Index of the Warren Commission Hearings
Testimony Of Marrion L. Baker
- The Chairman.
- Would you raise your right hand and be sworn please?
Do you solemnly swear the testimony you give before this Commission will be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God?
- Mr. Baker.
- I do, sir.
- The Chairman.
- You may be seated. I will read a little short brief statement to you, Mr. Baker, which will indicate the purpose of our meeting today.
The purpose of today's hearing is to hear the testimony of M. L. Baker, Mrs. R. A. Reid, Eugene Boone, Luke Mooney, and M. N. McDonald. Officer Baker and Mrs. Reid were in the vicinity of the Texas School Book Depository Building at the time of the assassination.
Deputy Sheriffs Boone and Mooney assisted in the search of the sixth floor of the Texas School Depository Building shortly after the assassination and Officer McDonald apprehended Lee Harvey Oswald at the Texas theater.
I read this to you just so you will know the general nature of the inquiry we are making today and we will make of you. Mr. Belin will conduct the examination.
- Mr. Belin.
- Officer Baker, would you state your legal name, please for the Commission?
- Mr. Baker.
- Marrion L. Baker.
- Mr. Belin.
- You are known as M. L. Baker?
- Mr. Baker.
- That is right, sir.
- Mr. Belin.
- What is your occupation?
- Mr. Baker.
- With Dallas Police Department.
- Mr. Belin.
- How long have you been with the Dallas Police Department?
- Mr. Baker.
- Almost 10 years.
- Mr. Belin.
- How old are you, Officer Baker?
- Mr. Baker.
- Thirty-three.
- Mr. Belin.
- Where were you born?
- Mr. Baker.
- In a little town called Blum, Tex.
- Mr. Belin.
- Did you go to school in Blum, Tex.?
- Mr. Baker.
- Yes, sir; I think I went to about the sixth grade.
- Mr. Belin.
- Then where did you go?
- Mr. Baker.
- We moved to Dallas and I continued schooling at the Roger Q. Mills School Elementary, went to junior high school, I believe it was called Storey, and then I finished high school in Adamson High School.
- Mr. Belin.
- In Dallas?
- Mr. Baker.
- Yes, sir.
- Mr. Belin.
- What did you do after you graduated from high school?
- Mr. Baker.
- I think I got married.
- The Chairman.
- Gentlemen, at this time I must go to the court, we have a session of the court today hearing arguments and Mr. Dulles, you are going to be here through the morning, so if you will conduct the meeting from this time on.
Excuse me, gentlemen.
(At this point, the Chief Justice left the hearing room.)
- Mr. Belin.
- After you got married, sir, what did you do. I mean in the way of vocation?
- Mr. Baker.
- I took up a job as a sheetmetal man at the Continental Tin Co.
- Mr. Belin.
- How long did you work for Continental?
- Mr. Baker.
- Approximately 3 months.
- Mr. Belin.
- Then what did you do?
- Mr. Baker.
- At that time I quit this job and went to the Ford Motor Co.
- Mr. Belin.
- What did you do at Ford?
- Mr. Baker.
- Well, at that time I stayed there approximately 11 months and they laid me off and I went to the, I believe they call it Chance Vought at that time, aircraft.
- Mr. Belin.
- What did you do at Ford, sir?
- Mr. Baker.
- I was a glass installer, I believe that is what you would call it.
- Mr. Belin.
- All right.
When you went to this aircraft factory what did you do?
- Mr. Baker.
- I was a material clerk.
- Mr. Belin.
- How long did you work for them?
- Mr. Baker.
- I didn't understand?
- Mr. Belin.
- How long did you work for the aircraft company?
- Mr. Baker.
- It seemed like somewhere around a year and a half.
- Mr. Belin.
- All right, then what did you do?
- Mr. Baker.
- At that time it. was uncertain out there whether you would stay there or not, they were laying off a few of the men and I went with the neighbor's trailer company which was located in Oak Cliff there.
- Mr. Belin.
- What did you do there?
- Mr. Baker.
- I was, I guess you would call it a mechanic. I did a little bit of everything there, I did all the road work, and did all the delivering at that time.
- Mr. Belin.
- How long did you stay with them?
- Mr. Baker.
- A little over 3 years.
- Mr. Belin.
- Then what did you. do?
- Mr. Baker.
- Then I became, I went with the city of Dallas.
- Mr. Belin.
- With the police department?
- Mr. Baker.
- Yes, sir.
- Mr. Belin.
- Did you take a course of instruction for the police department?
- Mr. Baker.
- Yes, sir; I went to the Dallas Police Academy School out there.
- Mr. Belin.
- How long was this schooling period, approximately?
- Mr. Baker.
- Four months.
- Mr. Belin.
- After you were graduated from the Dallas Police Academy, did you right away become a motorcycle policeman or were you first a patrolman or what did you do?
