Subject: Minnesota conference update Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1999 15:57:15 -0500 From: jack white Organization: jfk educational research Newsgroups: startext.jfk Subject: MINNEAPOLIS CONFERENCE CORRECTED Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1999 13:40:59 -0500 (CDT) From: james fetzer To: CC: james fetzer Please Post. Please Post. Please Post. Please Post. Please Post. MINNEAPOLIS CONFERENCE UPDATE////MINNEAPOLIS CONFERENCE UPDATE CORRECTED CORRECTED Announcing a Conference on THE DEATH OF JFK to be held 14, 15, and 16 May 1999 at The Carlson School of The University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, and sponsored by University College Duluth of The University of Minnesota. ROBERT B. LIVINGSTON, M.D. Honorary Program Chair TENTATIVE PROGRAM There will be seven principal sessions of more than two hours each. The principal speakers will make presentations of one- and-a-half hours in length. Two commentators will have fif- teen minutes apiece for comments with the remainder for public discussion. Their tentative topics and titles are as follows: Friday, 14 May 1999: 4:30-6:00 PM Registration/Reception Banquet JUDGE JOHN TUNHEIM/ Reflections on the ARRB 8:00-10:30 PM Keynote Speaker JOHN NEWMAN, Ph.D./ Oswald in Mexico: The Keys to Conspiracy Commentators: Ron Redmon Debra Conway Saturday 15 May 1999: 9:00-11:15 AM GARY AGUILAR, M.D./ The Medical Evidence Commentators: Stewart Galanor David S. Lifton 11:15-Noon RICK RUSSO/ Video Presentation #1: JFK, JAMA, and the Media Noon-1:30 PM Lunch on the Town 1:30-3:45 PM DAVID MANTIK, M.D., Ph.D./ The Zapruder Film Commentators: Jack White David S. Lifton 3:45-6:00 PM JOHN ARMSTRONG/ Harvey, Lee, and the FBI Commentators: Jack White Robert J. Groden Banquet DANNY SCHECHTER/ What We Don't Know Does Hurt Us: Media Coverage of the JFK Assassination 8:00-10:30 PM Keynote Speaker GEORGE MICHAEL EVICA, Ph.D./ Perfect Cover: A Theory of the JFK Assassination Commentators: Charles Drago Ron Redmon Sunday 16 May 1999: 9:00-11:15 AM DOUGLAS WELDON, J.D./ The Kennedy Limousine, Dallas, 1963 Commentators: Roy Schaeffer Robert J. Groden 11:15-Noon RICK RUSSO/ Video Presentation #2: Beyond a Reasonable Doubt Noon-l:30 PM Lunch on the Town 1:30-3:45 PM DOUGLAS HORNE/ The Medical Evidence: ARRB Insights and Discoveries Commentators: Joe Backes Charles Drago 3:45-4:30 PM Final Reflections PROGRAM CHAIR James H. Fetzer, Ph.D. Department of Philosophy University of Minnesota Duluth, MN 55812 REGISTRATION Registration will be limited to 150. Preregistration is required. The registration fee of $150 does not include the banquets, which are $20 apiece. The location of the conference is quite close to the Holiday Inn (Metrodome), which offers convenient access to the Twin Cities International Airport. The conference begins late on Friday and ends Sunday afternoon to facilitate travel plans. For further information about the details of this conference, contact: Pauline Nuhring University College University of Minnesota 104 Darland Administration Building 10 University Drive Duluth, MN 55812 email: phone: (218) 726-6361 MINNEAPOLIS CONFERENCE UPDATE////MINNEAPOLIS CONFERENCE UPDATE