justice Department of United States Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy. Arlen Spector refused. Spector visited President NIXON at the White House on November 21, 1969. In 1972 Arlen Spector was head of the Committee to Re-elect NIXON in Philadelphia.

The Watergate investigation produced this document:


Philadelphia City Hall

Room 666


Reliable Engineering Associates

410 Walnut Street

12th Floor

Philadelphia, Pa.

Visual inspection of Room 666, Philadelphia City Hall, determined it is the main entrance for the office of Philadelphia District Attorney Arlen Spector. District Attorney Spector is the Chairman of the Philadelphia Committee to Re-elect President NIXON. Further inquiry determined phone (Deleted) is specifically assigned to Assistant District Attorney John Steinberg. On July 6, 1972, (Deleted) Reliable Engineering Associates, 410 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. advised that Reliable is a "job-shop," which bids on many Federal Government contracts. The president of the company is (Deleted) a prominent member of the Philadelphia Committee to Re-Elect President NIXON. (Deleted) was in Washington, D.C., on business for this committee on July 6, 1972. [FBI PH 139-115]

NIXON requested Arlen Spector to coordinate his Watergate defense team in 1973. The New York Post reported: "PHILLY DA TO DEFEND NIXON? Philadelphia, (AP). Philadelphia District Attorney Arlen Spector will join President NIXON's Watergate defense staff and probably be in line to head it, the Philadelphia Bulletin said today."Arlen Spector handled the facts of the assassination. He later became a United States Senator from Pennsylvania. [Who's Who In America; NYT 9.8.73, 10.31.74 and approx. 12.6.63] In 1995 Arlen Spector became a Presidential candidate.


Former New York City Police Commissioner Francis W.H. Adams also handled the facts of the assassination.


Melvin Eisenberg was appointed to the Federal Price Control Administration by NIXON.


Samuel A. Stern was a member of the Washington, D.C., law firm of Wilmer, Cutler and Pickering. He investigated the performance of the United States Secret Service. [HSCA JFK Exhibit F-476]


The founder of Wilmer, Cutler, and Pickering, Lloyd Cutler, was a Commissioner for Latin America who was in charge of the liquidation of German assets. He worked with Nelson Rockefeller. Shortly after the 1964 race riots, Lloyd Cutler was appointed by Lyndon Johnson to the Commission on the Administration of Justice Under Emergency Conditions. He later became a member of the Presidential Commission on Violence. This Commission reported that the assassinations of Martin Luther King and John F. Kennedy were products of the national character of America. Lloyd Cutler was appointed a Director of the School for Advanced International Studies of Yale University in 1969. In 1989 he was member of the Bush-appointed Presidential Commission on Ethics, with R. James Woolsey, the former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency.


James Woolsey was a founding member of Citizen's For Eugene McCarthy at Yale. Senator Eugene McCarthy (Dem.-Minn.) opposed the war in Vietnam. He also worked for Representative Allard K. Lowenstein (Dem. - NY). This researcher was introduced to Lowenstein, who at the time was Ambassador to United Nations, by Dick Gregory. Lowenstein was murdered by his estranged homosexual lover. Woolsey became a systems analyst for the Defense Department. He worked under Paul Nitze during the NIXON administration. Woolsey became a General Counsel of the Senate Armed Services Committee. The Chairman of this committee was Senator Henry N. "Scoop" Jackson's (Dem.- WASH). Woolsey joined Richard N. Perle in this capacity. He then went to Shea & Gardner, a Washington law firm, where he represented aerospace and international corporations. Woolsey supported Jesse Jackson's candidacy for President, but when Jackson lost in the primaries, Woolsey went to work for Jimmy Carter. Carter appointed him Under secretary of the Navy. Leaving the Pentagon in 1979, he returned to his law practice. Woolsey was a Director of Martin-Marietta. Woolsey registered as foreign agent of a Swiss company, Societe Generale de Surveillance, which inspects goods that are exported. [Wash. Times 3.1.89; NYT 1.11.93]

In 1990 Lloyd Cutler conducted a major unannounced review of the nation's espionage laws in search of better ways to apprehend and convict spies like Aldrich Ames Jr. This panel included Richard Helms, senior State Department official Seymour Weiss, and current Secretary of State Warren Christopher. In 1994 Lloyd Cutler was hired by President Clinton as his special counsel in the Whitewater affair.

Warren Commission staff members included: Edwin A. Conroy, John J. O'Brien, Murray J. Laulicht, Richard Mosk and Alfredda Scobey. Philip Barson was an ex-Internal Revenue Service intelligence officer. John Hart Ely was appointed as General Counsel to the Department of Transportation by President Ford.


Alfred Goldberg was an Air Force historian. Alfred Goldberg was recommended to the Commission by Dr. Rudolph August Winnacker, who was listed in Who's Who in the CIA. Rudolph August Winnacker, born August 25, 1904, in Germany, came to the United States in 1919. He became an OSS analyst from 1944 to 1945, and spent time in North Africa and Sicily. Rudolph August Winnacker worked in William Donovan's research branch with other refugees, all academicians. From 1945 to 1949, Rudolph August Winnacker was a historian with the War Department. He became the Chief of the Historical Division of the Pentagon from 1949 to 1973. Rudolph August Winnacker died in June 1985. [Rankin/Warren meeting 1.21.64 cited by Brussell in Rebel 11.22.83] Alfred Goldberg: "Winnacker recommended me to Oran Grover, the Archivist of the United States, who recommended us to Warren. We were interviewed by J. Lee Rankin." Arthur K. Marmor was an Air Force historian. Lloyd L. Weinreb was from the Criminal Division of the Justice Department. Charles N. Schaffer, Jr. was a former Attorney with the Justice Department, Criminal Division. Stuart R. Pollock was an assistant to Herbert J. Miller.


