The Papers of John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Presidential Papers
President's Office Files
Presidential Recordings 1962-1963

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Introductory Note to Researchers

The Presidential Recordings is the thirteenth series in the President's Office Files, one of seven sub-collections in the Presidential Papers 1961-1963 of the Papers of John F. Kennedy. The recordings were donated to the Library in the 1976 addendum to the 1965 deed of gift from President Kennedy's estate. A separate finding aid has been created because of the complexity involved in processing, opening and describing the Presidential Recordings.

The Presidential Recordings consist of approximately 248 hours of meetings and 12 hours of telephone conversations. In addition to the audio tapes themselves some Kennedy Library-created materials have become part of the Presidential Recordings, these include transcripts and logs of some of the recordings. Approximately 75% of the content of the Presidential Recordings concerns national security and foreign policy matters. As with other Library collections containing similar material, this information must be handled in accordance with current Executive Orders and applicable government regulations which prescribe procedures for the safeguarding and declassification of national security classified information. Processing and opening of this series is further complicated by the audio tape format.

Presidential Recordings Processing 1983-1993

During the early 1980s an extensive effort was made by the Library to determine the dates and topics of the recordings. The 1983 Preliminary Register to the Presidential Recordings of White House Meetings and Telephone Conversations which is part of this finding aid describes the results of this effort and also includes technical information on the recordings and an explanation of the tape numbering system. During this time meetings and telephone conversations concerning domestic matters were processed and opened to research use in subject packages. Early openings were in both transcript and tape format. However, these transcripts, though carefully produced by Library personnel, were by their nature an interpretation of the record rather then the record itself. For this reason, the production of meeting transcripts was discontinued by the Library and later Presidential Recordings releases were made in tape format with a brief accompanying participant and content log. The processing and declassification review of the remaining predominantly classified recordings presented difficulties which could not be resolved for some years. Technical advances, recently available through the use of Digital Audio Tape (DAT), enabled the Library to embark on a new processing phase in 1993. Transfer of the recordings to DAT allows the requisite government agencies to review the recordings directly.

Due to the time involved in processing recordings, the Library will continue to process and open the material in increments rather than to complete processing the remainder of the series before opening. Researchers who wish to be notified of any future openings in this series should complete an Openings Notifications Request Form available in the Library's Research Rooms or from the Foreign Policy Unit.

Suzanne Forbes
Archivist, Foreign Policy Materials
June 1994

Kennedy Library Created Material:

Transcripts: The transcripts were produced by Library personnel. Although carefully transcribed and edited they cannot be considered 100 percent accurate. All written transcripts are imperfect abstracts of spoken conversation. Variations in sound quality and in the aural acuity of listeners produce wide variations in what is heard. For these reasons the Kennedy Library discontinued the production of meeting transcripts in 1983.

Logs: These logs give the date opened, the item number, date, length, participants and a brief content description of the tape. A log is prepared for each tape opened without a Library-created transcript.

This finding aid, and the Library-created logs and transcripts are available for use in the Library's Research Rooms and through Interlibrary Loan. They may also be purchased at the Library or by writing to Presidential Recordings, John F. Kennedy Library, Columbia Point, Boston, MA 02125. For further information, please visit our web site at http// or call (617) 929-4582.


Individual Tapes * For ordering information on all Presidential Recordings made during the Cuban Missile Crisis, please see information on “Package Sets”, below

Tape Number Date Length Price

Tape No. 9 8/9/62 89 minutes on 1 cassette $6.00
Declassified in full.
Description: 8/9/62, 10:55 a.m. Berlin. Briefing for JFK on the current situation in Berlin and contingency planning; diplomatic, military, economic and legislative aspects, as well as positions, options and possible actions of NATO, Allies, UN and USSR. 8/9/62, 4:30 p.m. Economy. Formal presentation by Sproul followed by general discussion on economy, tax cut proposal and federal budget.

*Tape No. 2810/16/6266 minutes on 1 cassette$6.00
Transcript of Tape Nos. 28-28A (87 pages)$10.00
Declassified in part: Two segments of 28 (totaling 33 seconds) closed due to national security classification.
Description: (Morning Meeting) Cuba. Formal briefing by Lundahl, explaining and discussing intelligence of missile sites in Cuba; proposals of action by Rusk and McNamara. General discussion of military and political options and Soviet motivation. (Afternoon Meeting) Formal briefing by Carter of latest intelligence; questions and answers, discussion of diplomatic aspects by Rusk and Martin; continued discussion of military and political options. JFK and Bundy discuss JFK’s schedule and meeting with Shroeder on Berlin.

Tape No. 28A10/16/6262 minutes on 1 cassette$6.00
Transcript (see Tape No. 28)     
Declassified in full.
Description: Cuba. Continuation of Tape No. 28. Discussion of military and political options. JFK and Bundy discuss JFK’s schedule and meeting with Shroeder on Berlin.

Tape No. 3010/18/6254 minutes on 1 cassette$6.00
Processed portions are declassified in full.
Description: Cuba. Explanation and discussion of photographs of sites in Cuba. General discussion of possible U.S. actions, President Eisenhower's position and possible attack on Guantanamo Base by Castro.

Tape No. 30A10/18/6295 minutes on 1 cassette$6.00
Declassified in part: Three segments (totaling 2 minutes and 12 seconds) closed due to national security classification.
Description: Cuba. General discussion of Premier Nikita Khrushchev's expectations and response to possible actions, available options including air strike and blockade, role of the Organization of American States and allies. President leaves room, discussion of missiles in Italy and Turkey, participants leave room. Tape records in empty room to end of reel.

