Repost:USG Admits LHO was CIA Contact in USSR

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Posted by Phil Giuliano on September 30, 1998 at 06:55:09:

The following was posted to alt.conspiracy.jfk by Jim
Hargrove. The document was dug up by John Armstrong.
The post speaks for itself. Enjoy.

How does a government admit that federal agencies repeatedly lied for years
about an historical event of enormous consequence? One form of admission is
to release a document that tells a bit more of the truth. For twenty years
the HSCA letter to a CIA officer reproduced below has been withheld from
public view. John Armstrong acquired it and faxed it to me yesterday. It
is HSCA RECORD NUMBER 180-10101-10207; AGENCY FILE NUMBER 012623.

Read it and weep, Lone Nutters....


Select Committee on Assassinations
U.S. House of Representatives
3331 House Office Building, Annex 2
Washington, D.C. 20515

September 27, 1978

Mr. Scott Breckinridge
Principal Coordinator, HSCA
Office of Legislative Counsel
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505

Dear Mr. Breckinridge:

In connection with its investigations into the circumstances
surrounding the death of President Kennedy, the Select Committee on
Assassinations has been informed that during the summer of 1962, a CIA
contact report concerning the Minsk Radio Plant was routed to the Foreign
Documents Division in the Soviet Branch of the Directorate of Intelligence.
The source of this contact report is believed to have been a former Marine
and defector to the Soviet Union who returned to the United States with his
family during the summer of 1962. The source is believed to have stated
that he had been employed at the Minsk Radio Plant.

The Committee has been further informed that this contact report was
filed in a volume of material concerning the Minsk Radio Plant, and that
this volume is retrievable from the CIA's Industrial Registry Branch which,
in 1962, was a component of the office of Central Reference.

The Committee therefore requests immediate and complete access to
the above referenced contact report and the volume of materials regarding
the Minsk Radio Plant. In addition, the Committee requests access to all
files and file references concerning or referring to the following

Edwin Strakna
George L. Green
Leonard Nurk

The letter on HSCA stationery appears to have continued, but only the single
page above is listed in the ARRB index to documents. And so we don't know
YET which HSCA staffer had asked the CIA's point man for the Committee to
spill the beans about Agent Oswald, I mean Oswald the CIA "contact" in
Minsk. . . but we'll find out soon enough.

It's all coming unraveled, folks, and the ARRB has helped enormously to
overcome what just a few years ago appeared to be a hopeless problem. Don't
argue endlessly about what the Warren Commission did or didn't do three and
a half decades ago. Follow the new documents . . . documents pried loose
from bureaucratic hands by the relentless work of the Assassination Records
Review Board.

John Armstrong faxed me another document relating directly to the above and
providing additional details, but it was just a one-page excerpt and I can't
identify the source or the full names of the subjects, so I'll post more
when I get more information from him.

Perhaps some Lone Nutters will now attempt to apply some contorted spin
control to this devastating document.

--Jim Hargrove

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