Herbert J. Miller helped choose Leon Jaworski to head the Texas Commission of Inquiry into the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. The Commission consisted of Jaworski, Texas State Attorney General Waggoner Carr, and Attorney Robert Gerald Storey. Robert Gerald Storey was Assistant Attorney of Texas for Criminal Appeals from 1921 to 1923. From 1945 to 1946, he was an Executive Trial Counsel for the United States, Nuremberg, Trial of Major Axis War Criminals, 1945 - 1946. From 1953 to 1955, he was a member of the Commission to Reorganize the Executive Branch of United States Government (Hoover Commission). Storey was an advisor to the Korean Government on the judicial and legal profession in 1954. In 1959 he worked at the Korean Legal Center. From 1954 to 1955 Storey was State Department representative in the Far East and the Middle East to assist legal profession of friendly free nations. From 1958 to 1962 Storey was the Chairman of the Board of Foreign Scholarships (International Education Exchange).

Waggoner Carr stated that the purpose of the Commission of Inquiry was to have several lawyers who were independent of the Government, monitor the investigation of the Kennedy assassination.

Leon Jaworksi was a former prosecutor at Nazi war crimes trials in Hadamar and Darmstardt. In 1962 Jaworski was appointed Special Prosecutor in the contempt case against Segregationist Governor, Ross Barnett. Leon Jaworski was an associate of John DeMenil. Leon Jaworski was a trustee of the M.D. Anderson Foundation. Congressional Representative Wright Patman's (Dem.-TX.) Subcommittee on Foundations revealed the M.D Anderson acted as a conduit for CIA funds. It granted the American Fund for Free Jurists a half million dollars to further its work. Leon Jaworski refused to comment about his CIA connections. Jaworski was also a Director of the Republic National Bank. [Washington Post 2.18.67]

The Warren Commission took testimony from 550 witnesses, but Leon Jaworski was present at the interrogation of only nine. [Dallas Morning News 1.5.64 p14 sec. 4] Journalist Dorothy Kilgallen reported that Jaworski was present at the interrogation of JACK RUBY, who asked to be transported to Washington, D.C., so he could talk directly with the President. As a representative of the Attorney General of the State of Texas Jaworski had the power to allow RUBY to do this. He said nothing. Jaworski told the FBI he was not present during the interrogation of Ruby, however, his associate, Robert Storey, was. [FBI Inter. W/Jaworski 8.24.64 Houston, Texas] On August 24, 1964, the New York Times reported that Jaworski was being considered for the position of Attorney General of the United States should Robert Kennedy decide to run for the United States Senate in New York State.


The purpose of the Commission of Inquiry was to have two allegedly independent attorneys, whose credentials were unquestionable (Nuremberg) give the imprimatur of authenticity to the Warren Commission Report. Two of its members had close ties to the intelligence community. In 1975 Waggoner Carr expressed serious doubts about the efficacy of the Commission of Inquiry. [NYT 9.3.75 p63]


Howard Willens was a liaison between the Justice Department and the Warren Commission. Willens was the Second Assistant Director of the Justice Department, Criminal Division. In this capacity, he worked under Herbert J. Miller. Howard Willens applied for a job as a law clerk in the anti-trust office of the Justice Department in the Summer 1955. From January 1957, to December 1958, he was in the U.S. Army. In January 1959 he entered private practice in Washington, D.C. He visited the Communist-sponsored Vienna Youth Festival in 1959. The FBI reported: "During the investigation of Howard Penney Willens, all individuals contacted reported favorably as to Willen's character, loyalty and associates. The 1961 investigation developed information that he had attended the Vienna Youth Festival in 1959. The Vienna Youth Festival in 1959 was supported by the World Federation of Democratic Youth, cited as a Communist organization in the House Committee on Un-American Activities Guide to Subversive Organizations and Publications, January 2, 1957. Prior to going abroad, Willens advised the State Department and the Bureau of his intentions to attend the Festival and stated his purpose was to minimize propaganda and defend the policies of the United States." [FBI 62-109060-26 NR 12.27.63] Howard Willens was contacted in February 1994: "My wife and I were planning to visit Europe when we learned that some of our colleagues in the University of Michigan student government were going to the Youth Festival, which may have been the first held outside the satellite countries. I was active in the National Student Association. We wanted to counter the political thrust of the U.S. student delegation that was planning to attend the conference. The students who had attended these conferences in the past were not representative of students across the United States. I remember a letter to FBI, not State. It turned out that the group that was mobilizing these right-thinking Americans students was funded by the CIA. The group that was organized out of Cambridge by some of my colleagues, turned out later to be stimulated and funded in part by the CIA. Unwittingly, I was part of this." Howard Willens was not debriefed by the FBI on his return.

Howard Willens joined the Justice Department in 1961 and served there as Second Assistant, Criminal Division, Department of Justice. Howard Willens: "I took nine months out for the Warren Commission. When I came back, I was promoted to First Assistant. I left in August 1965. Herbert 'Jack' Miller, my boss, left in February and served as the Executive Director of the President's Commission on Crime." By 1967 Howard Willens was a member of the law firm of Wilmer, Cutler and Pickering.

S.R. Pollak was another liaison with the Justice Department. He was Staff Assistant to Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division, Department of Justice.