Tape No. 3110/18/62-10/19/62 56 minutes on 1 cassette$6.00
Declassified in part: One segment (48 seconds) closed due to national security classification.
Description: 10/18/62, Cuba. JFK monologue reviewing situation and substance of discussions of previous days regarding the missile crisis situation. Mentions having seen Gromyko. 10/19/62, Cuba. Joint Chiefs of Staff offer views and advice. JFK gives his view of situation in Cuba. Discussion on likelihood of USSR retaliatory action, implications and probable consequences of courses of action.

Tape No. 3210/22/6252 minutes on 2 cassettes$12.00
Declassified in full
Description: 11:00 a.m., Cuba. Discussion of President's upcoming speech on the crisis in Cuba. Consideration of drafting a proposal for the removal of nuclear weapons from all non-nuclear nations--Turkey, Italy and Cuba. Discussion about handling press briefings before the President's speech. 11:47 a.m., Cuba. Discussion of instructions to Joint Chiefs of Staff in case of a confrontation. President Kennedy stresses need to inform missile sites in Turkey not to fire if they come under a Soviet attack. Discuss making clear to allies that commitments on Berlin would not be compromised, the need to protect US credibility and the need to maintain the strategic balance.

Tape No. 3310/22/62120 minutes on 3 cassettes$18.00
Declassified in part: Seven segments (totaling 48 seconds) closed due to national security classification.
Description: 3:00 p.m., Cuba. National Security Council Meeting # 507 President Kennedy reviews the current situation and U.S. options with his advisors, discusses his decision not to allow an air strike at this time and prepares for his address to the nation that evening. The meeting has been in progress for some time when the recording begins. 5:00 p.m., Cuba - Meeting with the Congressional Leadership. The meeting opens with a lengthy CIA briefing. The President reviews the situation. The President, McNamara and others respond to congressional questions. Discussion continues with numerous exchanges on the correctness and implications of the course of action by those present, including repeated questioning by several congressmen on the decision to quarantine rather than invade Cuba.

Tape No. 3410/23/6299 minutes on 1 cassette$6.00
Declassified in part: Four segments (totaling 11 minutes and 38 seconds) closed due to national security classification.
Description: 10:00 a.m., Cuba. Briefing on intelligence regarding Cuba. Discussion of coordination of information to press and Congress. Discussion of quarantine proclamation and implementation; rules of procedure regarding a potential attack on U-2 planes and other contingencies; what photographic evidence to make public; and disposition of U.S. forces. Discussion regarding which photographs to provide to U.N. Report on Organization of American States developments, U.N. plans and reactions from Washington diplomatic corps. Discussion regarding the creation of a Berlin working group.

Tape No. 3510/23/6248 minutes on 1 cassette$6.00
Declassified in part: Three segments (totaling 1 minute and 4 seconds) closed due to national security classification.
Description: Cuba Continuation of discussion of intelligence and communication matters from Tape No. 34. Discussion of wording of the proclamation of the quarantine and practical implementation of quarantine. Dean Rusk reads draft of proposed additional message to Chairman Nikita Khrushchev. Review of reactions around the world. Partial report on results of low-level photo reconnaissance.

Tape No. 3610/24/6288 minutes on 1 cassette$6.00
Declassified in part: Nine segments (totaling 3 minutes and 43 seconds) closed due to national security classification.
Description: Morning Cuba. Consideration of civil defense measures. Discussion of Berlin contingency planning. General Taylor leaves room. JFK and RFK have general conversation about the situation in Cuba, including communicating with the Soviets through the embassy, press reactions, political reactions and assessment of political and strategic situation, and possibility of Organization of American States’ troops boarding Soviet ships. Briefing on situation according to latest intelligence. Discussion of reactions around the world. Discussion of which intelligence photographs to give to Ambassador Adlai Stevenson to use at the UN. Reports on situation in Moscow and military situation of United States. Discussion of implementation of quarantine and implications for Berlin. Report on communication capabilities of the United States.

Tape No. 3710/24/62 - 10/25/6291 minutes on 1 cassette $6.00
Declassified in part: Nine segments (totaling 4 minutes and 31 seconds) closed due to national security classification.
Description: 10/24/62, 5:00 p.m., Cuba. Discussion of problems of using intelligence information in public briefings. In the second section of the tape, Congressional leaders are briefed on all aspects of the crisis, including implementation of the quarantine, press and world reaction, possible intentions of USSR, problem of leaks from meetings with Congressional leadership. In the third section of the tape, possibly 10/25/62, JFK and cabinet discuss courses of action taken with respect to Cuba and Berlin. 10/25/62, 10:00 a.m., Cuba. Briefing on and questions about latest intelligence. Report on military situation, implementation of the quarantine and possible additional associated actions. Discussion about low-level reconnaissance and whether to allow the Bucharest to pass through the quarantine line.

Tape No. 3810/25/6273 minutes on 1 cassette$6.00
Declassified in part: Two segments (totaling 1 minute and 56 seconds) closed due to national security classification.
Description: 10:00 a.m., Cuba. Continued discussion from Tape No. 37. regarding whether to allow the Bucharest and POL to pass through the quarantine. Instructions for Ambassador Adlai Stevenson. Contents of some Kennedy-Khrushchev correspondence are read and discussed.

Tape 3910/26/6273 minutes on 1 cassette$6.00
Declassified in part: Two segments (totaling 31 seconds) closed due to national security classification.
Description: 10:00 a.m., Cuba. Contingency plans discussed, including organization for planning and operations and security needs. Status report on quarantine implementation, prospective developments and recommendations for additional actions, and on latest surveillance activities. Discussion of UN related matters and the proposed nuclear free zone.

