Subject: [MC] Did the U.S. Government Actually Create Programmed Assassins? Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2000 04:15:07 GMT From: Organization: Msen, Inc. Newsgroups: alt.assassination.jfk From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]: Conspiracy Shopping Cart: James Daugherty To: Mind Control List Subject: [MC] Did the U.S. Government Actually Create Programmed Assassins? Date: Saturday, February 05, 2000 11:43 PM Project MKULTRA: Did the U.S. Government Actually Create Programmed Assassins? By Curt Rowlett ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- (All Rights Reserved; this article may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the express permission of the author). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- Call Waiting One of my favorite movies is the 1970's spy thriller Telefon. In this film, the KGB has hypnotized Russian agents to carry out assassinations and acts of terrorism, prior to committing suicide on completion of their programmed mission. All of this takes place without the programmed subjects having any knowledge that they are mind-controlled. These individuals have been programmed to react when the lines of a Robert Frost poem are recited to them over the telephone. Placed all over America as "sleepers," these robot-assassins live out their lives believing they are ordinary Americans, until the fateful moment when the telephone rings and a voice begins to recite, "The woods are lovely, dark and deep, but I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep. Remember, comrade, miles to go before you sleep". Pure Hollywood fantasy about a paranoid conspiracy theory, right? Yes. No. Maybe. I admit that I am split on whether or not I really believe in such a thing as a mind controlled, programmed assassin. A part of me refuses to accept that this concept is anything more than an irrational fear and a good, but slightly paranoid, Cold War-type plot for a movie like Telefon. Then there is another part of me that looks at the information about Project MKULTRA pried out of the CIA via the Freedom of Information Act and I somehow can't quite bring myself to dismiss the idea as just mere concept. We now have substantiated proof that the CIA was working on projects to control human behavior. And given the history of the agency as revealed in once classified documents, it is safe to say that the CIA would have had a great interest in creating the perfect agent: one who didn't know he/she was an agent. One who was mind-controlled. (In The Control of Candy Jones, author Donald Bain tells of Candy Jones, a leading New York fashion model whose story is perhaps one of the best documented cases of successful mind-control by the CIA via drugs, hypnosis and intensive programming; Ms. Jones underwent hypnotic regression therapy after exhibiting disturbing personality shifts and eventually what had happened to her emerged. The story that unfolded told how Ms. Jones had been programmed by hypnosis to act as a spy and courier for the CIA in the Far East, all the while in a deep hypnotic trance. Once the CIA was through with her, she returned to her former life with absolutely no memory of what had happened to her). Such a scenario would be plausible denial at it's finest, producing the ultimate patsy. Consider the following extract from the "Real Story Series" booklet entitled "Who Killed Robert Kennedy?" by Philip Melanson: "Since World War II, the US military and the CIA have conducted extensive research into mind control and its relation to national security...Fearing that the Russians might produce a "sleeper killer" as a weapon against the West, the CIA began to pursue research on their own programmed assassin. An agency memo in January 1954 discussed a "hypothetical problem": "Can an made to perform an act of attempted assassination involuntarily?" Can someone be turned into a "trigger mechanism" that can be "induced to perform the act of attempted assassination at a later date"? The target of the attempted assassination was to be "a prominent politician [of the foreign country] or if necessary, an American official." Melanson writes further that it would be much easier to create a "patsy" than to program an assassin and also wrote that hypnosis expert Milton Kline, a CIA consultant, estimated that he could create such a patsy in as little as three months. During their investigation and research into the history of LSD, authors Martin A. Lee and Bruce Shlain were allowed access to a special reading room at the Hyatt Regency in Rosslyn, Virginia. Documents pertinent to the CIA's MKULTRA program were being opened to the public as the result of a Senate subcommittee led by chairman Senator Ted Kennedy. In the prologue to their book, Acid Dreams, they write: In the course of our inquiry we uncovered CIA documents describing experiments in sensory deprivation, sleep teaching, ESP, subliminal projection, electronic brain stimulation, and many other methods that might have applications for behavior modification. One project was designed to turn people into programmed assassins who would kill on automatic command. (1) Most conspiracy researchers are familiar with the CIA's mind control program MKULTRA. It was led by creepy scientist-spook Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, who testified before the same subcommittee only after receiving a grant of immunity from criminal prosecution. MKULTRA was launched in April of 1953 as a continuation of mind-control experiments that originated in the Nazi death camps of such notoriety as Dachau. (MKULTRA, ARTICHOKE and other CIA projects became possible because of Project Paperclip, a US Army scheme that smuggled Nazi scientists, intelligence personnel and other war criminals to the United States from Europe at the end of WWII.) The start of the Cold War and the Korean War in particular gave the go ahead to mind control research with the advent of "brain washing" as a house-hold name. Supposedly a development of the Communist-Chinese, the term was actually coined by a magazine writer later discovered to be on the CIA payroll as an "agent of influence". On the premise of a "brainwashing gap," the CIA got permission for research into countering alleged communist mind control efforts and set out to develop their own to aid in the espionage battle. MKULTRA Calling: A History of Horrors The abuses of MKULTRA are just beginning to see the light of day. On November 19, 1953, an Army scientist and germ warfare specialist named Frank Olson, who was working on an MKULTRA project, was without his knowledge or consent, slipped a dose of LSD in a drink at a party attended by other CIA personnel. For weeks afterward he remained in what many witnesses described as a state of depression and paranoia. He confided to one CIA doctor that the agency was putting something in his coffee to keep him awake at night, that people were plotting against him and that he heard voices commanding him to throw his wallet away, which he did, even though it contained several uncashed pay checks. On the last night of his life, he checked into a room at the Statler Hilton hotel in New York City along with a CIA agent assigned to watch him. Olson allegedly jumped through a closed hotel window and fell ten stories to his death. It was Dr. Gottlieb who had slipped him the drug at the party. An elaborate cover-up eliminated any clues as to the actual circumstances of his death. The full truth of what happened would not come to light for twenty years. (On a recent episode of the television show Unsolved Mysteries, serious doubts were raised as to whether Olson actually jumped through the window unaided.) Olson's widow was eventually awarded a large cash settlement in connection with his death at the hands of the CIA. Dr. Ewen Cameron, a prestigious psychiatrist who directed the Allain Memorial Institute in Montreal, Canada also worked for the CIA during MKULTRA. With financial backing from the CIA, Dr. Cameron developed a bizarre