For years, medical and X-ray experts such as Dr. David Mantik Phd. MD and Dr. Randy Robertson have contended that there is evidence for two head wounds in the original autopsy X-rays.
But, one of the biggest problems has been in finding a plausible location for the second shooter. A shot from almost anywhere say, behind the picket fence in Dealey Plaza would require an exit wound somewhere on the left side of the President's head. There just doesn't seem to be evidence for such a wound.
Kennedy's position at Z323 at first seemed to pose even worse trajectory problems
than 313. The head has turned considerably further to the left, and has become tipped
further to the left as well (see figure 15). If Kennedy was shot in the head as it
appears in Z323, and in such a way as to drive a piece of his head out onto the trunk, then
there is only one way it could possibly have happened. A shot had to have come in
from a lower position and exited through the top of his skull. Of course, since most
of the skull damage was at the top of the head anyway, this made perfect sense. Please
look at figure 17.
Admittedly, I have positioned my rather crude models based on an eyeball examination of the Z323 frame, but they do, I think, show the kind of shot that we see at Z323. This shot would exit through the top of the head and could cause some of the damage there that we know occurred
Of course, we are once again faced with the problem of locating the shooter's position.
In this case, there is only one option. If we position the limousine where it would
have been at Z323, and plot a line out 22 degrees below the limo's orientation, the
line intersects perfectly with the storm drain which was just west of the steps coming
down from the pergola in Dealey Plaza. If we drop the line from a position of about
4 feet at Kennedy's location, falling at 3.5 degrees, for 60 feet, it strikes the
storm drain cover.
Frankly, I had never put much credence in the possibility of a shooter in such a location. Penn Jones suggested the idea many years ago, and Harrison Livingstone talks about it on p. 90 of "Killing the Truth". He also goes into some detail in the photo section of that book, demonstrating how a sniper with a small weapon could easily fit in such a place (figure 18). Livingstone further claims they confirmed an escape route through the tunnels below. If so, this would have been an excellent location for such a sniper.
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