Tape 4010/26/62 - 10/27/62 71 minutes on 1 cassette$6.00
Transcript (see Tape No. 41)
Declassified in part: 2 segments (totaling 47 seconds) closed due to national securityclassification.
Description: 10/26/62, Cuba. McCone briefing of the President on the latest photo intelligence from Cuba. Discussion of alternative courses of action. The President meets with Indian Ambassador Braj Kumar Nehru and they discuss the Sino-Indian conflict, diplomatic measures taken by India, support for India and the situation in Cuba. 10/27/62, Cuba. Planning reconnaissance flights. Discussing newspaper reports on Khrushchev correspondence, missiles in Turkey, Khrushchev’s two recent messages to the President, Khrushchev’s message to U Thant, drafting of reply to Khrushchev and Berlin.

Tape No. 4110/27/6298 minutes on 1 cassette$6.00
Transcript of Tape Nos. 40-42 (82 pages)$10.00
Declassified in full Portions of the transcript are closed due to national security classification. These transcripts were prepared by McGeorge Bundy, Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, and donated to the library as part of Mr. Bundy's personal papers. Mr. Bundy was granted access to these recordings in 1985 because of his dual role in 1962 as national security advisor and Executive Committee Meeting participant.
Description: Cuba. Desirability of announcement of nighttime surveillance, report on previous night’s surveillance. Drafting of response to Khrushchev’s messages of 10/26 and 10/27, including proposal of trading Jupiters, impact on NATO, assurances of withdrawal of missiles. Conversation punctuated by periods of no talk while participants read and draft responses.

Tape No. 41A10/27/6298 minutes on 1 cassette$6.00
Transcript (see Tape No. 41)
Declassified in part: 2 segments (totaling 9 seconds) closed due to national security classification.
Description: Continuation of Tape No. 41. Cuba. Report of downing of U-2 plane, and ensuing discussion.

Tape No. 4210/27/6277 minutes on 1 cassette$6.00
Transcript (see Tape No. 41)
Declassified in part: 2 segments (totaling 15 seconds) closed due to national security classification.
Description: Continuation of Tape No. 41A. Cuba. Rusk makes a presentation. Taylor reports on intelligence. The President discusses courses of action for the next day. Discussion about firing on reconnaissance plane and calling up troop carriers. Consideration of NATO’s position. RFK suggests waiting to see things done so far, and a timetable, in response to the President suggestion of the way the US wants to NATO to move.

Tape No. 4310/27/62 - 10/29/6288 minutes on 1 cassette$6.00
Transcript (see Tape No. 41)
Declassified in part: 1 segment (totaling 2 minutes and 37 seconds) closed due to national security classification. 1 segment (totaling 5 minutes and 28 seconds) closed in accordance with restrictions in the donor’s deed of gift.
Description: Continuation of Tape 42. 10/27/62, Cuba. Background office noise. Dean Rusk is heard for about 30 seconds about Cuba, possibly on 10/28/62. 10/29/62, Cuba. Intelligence briefing. Announcement of formation of committee under McCloy to negotiate with USSR. Summary of meetings with UN officials regarding surveillance, inspections and U Thant’s trip to Cuba. Reconnaissance and quarantine plans are discussed. Nuclear free zone proposal discussed. Military aspects of Cuban situation, Berlin. Discussion of press conference that evening or to take action first. The President talks about Adlai E. Stevenson. Verification of dismantling of missiles.

Tape No. 102/A38 7/29/63 - 7/31/63188 minutes on 2 cassettes$12.00
Declassified in part: Ten segments (totaling 7 minutes and 4 seconds) closed due to national security classification.
Description: 7/29/63, Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Signing. Plans for the signing of the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, letter to congressmen supporting the treaty, DeGaulle’s speech and position on treaty. 7/30/63, Portuguese Africa. UN resolution on Portuguese Africa, position of and responses from various countries, language of the resolution, UN Security Council. Band music obscures some conversation. 7/30/63, Europe, Treasury Matters before Congress, Korea. American troop movements and exercises in Europe, personnel appointments, aircraft contract and Douglas Aircraft, NATO, German-French relations, US weapons and equipment in Europe. Dillon’s testimony before Congress and Treasury matters before Congress and how to handle them. German military programs. Recent fighting in Korean DMZ with casualties and possible US response. Consultation with Allies regarding Laos, Geneva accords, nature of US aid, future plans, Communist actions. Discussion of US bases in Azores. Briefing for Adlai Stevenson. 7/31/63, USSR and Non-aggression Pact. USSR and Chinese Communists, report on Harriman’s mission to Moscow, Eastern Europe and USSR, non-aggression pact, stability on West Berlin. German unification, Cuba, Laos. 7/31/63, 4:30, p.m., NSC Meeting on Chinese Communists Intentions. Communist China: Sino-Soviet dispute, Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, Khrushchev’s remarks to Harriman, India, Korea, Laos, Nehru, US relations with India, Chinese troop movements, Korean fighting. Southeast Asia: Laos Vietnam, India, measures against communists, draft statement re India and Korea and Chinese Communists. India: Present position and defense situation, Taiwan, USIA coverage of situation, Buddhists throughout Southeast Asia.