method for reprogramming people. This involved "sleep therapy" where a person was knocked out with sedatives for months at a time. Next, the phase involved "depatterning" in which the person was given massive electro shocks and frequent doses of LSD in an attempt to wipe out past behavior patterns. Then, the doctor would attempt to recondition the person's mind using a technique called "psychic driving," in which the person was again heavily sedated, locked in a "sleep room" where tape recordings of various messages were played over a speaker under the person's pillow as many as a quarter of a million times. (2) (Nine of Dr. Cameron's former "patients" have filed lawsuits against the American government in a claim that they are still suffering from trauma as a result of these experiments.) Another death attributed to the program was that of Harold Blauer in 1953. Blauer was part of a study conducted by a group of doctors working under an army contract at the New York State Psychiatric Institute. He died a few hours after an injection of MDA, a psychedelic, amphetamine-derived drug, similar to the 90's "rave" drug, Ecstasy. The drug had been supplied by the Army Chemical Corps in co-operation with MKULTRA. One army researcher later admitted that "we didn't know if it was dog piss or what it was we were giving to him." (3) And in perhaps one of the most bizarre and horrifying abuses, Dr. Paul Hoch, while performing experiments for the army as a CIA consultant, gave intra spinal injections of LSD and mescaline to psychiatric patients, later lobotomizing them. In one experiment, after a psychedelic had been administered, Dr. Hoch gave a subject a local anesthetic and asked him to describe his visual experiences as surgeons removed pieces of his brain. (4) (The list of other abuses occurring during MKULTRA is a lengthy one that could fill a large volume.) The CIA appears to have chosen to experiment primarily on certain groups: prisoners, mental patients, "foreigners," sexual deviants, and minorities. Much of the experimentation occurred at places like the Addiction Research Center, a federal hospital for drug addicts in Lexington, Kentucky. CIA documents describe experiments conducted in which persons were given LSD for over seventy-five consecutive days in double, triple and quadruple doses. The majority of these subjects were black males. Abuses of inmates at Vacaville Medical Facility in California, a prison psychiatric hospital, were also conducted under the auspices of MKULTRA. Consider the following excerpts from a series of articles that ran in the Napa Sentinel, entitled, "Mind Control" by Harry V. Martin and David Caul: People have found it difficult to accept that an individual can be hypnotized to perform an act which is against his moral principles. Some experiments have been conducted by the U.S. Army which show that this popular perception is untrue. The chairman of the Department of Psychology at Colgate University, Dr. Estabrooks, has stated, "I can hypnotize a man without his knowledge or consent into committing treason against the United States." Estabrooks was one of the nation's most authoritative sources in the hypnotic field...Dr. Estabrooks actually conducted experiments on U.S. soldiers to prove his point. Soldiers of low rank and little formal education were placed under hypnotism and their memories tested...One of the experiments involved placing a normal, stable army private in a deep trance. Watkins was trying to see if he could get the private to attack a superior officer, a cardinal sin in the military. While the private was in a deep trance, Watkins told him that the officer sitting across from him was an enemy soldier who was going to attempt to kill him. In the private's mind, it was a kill or be killed situation. The private immediately jumped up and grabbed the officer by the throat. The experiment was repeated several times, and in one case the man who was hypnotized and the man who was attacked were very close friends. The results were always the same. In one experiment, the hypnotized subject pulled out a knife and nearly stabbed another person...Dr. James V. McConnel, head of the Department of Mental Health Research at the University of Michigan, said, "The day has come when we can combine sensory deprivation with the use of drugs, hypnosis, and the astute manipulation of reward and punishment to gain almost absolute control over an individual's behavior...A U.S. Navy psychologist, who claims that the Office of Naval Intelligence had taken convicted murderers from military prisons, used behavior modification techniques on them, and then relocated them in American embassies throughout the world. Just prior to that time, the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee had censured the CIA for its global political assassination plots, including plots against Fidel Castro. The Navy psychologist was Lt. Commander Thomas Narut of the U.S. Regional Medical Center in Naples, Italy. The information was divulged at an Oslo NATO conference of 120 psychologists from the eleven nation alliance...Dr. Narut, in a question and answer session with reporters from many nations, revealed how the Navy was secretly programming large numbers of assassins. He said that the men he had worked with for the Navy were being prepared for commando-type operations, as well as covert operations in U.S. embassies worldwide. He described the men who went through his program as "hit men and assassins" who could kill on command. Careful screening of the subjects was accomplished by Navy psychologists through the military records, and those who actually received assignments where their training could be utilized, were drawn mainly from submarine crews, the paratroops, and many were convicted murderers serving military prison sentences...After his NATO lecture, Dr. Narut disappeared. He could not be located. Within a week of so after the lecture, the Pentagon issued an emphatic denial that the U.S. Navy had "engaged in psychological training or other types of training of personnel as assassins." They disavowed the programming centers in San Diego and Naples and stated they were unable to locate Narut, but did provide confirmation that he was a staff member of the U.S. Regional Medical Center in Naples. As we shall see, Project MKULTRA may have culminated in such horrors as the People's Temple tragedy in Jonestown, Guyana, the Kennedy assassinations and more. A Directory of Lone Nuts To my knowledge, we have no actual proof that the CIA was successful in actually creating a programmed assassin. Or do we? In the late 60's and early 70's, political assassinations changed the course of three presidential elections. In each of these cases, responsibility was placed on a "lone nut," conveniently relieving any need for public inquiries into possible conspiracies. Research into assassinations and attempted assassinations, various murders and mayhem, and covert activities of America's intelligence community aimed at American citizens contain our best evidence of the possible success of mind-control experiments that may have produced programmed assassins. Also present in some of these cases was the CIA technique of using "doubles" and even theatrical effects to deliberately create confusion, promote propaganda and negative sentiments against "subversive groups" or to bolster the portrait of the "lone nut" in the minds of Americans. It is possible that these "doubles" were also programmed and mind controlled. (During the Vietnam era, the CIA's Operation CHAOS was routinely and illegally conducting domestic spy operations on a large number of U.S. citizens, attempting to prove a link between the anti-war movement and world communism. To this day, the files that the CIA maintains on private citizens are one of the Agency's most closely guarded secrets). The cases of John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Ronald Reagan, John Lennon, Governor George Wallace, the People's Temple "massacre" at Jones