What actually happened in Dealey Plaza on November 22,1963?
The answer to that question lies in witness testimony and evidence which has been ignored for more than 30 years. To look at some of the most dramatic new findings in the case: click here.
Deanie Richards manages a database of important text files on the case. Be sure to check out JFK Place.
Among those who believe that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone is Marquette professor, John McAdams. To get the other side of the issue, check out his WEB site.
You can read some very thoughtful articles and reviews at the WEB site of historian, Grover Proctor.
Executive Action is an ftp site run by Joe Riley. There are a number of good articles and Zapruder images there.
Puzzle Palace is a WEB site maintained by Tony Marsh. It contains recently released documents, including some related to Lee Harvey Oswald's trip to Mexico City.
An interesting new JFK site was put up by ALT.JFK.ASSASSINATION is a newsgroup dedicated to intelligent, objective discussion of the assassination. The group is moderated.
Failure Analysis has in intriguing WEB page where they discuss their reconstruction of the JFK murder. You can download part of their simulation from this location.
alt.conspiracy.jfk is an unmoderated usenet group devoted to the JFK case. (Wear flame-resistant clothes)