1991 - The Third Decade Conference, June 29 Freedonia, New York
The Use of Computers in Researching the Assassination of President Kennedy
W. Anthony Marsh
1992 - The Third Decade First Annual Midwest Symposium, October 26-28 Chicago, IL
1993 - The Third Decade Second Research Conference, June 18-20 Providence, RI
Circumstantial Evidence of a Head Shot From the Grassy Knoll
W. Anthony Marsh
Conspiracy is not a fact
Kenneth A. Rahn
1995 - Second Annual National COPA Conference, October 20-22 Washington, D.C.
Best Witness: JFK's Limousine
W. Anthony Marsh
1995 - The 1999 Providence Conference on the JFK Assassination
From Evidence to Truth and Justice - April 16-18, 1999
The Zapruder Film is Authentic
W. Anthony Marsh