Town, the Symbionese Liberation Army, the so-called "Zebra" murders, and even the Charles Manson Family are rife with tantalizing clues that seem to suggest that mind-control has been achieved by the CIA. Consider the following, itemized list in America's Directory of "Lone Nut" Assassins: Sirhan Sirhan Sirhan Sirhan was/is portrayed as the "lone nut" who assassinated Robert F. Kennedy at the Ambassodor Hotel in Los Angeles on June 5, 1968. There is strong evidence of the presence of the CIA in this assassination. The LAPD (which appears to have been under the direction of the CIA at the time of the investigation) figures prominently in the cover-up which took place after the shooting. The fatal wound that killed Robert Kennedy came from a gunshot behind his right ear. Sirhan, according to multiple witnesses, fired his gun from Kennedy's front and was never behind the Senator at any time. Once the shooting started, Sirhan was quickly hauled to the floor by several people who had been assigned to guard Kennedy that day. (It has been alleged that Sirhan, like Lee Harvey Oswald, was simply a mind-controlled patsy and that the real killer was Thane Eugene Cesar, an armed security guard and a Kennedy-hater with right-wing ties. Cesar was in the perfect position to fire the fatal shot as he was behind and just slightly to the right of Senator Kennedy and had been guiding him by the arm through the crowd at the moment of the shooting). In what is perhaps one of the best cases for proof of successful mind-control, the evidence strongly suggests that Sirhan may have been programmed (by the CIA) with hypnosis and drugs. (Sirhan claims to have no memory of the killing.) Master hypnotist William J. Bryan, Jr., who allegedly worked for the CIA, bragged about hypnotizing Sirhan prior to the assassination, as well as the serial killer known as the "Boston Strangler," Albert DeSalvo. Bryan, by his own account, had been the "chief of all medical survival training for the United States Air Force, which meant the brainwashing section." He also claimed to have been a consultant for the film "The Manchurian Candidate," which was based on Richard Condon's famous novel about a man who is captured by Communists and hypnotically programmed to return to the United States to kill a political leader. Condon's novel was itself based upon the CIA's ARTICHOKE program (the successor to Project BLUEBIRD), which sought to find a way to create a programmed, amnesiac assassin. Project ARTICHOKE eventually became Project MKULTRA. In the July-August, 1997 issue of Probe, (Vol. 4 No. 5), "The Robert F. Kennedy Assassination: Sirhan Now Says: "I Am Innocent," author/researcher Lisa Pease elaborates further: How far did these experiments progress? There is little in the way of a written record. In the wake of the exposes during the Watergate period, exiting CIA Director Richard Helms ordered all files relating to the CIA's various mind control experiments destroyed. A few years later, a small number of documents was found and reviewed by the Senate. In these few documents may lay some hints as to what happened to Robert Kennedy. One surviving document in particular bears an uncanny resemblance to the circumstances surrounding the assassination. The 1954 CIA document describes efforts to find a way to induce an individual "to perform an act, involuntarily, of attempted assassination against a prominent [deleted in original] politician or if necessary, against an American official." (And the original document contained) the suggestion that the subject be "surreptitiously drugged through the medium of an alcoholic cocktail at a social party." Sirhan had been drinking Tom Collinses that night. His last memory was of pouring coffee for a pretty girl, described by a waiter there as wearing a polka dot dress. Had Sirhan been surreptitiously drugged? The use of drugs, or hypnosis, or likely a combination of both, would go a long way towards explaining Sirhan's strange behavior as recorded by the witnesses that night. Several witnesses noticed something odd in Sirhan's behavior before and during the shooting. Earlier that evening, one of the Western Union teletype operators, Mary Groh, noticed Sirhan staring at the teletype machine as though transfixed. "[H]e came over to my machine and started staring at it. Just staring. I'll never forget his eyes. I asked what he wanted. He didn't answer. He just kept staring." One of the men attempting to overpower Sirhan during the shooting, George Plimpton, was amazed that Sirhan's eyes were "dark brown and enormously peaceful." Another man in the same position, Joseph Lahaiv, described Sirhan as looking "very tranquil" during the struggle. Two waiters, Vincent Di Pierro and Martin Patruski, reported that Sirhan appeared to be smiling. A cook named Yosio Niwa said, "I'll never forget that guy's face...I was so upset...he was smiling...." When Sirhan was taken from the scene, a patrolman shined a flashlight in Sirhan's eyes to check for indications of drugs or alcohol. On the stand at Sirhan's trial, the patrolman "couldn't recall" what he determined. But in an earlier statement he had said that Sirhan's pupils "didn't react" to the light and that they "were real wide". The official records from Sirhan's blood test were lost by the Los Angeles Police Department...If the bulk of the witnesses, who gave matching stories, are correct, then Sirhan couldn't have fired the shots, and was in a disassociative state during the shooting. If he was under hypnosis and given amnesia-producing drugs such as the CIA was experimenting with for well over fourteen years by that time, then Sirhan's claims of memory loss and innocence, while strange, may well be true...for seekers of truth, the full record presents the very likely and disturbing possibility that Sirhan was a mind-controlled patsy performing an act of "attempted assassination" to distract from the real killers. In his book, "The Search for the Manchurian Candidate," John D. Marks details the CIA's efforts to hypnotically program people and adds the following: The veteran admits that none of the arguments he uses against a conditioned assassin would apply to a programmed "patsy" whom a hypnotist could walk through a series of seemingly unrelated events, a visit to a store, a conversation with a mailman, picking a fight at a political rally. The subject would remember everything that happened to him and be amnesic only for the fact the hypnotist ordered him to do these things. There would be no gaping inconsistency in his life of the sort that can ruin an attempt by a hypnotist to create a second personality. The purpose of this exercise is to leave a circumstantial trail that will make the authorities think the patsy committed a particular crime. The weakness might well be that the amnesia would not hold up under police interrogation, but that would not matter if the police did not believe his preposterous story about being hypnotized or if he were shot resisting arrest. Hypnosis expert Milton Kline says he could create a patsy in three months; an assassin would take him six. Phrases from Sirhan's private notebooks show the characteristics of "automatic writing" of a hypnotically programmed subject and he even makes references to mind control, money, drugs, the Occult and even the name "Di Salvo." Witness Sandra Serrano, who was harassed/intimidated/ridiculed by LAPD polygraph operator Sgt. Enrique Hernandez as he tried to get her to change her story (Hernandez had ties to the CIA and may have been a professional CIA interrogator) reported that just prior to the shooting, she saw Sirhan with a "Latin" man and a girl in a polka-dot dress ascending an emergency stairway in the hotel where RFK was shot. Other witnesses saw Sirhan near a coffee machine inside the hotel with a girl in a polka-dot dress who was whispering to him. (Sirhan has said that the last thing he remembers prior to the shooting of RFK was having a cup of coffee with a girl. The next thing he remembered