Introduction The conclusion seems inescapable that at least some of the people who framed Lee Harvey Oswald were members of the Dallas police. -- George O'Toole,The Assassination Tapes WE HAVE SEEN the national media, Gerald Posner, Norman Mailer, and others make a massive effort to focus the public on Lee Harvey Oswald and his alleged psychohistory, deflecting attention away from recent breakthroughs in the physical evidence in the assassination of President Kennedy showing a conspiracy at high levels. Powerful forces have been quite aware that the autopsy doctors, along with every other witness to the President's wounds, strongly reject the official autopsy photographs. At all costs, the doctor's statements, along with all the rest of the evidence presented in this book showing a completely faked case against Oswald, must be kept down. This book contains explosive new evidence concerning the assassination of President John F. Kennedy of the United States. I may not have all the pieces, but this book will be a road map for future investigators to get to the bottom of what really happened to President Kennedy, filling in the pieces that I may not have. I will demonstrate the following: 1. This book will put forward definitive new evidence that the famous Zapruder film is the biggest hoax of the twentieth century. The story is so big, it should blow this case off the map forever. The alleged film of the assassination, which has controlled everybody's perception of it for most of these years and which is supposed to be a "clock" of the assassination-to give us those crucial timings-is fake. The timing and placement of the shots were changed, and for those who fell for this clever but sloppy animation, one can only take a good hard look at those who pandered it. Our attention was being directed elsewhere. 2.This book will present definitive new evidence that the images seen on the X-rays in the National Archives were altered to, cover up the large hole in the back of the President's head. The Kennedy family lawyer, Burke Marshall, allowed Dr. David Mantik to enter the National Archives in October 1993 with a sensitive, light-measuring instrument-an optical densitometer-and examine the X-rays taken at the autopsy of President Kennedy. It was the first time the test was ever conducted, and it. will be replicated by other scientists. Mantik has since made more trips, and on the most recent, brought an astrophysicist, an historic first. That is, it was the first time a nonmedical doctor was allowed to examine the X-rays, the autopsy photographs, the President's clothing, CE 399the "magic bullet"-not a part of an official investigation. Dr. Mantik found beyond any question that the X-rays are altered images intended to hide the position of the large defect as described in the autopsy report itself. This means that all exit wound from a shot that hit JFK's head from in front was hidden by the fake X-rays. We can see the unusual whiteness on this area of the X-rays with the naked eye. Dr. Mantik, both a radiologist and a physicist, outlines his findings in this book. He irrefutably proves the independent research of other scientists and radiologists, which I publish here for the first time and have maintained in all of my previous books: The autopsy X-ray images are altered. 3. I present information from the heretofore secret documents that the autopsy doctors all but screamed at investigators from the House Select Committee on Assassinations that the autopsy photographs did not show the wounds that they had seen, and that the X-rays and photographs are wrong in that respect. 4. Drawings and descriptions made by those present at the autopsy for House investigators and kept secret for more than fifteen years show that the body uses not altered between Parkland Hospital and the autopsy at Bethesda Naval Hospital. The large wound in the back of the head was identical at the two hospitals. 5. From the secret documents, conflicting evidence is apparent, and we will discuss what it may mean. My study represents a major advance in our historical understanding of the evidence. The secret documents demonstrate conclusively that the House Assassinations Committee lied and covered up what the autopsy doctors had tried to tell them. They didn't dare reveal the truth of what the doctors said because it put the lie to the Warren Commission and FBI's official story. This book shows the desperate attempt made by the autopsy doctors to get out the truth about where the bullet's entry hole was on the head, and how this information was suppressed. 6. The conflicts in the evidence demonstrate a trail through the official evidence, giving us a clue to what the truth was. I postulate an entirely new theory from my study of all the available interviews with the autopsy personnel and the conflicts in the physical and ballistics evidence. The conflicts are so severe on each issue in the evidence that there is an entirely different meaning than what was supposed-that is, federal agents and autopsy personnel were forced to lie and fabricate evidence in the face of a conspiracy, then sabotaged it by switching evidence or otherwise planting conflicts that would tell us that something was drastically wrong. That is why this case never came together. 7. The Cover-up. This book contains powerful evidence of how the Warren Commission, the House Assassinations Committee, and other investigations covered up the case. 8. This book refutes the Warren Report point by point in the most powerful manner yet published. 9. I show that Gerald Posner 's book Case Closed tricked the public and the media with false scholarship. His propaganda blitz was intended to head off the scholarship of myself and my team, and he did not interview all of those he claims to have interviewed. Posner distorted and selectively ignored evidence, and had one intent: to trick the public and President Bill Clinton. 10. I present a major analysis of the heretofore secret interviews conducted by the HSCA with the autopsy personnel that show beyond a shadow of a doubt that no bullet passed through President Kennedy's body or neck, and that the entry into his head was far below where it is claimed to be in the photographs. 11. For the first time, I present an entirely new proof of a shot to the President's head from in front. The 6.5mm fragment seen on the X-rays (and mentioned in the FBI report) on the back of the head appears to be on the inside of the skull and not on the outside. Therefore, it was not noted in the autopsy report or by the Warren Commission and had to be covered up.