Tape No. 106/A418/15/63 - 8/21/63185 minutes on 3 cassettes$18.00
Declassified in part: One segment (totaling 6 seconds) closed due to national security. Two segments (totaling 3 minutes and 7 seconds) closed in accordance with restrictions in the donor’s deed of gift.
Description: 8/15/63, 4:52 p.m., Conversation with Orville Freeman. Freeman reports on his trip to the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. Discusses agriculture in the USSR and Eastern Europe, George McGovern’s subsidy plan for wheat, the election of 1964, 1964 prices, successes and failures of agricultural program, Republican voting, agricultural tour, possible JFK speeches. 8/15/63, Telephone Call From Senator Edward M. Kennedy. JFK’s side of conversation with Senator Edward M. Kennedy. 8/15/63, 5:50 p.m., Llewellyn Thompson’s Conversations with Nikita Khrushchev. Thompson’s conversations with Khrushchev and other Soviet leaders regarding non-aggression pact, Laos, Cuba, China, trade, balance of payments, commercial credits, gold stocks, Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, Berlin, German leadership, Brazil, Japan, Hungary, crops, defense budget. 8/16/63, 11:30 a.m., Foreign Policy Matters. Discussions regarding German leadership, France, nuclear testing, foreign aid, Cuba. 8/16/63, 12:12 p.m., Japanese Judicial System. JFK meets with visitors from Japan regarding the Japanese judicial system. 8/19/63, 5:00 p.m., Laos, Foreign Aid. Greek shipping, aid to Laos, IMF, capital flight, aid to other countries, commodity credit program, US foreign policy, budget controls, India, Latin America, Bokara Steel Mill. 8/21/63, 10:00 a.m., Vietnam. Situation in Vietnam, cables and press conferences, Vietnamese leadership, religious freedom issue, press dispatches, sanctuary issue. 8/21/63, 12:07 p.m., Romania. Romanian economy, relationship with USSR, Chinese Communists, standard of living, industry. JFK phone call with RFK. JFK phone call with Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr.

Tape No. 114/A4910/1/63 - 10/3/63185 minutes on 3 cassettes$18.00
Declassified in part: Four segments (totaling 38 seconds) closed due to national security classification. Three segments (totaling 4 minutes and 15 seconds) closed in accordance with restrictions in the donor’s deed of gift.
Description: 10/1/63, Wheat Sale to USSR. LBJ conversation on wheat sales to USSR, congressional support, amount of sale, need to gain public support. 10/1/63, 4:30 p.m., Emperor Haile Selassie. JFK meeting with Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie regarding arms sales (Emperor’s side of conversation is inaudible). 10/2/63, 10:00 a.m., Malaysia. US/ANZUS trade obligations, Australian actions, interpretation of ANZUS treaty. 10/2/63, 11:00 a.m., Vietnam. News reporters’ types of news coverage of Viet Cong and American casualties. Possible troop reduction. North Vietnamese supply difficulties, discussion of possible public statement, Madame Nhu, news coverage of Lodge/CIA dispute. Relationship between Lodge and Richardson, Richardson reporting, Lodge position regarding Diem, Congressional briefing. JFK phone conversations about subjects including labor contract talks, Time magazine article, upcoming trip. 10/2/63, 6:05 p.m., NSC Meeting on McNamara-Taylor Report on Vietnam. NSC meeting on McNamara-Taylor mission to Vietnam. Approval of press release, draft policy statement, political actions, affect on military. 10/3/63, 9:37 a.m., Meeting with Dean Rusk. Rusk’s meeting with Dobrynin regarding Berlin, possibility of agreement. JFK’s meeting with Gromyko, New York Times article regarding race to the moon and the possibility of sharing space information. Caribbean and Latin America, Dominican Republic, progress towards constitutional government, possible US action, Ecuador. Congressional action, civil rights action. Rusk’s talks with Gromyko regarding Laos

Tape No. 114/A5010/4/63 - 10/8/63172 minutes on 3 cassettes$18.00
Declassified in full.
Description: 10/4/63, 5:05 p.m., Dominican Republic. Conditions for recognition of Dominican Republic. Coup in Honduras, background, possibility of relations, opposition, warnings of coup. Possibility of US influence in Dominican Republic and Honduras. Timing of US recognition, possible news article, economic and military aid, Congressional support. 10/5/63, 9:30 a.m., Vietnam. Possible impact on Government of Vietnam if US cuts off commodities, Vietnamese oppression of Buddhists. Harkin meeting with Diem and Tung, Lodges role, conditions needed for resumption of aid, Harkin’s role regarding military, proposed testimony before Congressional committee. Beating of American journalists, Lodge’s protest to Government of Vietnam. Timing of the reduction of troops and advisors. 10/7/63, 5:30 p.m., Brazil. Conditions in Brazil, new finance minister, Goulart’s popularity, alternatives, economics, labor situation, possible Goulart removal, possible successors. Brazilian military position, US policy line, discussion of AID projects, contingencies. Brazilian military intervention, JFK’s possible trip to Brazil, Goulart’s response to news story. Dominican Republic and Honduras topics for forthcoming meeting, Presidential statement regarding coups, AID appropriation. JFK’s meeting with congressmen. 10/8/63, 5:30 p.m., Vietnam. Aid to Tung forces, aid programs and costs, defense budget. Possible coup, press leaks, use of Conein, US position regarding coup, military display for Vietnamese Independence Day, Lodge location, McNamara/Taylor appearances before the Foreign Relations Committee. Congressional adjournment.