afterward was being restrained after firing his weapon at Kennedy. This suggests the possibility of additional drugs being placed in his coffee, and further hypnotic suggestions being given to him just prior to the shooting) Immediately after the shooting, witnesses saw this same woman and a male companion (the "Latin") leaving the hotel and gleefully exclaiming, "We shot him! We shot Senator Kennedy!" Prosecution psychiatrist Seymour Pollack, who was convinced that Sirhan had been programmed by someone, asked Sirhan while under hypnosis if anyone was with him when he shot Kennedy, to which he replied in a hushed tone, "the girl, the girl." Lee Harvey Oswald The alleged "lone nut" assassin of JFK had numerous ties to the intelligence community and served with the Marine Corps at Atsugi, Japan ( originating base of the U2 spy plane flights) during which time LSD and other drugs were known to have been field tested there by the CIA. There is the implication to be considered by his known presence at Atsugi that Oswald may have been the first "Manchurian Candidate" patsy from which many others were later fashioned. The use of numerous "doubles" in the Oswald saga is well documented by other researchers, as well as many instances of what may indicate the use of programmed collaborators. (See "Kerry Thornley" below) James Earl Ray The alleged assassin of Martin Luther King may have also been a carefully chosen and groomed patsy. This case provides us with evidence of the FBI and CIA's involvement in the assassination of what they termed as a "black political dissident". (J. Edgar Hoover's hatred of King is well documented, as well as his agency's attempts to discredit King, whom the FBI felt had communist ties. It should be noted here that the FBI's infamous COINTELPRO [Counterintelligence Program] was in full force during the 1960's and early 1970's and is possibly still in effect to this day, but under a different name). (fn1) Suspiciously, Ray (who by all accounts was not a very sophisticated criminal) was somehow able to obtain enough money to secure a phony passport, travel by plane all over Europe and elude the authorities who were looking for him, acting more like a seasoned spook then the small time burglar and thief he actually was. While there appears to be no overt evidence of mind control where Ray is concerned, the case remains of interest for the use of the Ray doubles "Paul Bridgemen," "Eric Starvo Galt," and "Ramon George Sneyd." Ray employed all three of these names. It came to light later that these aliases were identical to the names of three men who lived near each other in Toronto (a city where Ray had never been). All of these men were about the same height and build and all bore facial scars that were similar to Ray's. In the tradition of intelligence "handlers," there is the mysterious "Raoul," whom Ray claims was his contact during the days leading up to the assassination. Though a rifle found at the scene allegedly had a single fingerprint that was attributed to Ray, no prints matching his were found in the room he rented across from King's motel and from which Ray supposedly fired at King. (It took the FBI's fingerprint section two weeks to identify this fingerprint, even though they were comparing the print against a master set of prints that contained only 720 samples. This would indicate that the print alleged to have been found on the rifle was of a very poor and dubious quality). Recent tests (pushed for by Martin Luther King's son) have also provided strong indications that the recovered rifle was not the weapon that was used to assassinate King. Tennessee Judge Joe Brown ruled that 12 out of the 18 test bullets that were fired through the rifle had markings different from the markings on the bullet that killed Dr. King. These test results alone seem to support the contention that Ray was groomed for his role as a patsy. Charles Manson Manson and his followers committed the Tate-LaBianca and other killings during the late 1960's. Manson used mind-control techniques such as hypnotism, high doses of LSD, and programming to turn peaceful flower children into killers, but one has to wonder just exactly where did Manson learn to program people? Manson was part of the "hippie element" at the time of the CIA's use of drugs and the MKULTRA experiments in an attempt to discredit the left wing anti-war movement in America. Manson's supply of LSD may have come directly from the CIA. A new type of LSD known as "Orange Sunshine" was being used by the Manson Family immediately prior to the Tate-LaBianca murders according to Family member Charles "Tex" Watson, who wrote in his prison memoir that it was the use of the Orange Sunshine LSD that finally convinced him that Manson's Helter Skelter, apocalyptic vision was real. (13) And this special LSD may have been supplied by the CIA. Orange Sunshine was manufactured and distributed by a group known as "The Brotherhood of Eternal Love" who operated out of a beach resort near Los Angeles. The Brotherhood had among it's drug manufacturers and dealers, one Ronald Stark, a person with known connections to the CIA. It is believed that Stark was responsible for the manufacture of up to 50 million hits of LSD). (14) It is also interesting to note that Manson, an avowed racist and having a known affinity for right-wing beliefs, was somehow conveniently and completely linked with the left-wing by the news media. It can be argued that the Manson murders "nailed the coffin shut" in the minds of many Americans as far as the image of the Hippies as a peace-loving, political movement was concerned, and by all indications, this seems to have been just one very weird part of a successful CIA operation to discredit the anti-war movement in America. Manson's personal obsession was with "Helter Skelter" and his belief was that this event would ignite a black-white race war in America; the Tate-LaBianca murders and the murder of musician Gary Hinman were definitely staged with false clues that the killers (or perhaps someone else) hoped would be blamed on elements of the "black militant" movement. Manson has said in interviews that he based some of his "philosophy" on the science fiction novel Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert Hienlien. In a scenario perhaps reminiscent of Mark David Chapman's and John Hinckley's infatuation with Catcher in the Rye, could Stranger in a Strange Land somehow have been Manson's program-trigger mechanism? Was the concept of Helter Skelter part of Manson's program? And consider that if a hippie-ex-convict-nobody like Charles Manson could program people to kill, then why not the U.S. Government? In the book, Helter Skelter, Manson prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi discusses Manson's programming techniques in depth, likening much of Manson's programming abilities to the same thing that takes place with recruits in the U.S. military. But Bugliosi also hints at "some missing element, "some aspect of Manson's personality that we do not understand" that enabled him to program his followers to kill. Manson was in prison during the time that the CIA was known to be using inmates at Vacaville prison in the MKULTRA experiments, a fact that leaves one to speculate that perhaps Manson was some sort of mind-controlled guru cum agent provocateur, set loose against the "subversive" left-wing elements by the CIA to discredit them. Since his incarceration for the Tate-LaBianca murders, Manson has again served part of his time at Vacaville. Arthur Bremer The attempted assassin of Governor George Wallace of Alabama was described in the media as a deranged loner, but he wasn't alone at all if you count the involvement of the CIA and the Nixon/Watergate "plumbers" who figure prominently in this case. (It has been suggested that George Wallace's political campaign could potentially have taken too many votes away from rival presidential candidate Richard Nixon if Wallace was allowed to stay in the presidential race. He was