Index of the Warren Commission Hearings
Testimony Of Joe Marshall Smith
The testimony of Joe Marshall Smith was taken at 1 p.m., on
July 23, 1964, in the office of the U.S. attorney, 301 Post
Office Building, Bryan and Ervay Streets, Dallas, Tex., by Mr.
Wesley J. Liebeler, assistant counsel of the President's
- Mr. Liebeler.
- Would you rise and raise your right hand? Do you
solemnly swear that the testimony you are about to give
will be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the
truth, so help you God?
- Mr. Smith.
- I do.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- Please sit down. My name is Wesley J. Liebeler. I am
an attorney on the staff of the President's Commission on
the Assassination of President Kennedy. I have been
authorized to take your testimony by the Commission,
pursuant to authority granted to it by Executive Order
No. 11130 dated November 29, 1963, and joint resolution
of Congress No. 137. Under the rules of procedure, you
are entitled to have an attorney present, and you are
entitled to 3 days' notice of your hearing. I know you
didn't get that, because I just called you this morning,
but I assume that since you are here, you are prepared to
go ahead without an attorney, is that correct?
- Mr. Smith.
- Yes, sir.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- Would you state your full name for the record?
- Mr. Smith.
- Joe Marshall Smith.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- What is your address?
- Mr. Smith.
- 12015 Androck. That is in Mesquite.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- When were you born?
- Mr. Smith.
- May 1, 1932.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- Where?
- Mr. Smith.
- Kleburg, Tex.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- Would you outline briefly for us your educational
- Mr. Smith.
- Yes, sir. I went to grade school in Seagoville up to
the second grade. Then I went to Houston, Tex., and
finished elementary school there, and then to junior high
school, and through high school in Houston, Tex. Then I
went into the U.S. Navy.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- You are presently a uniformed officer of the Dallas
Police Department?
- Mr. Smith.
- That's right.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- How long have you been with the Dallas Police
- Mr. Smith.
- Oh, nearly 8 years, in September it will be.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- During that time, you have been working basically as a
uniformed officer, patrolman?
- Mr. Smith.
- Yes, sir.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- Have you been working in any specific type of
assignment, or just what has been the nature of your
- Mr. Smith.
- Well, I was in radio patrol 3 1/2 years. Then I went
to traffic division point control, and that is what I am
doing presently.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- I understand that you were assigned to work in the
vicinity of Elm and Houston on November 22, 1963, is that
- Mr. Smith.
- Correct.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- Would you tell us when you first got that assignment
and what you were told.
- Mr. Smith.
- At approximately 8:45 or 9 o'clock that morning,
November 22, we made detail, and Capt. P. W. Lawrence
gave us the instructions that we were to, of course, hold
the traffic up when the motorcade came through, and to
assist in the crowd control, and be specifically on the
lookout for anyone throwing anything from the crowd. That
is about all I remember.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- How many officers were with you as you were instructed
at the detail at 8:45? That means, there was a formation
of something in the office?
- Mr. Smith.
- There was quite a few there. I don't know how many
were there, but nearly the whole traffic department was
- Mr. Liebeler.
- Did they all receive instructions from Captain
Lawrence at the same time, or were they different
specific instructions broken down?
- Mr. Smith.
- There were some broken down instructions that some of
the men had to stay over to get different detail aimed to
them, but that was my instructions.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- Did you receive those instructions in writing, or
delivered orally?
- Mr. Smith.
- Delivered orally.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- In other words, the captain or someone working with
the captain would have a list and he assigned certain men
to certain places and gave them general instructions as
to what they were to do; is that correct?
- Mr. Smith.
- That's correct.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- Men from the department were assigned all along the
motorcade route from the airport into downtown Dallas; is
that correct?
- Mr. Smith.
- Correct.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- And other men were given instructions similar to or
the same as the ones that you were given?
- Mr. Smith.
- Yes, sir.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- Which was to keep traffic out of the way when the
motorcade was coming, and keep an open and clear route,
and to engage in general crowd control activities?
- Mr. Smith.
- Yes, sir.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- Were there any instructions given to you men about
scanning buildings?
- Mr. Smith.
- Sir, I don't remember. It is more or less the general
thing to do. I mean, just police the area. But I don't
remember any specific instructions on that.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- Now after you received your instructions at 8:45, what
did you do?
- Mr. Smith.