Tape No. 117/A53 10/23/63 - 10/25/63193 minutes on 3 cassettes$18.00
Declassified in part: Eight segments (totaling 1 minute and 40 seconds) closed due to national security classification. One segment (totaling 1 minute and 57 seconds) closed in accordance with restrictions in the donor’s deed of gift.
Description: 10/23/63, 6:10 p.m., Civil Rights Legislation. Compromises, predicting votes, parliamentary problems, timing, public accommodations, FEPC, voting question and the electoral college, planning upcoming meetings. Press statement, action in committee, strategy with LBJ. 10/24/63, 10:30 a.m., American Forces in Europe. Long range troop strength in Europe, Germany, NATO, speech draft, Soviet missiles, MLF. 10/24/63, 5:30 p.m., United Kingdom. Cuba, British Guiana, containment of communist threat, Europe, France, UK parties, elections and leaders. JFK takes phone call from President Tito. Italy, economy, international credits, testing, US elections, civil rights, Profumo, Bobby Baker. 10/25/63, 11:05 a.m., Vietnam. Intelligence report on Vietnam, Embassy staffing, planning, instructions for Lodge.

Tape No. 118/A5410/28/63 - 11/1/63192 minutes on 2 cassettes$12.00
Declassified in part: Twelve segments (totaling 16 minutes and 11 seconds) closed due to national security classification.
Description: 10/28/63, Yemen, Algeria and Morocco. Border war, movement of forces and material. Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Cuba, Yugoslavia, UN, economic and military aid, Ethiopia, food sales, Spain, U Thant, cables. 10/29/63, Civil Rights Legislation. Counting votes for Civil Rights Legislation, procedure, press statement, FEPC. 10/29/63, Vietnam. Intelligence report on Vietnam, orientation of various Vietnamese forces, 1960 coup attempt, messages to US staff in Vietnam, Lodge to return to US or not, chain of command. Berlin convoy procedures. 10/30/63, Vietnam. Drafting of message to Lodge, communications, chain of command, assessment of present situation, US staffing in Vietnam. 11/1/63, Vietnam. Report on military coup in Vietnam, constitutional government in Vietnam, press conference and statement, US troop movements, incoming cables, briefing Senator Russell. Morocco and Algeria, Cuba, administrative procedures, vote on UN relief in Caribbean, U-2. John McCone makes a phone call. 11/1/63, Dominican Republic. Election schedule for Dominican Republic, political parties, counter-coup of a few days before, instructions for US staff.

Tape No. .../A5511/2/63 - 11/7/63191 minutes on 2 cassettes$12.00
Declassified in part: One segment (totaling 1 minute) closed due to national security classification.
Description: 11/2/63, Vietnam. Assessment of coup in Vietnam, issue of recognition of the new regime, reports of deaths of Diem and Nhu, review of developments leading to coup. 11/2/63, Wheat Sale Deliveries, Vietnam, Berlin, France, USSR. Issue of delivery of wheat to USSR in American ships, alternatives and discussions with American unions. Review of coup situation in Vietnam. Berlin. Plans for DeGaulle visit, allocation of resources by the USSR. Ball talks to Willard Wirtz on the phone. 11/2/63, Vietnam. Hilsman briefing on Vietnam, whether or not Lodge should return to US for briefing, restoration of constitutional government in Vietnam, information on deaths of Diem and Nhu. 11/5/63, Dominican Republic. Prospects for constitutional elections in Dominican Republic, assessment of situation and prospects for the future. 11/5/63, Foreign Policy. Berlin convoys, Soviet action against French and British, French stance. DC police problems with ticketing Russian journalists. Berlin convoy access, William Attwood and Castro. 11/5/63, Berlin. Stopping of US convoy in Berlin, review of situation, speculations on significance, alternative courses of action, press guidance, Soviet’s November celebration, diplomatic representation, use of small force, Soviet ship movements, possible Allied action. Ambassadorial Group, Soviet press coverage, possible conversation with Canadian foreign minister. Possible situation that may arise in Berlin and possible US response, contingency plans. 11/7/63, Wheat Sales to USSR. Discussions with USSR regarding terms and conditions of the delivery system of US wheat to USSR, discussion of effect on US shipping, basis for Soviet action.

Package Sets


Cuban Missile Crisis10/16/62-10/29/621400 Minutes on 21 cassettes$126.00
2 Transcripts 169 pages$20.00
Order by Tape or Transcript No. AA
Description: See individual tape descriptions for Tape Numbers 28 through 43, above. For transcript information, see tape individual descriptions for Tapes Numbers 28 and 41.

Integration of the Univ. of Mississippi1962260 Minutes on 4 cassettes$24.00
Transcript 145 Pages$10.00
Order by Tape or Transcript No. BB
Description: 3 White House Meetings and 17 telephone calls. The recordings include telephone conversations to register James Meredith as the first black student at the University of Mississippi, with most of the calls between President Kennedy or Attorney General Robert Kennedy and Governor Ross Barnett of Mississippi; and meetings in the White House during the night of the riot at the University. The White House participants communicated throughout the night with the federal marshals in Mississippi through an open telephone line.

Civil Rights1963564 minutes on 9 cassettes$54.00
Transcript 52 pages$10.00
Order by Tape No. CC
Description: 16 White House meetings and 15 telephone calls comprising the civil rights material not including the integration of the University of Mississippi. Discussions of the situation in Birmingham, Alabama, the March on Washington, and civil rights legislation which became the Civil Rights Act of 1964. In these recordings, President Kennedy meets with or calls civil rights leaders, including Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr., church officials, local officials and businessmen, representatives, senators, and governors of various southern states.