conveniently eliminated by Arthur Bremer). On Monday, May 15, 1972, Bremer attempted to assassinate George Wallace at a campaign rally in Laurel, Maryland. According to researchers, within one hour after the Wallace shooting, Nixon aide Charles Colson, having invented a ruse to place blame for the shooting on radical extremists of the left wing, ordered Watergate "plumber" E. Howard Hunt to break into Bremer's apartment and plant Black Panther and Angela Davis literature there. (Bremer, however, had political convictions leaning towards the extreme right. None other than George Wallace himself stated that he wondered how members of Nixon's staff had found Bremer's apartment so quickly after the shooting.) But this "loner" actually had quite a few friends. One of these friends, Dennis Cassini, turned up mysteriously dead in the trunk of his own car before he could be questioned. (5) The FBI didn't even bother to investigate his death. According to The Milwaukee Journal: "The former Wisconsin College Republican State Chairman said (that) Donald Segretti, confessed political spy and Republican saboteur in the 1972 presidential campaign, urged him to recruit persons in Wisconsin to do dirty tricks to embarrass the Democrats." Arthur Bremer was from Milwaukee. Records show that Bremer traveled extensively while stalking Wallace on his campaign trail, staying in expensive hotels, running up debts totaling $5,000 dollars, which he paid. Quite unusual for a busboy whose total earnings were under $2,000 dollars for the entire year. Bremer was also identified prior to the assassination as the man seen accompanying Watergate-operative Anthony Ulasewicz in Michigan. (The personality revealed by Bremer's diary was used as a source for the character of Travis Bickle in the original screenplay of the movie Taxi Driver, which would, curiously, later drive John Hinckley in his own presidential assassination attempt). Bremer was sentenced to 63 years in prison and has never given any explanation as to why he shot Wallace. Mark David Chapman Yet another "lone nut" assassin who killed "leftist" John Lennon in New York City on December 8, 1980. Chapman had possible ties to the CIA as a former World Vision Employee. (World Vision Missionaries is an "international evangelical order" that has performed espionage work for CIA). Allegedly, while working for World Vision, Chapman was trained in terrorist infested, war-torn Beruit as a "security guard". Less than four months before John Hinckley Jr. attempted to gun down Reagan, Chapman shot and killed John Lennon in what may have been a practice run for Hinckley's later assassination attempt on Reagan. It is known (via the Freedom of Information Act) that the FBI kept an extensive file on Lennon and considered him to be a "dangerous left-wing subversive." The FBI was able to keep Lennon from obtaining permanent residency in the United States, watched his apartment, followed him and even tapped his telephone. According to British Journalist Fenton Bresler, who wrote the book, "Who Killed John Lennon?," the FBI viewed Lennon (who was a close confidant to ultra-radicals Jerry Rubin and Abbie Hoffman) as a dangerous radical who exerted a strong influence on the public through his music and political activities. After shooting Lennon, Chapman sat down and calmly began reading from The Catcher in the Rye, a novel by J.D. Salinger. (Interestingly, J.D. Salinger, author of "Catcher" served in the Counter Intelligence Corps during WWII with Henry Kissinger. Others have theorized that this book served as some sort of post-hypnotic suggestion or program "trigger"). (6) Chapman himself claims that he killed Lennon to promote the reading of "Catcher in the Rye," yet according to those who knew him, Chapman never exhibited strong feeling about the book until just prior to the shooting. Chapman has been quoted as saying this about the shooting: "He (Lennon) walked past me and then I heard in my head, 'Do it, do it, do it, like that,' I don't remember aiming. I must have done, but I don't remember drawing a bead or whatever you call it...I had no emotion, no anger....dead silence in the brain." Fenton Bresler believed that Chapman was a brainwashed hit man. He wrote that, "Mark David Chapman is in many ways as much the victim of those who wanted to kill John Lennon as Lennon himself." The police detective (Arthur O'Connor) who interviewed Chapman immediately following the shooting was convinced, due to his strange demeanor, that Chapman was under the influence of some sort of hypnotic programming. (Chapman has officially been portrayed as simply an obsessed Beatles fan who stalked and killed Lennon for fifteen minutes of fame. A source of mine, who wishes to remain anonymous, told me about how he once worked in a record store in Decatur, Georgia where Mark David Chapman often shopped for records. He claims Chapman was not a Beatles fan at all, but rather that he seemed obsessed with the music of Todd Rundgren). O'Conner stated that "It is definitely illogical to say the Mark committed the murder to make himself famous. He did not want to talk to the press from the very start. It's possible Mark could have been used by somebody. I saw him the night of the murder. I studied him intensely. He looked as if he could have been programmed." Although Chapman has been portrayed as a loner, he was anything but. He worked extensively with children as a camp counselor for the YMCA and appeared to have had a normal social life. John Hinckley, Jr. The attempted lone nut assassin of Ronald Reagan, whose death would have placed CIA-spook-vice-president George Bush into the white house eight years earlier than when he was eventually elected. (It should also be noted that the members of the Bush and Hinckley families are old friends, both families having made big money in the Texas oil boom. In fact, Bush's son, Neil, was supposed to have had dinner with Scott Hinckley, John Hinckley's brother, the evening that John went on his shooting rampage. John Hinckley, Sr., a reputed CIA officer and close friend of George Bush was also an important World Vision official). Like Mark David Chapman, John Hinckley, Jr. also had a copy of Catcher in the Rye in his possession when apprehended. According to official reports, Hinckley was also heavily "influenced" by the Travis Bickle character from the Martin Scorcese film Taxi Driver. (In this film, Robert DeNiro plays an obsessed gunman who plans to assassinate a presidential candidate, a character that was inspired by Arthur Bremer's personal diary). Like Arthur Bremer, Hinckley traveled extensively around the U.S., and prior to his assassination attempt on Reagan, was arrested at the airport in Nashville, Tennessee with three handguns. Curiously, Hinckley was not placed under any surveillance after this incident. And in emulation of both Sirhan Sirhan and Bremer, Hinckley also kept a dairy in which he detailed his plans for shooting Reagan. There are reports that a Hinckley "double" named "Richardson" traced Hinckley's path from Colorado to Connecticut, all the while writing letters to Jodie Foster, just as the real Hinckley did. This Richardson was arrested with a weapon at New York's Port Authority bus terminal, claiming he was going to kill Reagan. Richardson and also had links to World Vision Ministry. No less a figure than conspiracy queen Mae Brussel allegedly spotted an apparent Hinckley double prior to the assassination attempt and reported this to the Secret Service. (The Hinckley double's true name is Edward Richardson, a person who looked amazingly like Hinckley). One has to ask the obvious: what are the odds that two "unstable" men could be obsessed with the same actress from the same film at the same time, while "behaving" under nearly exact circumstances? That both of these men were intent on re-creating the Travis Bickle character's assassination scheme from the movie "Taxi Driver"? What are the chances that two separate "mentally unstable," lone individuals, with