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There are many potential nuclear threats in any urban area that most of us don't realize. In the southern Detroit area we have a nuclear power plant called Fermi ii. This power plant supplies us with much needed power, and is also the greated publicised element of nuclear potential in our lives.

There are many other areas that radiation helps us, for example, we use radiation all the time in hospitals when treating cancer. Some of these teatments include xrays, drugs that you might swallow, drugs that might be injected into your body, and more.

Most people don't realize it, but you even have radiation devices in your home. Every time you look at your television, or your Computer monitor, or sit under a light, you've exposed yourself to radiation. You're smoke detectors also have low levels of radiation.

What's important to remember is the amount of radiation is the critical factor.

Remember, there have been no significant nuclear accidents in the United States. The worst nuclear incident in the United States was the Three Mile Islands incident. The amount of radiation that came from that event was less then you'd get from an xray at the hospital. Radiation is our best friend if we use it right and understand the consequences of not using it right.

To help with any potential problems Wayne County has created a radiation response team known as the RAD-TEAM. This team has several exercises every year testing their equipment and readiness in case of any nuclear accidents. The team has equipment to find any type of radioactive contaminant found in the area. This team can also be supplimented by a national nuclear search team, and they can call on them is additional manpower or additional equpiment is needed.

Need links to:
Fermi ----- county home page ---- The RadPro team

The most important thing you can do to protect yourself from the effects of radiation is understand how it effects you, how exposure effects you, and how how measure both exposure and its effects. The following page does an excellent job of explaning and giving examples of how radiation effects the human body.
Radiation Health Effects

For more information about Radiation, regualtions, and government protective measures, try these:
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)
Illinois Department of Nuclear Safety
UofM, Office of Radiation, Chemical & Biological Safety
Oak Ridge National Laboratory This is neet
Unclassified Nuke Info

Mitigation (Reporting accidents)
National Response Center (800) 424-8802 to report any spills

1997 PDD
DOD Prepares for Action
Glossary of Terms

NEST Gen info -- Good

Private stuff
Historical records deactivated
Combating Nuke Terrorism