Although not a member of the Warren Commission, DD/P Richard Helms helped the Commission draw its conclusions. Hundreds of Commission documents bore his signature. Richard Helms had copies of the Warren Report hand-carried to CIA stations throughout the world. He told Senator Howard Baker: "I knew HUNT relatively well because he and I over many years worked in the same general section of the Agency." When HUNT was queried about his relationships with Richard Helms and Thomas Karamessines he responded: "I have known Dick Helms for many years. He was Operations Chief for the CIA. He then became Deputy Director of the Plans Directorate...Karamessines succeeded Richard Helms as Chief of the Plans Directorate and I saw him from time to time."

President Lyndon Johnson appointed Richard Helms the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency in 1966. Richard Helms held this position throughout the Watergate affair, which caused his departure from the Agency. Before he left, Richard Helms ordered the destruction of all logs, tapes and transcripts, of office and telephone conversations dating back ten years, including all conversations he had in 1963. [RR p203] Since the destruction of the tapes and transcripts occurred immediately after Richard Helms received word from Senator Mike Mansfield (Dem.- Montana) recommending the Agency retain any records or documents having a bearing on the Senate's forthcoming investigation in the Watergate break-in, the Rockefeller Commission determined it: "Reflected poor judgment. There is no way it can ever be established whether relevant evidence had been reflects a serious lack of comprehension of the obligation of any citizen to produce, for investigating authorities, evidence in his possession of possible relevance to criminal conduct." In 1973 Richard Helms was appointed Ambassador to Iran by NIXON; he was forced to resign in late 1977, after he pleaded no contest to one count of misdemeanor perjury. Richard Helms was pardoned by President James Carter. He was a Washington, D.C., lobbyist in the 1980's and in the 1990's ran Parvus Incorporated, an international security firm. HEMMING told this researcher: "Helms knows every fucking thing that was going on. That's what his job is. How can he cover his political ass unless he knows what's going on? Of course they knew the thing was going down, it was so clumsily being done. That's why there was such an extensive cover up. They had some people do this shit who were more or less thugs." A.J., "Like FRANK?" HEMMING: "Well, he's a thug. But they were sharp enough to have the fucking pasty. I mean before they thought only mob guys knew how to do that. This shows a level of professional skill that would work in any third world country. That's why they had to cover it up so much. To do a job here in the U.S., man, I'll tell ya, you really got to know your shit. If the real pros did the job, they wouldn't have to protect a swinging dick, they wouldn't have to cover up shit. No scandal, no suspicion, everybody would go to bed at night. It didn't work that way, did it? More and more shit surfacing all the time."

Other CIA officials who conducted the investigation of OSWALD included Thomas Karamessines. Thomas Karamessines, 61, died on September 4, 1978, of an apparent heart attack. His death occurred before the HSCA questioned him. Arthur E. Dooley was one of the CIA men most involved in the investigation. Arthur E. Dooley, born May 4, 1925, died in March 1980. On April 24, 1964, ANGLETON wrote this memo for the FBI Director: "Reply to March 6, 1964, memo asking for information on the OSWALD case provided by (deleted). Signed JAMES ANGLETON. See special file." On May 7, 1964, Arthur E. Dooley wrote the following Memorandum for the Record: "Regarding (deleted) knowledge of the OSWALD case. Arthur E. Dooley. See special file." [NARA 1993.06.19.08:26:17:430000; NARA 1993.06.19.08:41:54:500000] William Vincent Broe worked on the Kennedy assassination case: William Vincent Broe, born August 24, 1913, was an FBI Agent from 1942 to 1948. From 1948 to 1951 he was in the Military Intelligence Service of the Pentagon. William Vincent Broe assumed diplomatic cover and worked out of Tokyo, where he became Chief of Station. Philip Agee reported that William Vincent Broe was Chief of the Western Hemisphere Division in 1966, had worked with Deputy Division Chief Jacob Esterline and Covert Action Staff Chief Gerry Droller. Gerry Droller died in May 1992. Jacob Esterline was aware of all of the pre-Bay of Pigs assassination plots against Fidel Castro. He claimed "to have had in his possession in pre-Bay of Pigs days a box of cigars that he been treated with some sort of chemical. In our first interview with him, his recollection was that the chemical was intended to produce temporary personality disorientation. The thought was to somehow contrive to have Castro smoke one before making a speech, and then to make a public spectacle of himself. Esterline distinctly recalls having had the cigars in his personal safe until after the left WH\4 and that they definitely were intended for Castro. He does not remember how they came into his possession, but he thinks they must have been prepared by (deleted). In a second interview with Esterline, we mentioned that we had learned of a scheme to cause Castro's beard to fall out. He said that the cigars might have been associated with that plan. Esterline finally said that, although is was evident that he no longer remember the intended effect of the cigars, he was positive were not lethal. The cigars were never used, according to Esterline, because WH/4 could not figure out how to deliver them without danger of blowback on the Agency. He says he destroyed them before leaving WH/4 in June 1961." [CIA Misc. Schemes Prior to 8.60] In 1970 William Vincent Broe worked on the destabilization of the Salvadore Allende Government, after which he was appointed Inspector General of the CIA. Donovan E. Pratt worked on ANGLETON'S staff, as DC/CI/R&E. The CIA response to an Freedom of Information Act request on Donovan E. Pratt was the CIA "can neither confirm nor deny the past or present affiliation of individuals with the CIA." Donovan E. Pratt died of cancer on January 22, 1983, at age 69. Lee H. Wigren was Chief/SR/CI/R. He died November 5, 1993.

