Now that the JFK Assassination Forum on CompuServe has closed, you may be looking for an alternative place to pursue your research online. Please consider using my BBS, The Puzzle Palace. It offers many attractive features. It has been in continuous operation since November 22, 1991. The BBS is exclusively for fellow researchers investigating the JFK assassination. It is privately run, so that there are many files which were not on CompuServe. Plus, I have recently installed a 261 Megabyte IDE hard drive which will provide much more room for files and faster response. My BBS is completely free and you can call it at any speed up to 14.4K BPS. There is no charge to join or use the BBS, although donations are welcome and have facilitated several equipment upgrades. One exciting new feature of my BBS is a database called Namebase Online. My BBS is the first and right now perhaps the only BBS in the world to offer users the opportunity to use Namebase Online. This index will list articles, books, and other citations about a name which you input. It will also list a complete bibliography and background for each source. My BBS also participates in a national FIDO message echo called JFK_ASSN, which is on the FIDO backbone. You may be able to arrange for one of your local FIDO BBSes to carry the JFK_ASSN echo so that you can exchange messages with other researchers, who may not be on CompuServe, at no cost. However, as a general rule, such a FIDO message echo does not allow files to be transferred. My FIDO node is 1:101/505. Because my BBS is in the FIDO network, it must be shut down daily for one hour to receive the FIDO messages. This is either 4-5AM or 5-6AM Eastern time, depending on the time of year. I also plan to make my BBS available for other BBSes to exchange messages or files from 6-7AM daily, so that means that you can not log onto the BBS from 4-7AM daily. I also need time each weekday to read messages, compose replies, log onto CompuServe, and perform routine maintenance, so the BBS is often down from 4-7PM. The best time to chat with the SYSOP on the BBS is 10-12PM. Please call The Puzzle Palace BBS at 617-625-2815 (in the Boston, MA area). Anthony Marsh, SYSOP