HSCA Record Number 10010042 Agency File Number 002086 Originator-HSCA From: Purdy, Donald A. To: Autopsy file Date: 8/19/77 Pages: 2 Subjects: Medical evidence JFK autopsy Wehle, General MDW Release date: 10/23/93 Contents: Memorandum by HSCA investigator Purdy on telephone interview with General P. Wehle on 8/19/77. Document follows in full. MEMORANDUM TO : Autopsy File FROM: Andy Purdy DATE: August 19, 1977 Re : Phone Conversation This Date with General Wehle (804-394-4402) General Wehle was an observer during part of the autopsy. General Wehle was only present during the latter stages of the autopsy, after all the cutting had been done. He saw the President's naked body being placed on the slab and watched a technician doing a lot of slicing of tissue and searching for foreign bodies. He appeared to be looking with a fine tooth comb. General Wehle was there in his capacity at Military C.O. of the Washington Military District. He provided the casket bearers and was present to try to be helpful. He waited outside the autopsy room until his aide told him the cutting had been concluded. He helped keep the many members of the press away. Late in the autopsy his aide (Richard A. Lipsey - 12985 Highland Road, Baton Rouge, Louisiana; mailing address: P.O. Box 2506; 70821; 504-343-2831), informed him that the autopsy doctors had finished cutting and that he might want to go in. Gen. Wehle said his aide was in the autopsy room quite a bit sooner than he was. He said his aide helped him a little bit and in keeping people out of the room and helped with the casket bearers. Gen. Wehle said the door to the autopsy room was guarded by a group of Marines, probably consisting of from eight to ten men maximum. He said he did not notice any of the guards until he got closer to the actual room in which the autopsy was being conducted. Gen. Wehle said he came with the group of cars which included the ambulance carrying the coffin, but said he missed riding in the ambulance. Gen. Wehle said he was not sure who was in charge of the autopsy, but said he felt it was probably the highest [end of page one] -2- ranking surgeons there were. He had no information concerning any non-surgeons who may have been running things. He had no discussions with Adm. Burkley or Robert McNamara concerning orders given regarding the nature of the autopsy. Gen. Wehle emphasized he gained no information about what the autopsy surgeons found by his presence in the area or in the autopsy room itself. He did notice a glass vial containing metal fragments. The only person Gen. Wehle remembered being present was Gen. Godfrey McHugh an Air Force Aide, who he thought may have been inside during the early part of the autopsy. Wehle said that Manchester's book might provide some extra information on this. Gen. Wehle had no information concerning the following: 1. The disposition of the brain or tissue sections. 2. The existence of any notes or note pads in the vicinity of the autopsy room, or the like. Gen. Wehle said he had the impression that all personnel involved in the autopsy were very serious about trying to find out what had happened to the President. When he entered the autopsy room, Gen. Wehle noticed a slight bruise over the right temple of the President but did not see any significant damage to any other part of the head. He noted that the wound was in the back of the head so he would not see it because the President was lying face up; he also said he did not see any damage to the top of the head, but said the President had a lot of hair which could have hidden that. Gen. Wehle also did not notice any exit wounds on the throat, saying the wound was very small anyway. Gen. Wehle was of the opinion (professionally uninformed) that there could have been an open casket. He believed Robert Kennedy made the decision that the casket would be closed. AP:aeh [end of page two and end of document] HSCA Record Number 180-10080-10346 Agency File Number 005421 Originator-HSCA From: Wehle, General To: Date: 2/15/78 Pages: 1 Subjects: Wehle, General Release date: Not on document Contents: Handwritten Outside Contact Report on February 15, 1978 telephone interview by HSCA investigator Mark Flanagan with General Wehle. Document in full follows. OUTSIDE CONTACT REPORT DATE 12-15-78 TIME 2:00 I. Identifying Information: Name: General Wehle Telephone: (804) 394-4402 Address: Farnham, Virginia Type of Contact: X Telephone Person II. Summary of Contact: Contacted Wehle Res. 1) to inquire if he was still the CO of the military District of Wash at the time of JFK's reinterrment in March, 1967 -- he was NOT -- retired in 1965. 2) if Wehle knows the address of a Samuel Byrd (Bird) -- this person was alleged to have been at JFK's autopsy -- Wehle stated that he did not know where he might be -- did say that he heard an unconfirmed report that Byrd had been seriously wounded during Vietnam -- did say that Byrd was in the 1st Battalion, 3rd Inf. in 1963 -- stationed at Ft. Myer. III. Recommended Follow-up (if any): [blank] Signature: /s/ Mark Flanagan [end of page one and end of document]