Tax Cut Proposals1962-1963450 minutes on 7 cassettes$42.00
Transcript 295 pages$15.00
Order by Tape or Transcript No. DD
Description: 13 White House meetings and 3 telephone conversations. White House meetings and telephone conversations between President Kennedy, his economic advisers, and business and congressional leaders on his proposals for a tax cut. Many of the conversations and meetings are with Representative Wilbur Mills, Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee.

Peace Corps4/2/632 minutes on 1 cassette,
and 3 page transcript
Order by Tape No. EE
Description: President Kennedy and R. Sargent Shriver, Director of the Peace Corps, discuss keeping the Central Intelligence Agency out of the Peace Corps.

Railroad Work Rules Dispute1963254 minutes on 4 cassettes$24.00
Transcript 12 Pages$5.00
Order by Tape No. FF
Description: 10 meetings and 4 telephone conversations. Meetings on the railroad work rules dispute and potential strike of July 1963 including conversations with railroad union and management representatives, congressmen, White House staff members and Cabinet officials.

Winning Senate Support for the
Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
196340 minutes on 1 cassette$6.00
Transcript 38 pages$5.00
Order by Tape or Transcript No. GG
Description: Recordings of telephone conversations between President Kennedy and members of Congress, the Cabinet and the White House staff, and former President Harry S. Truman in July and August 1963 when President Kennedy was trying to win Senate ratification of the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.

Presidential Recordings Finding Aid $15.00
Description: Contains the Current Status of all Meetings Recordings and Telephone Conversations, as well as the recording logs of tapes that have been made available for research use. The Finding Aid is updated as recordings are opened.

Presidential Recordings tapes, transcripts, logs and Finding Aid may also be requested through Interlibrary Loan.

To purchase Presidential Recordings material, please complete and return the Presidential Recordings order form.

For additional information write to: “Presidential Recordings,” John F. Kennedy Library, Columbia Point, Boston, MA 02125 or call (617) 929-4582.

Current Status of Meetings Recordings

* Status box refers to the individual tape number, not to the date of a particular item listed. “Open” means that entire tape is available for research use. Please see the Presidential Recordings Logs for further information