so many odd similarities, would reach critical mass at the same time and in the same way? It is known through court records that Hinckley underwent psychiatric treatment just prior to his attempt on Reagan and that at the time of the shooting, he was under the influence of psychiatric drugs. Found not guilty by reason of insanity, he remains confined to a psychiatric hospital where he has occasionally corresponded with such notables as serial killer Ted Bundy and Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme of Manson Family fame and the attempted presidential assassin of Nixon replacement, Gerald Ford. (There has been speculation that master mindcontroller Manson himself ordered Lynette Fromme to shoot Ford). Kerry Thornley Kerry Thornley has claimed that he and Oswald were both mind-controlled patsys and involved in the JFK assassination without conscious knowledge. Thornley served in the Marine Corps with Oswald. He too, was once stationed at Atsugi, Japan. Thornley has come to believe that he was, against his will and without his knowledge, part of the conspiracy that killed John Kennedy. (Thornley once worked at a Mexican restaurant in the Little Five Points area, my former neighborhood in Atlanta, Georgia. I remember him being pointed out to me once at a party and he was a familiar local figure to everyone. At that time, Thornley was regarded as just another oddball street personality who had wacky ideas about the JFK assassination, and no one really gave any particular credence to what he had to say. This was prior to the revival of mass interest in the Kennedy assassination that was generated by the release of the Oliver Stone film, JFK). Thornley testified before the Warren Commission and at the time he claims he was satisfied that Oswald was Kennedy's killer. In the book, Conspiracies, Cover-ups and Crimes, author Jonathan Vankin interviewed Thornley and reveals, among other things, that Thornley was living/working in New Orleans at the same time that Oswald was living there and in a neighborhood that was host to a whole cadre of intelligence agencies. Thornley reportedly met both Guy Bannister and David Ferrie while in New Orleans, and after moving to L.A., he met John Roselli, one of the country's most powerful mobsters and an object of suspicion regarding the Kennedy assassination. (Roselli was later found chopped into pieces and stuffed into an oil drum which had been dumped off the Florida coast shortly before he was to testify before the House Select Committee on Assassinations) Vankin's book discusses how in 1961, while living in New Orleans, Thornley was introduced to a man named "Gary Kirstein" in a New Orleans bar called the Bourbon House. Thornley recalls that Kirstein was "sort of a neanderthal racist" and was writing a book titled, "Hitler Was a Good Guy". Thornley, in recalling the most memorable parts of his conversation with Kirstein states that he (Kirstein) and himself debated theoretically on how to assassinate President Kennedy, as if they were two writers discussing how it could be written in a novel. Thornley also says that Kirstein basically predicted everything that was going to happen in the next twenty years, including the Manson Family, the war in Vietnam, etc. (Thornley states that at the time he listened to this conversation, he was bored and disbelieving of Kirstein and that he had blotted out the memory of this conversation for ten years) Thornley now believes that Kirstein may have been E. Howard Hunt, CIA spook extraordinaire and infamous Watergate "plumber". Thornley later wrote an article entitled, "Did the Plumbers Plug J.F.K., Too?" that appeared in an Atlanta underground newspaper. In the book Secret and Suppressed, Thornley wrote an article titled, "Is Paranoia a Form of Awareness?" in which he writes: After I wrote Did the Plumbers Plug J.F.K., Too?, I got two unusual phone calls. First was a male voice imitating the sounds of a speeded-up tape recorder or a gibberish-talking cartoon character. Ten years earlier a (New Orleans resident) named Roger Lovin and I used to address one another in the Bourbon House with identical noises to those I was now hearing on the other end of the line...This time I simply replied with a word or two of bewilderment, and the caller hung up. Within seconds, the phone rang again. Now a male voice-not Roger's-said very clearly, "Kerry, do you know who this is?" When I answered in the negative, he said, "Good!" and again the caller hung up. (7) Thornley said the voice on the telephone brought back "eerie memories" and sounded similar to the voice of the "Kirstein/Hunt" individual from New Orleans. (Shades of Telefon?) Also while in Atlanta, Thornley went to the Atlanta police during a time that an interest in new allegations regarding the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. were being investigated because he again "remembered that Kirstein had also talked about killing King". Twelve days after making statements to the police, Thornley was attacked and pistol-whipped by two men in ski masks who, strangely, took only his identification. Thornley believed that he was programmed for some part in the assassination of Kennedy and that "Kirstein" was his controller and may have implanted some sort of device in his brain. Donald DeFreeze The "leader" of the Symbionese Liberation Army, who (like Manson) was imprisoned at Vacaville during the time of the MKULTRA experiments, may have been a CIA, FBI "agent provocateur". He may also have been mind-controlled. According to the Jonathan Vankin and John Whalen: There was something queer about the SLA all along. Its leader, Donald "General Field Marshall Cinque" DeFreeze-career crook and informer for the LAPD-emerged from the California penal system's Vacaville Medical Facility where he'd come under the tutelage of CIA agent Colston Westbrook, a psychological warfare specialist. Westbrook enlisted DeFreeze into his "Black Cultural Association." Armed robber DeFreeze obtained early release from Vacaville by performing "a favor" for prison authorities. (Doing a "favor" was in reference to submitting to psychiatric experiments). The SLA went public with the assassination of African-American Oakland school superintendent Dr. Marcus Foster on Nov. 6, 1973. Just weeks earlier, a neo-Nazi group issued a flyer predicting Foster's death. "Black men" were witnessed scurrying from the scene of the crime but the arrested shooters were whites. Black face makeup was discovered in their apartments. (8) Regarding the use of makeup and other theatrical props, consider the following: In a Strange Magazine article, The Makeup Man and the Monster: John Chambers and the Patterson Bigfoot Suit, author/editor Mark Chorvinsky mounted an investigation into whether the famous "Wright- Patterson Bigfoot film, a virtual cornerstone in the investigations and belief of the existence of Bigfoot, was actually a hoax perpetrated by renowned Hollywood makeup/effects artist John Chambers. The film was allegedly shot on October 20, 1967 and shows what is purported to be an actual Bigfoot creature as it walks through the forest in California. The footage has been featured in numerous television shows and films and is usually the film people think about when debating the reality of the creature. During Chorvinsky's investigation, he interviewed many of Hollywood's most prominent makeup artists. Chorvinsky writes: "I have investigated many phenomena over the past decade, and some of the cases have been quite controversial, but rarely has anyone requested anonymity...I'm in the awkward position of knowing more than I can tell at this time. One aspect of either (John) Chambers' career or the legends surrounding it is the buzz about Chambers' involvement in government-sponsored "black box" work. No one has ever been willing to go on the record concerning this alleged work, but within the Hollywood makeup community it is generally believed that such work did occur and that it has added to the secretiveness of