From - Fri Dec 18 10:09:20 1998 Path:!not-for-mail From: Clint Bradford Newsgroups: startext.jfk Subject: Zapruder Frame Reference Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 23:57:02 -0800 Organization: Star-Telegram Usenet server Lines: 58 Message-ID: <> NNTP-Posting-Host: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.5 [en]C-DIAL (Win95; I) X-Accept-Language: en Xref: startext.jfk:10539 If this looks/prints all weird, please let me know. Michael Parks and Martin Shackleford are responsible - I believe - for all the information. Zapruder Frame Equivalents -------------------------- Medio/ MPI Full/ MPI McMillian Wide[2] Closeups[3] Comments 1-154 1-154 (133)[3]-154 - 155 157 157 Two prior frames missing 158-206 158-206 158-206 - 207 207 207 Splice? 208-211 208-211 208-211 MISSING; present in Groden's 212-330 212-330 212-330 - 331 332 331 - 332 331 332 - 333-340 333-340 333-340 - 341 missing missing - 342-349 341-348 341-348 347 missing in Groden set[5] 350 missing missing - 351 349 349 - 352-486 350-??? 350-??? - Notes: ----- [1] - Originally compiled from Michael Parks info [2] - 331/332 switched in the first four film strips (Z normal, Z slow, Z "Wide Frame" with holes, normal and Z "Wide Frame", slow). The "normal" frames are not labeled with frame numbers on the tape/DVD. The Wide Frame goes to MPI483=Z486 [3] - ("Medium Frame" Limo and JFK close ups) They include only frames numbered 133-483 for Medium and 133-447 on the closeup. [4] - Michael says "Groden slides have one more frame than the Medio CD and other films seen. This frame is after 313 somewhere and Robert openly admits this." [5] - Groden 35mm set missing frame 347. Medio Z348-486 numbered 347-485 on that set. Info from Martin Shackleford. Additions or suggestions encouraged. -- - Clint Bradford, ATTENTION to Details