Number Date Subject Status *
7/30/62 Brazil
7/30/62 Economy
Nuclear testing and Test Ban Treaty
Portion Opened
7/30/62 Nuclear testing (above meeting continued)
8/1/62 Disarmament and Test Ban Treaty
8/1/62 Disarmament (above meeting continued)
8/ 1/62 Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board Meeting
8/ 3/62 Berlin (Lyman Lemnitzer)
8/ 6/62 Tax cut (Wilbur Mills)
8/ 8/62 USSR (Llewellyn Thompson)
8/ 9/62 Dominican Republic
8/9/62 Berlin (above meeting continued)
Economy and tax cut
8/ 9/62 Economy and tax cut (above meeting continued)
8/10/62 Economy
8/10/62 International monetary situation
8/15/62 Laos
British Guiana
8/16/62 Various topics (Douglas MacArthur)
8/20/62 International trade
8/20/62 International monetary situation
8/21/62 17th UN General Assembly (Adlai Stevenson)
International trade
8/22/62 Various topics (John McCone and Maxwell Taylor)
../../.. (Tape is completely blank; no recording whatsoever)
8/27/62 Middle East
8/29/62 Berlin
9/4/62. Cuba
9/2/62 Berlin
Cuba (Congressional Leadership)
9/5/62 Nuclear testing
9/10/62 Various topics (Dwight D. Eisenhower)
9/10/62 Berlin
9/29/62 Far East (Maxwell Taylor)
9/29/62 University of Mississippi crisis
Espionage arrests
9/25/62 Laos
9/29/62 Berlin
9/30/62 University of Mississippi crisis
9/30/62 University of Mississippi crisis (above meeting continued)
10/2/62 Economy and tax cut
University of Mississippi
10/8/62 Economy
10/16/62 Cuba
10/16/62 Cuba (above meeting continued)
10/17/62 Berlin (Gerhard Schroeder)
10/18/62 Budget
Portion Opened
10/18/62 Cuba (above meeting continued)
10/18/62 Cuba (above meeting continued)
../../.. (empty office noises only; no conversations on tape)
10/22/62 Cuba
../../.. (empty office noises only; no conversations on tape)
10/22/62 Cuba
10/22/62 Cuba (Congressional leadership)
10/23/62 Cuba (NSC ExComm)
10/23/62 Cuba
10/24/62 Cuba (NSC ExComm)
10/24/62 Cuba (NSC ExComm)
10/../62 Cuba (Congressional leadership)
10/25/62 Cuba (NSC ExComm)
10/25/62 Cuba (NSC ExComm, above meeting continued)
10/26/62 Cuba (NSC ExComm)
10/26/62 Cuba
10/27/62 Sino-Indian border clash
10/27/62 Cuba (NSC ExComm)
10/27/62 Cuba (NSC ExComm, above meeting continued)
10/29/62 Cuba (NSC)
10/29/62 Cuba (NSC, above meeting continued)
10/31/62 Cuba (NSC ExComm)
10/31/62 Congo
10/31/62 Cuba and USSR nuclear tests (NSC)
11/1/62 Cuba (NSC)
11/2/62 Cuba
Nuclear Testing
Test Ban Negotiations (NSC ExComm)
11/3/62 Cuba
Nuclear Testing (NSC ExComm, morning meeting)
11/3/62 Nuclear testing and Cuba (NSC ExComm, afternoon meeting; very brief; most of tape is empty office noises)
11/5/62 Cuba (RFK and McGeorge Bundy)
Interdepartmetal coordination of foreign affairs (RFK, Bundy, Maxwell Taylor)
11/6/62 Cuba (NSC)
11/7/62 Foreign aid (Fowler Hamilton)
11/7/62 Congo (above meeting continued)
11/8/62 Laos and Cuba (NSC)
11/9/62 Europe
11/12/62 Cuba (NSC)
11/12/62 Cuba (above meeting continued)
11/16/62 Cuba (Rusk, Bundy, and Llewellyn Thompson)
Economy and tax cut proposals
Cuba (NSC ExComm)
Portion Opened
11/16/62 Cuba (above meeting continued)
11/16/62 Cuba (NSC)
11/../62 NASA space program budget
11/19/62 Managed news
Cuba (NSC ExComm)
11/19/62 Cuba (above meeting continued)
India and Pakistan (Rusk and McNamara)
11/19/62 Sino-Indian border clash (NSC)
11/../62 Cuba
11/20/62 Nuclear research and development (President's Science Advisory Committee)
Cuba (NSC ExComm)
11/21/62 Space program
11/21/62 Cuba (NSC ExComm)
11/27/62 Europe (Paul Henri Speak)
11/29/62 Cuba (NSC ExComm)
12/5/62 Military budget for fiscal year 1964
12/6/62 Cuba (NSC)
12/12/62 Economy and tax reform proposals
12/13/62 Agricultural subsidies
12/14/62 Congo
12/17/62 Congo and Cuba (NSC)
1/8/63 Cuba (Congressional leadership)
1/15/63 Vietnam
NATO and Multilateral Force (JCS)
1/16/63 Various topics (George Kennan)
1/21/63 Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board
1/22/63 Haiti and Guatemala
1/31/63 NATO (NSC)
2/1/63 Berlin
Wheeler report on Vietnam
2/2/63 NATO
2/5/63 Cuba and Europe (NSC)
2/5/63 Cuba
2/8/63 Nuclear test ban
2/11/63 Various topics (David Bruce)
Various topics (Hyman Rickover)
2/12/63 Multilateral Force (NSC ExComm)
2/21/63 NATO and Multilateral Force
2/26/63 Yemen
Common Market
3/1/63 Balance of payments
3/8/63 Brazil
Multilateral Force
3/9/63 Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board
3/11/63 Yemen
3/11/63 Cuba (NSC)
3/22/63 Nitze report on Multilateral Force
4/2/63 Atlantic alliance (NSC)
4/5/63 International trade (Herter)
Communicating with Khrushchev
4/8/63 India (Walt Rostow)
4/9/63 Balance of payments
4/10/63 Multilateral Force (Admiral Ricketts)
Steel wages and prices
4/10/63 Laos (NSC)
4/10/63 Steel wages and prices
4/10/63 Steel wages and prices
4/18/63 Balance of payments
4/20/63 Laos (NSC)
4/22/63 Cuba (McNamara)
4/22/63 Various topics (Norman Cousins)
4/22/63 Laos (NSC
4/22/63 Various topics (Adlai Stevenson)
4/24/63 Multilateral Force
4/25/63 India and Pakistan
4/26/63 Germany (Ambassador Dowling)
4/../62 Gilpatric
4/27/63 Jordan
4/../63 Haiti
5/3/63 NATO, Multilateral Force and British Guiana (Bundy and David OrmsbyGore)
5/4/63 Americans for Democratic Action reception
Dean Rusk's trip to India and Pakistan (Rusk and Bundy)
5/6/63 Vietnam
5/7/63 Defense budget
Nomination of new Deputy Secretary of Defense (McNamara)
5/8/63 TFX and appointment of new Chief of Naval Operations (Admiral George Anderson)
5/12/63 India
5/13/63 Birmingham, Alabama
5/14/63 Haiti
International trade
Various topics (William Orrick)
Hearst Award Winner
Portion Opened
5/17/63 Various topics (Jean Monet)
Birmingham, Alabama
Cotton textiles
5/17/63 Middle East arms limitation
5/20/63 Cuba
Trade negotiations
Civil rights legislation
Various topics (T.T. Krishamachari)
5/21/63 Birmingham, Alabama
Portion Opened
5/24/63 NATO
Multilateral Force
Ottawa meeting