Chambers and his closet associates...Widespread rumors in the makeup community depict Chambers applying a wig and prosthetics to a cadaver to fake the death of a foreign ruler, and engaging in a number of "Company"-sponsored "non-theatrical" projects. These black box rumors are all reminiscent of Mission Impossible plots, many of which relied on disguises, some courtesy of Chambers' makeup prowess. One rumor depicts the CIA watching Mission Impossible on television and getting disguise ideas from it, then going after the makeup artist, Chambers, to work for them...we do know for a fact that Hollywood makeup artists have been instrumental in various military/intelligence projects...In this regard I interviewed Bob Schiffer, the head of Disney's makeup and hair department with over sixty years in the business. The veteran makeup master touched on this sensitive topic: John did mention to me at one time that he was involved in something for the government. Some of us, including myself, were recruited during World War II by (then Lieutenant) Gordon Bau for undercover work of a certain type. Sometimes we did not know what the makeup was used for. A lot of us did camouflage work in World War II. I was also involved in the years after the war. In the Bay of Pigs invasion we made up people to look Cuban. (Emphasis added) (9) The SLA saga continues to make its presence known because of the possibility that CIA-sponsored mind-control programs may have been used, in part, as a means to control the public's perception of black militants and left-wing politics in America. Was DeFreeze mind-controlled? His history is somewhat clouded, but it appears that he first worked as a snitch/informant for the LAPD's Criminal Conspiracy Section, supplying information about black militant organizations during the 60's. During the early 70's, DeFreeze was serving a sentence in Vacaville Prison during the time that the CIA was alleged to have been conducting drug experiments there at what was notoriously known as the "third floor." According to author Mick Farren: "DeFreeze became a (CIA) test subject and also recruited others under the cover of leading a self-help group called the 'Black Cultural Association.' DeFreeze's own statement is that he was drugged and conditioned by CIA agents and instructed that he would become "the leader of a radical movement and kidnap a wealthy person." After escaping through a conveniently unlocked exit door, DeFreeze did exactly that." Rev. Jim Jones Jim Jones was the supposed mastermind behind the People's Temple massacre in Guyana where over a thousand people died. One would have to wonder if perhaps Jim Jones had also read Stranger in a Strange Land or Catcher in the Rye. It is possible that the real purpose behind Jonestown was to create a breeding ground for mind-controlled assassins like Chapman and Hinckley. (The People's Temple also had ties to the World Vision ministry). The official version of this story is that Jones' followers committed mass suicide by swallowing cyanide-laced Kool-Aid in an act of religious devotion to Jones. However, new information stresses the possibility that this "massacre" was in reality an MKULTRA mind-control experiment, conducted by the CIA, and that most of the dead were actually murdered. (Drugs such as those used in known MKULTRA operations were discovered at Jonestown, including a whopping 11,000 doses of Thorazine, a major tranquilizer used in psychiatric hospitals). (10) In a recording made during the final moments of the mass deaths in Jonestown, Jim Jones can be heard shouting, "Get Dwyer out of here," in reference to Richard Dwyer, a CIA agent who was present during the "massacre". Evidence gathered by other researchers points to a strong CIA presence in almost all of the dealings of Jim Jones before, during and after Jonestown and to the Guyana site itself. There is evidence that Jones used doubles and even some confusion as to whether it was the genuine Jones whose body was found among the dead, as photographs of what is alleged to be his body are missing his tattoos. Witnesses to the shooting of Congressman Leo Ryan and others at the Jonestown site describe the assailants as "zombie-like" and emotionless. In reference to a rumored "death list" compiled by the People's Temple, a congressional aide was quoted as saying, "There are 120 white, brainwashed assassins out from Jonestown awaiting the trigger word to pick up their hit." (Emphasis added) (11) Serial Killers The explosive rise in the 1980's of the serial killer phenomenon makes one wonder if perhaps what we are seeing is the result of government mind-control experiments gone awry, that perhaps these repetitive killers are part of a stockpile of "sleepers" who woke up too early or whose programming mechanism has been inadvertently triggered in some way. Consider that for the most part, serial killers tend to prey on the so-called "undesirables" of society, such as prostitutes, homosexuals, and other targeted minorities of the ultra-right wing. (The FBI's Behavioral Science Unit has stated that as many as 150 serial killers may be operating undetected in the United States). Serial killers, like mind-controlled sleepers, outwardly appear normal to the rest of the world, but also seem to be acting under a programmed obsession to kill, usually in the same way, over and over again, as if trying to fulfill some sort of mission that is echoing around in their heads. Examples of this phenomenon would include the infamous Zodiac serial killer who terrorized the Vallejo and San Francisco areas of California during the mid-60's. It has been verified that at least five people were murdered there by an unknown killer who called himself "Zodiac." (The Zodiac case is officially still unsolved and the killer has never been caught or positively identified. Some investigators have theorized that Zodiac may have even continued his murder spree as late as 1978, but this has not been positively verified). This highly intelligent and purposely enigmatic killer sent dozens of letters, some containing coded messages and diagrams, to area newspapers. In these letters he detailed his crimes and taunted the police by threatening to commit future crimes. Zodiac claimed that within the coded information he had identified himself to the authorities. Many investigators believe that the Zodiac murders may have begun in Riverside, California in October of 1966 with the murder of an 18 year old college student named Cherie Jo Bates. Zodiac's MO was to attack couples who were parked in their cars in out of the way lover's lanes, but strangely, his last verified murder was of a lone male cab driver named Paul Stine in downtown San Francisco. The case is still open to debate as far as Zodiac's motives are concerned: According to one researcher, many of the Zodiac murders took place on important dates according to the astrological signs of the Zodiac. According to another, the postmarks of four of Zodiac's letters mailed in 1974, in the order of their mailing, form a giant "Z" on a map of the Bay Area. During the time of the known murders, the press and media strongly hinted that the Zodiac was a crazed hippie and thus aligned with left-wing politics. Author Gareth Penn has theorized that cabdriver Stine may have been chosen because Zodiac needed a victim who he could place in a certain area at a certain time in order to construct a giant, geometric shape on the San Francisco Bay area landscape as a sort of evil, multi-dimensional, art project. Among the many cryptic letters that Zodiac sent to the press and police was a highly intricate and complex character cipher containing over 300 coded symbols. (This cipher was eventually cracked by an amateur husband and wife team who saw it in the paper). The Zodiac's exact body count is still disputed to this day as police officials and other investigators are unable to agree on the exact number of his victims. Interestingly, one letter attributed to Zodiac was mailed from San Francisco and