LECTURE; PhotoScrutiny 2

Photoscrutiny 2 : The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy

Photoscrutiny 2 : The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy in Dealey Plaza,Dallas, Texas, on November 22nd 1963.

Report of the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy US Govt. Printing Office, Washington DC 1964 xii; The FBI carried out more than 25,000 interviews and re-interviews; the Secret Service carried out more than 1500 interviews. Given the extent of the mass media (newspapers, magazines, TV and radio, and the beginning of individuals' own film making, what is permanently available in imagery of any one event ? What other events have occurred and have been so thoroughly documented in visual form ?

A The Function of Photography

B Who Sees ?

1. Eye Witness testimony

2. The Single Image (the photograph)

3. The Moving Image (the film)

4. and there is Computer Simulation

C Photography as an Objective medium