Other CIA Staff members involved in the OSWALD case were T. Hall, Kaufman, David Murphy, Spera; Whitten; Stok; Murray; Jane Roman; Tom Flynn; J. Ludlum; Paul Hartman (all from the CI Staff) J.C. King (C/Western Hemisphere Division), T. H. Bagley (SB), E. Mendoza (OS), Sheffield Edwards (OS), Winston Scott, DAVID PHILLIPS, Ann Goodpaster (Mexico City), Robert Steele (SOV/SAT OPS) and Joseph Picclo (Cuban Ops).


The OSWALD case was analyzed by AEDIPPER-20 (Yuri Nosenko) and C/Western Hemisphere/3 (CARIB), J. White. The FBI objected to its reports being passed to AELADLE (Anatoliy Golitsyn). On January 4, 1967, the Office of Security of the CIA had Anatoliy Golitsyn under visual and audio surveillance. On January 3, 1975, the name of Anatoliy Golitsyn appeared on a Index Card titled "Questionable Activities" which read "Polygraph, Review of Domestic Activities of Possible Questionable Nature, Cryogenic Magnetometer, Surveillance - Vans Technical Services Division Testing."


John Scelso, a desk officer in the Western Hemisphere/Division and the Mexico Branch Chief in CIA Headquarters, testified to the HSCA that he led the Agency's investigation of the Kennedy assassination, "on the basis of the observation of OSWALD in Mexico (his Headquarters responsibility). John Scelso stated that the Mexican branch was the only CIA unit directly involved in investigatory activities related to the Kennedy assassination." The CIA stated its investigation was conducted by John Scelso: "Immediately following the assassination, John Scelso was instructed by Richard Helms, then Deputy Director for Plans, to coordinate efforts to compile and evaluate incoming information pertaining to the assassination. Scelso was assigned to this responsibility due to his past experience conducting internal CIA security investigations..." John Scelso told the HSCA that ANGLETON "was in some way interfering with his function as the coordinator of the investigation and that at some time the investigation was turned over from (deleted) to ANGLETON. John Scelso also testified that ANGLETON was talking to the FBI without receiving authorization from anyone." On November 24, 1963, a message from Mexico City Chief of Station, Winston Scott, stated Rolando Cubela was in contact with Valeriy Kostikov. ANGLETON was said to have used this as a pretext to take over the investigation.

Another CIA document stated: "After the first few days, the CIA investigation of the case was handled at Headquarters by a small staff usually charged with investigation and analysis of the most important security cases, and by a few officers and analysts of our Western Hemisphere Division." [From C/WH3 to DDP no date]

In October 1996 the CIA released Scelso's testimony before the HSCA: "When Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963, Scelso was chief of a CIA branch responsible for operations in Mexico and Latin America. Richard Helms placed Scelso in charge of the assassination investigation. ANGLETON, 'immediately went into action to do all the investigating. Helms called a meeting at which ANGLETON and a lot of others were present and told everybody that I was in charge and that noone should have any coversations with anyone about the Kennedy case without me being present, which was violated from the word go by ANGLETON, who dealt with the FBI and the Warren Commission and Allen Dulles himself...ANGLETON ignored Helm's orders. I tried to get HELMS to make him obey and Helms said - 'You go tell him.' At one point in the 1978 House testimony, committee attorney Michael Goldsmith was asked, 'Do you have any reason to believe that ANGLETON might have had ties to organized crime?' 'Yes' replied Scelso, who is now retired and lives abroad, He said the Justice Department once asked the CIA to determine the true names of people holding numbered bank accounts in Panama because the Mafia was hiding Las Vegas skim money there. 'We were in an excellent position to do this and told them so - Whereupon ANGLETON vetoed it and said 'That is the FBI's business.' I do believe that I heard that ANGLETON was one of those several people in the Agency who were trying to use the Mafia in Cuban operations.'" [Newday 10.6.96]


ANGLETON asked that his unit be given responsibility for further research and investigation. ANGLETON designated Raymond Rocca as liaison with the Warren Commission. The FBI reported: "Supervisor Sam Papich, through ANGLETON of CIA, picked up comments by Allen Dulles to the effect that J. Lee Rankin is considering an investigative staff to conduct additional investigation...Frankly, I think Rankin should be discouraged from having an investigative staff and that O'Malley should make it clear to him we stand ready to run out any additional leads the Commission wants covered. In this light, it may be well to give Rankin only ten additional copies of the report at this time." [FBI Memo Rosen to Belmont 12.17.63 NR 199 12.20.63] Allen Dulles gave ANGLETON information on the progress of the Warren Commission, which ANGLETON, in turn, gave William C. Sullivan. [FBI Addendum Belmont (AHB:hmm) 12.17.63] ANGLETON coached John McCone, and J. Edgar Hoover, before they testified before the Warren Commission: "One question will be 'Was OSWALD ever an agent of the CIA?' The answer will be no." [FBI 105-82555-3689 - NARA 157-10003-10401; CIA 694-302 Helms briefs McCone.]