- I proceeded to the intersection of Elm and Houston,
and it was about 9:50 or 10 o'clock when I was on the
corner there. At approximately 11:50 or 12 o'clock, there
was a white male that had an epileptic seizure on the
esplanade on Houston Street between Main and Elm. Well, I
went down to see if any assistance was needed, and I
stayed there until the white male was loaded into an
ambulance and sent to a hospital. Then I proceeded back
to my assignment.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- Were there any other officers there in connection with
this fellow that had the epileptic fit?
- Mr. Smith.
- Yes; there was one more. He was a radio patrolman.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- Do you remember his name?
- Mr. Smith.
- I don't remember his name. I swear, I was trying to
think of it before this even.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- He was a radio patrolman? You mean he was driving a
motorcycle or had a car?
- Mr. Smith.
- No; he was assigned, I think, if I am not mistaken, I
think he was assigned to Main and Houston, and he was
down there with the man when arrived at the scene.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- So you called an ambulance, or an ambulance was called
and this man was taken away, and you went back to the
corner of Elm and Houston Streets?
- Mr. Smith.
- Yes.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- How many officers were assigned at Elm and Houston?
- Mr. Smith.
- Three of us.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- Who were the other two men?
- Mr. Smith.
- W. E. Barnett, and E. L. Smith. I think that is his
initials. I know it is another Smith boy anyway.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- How did you station yourself when you got there?
- Mr. Smith.
- Just after we got the epileptic seizure en route to
the hospital, I hadn't gotten back to the corner but just
a few minutes until the motorcade was coming, so I
stationed myself on Elm Street in the middle from the
southeast curb of Elm and Houston and held traffic up.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- Which direction would this traffic have been coming
from that you held up?
- Mr. Smith.
- It was heading west on Elm.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- Coming down Elm toward the triple underpass? Coming
into the intersection of Elm and Houston?
- Mr. Smith.
- Yes.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- So you were the individual patrolman who went back and
held up the traffic to Elm. Street; is that right?
- Mr. Smith.
- Yes.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- So you would have been on the eastern side of Houston
Street on Elm Street holding up the traffic that was
coming down Elm Street?
- Mr. Smith.
- Yes, sir.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- From that position, could you have observed the
windows on the side of the Texas School Book Depository
Building from which the shots were fired?
- Mr. Smith.
- Yes, sir; I could see some of the windows. I couldn't
see them all, but I was pretty busy getting traffic held
up, and I must admit I had my back to the Texas School
Book Depository Building.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- Because you were facing traffic that was coming down
Elm Street toward the triple underpass toward the
intersection of Houston Street?
- Mr. Smith.
- Right.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- So you had no opportunity to scan the windows of the
Texas School Book Depository Building at all?
- Mr. Smith.
- No, sir.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- And you did not scan the building?
- Mr. Smith.
- No, sir.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- Now did you notice anything extraordinary in the crowd
as far as a crowd control is concerned? Did you have any
problems in that connection, or was it just a matter of
holding up the traffic?
- Mr. Smith.
- No, sir; we didn't have any trouble with the crowd at
that particular intersection. They stayed back pretty
well as they were told, and I got all the cars stopped,
so I thought we had it made.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- I show you a picture, an aerial view of the area that
is marked Commission Exhibit No. 354. Could you locate
the Texas School Book Depository Building in there?
- Mr. Smith.
- Yes, sir; it should be right there.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- Yes; that is it on the left-hand side of the picture,
and of course, the intersection of Elm and Houston is
right off opposite the corner there, right at the corner
of the Texas School Book Depository Building, and you
were standing to the east?
- Mr. Smith.
- Yes, sir; right here.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- Of Houston?
- Mr. Smith.
- Right along in this area.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- There is, in fact, a picture of a car stopped there
right at the intersection of Elm and Houston, and you had
been standing back in the vicinity of the automobile?
- Mr. Smith.
- Just about the middle of Elm Street here.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- I will put the No. 4 in a circle on the spot of
approximately where you were standing at the time the
motorcade went by. Is that approximately correct?
- Mr. Smith.
- Yes, sir.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- You were facing east up Elm Street away from the
triple underpass?
- Mr. Smith.
- Yes, sir.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- So that your back was in fact turned to the School
Book Depository Building?
- Mr. Smith.
- Yes.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- Now there are two or three other buildings here in the
immediate vicinity as you are facing east on Elm Street.
There is a building on your left, which is directly
across Houston Street from the School Book Depository
Building. Do you know what building that is?
- Mr. Smith.
- I know, but I can't remember now.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- Did you observe any activity in any of the windows of
that building?
- Mr. Smith.
- No, sir; I didn't
- Mr. Liebeler.
