From - Thu Oct 24 00:39:49 1996 From: Greg Jaynes Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy.jfk.moderated Subject: Re: Why is the acoustic evidence bad? Date: 23 Oct 1996 06:40:09 -0700 Organization: Flashnet Communications Lines: 170 Sender: Approved: Message-ID: <> References: <> Reply-To: NNTP-Posting-Host: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.0Gold (Win95; U) Status: OR Path:!!!!!!not-for-mail Wayne Duck wrote: > > Would someone please explain in full why the acoustic > evidence is bad, or unacceptable. I cannot find a > *full* description of this. Maybe provide a reference. > > Thanks, > > -- > Wayne Duck > Dept. of Physiology and Biophysics > University of Alabama at Birmingham > > "If something is in me which can be called religious > then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure > of the world so far as our science can reveal it." Wayne, Here is the McLain was not in position to record the shots as concluded angle.There are several other things that disprove the conclusions but a full explanation as you have asked for will take more time than I have now. However, I feel this is convincing by itself. ------------------------------------------- **** ( I have included a cooked down motorcade listing at the end of this post. It comes from Todd Vaughan's book : PRESIDENTIAL MOTORCADE SCHEMATIC LISTING NOVEMBER 22, 1963 DALLAS, TEXAS References to cars in the motorcade are from this book.) --------------------------------------------- 1.) Comparisons to the DPD dictabelt recording of echo return times to test microphone number four by BBN require that the microphone (H.B. McLain's motorcyle microphone) must be near the corner of Houston and Elm Street during the shooting. 2.) For your reference, use : a.) Dallas Cinema Associates film 1.) Shows Mclain on main street 2.) He is riding next to Congressman Car #1 b.) Hughes Film 1.) Shows McLain in the turn from Main to Houston street. 2.) He is riding next to Congressman Car #1 c.) Dorman Film 1.) Shows McLain on Houston St. approaching the Elm St. turn 2.) He is riding next to Congressman Car #1 3.) He is actually in microphone #4's Zone at this time. This is well after the shots have been fired. But Groden say's this is the proof he was in position to record the shots. d.) Zapruder film Everyone thinks they know what the Zapruder film shows, but when you study the area above the white wall that separates Houston St from the infield grass a whole new story emerges. 1.) Zapruder film shows a.) National Press pool Car on Houston St. b.) Yellow 1964 Chevy Impala (Dave Weigman's Car,) c.) Silver 1964 Chevy Impala Camera Car #2 2.) The November 25, 1966 LIFE magazine shows Zapruder Frames: Z-193, Z-206, Z-231 through Z- 244. They show the area above the white wall that separates the reflecting pool portion of Dealey Plaza and Houston street from the infield grass that is situated between Main and Elm streets. And we can see three motorcade cars: 1.) National Press Pool car 2.) Camera car #1 and 3.) Camera car #2. The frames are also numbered in what would be the lower left sprocket hole of each frame. This gives us a point of reference in the Zapruder film to compare to the Hughes film which shows the same three cars just mentioned while they are on Houston street as well as Officer McLain. Officer McLain's exact location at certain points on a time line are criticle to the conclusions of the HSCA. The LIFE magazine issue shows numbered frames and the cars on Houston St that were in front of Mclain. At least two shots were to have been fired prior to Z-202 and clearly McLain was near the intersection of Main Houston at this time. Not anywhere near Mic #4. He could not possibly have recorded the first two shots as concluded because he was not there. **** From Todd Vaughan's Motorcade Schematic Listing The Motorcade 1.) Advance car 2.) Pilot car MCBRIDE BELLAH GARRICK ELLIS BREWER GREY FREEMAN LUMPKIN 3.) Lead car - Curry, Decker, Sorrels, Winston Lawson 4.) Presidential Limo HARGIS MARTIN CHANEY JACKSON 5.) Presidential Secret Service Black Cadillac 1956 6.) Vice Presidential limo Steele Grey Lincoln 7.) Vice Presidential Secret Service car 4dr Yellow Mercury Monterey 8.) Mayor's car Red interior 2dr Mercury Comet 1964 converible ---- The next three cars can be seen in the Z-film on Houston St-- 9.) National press pool car Gray Chevrolet Bel Air 1959 10.) Camera car #1 Yellow convertible Chevrolet Impala 1964 11.) Camera car #2 Silver convertible 2dr Chevrolet Impala 1964 They are visible in Z-film from Z-193 to Z-244 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Now, according to the HSCA conclusions, at least two shots have already been fired and McLain is behind these cars on Houston St. The stuck microphone should be in front of these cars already. It's right there in the Zapruder film for all to see. 12.) Camera car #3 Gray convertible 2dr Chevrolet Impala 1964 MCLAIN BAKER 13.) Congressman's car #1 Mercury Comet 1964 14.) Congressman's car #2 White convertible 2dr Mercury Comet 15.) Congressman's car #3 Lincoln Sedan 1964 Gray 16.) VIP car. Mercury station wagon 1964 COURSON HAYGOOD 17.) White House Press Bus #1 18.) Local Press Pool car Chevrolet 4dr hardtop 19.) White House Press bus #2 SMART DALE 20.) Extra car #1 Grey or Blue Chevrolet Hardtop 21.) Western Union car Black Ford hard top 1957 22.) White House Signal Corps car White 23.) Extra car #2 Two tone blue Hardtop Chevrolet Impala 1964 24.) Official Party Bus 25.) Rear Police car You can also reference Vol 18 of the Warren Commission exhibits for full Z- frames although they are not in color they contain the sprocket area and are numbered. Greg Jaynes