Tony: I can only speak for myself. If this were truely a public forum, in public, where you could be seen; I would agree that you have every right to be as you have been, rude and often spitefull. But I doubt considerably, that such an attitute would be tollerated, by a real man in a "public forum" The safty shield of your email is good protection. Perhaps in the future we will be interactive enough, to reach out and touch someone, if you get my meaning. If your so god dam smart.... instruct, teach, lead us in the path of rightousness... public forum? Censorship in a true public forum.... could mean that you get busted in the mouth ...... :o/ ... the choice is yours. I defended your right to be here the first time you got "busted". I won't again. Respectfully Robin Oh yeah, that really looks nice. So, now you are threatening me with physical violence because you don't have any facts to back up your case. I remind you that I never made any personal insults against the other posters in your board. They made them against me several times, with you blessing, calling me dishonest and a liar, questioning if I were on drugs, etc. You saw nothing wrong with their conduct. Your attitude is typical of what is going on in the House right now. If you buddies do something, it is ok. But if your enemies do the same thing, they are wrong and you are justified in giving them the death penalty for stealing a loaf of bread. From the very first day your bias has been quite clear to everyone. It's your board. You can run it anyway you like. But don't delude yourself by pretending that it is a forum and that research is done there. You and your buddies have constributed nothing to the research community. All you have done is engage in idle speculation and promoting bizarre theories without doing any heavy lifting by actually looking up any facts. You are not doing research. You are spewing garbage.