- Did you have occasion to look to the windows of that
building at any time when the motorcade came by? That
would be the building to your left.
- Mr. Smith.
- Yes, sir. I don't recall, but I know that I must have,
because. I was trying to keep all the crowd in sight that
was around. I know that I must have glanced at it, but I
don't recall seeing anything unusual.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- What about the building across Elm Street on your
right? That is the county building?
- Mr. Smith.
- Yes, sir.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- There are a series of windows in that building facing
the triple underpass. Could you observe those windows
from the point where you were standing?
- Mr. Smith.
- No, sir; not where I could tell whether they were open
or closed.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- Because you were standing too far up Elm Street to
have a good vantage point from which to observe these
- Mr. Smith.
- I mean on Houston Street.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- That is what I mean.
- Mr. Smith.
- Yes, sir.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- You wouldn't have been able to see the windows of the
building that is down on the intersection of Main and
Houston Streets at all from where you were standing?
- Mr. Smith.
- No.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- If you could have seen, it would have been with great
difficulty, so you weren't in position to observe those
windows, and you didn't in fact observe them, is that
- Mr. Smith.
- Correct.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- While you were standing here and the motorcade went
by, tell us what happened at that point.
- Mr. Smith.
- I heard the shots.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- Did you turn to watch the motorcade? Did you turn to
watch the President as the motorcade went by?
- Mr. Smith.
- Yes, sir; I glanced around and was watching the crowd
to make sure they stayed back out of the way of the
motorcade, and also to make sure none of the cars started
up or anything. Then I heard the shots, and I immediately
proceeded from this point.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- Point 4 on Commission Exhibit No. 354?
- Mr. Smith.
- I started up toward this Book Depository after I heard
the shots, and I didn't know where the shots came from. I
had no idea, because it was such a ricochet.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- An echo effect?
- Mr. Smith.
- Yes, sir.; and this woman came up to me and she was
just in hysterics. She told me, "They are shooting
the President from the bushes." So I immediately
proceeded up here.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- You proceeded up to an area immediately behind the
concrete structure here that is described by Elm Street
and the street that runs immediately in front of the
Texas School Book Depository, is that right?
- Mr. Smith.
- I was checking all the bushes and I checked all the
cars in the parking lot.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- There is a parking lot in behind this grassy area back
from Elm Street toward the railroad tracks, and you went
down to the parking lot and looked around?
- Mr. Smith.
- Yes, sir; I checked all the cars. I looked into all
the cars and checked around the bushes. Of course, I
wasn't alone. There was some deputy sheriff with me, and
I believe one Secret Service man when I got there.
I got to make this statement, too. I felt awfully silly,
but after the shot and this woman, I pulled my pistol
from my holster, and I thought, this is silly, I don't
know who I am looking for, and I put it back. Just as I
did, he showed me that he was a Secret Service agent.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- Did you accost this man?
- Mr. Smith.
- Well, he saw me coming with my pistol and right away
he showed me who he was.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- Do you remember who it was?
- Mr. Smith.
- No, sir; I don't--because then we started checking the
cars. In fact, I was checking the bushes, and I went
through the cars, and I started over here in this
particular section.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- Down toward the railroad tracks where they go over the
triple underpass?
- Mr. Smith.
- Yes.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- Did you have any basis for believing where the shots
came from, or where to look for somebody, other than what
the lady told you?
- Mr. Smith.
- No, sir; except that maybe it was a power of
suggestion. But it sounded to me like they may have came
from this vicinity here.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- Down around the---let's put a No. 5 there at the
corner here behind this concrete structure where the
bushes were down toward the railroad tracks from the
Texas School Book Depository Building on the little
street that runs down in front of the Texas School Book
Depository Building.
- Mr. Smith.
- Yes.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- Now you say that you had the idea that the shots may
have come from up in that area?
- Mr. Smith.
- Yes, sir; that is just what, well, like I say, the
sound of it. That was the most helpless and hopeless
feeling I ever had.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- Well, you mentioned before there was an echo from the
shots in the area.
- Mr. Smith.
- Yes, sir.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- Probably caused by the fact that there are some large
buildings around the area where the shots were fired
- Mr. Smith.
- Yes.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- Now did you at any time have occasion to look up to
the railroad tracks that went across the triple
- Mr. Smith.
- Yes, sir; I looked up there after I was going up to
check there.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- You didn't have any occasion to 'look up there before
you heard the shots?
- Mr. Smith.