5/25/63 European defense (McNamara)
Phone call from RFK
5/../63 NATO and Multilateral Force
5/28/63 Various topics (Joseph Luns)
Intelligence collection
Europe (Paul Henri Speak)
Portion Opened
5/28/63 Europe (above meeting continued)
5/31/63 British Guiana and Haiti
6/1/63 Civil rights legislation
7/3/63 Nuclear test ban treaty
7/4/63 Vietnam
Indonesia and Brazil
Nuclear test ban negotiations
7/8/63 Railroad work rules dispute
7/9/63 Railroad work rules dispute
Nuclear test ban negotiations
Civil rights
Portion Opened
7/10/63 Railroad work rules dispute
Railroad work rules dispute (with Hubert Humphrey and Wayne Morse)
Various topics (Dr. Carlos Garcia Bauer, Ambassador from Guatemala)
Railroad work rules dispute
7/11/63 Nuclear test ban negotiations
7/12/63 Common market
Portion Opened
7/15/63 Balance of payments
7/16/63 Balance of payments
7/18/63 Portuguese Africa
7/../63 Nuclear test ban negotiations
7/19/63 Nuclear test ban negotiations
Railroad work rules dispute
Nuclear testing and Azores (Curtis LeMay)
7/../63 Naval construction program
7/22/63 Railroad work rules dispute
Nuclear test ban negotiations
Portion Opened
7/23/63 Middle East
Nuclear test ban negotiations
7/24/63 Nuclear test ban negotiations
7/../63 (Topic uncertain; recording is brief, badly garbled and largely unintelligible. Clark Clifford)
7/25/63 Various topics (Assrate Kassa, President of the Ethiopian Senate)
Economy and tax cut (Walter Heller)
7/../63 Proposed book of children's letters to the president (Unidentified person)
7/29/63 Economy and tax cut
7/29/63 Postmaster-ship (James Trimble)
Fragmentary conversation (Walter Reuther, Leonard Woodcock, and Jack Conway; only pleasantries before meeting, no substance; very brief recording)
Portion Opened
7/29/63 U.S. delegation to test ban treaty signing (Rusk and Dutton)
7/30/63 Portuguese Africa
U.S. troops in Europe (McNamara and Bundy)
Korea (Maxwell Taylor)
7/31/63 Khrushchev proposal for a nonaggression pact (Harriman, Kaysen, and Bundy)
Far East review (NSC)
7/31/63 Atomic development under test ban strictures
8/2/63 USSR nonaggression pact proposal
Multilateral Force
Tariffs (Herter)
8/5/63 Report on visit to NATO and Adenauer (McNamara)
Nuclear Test Ban testimony
8/7/63 Citizens Committee on the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
8/12/63 Pakistan
8/13/63 Choral serenade (brief and barely intelligible; probably group of Irish teachers)
8/15/63 Vietnam (Henry Cabot Lodge)
British Guiana
Trip to Eastern Europe (Orville Freeman)
Portion Opened
8/15/63 Trip to Eastern Europe (Orville Freeman, above meeting continued)
Phone call from Edward M. Kennedy
USSR and Eastern Europe (Llewellyn Thompson)
8/16/63 Various topics (Dr. Kisaburo Yokota, Japanese Chief Justice)
8/../63 JFK's western conservation trip
Retirement ceremony for Crane Hauser of the IRS
8/19/63 Foreign aid
8/21/63 Vietnam
Romania (William Crawford)
Several miscellaneous topics
8/23/63 NATO (Thomas K. Finletter)
Arizona water (Barry Goldwater and Carl Hayden)
8/../63 Missiles and publicity ("Jerry" [Wiesner?])
8/26/63 Various topics (Anatoly Dobrynin)
8/27/63 Vietnam
Portuguese Africa
Test ban treaty
8/28/63 Vietnam
8/28/63 Civil rights (March on Washington leadership)
8/../63 Gall bladder problem (Lyndon Johnson)
Phone call from "Ray" (not further identified)
9/3/63 Vietnam
Portion Open
9/3/63 Balance of payments
9/../63 Various foreign policy topics (McGeorge Bundy)
9/9/63 Test ban treaty (Mike Mansfield and Everett Dirksen)
Arms control (Henry M. Jackson)
9/10/63 Vietnam (Krulak and Mendenhall reports)
Portion Opened
9/11/63 Balance of payments
9/12/63 Economy
Strategic balance of power (NSC)
Portion Opened
9/12/63 Strategic balance of power
(above meeting continued)
9/17/63 Nuclear test ban treaty vote (Foy Kohler)
9/18/63 Lunar program (James Webb)
9/19/63 Civil rights (Civil rights leadership)
9/19/63 Vietnam
Portion Opened
9/19/63 Civil rights (Civil rights leadership
9/23/63 Various topics (Maxwell Taylor, Dean Rusk, George Ball, Robert McNamara, McGeorge Bundy)
Various topics (Cabinet meeting)
Civil rights (RFK and Burke Marshall)
Civil rights (City officials from Birmingham, Alabama)
Portion Opened
9/23/63 Civil rights (above meeting continued)
9/30/63 Civil rights bill (Dr. Eugene Carson Blake)
Various foreign policy topics (Bundy, briefly)
Assignments of ambassadors and other topics (Bundy and Ralph Dungan)
Tax bill
10/1/63 Proposed wheat sales to USSR (NSC)
Portion Opened
10/1/63 Proposed wheat sales to USSR (above meeting continued)
Various topics (Haile Selassie)
10/2/63 Vietnam (McNamaraTaylor report)
Vietnam (NSC)
10/3/63 Various topics (Dean Rusk)
10/4/63 Dominican Republic and Honduras
10/5/63 Vietnam
10/7/63 Brazil
10/9/63 Indonesia and Far East
10/10/63 Various topics (Andrei Gromyko)
10/11/63 Berlin
10/16/63 Dominican Republic
10/21/63 Berlin
10/22/63 Various topics (Victor Paz Estensoro of Bolivia)
10/23/63 Visit to Adenauer (Dean Acheson)
10/24/63 Civil rights legislation
Portion Opened
10/24/63 Civil rights legislation (above meeting continued)
U.S. troops in Europe
Various topics (George Brown of the U.K. House of Commons)
10/25/63 Vietnam
10/28/63 Yemen, Morocco and Algeria
10/29/63 Civil rights legislation
10/30/63 Vietnam
11/1/63 Vietnam
Dominican Republic
... /A55
11/2/63 Vietnam (morning meeting)
Wheat sales and deliveries to USSR
Vietnam (afternoon meeting)
11/5/63 Dominican Republic
Various topics (McGeorge Bundy)
11/7/63 Wheat sales to USSR
... /A56
11/7/63 Wheat sales to USSR (above meeting continued)
Defense contracts
1964 Democratic Convention plans
... /A57
11/7/63 1964 Democratic Convention plans (above meeting continued)
Various topics (Dean Rusk; including discussion of Otepka and Gullion cases)
11/8/63 Grain trade (Orville Freeman)

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