Editor's Notes: All editorial additions are indicated by square brackets. Where portions were readcted, the approximate number of characters, lines or pragraphs are replaced by spaces. Where the length of a redaction could not be determined, as in topic heading the phrase [redacted] is used. In some cases it is not clear where to place the footnotes, as some are hidden by redactions. The editor has made a best guess, placing these footnotes within brackets. There are two page numbering errors in the original. Page 9A was added. In addition, an unnumbered page was added between pages 184 and 185. In the original Table of Contents, a large section was eliminated. However, in the text body, the some of the titles were retained and these have been added to the TOC. Note that one segment that was deleted in its entirety is titled "Voice Comparisons" The page numbering is accurate for the body of the text - it matches the original document. The Table of Contents and footnote section will not match the original. A handwritten note of unknown (at least, to me) origin was include in the photcpy packet. This has been included after the Appendices. It is either page 149A or footnote 149A. I can't tell which it is. NO COMMERCIAL RIGHTS ARE GRANTED BY THE PUBLIC RELEASE OF THIS DOCUMENT. This document has been released for the use of the assassination research community. It may not be redistributed on CD-ROM, paper or other publishing format except by the written permission of the editor. Bob Gonsalves Pink Noise Studios P.O. Box 785 Crockett, CA 94525 internet: pinknoiz@well.com Compuserve: 70244,3104