- No, sir.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- After you heard the shots, you proceeded down along
the bushes here between the street that runs in front of
the Texas School Book Depository Building and Elm Street
to approximately point 5, and then when you went down
looking to the cars, you then had occasion to look up at
the railroad tracks running over the triple underpass?
- Mr. Smith.
- Yes, sir.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- Did you see anybody up there?
- Mr. Smith.
- Yes, sir; there was two other officers there, I know.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- Were there any other people up there, that you can
- Mr. Smith.
- No, sir; none that I remember.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- But you remember that there were two police officers
up there?
- Mr. Smith.
- Yes, sir.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- Now you searched these cars in this parking lot area
down there by the railroad tracks on from point 5 down
toward the main railroad tracks that cross over the
triple underpass. Did you find anything that you could
associate in any way with the assassination?
- Mr. Smith.
- No, sir.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- How long did you remain down in that area?
- Mr. Smith.
- Oh, I would say approximately 15 to 20 minutes.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- During that time, you continued searching through
automobiles and searching the general area in the parking
lot back there; is that right?
- Mr. Smith.
- Yes, sir.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- What did you do after you had searched this area?
- Mr. Smith.
- Well, it was, I don't remember whether this was a
deputy sheriff--I don't know his name he was in civilian
clothes--he said they came from the building up here. And
by that time, of course, all the police around there
sealed the building off, and I went to the front door
here on the, well, you might say, the Houston Street
side. I and Barnett, and we sealed the front door and
didn't let anyone in or out until he was passed by the
- Mr. Liebeler.
- Let me ask you this. Before you went up to the School
Book Depository Building, am I correct in understanding
that you did thoroughly search the area of the parking
lot, you and the other officers?
- Mr. Smith.
- Well, now, I didn't go into all the cars. I looked
into them, and I was well satisfied in my mind that he
wasn't around
Some of the cars were locked, and I just looked into all
of them around there, and I went back to the building.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- Who gave you instructions to go to the front door of
that building, do you remember?
- Mr. Smith.
- I believe it was Sergeant Howard.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- Sergeant Howard?
- Mr. Smith.
- Sergeant Howard, or Sergeant Harkness.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- So to the best of your recollection, it was one of
those two men?
- Mr. Smith.
- Yes, sir. Wait---let's strike that. No; it wasn't. It
was Chief Lumpkin give us the direct order, I and
Barnett, not to let anyone in or out of that building;
that's right--Deputy Chief Lumpkin.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- Where did you see him in order to receive that order?
- Mr. Smith.
- I started back up here to the building, and we were
just about at the front door when he contacted me and
Barnett then.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- He instructed you and Barnett to stand at the front
door and not let anyone in or out?
- Mr. Smith.
- Right.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- Do you know approximately what time that was?
- Mr. Smith.
- No, sir; it must have been about 1. It was after I
o'clock. I don't remember; no.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- How long did you and Barnett remain there at the front
- Mr. Smith.
- Until about 2:30; I think I got off there.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- Did you at any time go into the building?
- Mr. Smith.
- No, sir.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- Do you know whether other men were assigned to watch
the back door?
- Mr. Smith.
- No, sir; I don't know. I am quite certain there was.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- But you had no personal knowledge of it at the time?
- Mr. Smith.
- No, sir.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- Because you were assigned to the front door, and that
is where you stayed?
- Mr. Smith.
- Yes, sir.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- In fact, did you let anybody in or out of the
- Mr. Smith.
- Well, now, we let police officers in, of course, and
- Mr. Liebeler.
- The firemen came into the building?
- Mr. Smith.
- Yes, sir; there was something on that that they had to
get some--- what was that, I don't recall what it was
that they come in there for now.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- There were some firemen from the Dallas Fire
Department that went into the building?
- Mr. Smith.
- Yes, sir.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- Did they come back to the front door?
- Mr. Smith.
- Yes, sir.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- How about Secret Service; were there any Secret
Service agents around?
- Mr. Smith.
- I don't know, sir.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- Do you know Agent Sorrels, the agent in charge of the
Dallas office of the Secret Service?
- Mr. Smith.
- I saw him a few minutes, but I don't know him
- Mr. Liebeler.
- Do you remember seeing him around that day?
- Mr. Smith.
- No, sir; I don't remember.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- Did you at any time see Lee Harvey Oswald come in or
out of the building, or in the area at all?
- Mr. Smith.
- No, sir.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- Is there anything that happened while you were
standing there with Barnett at the front door that you
think would be of significance that the Commission should
know about that I haven't asked you about?
- Mr. Smith.