There was some indication that the Office of Security of the CIA conducted an investigation of the assassination. A CIA Memorandum for the Record dated February 20, 1964, stated that the Office of Security independently furnished the United States Secret Service with information on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. The document noted that ANGLETON opposed this. Birch O'Neal: "I indicated my concern that DDP acquired information from cable traffic of which the Office of Security received copies had been disseminated to the Secret Service without any apparent coordination with us." On April 17, 1974, a CIA staff employee received information that the Office of Security had initiated an independent investigation into the assassination of President Kennedy. A review of Office of Security files convinced him this report was false. [CIA 168-612 - FBI agent, 229-91, 119-51, 116-50, 1272-1028, 1349-483, 555-804; FBI 105-82555-2448, 62-109060-2877]


In 1962 Mary Pinchot Meyer, (Cord Meyer's ex-wife) told James Truitt, who was then a Vice President of the Washington Post and an associate of JAMES ANGLETON, that she had an affair with President Kennedy. James Truitt took notes on what Mary Pinchot told him. James Truitt worked for the State Department, then joined Time Inc. in 1948. He was Chief of the Washington bureau for several years. In 1960 he went to The Washington Post, and in 1964, James Truitt joined Newsweek. In the 1970's he showed his notes on Mary Pinchot to journalist Jay Gourley. The notes recorded an episode in July 1962 when Mary Pinchot and President John F. Kennedy smoked marijuana which James Truitt said he had provided. The sister of Mary Pinchot, Tony Pinchot, married Ben Bradlee. The Pinchot sisters were allegedly acquainted with Cicely d'Autremont, ANGLETON'S wife. When Cicely ANGLETON was contacted in August 1993 she stated, "I wouldn't dream of commenting on any of this."

Mary Pinchot was murdered on October 12, 1964. She was shot twice in the left temple and once in the chest. The suspect, Raymond Crump Jr., a black 25-year-old laborer, and father of five, was held without bail. The white jacket of Raymond Crump was recovered from the nearby woods. A truck driver, Henry Wiggins, 24, told the police he had seen a man standing over Mary Pinchot, wearing a white jacket. Later, Henry Wiggins identified Raymond Crump as the man. The pocketbook and wallet of Mary Pinchot were found in her studio after her murder. Cord Meyer commented: "I was satisfied by the conclusions of the police investigation that Mary had been the victim of a sexually motivated assault. Later on, some journalistic speculation was published to the effect that I was convinced that Mary's death was the result of some complicated Communist plot. There was no truth whatever to these stories." The day after the death of Mary Pinchot, ANGLETON went to her home and gained possession of her diary. In The Old Boys, Burton Hersh reported a source alleged: "ANGLETON let himself into [Pinchot's] house with a key he kept to the place even before the cops turned up." An FBI Memorandum dated October 14, 1964, disclosed, "Helms explained that both he and ANGLETON have been very much involved with matters pertaining to the death and funeral of Mrs. Mary Pinchot Meyer." [FBI 62-80750-4255] This letter appeared in the New York Times [?]: "IN ANGLETON'S CUSTODY. We write to correct what in our opinion is an error in Ben Bradlee's autobiography, A Good Life. This error occurs in Mr. Bradlee's account of the discovery and disposition of Mary Pinchot Meyer's personal diary. The fact is that Mary Meyer asked Anne Truit to make sure that in the event of anything happening to Mary while Anne was in Japan, JAMES ANGLETON take this diary into his safekeeping. When she learned that Mary had been killed, Anne Truitt telephoned person-to-person from Tokyo for JAMES ANGLETON. She found him at Mr. Bradley's house, where ANGLETON and his wife Cicely, had been asked to come following the murder. In the phone call, relaying Mary Meyer's specific instructions, Anne Truit told ANGLETON, for the first time, that there was a diary; and, in accordance with Mary Meyer's explicit request, Anne Truitt asked ANGLETON to search for and take charge of the diary. Consequently, according to Cicely Angleton, those present agreed that a search would be made. This search was carried out, Mrs. Angleton affirms, in Mary Meyer's house in the presence of her sister, Tony Bradlee; the ANGLETON'S, and one other friend of Mary Meyer's. When Tony Bradlee found the diary and several papers bundled together in Mary Meyer's studio, she gave the entire package to ANGLETON and asked him to burn it. ANGLETON followed this instruction in part by burning the loose papers. He also followed Mary Meyer's instruction and safeguarded the diary. Some years later he honored a request by Tony Bradlee that he deliver it to her. Subsequently Tony Bradlee burned the diary in the presence of Ann Truitt. Cicly Angleton, Anne Truit, Arlington, Virginia." In 1969 James Truitt was declared insane. He lost his job at The Washington Post and moved to Mexico. James Truitt, 60, committed suicide on November 18, 1981, at San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.


On December 30, 1974, ANGLETON resigned from the CIA because of the flap caused by Seymour Hersh's exposure of the HT LINGUAL mail opening program. This article led to the formation of the Rockefeller Commission. Raymond Rocca, Newton S. Miler and William J. Hood resigned as well. William Hood commented: "I didn't resign at all. I had put my retirement papers in long before the Seymour Hersh article. It was my luck it would have to coincide with it." The Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, William Colby, had wished ANGLETON to resign for some time but yielded, "because I feared that ANGLETON'S professional integrity and personal intensity might have led him to take dire measures." DAVID PHILLIPS spoke with ANGLETON on the day he resigned. [Martin, Wilderness of Mirrors p211] Raymond Rocca wrote a Memorandum for the Record about ANGLETON'S dismissal in which he stated that it occurred because of Seymour Hersh's article. He said that ANGLETON desired that he or Newton S. Miler be the next Chief of Counter-Intelligence. Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. William Colby, did not go for it and, although he did not ask either of these men to leave the Agency, "He did request that they stay on in their positions for a transition period." [2.27.75] ANGLETON subsequently claimed that as the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, William Colby reduced the Counter-Intelligence staff from 280 to 80 during his 1973 to 1976 tenure.


When Newsweek Magazine questioned ANGLETON about the reasons for his resignation, ANGLETON seemed disjointed: "Police state...Soviet bloc...fragmentation...I had a son in the infantry in Vietnam. Went from private to corporal." ANGLETON was asked if the boy was wounded or killed? "I think he's okay." In March 1975 ANGLETON told The New York Times: "A mansion has many rooms and there were many things going on during the period of the bombings. I'm not privy to who struck John."