arrived at the San Francisco Chronicle on February 14, 1974, seven days after the Symbionese Liberation Army had kidnaped Patty Hearst. In this letter, the author pointed out that the abbreviation "SLA" meant "kill" in the old Norse language. The Zebra Killings San Francisco's "Zebra killings," a murder spree roughly simultaneous during the time that the SLA was active, were allegedly perpetrated by American Black Muslims motivated by "revenge" on the white race. Given the history of such tactics as the use of disinformation and smear campaigns against "subversive" groups, it is possible that this was a CIA/FBI program to discredit the Muslim movement in America, and that the murders were possibly committed by whites in black face makeup. For a 179-day period, the "Zebra" killers brutally assaulted, robbed, and sodomized a total of twenty-three persons, leaving fifteen dead. These crimes were allegedly carried out by a Nation of Islam group that called themselves the "Death Angels" and who believed that they were serving Allah by killing "blue-eyed devils," i.e. Caucasians. To become a Death Angel, a member supposedly had to kill either nine white males, five white females, or four white children in order to earn their "wings". Polaroid photographs were taken of the victims at the murder sites as proof by the murderers that the killings had been accomplished. These murders were supposed to guarantee the killers a special place in Mecca in the afterlife. (The police estimated that up to two thousand persons earned their "wings"). The code-named "Zebra" killings (so-called by police because the crimes involved black on white crimes) took place in San Francisco during a six month period from 1973 to 1974 and occurring during the time of CIA/FBI involvement in Vacaville and anti-subversive type operations in California. The murders involved shootings, stabbings, and hackings with machetes. On January 28, 1974, the killers claimed five victims in one night. A group of five black Muslims were arrested and accused of being the principal perpetrators, but one defendant (A.C. Harris) turned informant and testified with immunity. According to some sources, up to twenty of these killers were never caught or identified. The Nation of Islam paid for three defense attorneys during the trial. All of the suspects received life sentences. Disconnected Connections The religious "cults" that come under public scrutiny always seem to involve accusations of mind-control. Do the implications of government involvement in a place like Jonestown and what we now know about MKULTRA suggest that we will see this sort of history repeat itself? "Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it" are the very words that were displayed prominently on a sign above the pulpit at Jonestown. What will future investigations reveal as to CIA/intelligence ties lying behind other groups such as the Branch Davidians or even Heaven's Gate? Consider the rumblings that have been heard regarding Timothy McViegh and a supposed mind-control device implanted in his brain. Perhaps McViegh received a special telephone call just prior to the events in Oklahoma City... In response to public outcry in 1977, Congress forbade further research into mind-control and demanded that these programs be terminated. Former CIA man Victor Marchetti has revealed that as of today, so-called "black programs" working with mind-control still exist, only now they are better hidden. A new project that works with "synthetic telepathy" supposedly has the ability to remotely transmit microwave voices into the heads of targeted persons. This device and others are known as Less Than Lethal (LTL) weapons, according to an article that ran in the April, 1994 issue of Scientific American. (12) During the NBC documentary The Other Side, Major Edward Dames of the Pentagon's Defense Intelligence Agency stated that "The U.S. Government has an electronic device which could implant thoughts in people." He refused further comment afterward. And so the beat goes on. Your tax dollars are at work, even as you sleep. And who knows, maybe the next ringing telephone could be a "wake-up call" for either you or me? Sources (1) Acid Dreams: The Complete Social History of LSD: The CIA, the Sixties, and Beyond, by Martin A. Lee and Bruce Shlain, Evergreen Books, Prologue, page xxiv. (2) Acid Dreams, page 23. (3) Acid Dreams, pages 37-38. (4) Acid Dreams, page 38. (5) The Big Book of Conspiracies by Doug Moench; "Lone Nut Family Tree" by Duncan Eagleson, page 160. (6) The Big Book of Conspiracies, page 157. (7) See Secret and Suppressed: Banned Ideas and Hidden History, edited by Jim Kieth, "Is Paranoia a Form of Awareness?" by Kerry Thornley, page 49. (8) 60 Greatest Conspiracies of All Time, By Jonathan Vankin and John Whalen, "The Brainwashed Debutante." (9) Strange Magazine, Issue No. 17, "The Makeup Man and the Monster: John Chambers and the Patterson Bigfoot Suit," by Mark Chorvinsky, pages 51-52. (10) Secret and Suppressed: Banned Ideas and Hidden History, edited by Jim Keith, "The Black Hole of Guyana," pages 140-141. (11) Associated Press, May 19, 1979. (12) Scientific American, April, 1994, article, Bang! You're Alive!. (13) Will You Die for Me?: The man who killed for Charles Manson tells his own story by Tex Watson, as told to Chaplain Ray, Fleming H. Revell Company, page 118-120. (14) Acid Dreams, pages 248-251. Footnotes: (fn1) COINTELPRO was responsible for fabricating evidence, intimidating witnesses, kidnapping and the murders of members of the Black Panther Party, the American Indian Movement (AIM), the FALN, a Puerto Rican independence movement and other groups it deemed "politically objectionable." COINTELPRO had on it's list a designation titled, "Black Nationalist Hate Groups," including Dr. Martin Luther King's non-violence movement. (See Agents of Repression: The FBI's Secret Wars Against the Black Panther Party and the American Indian Movement by Ward Churchill and Jim Vander Wall. Additional Sources: 1. "The Search for the Manchurian Candidate," by John D. Marks, McGraw-Hill, 1980. 2. "The Robert F. Kennedy Assassination: Sirhan Now Says: "I Am Innocent," July-August, 1997 issue of Probe, (Vol. 4 No. 5), by Lisa Pease. 3. Probe V5N4: Sirhan and the RFK Assassination: Part I: The Grand Illusion, By Lisa Pease. 4. Probe V5N4: Sirhan and the RFK Assassination: Part II: Rubrick's Cube, By Lisa Pease. 5. Conspiracies, Lies, and Hidden Agendas: Our Deepest Secret Fears, From the AntiChrist to the Trenchcoat Mafia, by Mick Farren, 1999, Rennaissance Books. 6. Who Killed John Lennon? by Fenton Bresler, New York, St. Martin's Press, 1989. 7. The Control of Candy Jones, by Donald Bain. 8. Individual Rights and the Federal Role in Behavior Modification, 93rd Congress, 2nd Session, 1974. Sam Ervin Senate Subcommittee on Constitutional 'Rights 9. Mind Control, by Peter Schrag 10. The Mind Stealers, by Samuel Chavkin 11. Operation Mind Control, by Water Bowart 12. The Phoenix Program, by Douglas Valentine 13. The Physical Control of the Mind, by Jose M. R. Delgado, MD 14. War on the Mind: The Military Uses and Abuses of Psychology, by Peter Watson 15. Were We Controlled?, by Lincoln Lawrence 16. Why Was Patricia Hearst Kidnaped?, by Mae Brussell, The Realist 17. "Mind Control" by Harry V. Martin and David Caul, From the Napa Sentinel, Napa, CA, USA, Copyright FreeAmerica and Harry V. Martin, 1995 18. Agents of Repression: The FBI's Secret Wars Against the Black Panther Party and the American Indian Movement by Ward Churchill and Jim Vander Wall 19. Zebra: the true account of the 179 days of terror in San Francisco, by Howard, Clark, (R. Marek Publishers, NY, 1979) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- *********************************** Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research (POB 20273, Ferndale, MI 48220), a ruling class/conspiracy research resource for the entire political-ideological spectrum. 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