- No, sir; I don't.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- You just maintained the general guard duty there and
only let the police officers and fire department in, and
you don't have any specific recollection as to Secret
Service agents. How about FBI agents; were there some of
- Mr. Smith.
- Yes, sir; there were FBI agents.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- You let them go in?
- Mr. Smith.
- Yes, sir.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- Do you remember any specific FBI agents that were
- Mr. Smith.
- No, sir; I don't remember any of the names.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- Who finally relieved you from that particular duty
- Mr. Smith.
- Let me think here a minute now. Chief Lumpkin, I
know--I don't recall who the officer was.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- I don't think it is of any particular importance if
you can't recall. What did you do after you were finally
- Mr. Smith.
- I don't know if this is of significance either, but
they had set up, the Salvation Army had some coffee and I
had a cup of coffee and proceeded on back to the
Mercantile Bank. I had an extra job there that evening.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- You were relieved from your duty post?
- Mr. Smith.
- Yes, sir.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- And went on about your own personal affairs?
- Mr. Smith.
- Yes, sir.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- Did you conduct any additional investigation or have
to do with the investigation of the assassination after
- Mr. Smith.
- No, sir.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- Did you know Officer Tippit?
- Mr. Smith.
- Remotely. I didn't know him real well. Just knew him
when I saw him.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- When did you first hear about Oswald's capture?
- Mr. Smith.
- It was after I left my post.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- After you left your post?
- Mr. Smith.
- Yes; in fact, just before I got off from working at
the bank. Just before 6 o'clock. A squad of detectives, I
don't recall their names, but they told me they got a man
over at the Texas Theatre that they thought might have
been the one.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- After you heard the shots and went from point 4 on
Commission Exhibit No. 354 down to point 5 searching the
bushy area here, did you have any occasion to look up in
the windows of any of the buildings surrounding the
intersection of Elm and Houston Streets?
- Mr. Smith.
- No, sir; I was--pardon the expression--beating the
bushes and checking the cars.
- Mr. Smith.
- No sir.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- Are you familiar with the traffic patterns on these
three streets here, Commerce, Main, and Elm Streets, as
they go down under the triple underpass?
- Mr. Smith.
- Yes sir.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- The motorcade came down Main Street from the east to
intersection of Main Street and Houston, did it not?
- Mr. Smith.
- Yes; headed west on Main.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- Yes; and it turned right on Houston Street and then
turned left on Elm and was headed toward the triple
underpass when the assassination occurred. What would
have prevented the motorcade from going directly down
Main Street under the triple underpass, remembering now
that the motorcade wanted to go onto Stemmons Freeway?
- Mr. Smith.
- I don't know, sir.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- Now, could you have gone straight down Main Street and
gotten onto Stemmons Freeway down here?
- Mr. Smith.
- Yes, sir.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- Where the three streets go under the triple overpass,
there is a concrete barrier between Elm Street and Main
Street; is there not?
- Mr. Smith.
- What do you mean?
- Mr. Liebeler.
- Where the streets actually go under the railroad
tracks here.
- Mr. Smith.
- Yes, sir.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- Now where is the entrance as we go off, as we see the
three streets going off the picture here, Commission
Exhibit No. 354? Where is the entrance to the Stemmons
- Mr. Smith.
- It is back off.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- It is not shown on the picture?
- Mr. Smith.
- No, sir; it is back off here.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- To go down Stemmons Expressway or Freeway towards the
trade mart, you would have to turn how? Would you turn to
your right?
- Mr. Smith.
- Yes, sir.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- Now could you have actually gone off to the right and
crossed over Elm Street if you had been on Main Street
and gone under the triple underpass?
- Mr. Smith.
- They merge.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- They all merge together down there?
- Mr. Smith.
- Yes, sir.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- So as far as you know, there was no reason why the
motorcade couldn't have gone straight down Elm Street and
gone on to the Stemmons Freeway headed for the trade
- Mr. Smith.
- As far as I know, there is no reason.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- Is it possible that as you come down Main Street, if
you stayed directly on Main Street going under the triple
underpass, that you might have difficulty in making the
turn with a big car from Main Street to go onto Stem-mons
- Mr. Smith.
- Yes, sir.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- I don't think I have any more questions about the
situation, unless you can think of something else that
you might have seen or observed that day that I haven't
asked you about, that you think the Commission should
- Mr. Smith.
- Sir, I just can't think of anything else.
- Mr. Liebeler.
- I want to thank you very much for coming over. I
appreciate your cooperation.
- Mr. Smith.
- Yes, sir; thank you.
Warren Commission Hearings, Vol. VII, p. 531.
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