ANGLETON was saying that the CIA (a mansion), has many agents (rooms), and during the anti-Castro exile bombings of Cuba (the period of the bombings), the plot to assassinate President Kennedy was formulated (there were many things going on.)"I'm not privy to who struck John." (I know who killed John Kennedy).


In his deposition during the course of HUNT v. WEBERMAN, ANGLETON stated that the quotation had nothing to do with the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and was similar to "Who killed Cock Robin?" ANGLETON: "The question had to do with the many charges regarding massive domestic operations attributed to me and it had nothing, the John does not refer to John F. Kennedy. It's a slang expression of 'Who struck John?' Well, I wasn't prepared to go into all of the allegations made by Seymour Hersh which had me the number one culprit - the man wearing the black hat, so to speak, for a whole, massive, massive domestic situation. I was just quoting from the Bible."


ANGLETON knew how his words would be perceived by those who believed the CIA was behind the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. The quotation from the Bible read: "In my father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you." [John 14, line 2] John the Baptist (and DAVID CHRIST) and we are expected to believe there was no irony intended? When he made this cryptic statement ANGLETON threatened to talk if CIA made him the scapegoat for its domestic operations scandal. ANGLETON possessed the evidence to do this. Nonetheless, when researcher Paul Hoch pointed out to the CIA that "Regardless of what ANGLETON now says he meant by this comment, an intended reference to John Kennedy seems as likely as any other explanation." The CIA responded: "Mr. Hoch's willingness to attribute sinister implications to such a common phrase is both humorous and revealing. It belies the impression of reasonably objective scholarship he has sought to project in his memorandum." [CIA 1634-1088 4.29.75]

The Rockefeller Commission: "The whole ANGLETON quotation makes it clear that he was being asked about CIA activities occurring during the period of anti-war bombings...The period of the anti-war bombings didn't begin until 1967 or 1968, some years or more after President Kennedy's death." ANGLETON was questioned by attorney Marvin Miller:

Q. Did you ever discern any direct involvement by OSWALD with the Agency?

A. None, whatsoever.

Q. Any interest in him prior to the assassination?

A. I cannot answer that because I don't have my records. In other words, I am not trying to avoid responding to it, but what is, since I don't have access to any of my records, I can only say that now it appears where I'm on very wobbly ground, the trip to Mexico. And, I don't recall the details any more as to the trip to Mexico made by OSWALD. I don't remember whether it was before or after, and I can't remember whether we were notified, when we were notified. I know that in my memory all matters concerning OSWALD came to, came to light, so to speak, after the assassination.

ANGLETON 1978 TO 1987

In 1978 ANGLETON founded the Security and Intelligence Fund, a group similar to PHILLIPS' Association of Retired Intelligence Officers. Founding members included Newton S. Miler and Sam Papich. I met ANGLETON in 1978. When he shook my hand, he squeezed it. In 1980 then-Director of the Central Intelligence Agency Stansfield Turner convinced Congress to approve a special fund to compensate CIA officers victimized by ANGLETON. In 1984 ANGLETON was a member of the National Strategy Committee of the American Security Council. Other members included General Lyman Lemnitzer, Claire Booth Luce, Dr. Robert Morris, Charles J.V. Murphy and Dr. Stefan Possony, who died in April 1995. ANGLETON died of cancer at Sibley Memorial Hospital in Washington, D.C., on May 12, 1987, five days after William Casey died of pneumonia following an operation for brain cancer. ANGLETON was 69.


In January 1975, President Ford, in response to allegations of CIA wrong-doing, asked Vice President Nelson Rockefeller to appoint a blue ribbon panel to study the CIA. The Rockefeller Commission suppressed the truth about the Dealey Plaza tramps. After the Rockefeller Commission issued its Report, Nelson Rockefeller was accused of having blocked his own probe. Rockefeller told the Associated Press: "We've done a good job, no stones have been left unturned, and no punches pulled. I don't think there is very much that hasn't been uncovered and discussed in this report." Attorney David Belin, a former Warren Commission Counsel, was appointed Chief Counsel of the Rockefeller Commission. Belin was not going to second guess himself on the Kennedy assassination, and on April 5, 1975, he told The New York Times that his panel had discovered no "credible evidence" that the CIA had any involvement in assassination of President Kennedy.



John T. Conner was a member of the Rockefeller Commission. John T. Conner was the Chief Executive Officer of the Allied Chemical Corporation. John J. McCloy had been a Director of Allied Chemical. From 1942 to 1947, John T. Conner served as General Counsel of the Office of Scientific Research and Development; as a Air Combat intelligence officer, U.S. Marine Corps; Counsel to the Office of Naval Research; and special assistant to the Secretary of the Navy. John T. Conner was an attorney with Cravath, Swaine and Moore, and had been a Director of the Chase Manhattan Bank, and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. [Bird, Kai The Chairman Simon & Shuster 1992 p15]


C. Douglas Dillon was a member of the Rockefeller Commission. C. Douglas Dillon was a former member of the OSS, and was an Ambassador to France, and an Under-secretary of State under President Dwight Eisenhower. In 1960 Mr. Dillon told the AFL-CIO World Affairs Conference of the dangers of Communism, rejecting "peaceful co-existence." "The primary issue today is nothing less than the survival of free men in a free civilization." Later in the same speech he qualified this my saying that the United States must be strong but ready to negotiate. [NYT 1.14.75] In 1961 he became Secretary of the Treasury, and was head of the United States Secret Service in November 1963. C. Douglas Dillon was Chairman of the Rockefeller Foundation from 1972 to 1975, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and president of Dillon, Read & Co.


Lane Kirkland was a member of the Rockefeller Commission. He had a B.S. from the Foreign Service School of Georgetown University. He was the Treasurer of the AFL/CIO. Lane Kirkland worked indirectly for the Agency for International Development through the American Federation for Free Labor Development. In 1973, Nelson Rockefeller appointed Lane Kirkland to his Commission on Critical Choices for Americans. He was President of the AFL/CIO until 1995. Lane Kirkland was asked about reports that the CIA had channeled money to the AFL/CIO activities overseas. He replied that he knew nothing about it and would be opposed to it.


Lyman L. Lemnitzer was a member of the Rockefeller Commission. He was Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from 1960 to 1962. In the capacity he received daily briefings from the CIA. Between 1963 and 1969 he was Supreme Allied Commander in Europe, heading the military forces of NATO. Lemnitzer called the release of the Pentagon Papers a traitorous act. Lyman Lemnitzer, born August 29, 1899, died on November 12, 1988.


Edgar F. Shannon was a member of the Rockefeller Commission. He was a former President of the University of Virginia, where former the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, James Schlesinger, had taught political science. The University of Virginia returned Coup D'Etat in America to Third Press because it was "unsuitable for our library."


Erwin N. Griswold was NIXON'S former Solicitor General. As Solicitor General, he defended the NIXON Administrations use of wiretaps without court orders in cases of subversion, but lost the case before the Supreme Court. He also defended the Government's attempts to prevent publication of the Pentagon Papers. In an interview in August 1969 in the Christian Science Monitor, he said "I think its terribly important that any repressive forces of throughly and carefully kept under public control, with the ultimate responsibility back to top government officials."


Former United States President Ronald Reagan was a member of the Rockefeller Commission. While serving as the governor of California, in April 1970, in a speech in Yosemite, California, he suggested that "if it takes a bloodbath the silence militant campus demonstrators let's get it over with." In May 1973 Reagan stated in discussing the Watergate affair: "They did something that was stupid and foolish and was criminal -- it was illegal, illegal is a better word than 'criminal' because I think 'criminal' has a different connotation." The said the Watergate burglars were "well meaning" individuals who were "not criminals at heart."


The allegation regarding the 544 Camp Street notation on Crimes Against Cuba and OSWALD'S connection to HUNT was indirectly submitted to the Rockefeller Commission. The Commission stated: "Testimony was offered purporting to show CIA relationships with OSWALD. It was stated, for example, that HOWARD HUNT, as a CIA employee, engaged in political activity with elements of the anti-Castro Cuban community in the United States on behalf of the CIA prior to the April 1961 Bay of Pigs operation. In connection with those duties, it was further alleged that HUNT was instrumental in organizing the Cuban Revolutionary Council, and that the Cuban Revolutionary Council had an office in New Orleans. Finally, it was claimed that OSWALD lived in New Orleans from April to September 1963, and that a pamphlet prepared and distributed by OSWALD on behalf of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee during that period indicated that the office of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee was situated in a building which also was the address of the Cuban Revolutionary Council in New Orleans. Each of these statements is substantially true...It was therefore implied that HUNT could have had contact with LEE HARVEY OSWALD during the Spring or Summer of 1963." The Rockefeller Commission suggested other relevant facts had been omitted: "It is not mentioned, for example, that OSWALD made up the Fair Play for Cuba Committee pamphlets; that the address he stamped on the pamphlets was never a Fair Play for Cuba Committee office; that he fabricated a nonexistent Chapter of the New Orleans Fair Play for Cuba Committee, a nonexistent President of the Committee, and a nonexistent office for it; that the building in question was a former office, rather than a current office, of an anti-Castro organization when OSWALD made up his pamphlets, and that OSWALD had tried to infiltrate the anti-Castro organization. No evidence was presented that HUNT ever met OSWALD during the Spring or Summer of 1963."


The Rockefeller Commission argued that because OSWALD'S organization was bogus, it was irrelevant that he used 544 Camp Street as his address. A bogus organization that used a notorious right-wing address should have been regarded with suspicion. The Rockefeller Commission, however, reasoned that everything else about OSWALD'S Fair Play for Cuba Committee was fraudulent, so it should have come as no surprise that the 544 Camp Street address was fraudulent as well. Out of the hundreds of thousands of different street numbers and addresses in New Orleans, why did he choose 544 Camp Street as a ghost address for his ghost committee? The Commission contended that 544 Camp Street was already a former office of the Cuban Revolutionary Council at the time that OSWALD used the address on his leaflet, some time between his arrival in New Orleans on April 25, 1963, and his departure in late September 1963. Guy Banister and David Ferrie, however, were still there.


The Rockefeller Commission: "Allegations have been made that the CIA participated in the Kennedy assassination...One theory is that E. HOWARD HUNT and FRANK STURGIS, on behalf of the CIA, personally participated in the assassination. This theory involves charges that HUNT and STURGIS, both convicted of burglarizing the Democratic National Committee headquarters at the Watergate in 1972, were CIA employees or agents at the time of the assassination of President Kennedy in 1963. STURGIS was not a CIA employee or agent either in 1963 or at any other time. He testified under oath himself, and a search of CIA records failed to discover any evidence that he had ever been employed by the CIA, or had ever served it as an agent, informant or operative. STURGIS testified that he had been engaged in various 'adventures' relating to Cuba, which he believed to have been organized and financed by the CIA. He testified that he had given information directly and indirectly, to Federal Government officials, who, he believed were acting for the CIA. He further testified, however, that at no time did he engage in activity having to do with the assassination of President Kennedy, on behalf of the CIA or otherwise."


STURGIS was a CIA and FBI informant. Numerous documents previously cited proved this. How could the Rockefeller Commission have missed these hundreds of CIA reports generated by BARKER that concerned information supplied to him by STURGIS?


The New York Times reported on October 20, 1975: "Senator Richard Schweiker Predicts Collapse of Warren Report." In May 1976 the Senate Intelligence Committee voted to recommend a Congressional investigation into the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Senator Richard Schweiker hired Gaeton Fonzi as an investigator. David Marston, an aide to Senator Richard Schweiker, worked with Gaeton Fonzi. In the Summer of 1976 David Marston suggested that this researcher be assigned several interns to correlate telephone numbers in the National Archives JFK Record Group. This position, however, never materialized.


Former Rockefeller Commission member Ronald Reagan stunned the Republican Party Convention on July 26, 1976, and broke with tradition, when he named Senator Richard Schweiker as his Vice Presidential running mate, before the delegates had made their decision. Senator Schweiker said he accepted this invitation because he believed this ticket could unify the Republican Party since Schweiker was considered a liberal Republican. The New York Times interviewed more than a dozen political analysts, and none of them outside of the Reagan - Schweiker camp, felt Ronald Reagan's cause would be helped by this move. Reagan was denounced by numerous conservative Republicans for this selection. Reagan was not nominated that year, and it was widely believed that his choice of Senator Schweiker as a running mate was responsible.


John P. Sears persuaded Ronald Reagan to choose Senator Schweiker as his Vice Presidential running-mate. From 1965 to 1966 Sears worked for the law firm of NIXON, Mudge, Rose, Guthrie, Alexander and Mitchell. He was a member of NIXON'S staff from 1966 to 1969, and became a Deputy Counsel to the President from 1969 to 1970. John P. Sears served as NIXON'S liaison to Vice President Spiro Agnew. NIXON suspected him of leaking information to the press, and placed him under 24-hour surveillance and tapped his telephone. NIXON considered entrapping Sears by allowing him to see "some material from Guam." [Wise, D. American Police State p57] From 1970 to 1975 John P. Sears was a partner in Charles Colson's law firm, Gadsby & Hannah. In May 1973 Sears surfaced as the attorney for John Caufield at the Watergate Hearings. He managed Reagan's Presidential campaign in 1976. From 1977 to 1984, Sears worked in Baskin & Sears. Baskin & Sears received $500,000 from 1981 to 1984 from the Government of South Africa.. In 1984 the city of Pittsburgh threatened to drop its lucrative contract with Baskin & Sears because of its representation of South Africa. Baskin dropped the contract with South Africa, however, Sears split off and formed his own firm, taking the South African account with him. Sears became known as the chief lobbyist for South Africa. He managed Reagan's Presidential campaign in 1980. When Sears was fired as Reagan's campaign manager, in early 1980, Reagan asked William Casey to take over for him. Reagan appointed Casey Director of the CIA.


Another figure associated with Ronald Reagan was Edward J. Rollins. Rollins was the son of a Navy-shipyard electrician in Vallejo, California. He attended California State University, where he excelled at boxing. In 1969 he worked as a student-activities coordinator at Washington University, Saint Louis, Missouri. In this capacity he worked closely with the FBI in identifying members of the anti-Vietnam war movement. He testified before a Grand Jury inquest that resulted in the conviction of several students for anti-war activity. In 1972 Rollins worked for NIXON. In 1985 Rollins defended the Reagan Administration's connection to Teamster official Jackie Presser. [Moldea, Dark Victory, 1986 page 346] In 1989 Rollins was chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee. In 1992 Ed Rollins hurt the Presidential campaign of H. Ross Perot, when he resigned as his campaign manager.

H. Ross Perot disclosed in an October 1992 interview in the Boston Herald that he had knowledge that a senior member of the George Bush campaign, Jim Oberwetter, spoke with a CIA contract employee in Dallas. H. Ross Perot accused Jim Oberwetter of working, on orders, to tap into his computerized stock trading program to deny him the money to revive his campaign. FBI Dallas SAC Oliver Revell investigated this charge by having an undercover agent ask Jim Oberwetter if he was interested in tapping H. Ross Perot. Jim Oberwetter told the agent he was not interested. In the mid-1970's, the chief competitor of H. Ross Perot was Systems Development Incorporated, a computer operations company which started as a branch of the Rand Corporation. H. Ross Perot hired a former FBI agent to gather derogatory information on the senior executives of Systems Development Incorporated. [NYT 7.8.92] Gerald Posner's latest book is uncomplimentary biography of Perot.

On November 10, 1993, Rollins told a number of Washington media correspondents that when he head Governor Christine Todd Whitman's New Jersey gubernatorial campaign he used $500,000 to bribe black ministers to encourage black voters to take a powder on election day. [Wash. Post 11.11.93] He later said he had lied about this.


After Senator Schweiker became associated with Ronald Reagan, his investigation of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy ceased. Gaeton Fonzi attributed Senator Richard Schweiker's loss of interest in the Kennedy assassination to the Senator's failure to be appointed to the Permanent Intelligence Oversight Committee. John Sears, who convinced Reagan to nominate Senator Schweiker as Vice President was more closely connected to RICHARD NIXON than he was to Ronald Reagan. Was NIXON, who had by this time resigned, behind Schweiker's nomination? Was it an attempt to get Schweiker off the Kennedy assassination case? Did the CIA have any communication with Sears?


"If it was an amateur operation it wouldn't have been covered up. They'd have been nailed. The only reason for the cover up, was to hide the professionals. These are people who have used before, and have been used since." END OF NODULE.