- Mr. Baker.
- No, sir; at first I was a patrolman and I spent some 23 months in radio patrol division. And then I volunteered solo division.
- Mr. Belin.
- When you were in this radio car, was this a patrol car where two men would be--
- Mr. Baker.
- That is right, sir.
- Mr. Belin.
- And have you been a motorcycle policeman then, say, for the last 7 or 8 years?
- Mr. Baker.
- Yes, sir; that is pretty close to it.
(At this point, Representative Ford left the hearing room.)
- Mr. Belin.
- By the way, you use the word solo; generally do people in police cars ride in pairs during the daytime or solos or what?
- Mr. Baker.
- If you are talking about the squad cars at the time that I worked in the radio patrol division, most of them were two-men squads.
- Mr. Belin.
- Were there some one-man squads, too?
- Mr. Baker.
- Very few.
- Mr. Belin.
- What about today, do you know what the situation is?
- Mr. Baker.
- They still have, say, very few two-men squads and a lot of one-man squads now.
- Mr. Belin.
- They have a lot of one-man squads now?
- Mr. Baker.
- Yes, sir.
- Mr. Dulles.
- Is that because of a shortage of men for the jobs to cover?
- Mr. Baker.
- Yes, sir.
- Mr. Dulles.
- Not because of the procedures?
- Mr. Baker.
- Now, at night they try to ride them two men.
- Mr. Belin.
- In the daytime what is the situation now?
- Mr. Baker.
- Usually the downtown squads which I work are two men, and the outlying squads are one man.
- Mr. Belin.
- All right.
Coming down to November 22, 1963, what was your occupation on that day?
- Mr. Baker.
- I was assigned to ride a motorcycle.
- Mr. Belin.
- And where were you assigned to ride the motorcycle?
- Mr. Baker.
- At this particular day in the office up there before we went out, I was, my partner and I, we received instructions to ride right beside the President's car.
- Mr. Belin.
- About when was this that you received these instructions?
- Mr. Baker.
- Let's see, I believe we went to work early that day, somewhere around 8 o'clock.
- Mr. Belin.
- And from whom did you receive your original instructions to ride by the side of the President's car?
- Mr. Baker.
- Our sergeant is the one who gave us the instructions. This is all made up in the captain's office, I believe.
- Mr. Belin.
- All right.
- Mr. Dulles.
- Captain Curry?
- Mr. Baker.
- Chief Curry; our captain is Captain Lawrence.
- Mr. Belin.
- Were these instructions ever changed?
- Mr. Baker.
- Yes, sir. When we got to the airport, our sergeant instructed me that there wouldn't be anybody riding beside the President's car.
- Mr. Belin.
- Did he tell you why or why not?
- Mr. Baker.
- No, sir. We had several occasions where we were assigned there and we were moved by request.
- Mr. Belin.
- On that day, you mean?
- Mr. Baker.
- Well, that day and several other occasions when I have escorted them.
- Mr. Belin.
- On that day when did you ride or where were you supposed to ride after this assignment was changed?
- Mr. Baker.
- They just--the sergeant told us just to fall in beyond it, I believe he called it the press, behind the car.
- Mr. Belin.
- Beyond the press?
- Mr. Baker.
- Yes, sir.
- Mr. Belin.
- Did he tell you this after the President's plane arrived at the airport or was it before?
- Mr. Baker.
- It seemed like it was after he arrived out there.
- Mr. Belin.
- Had you already seen him get out of the plane?
- Mr. Baker.
- Yes, sir.
- Mr. Belin.
- About what time was it before the motorcade left that you were advised of this, was it just before or 5 or 10 minutes before, or what?
- Mr. Baker.
- It was 5 or 10 minutes before.
- Mr. Belin.
- All right.
Then the motorcade left and you rode along on a motorcycle in the motorcade?
- Mr. Baker.
- Yes, sir.
- Mr. Belin.
- Was it a two-wheeler or a three-wheeler?
- Mr. Baker.
- It was a two-wheeler.
- Mr. Belin.
- You rode with the motorcade as it traveled through downtown Dallas?
- Mr. Baker.
- Yes, sir.
- Mr. Belin.
- And eventually what is the fact as to whether or not the motorcade got to Main Street?
- Mr. Baker.
- You say how fast?
- Mr. Belin.
- No; did the motorcade get to Main Street in Dallas, was it going down Main Street at anytime?
- Mr. Baker.
- Yes, sir; it did.
- Mr. Belin.
- All right.
I wonder if you would pick up your actions with the motorcade as it went down Main Street commencing at, say, Main and Record Streets.
- Mr. Baker.
- Well, it was the usual escort. We were traveling about somewhere around 5 to 10 miles an hour.
- Mr. Dulles.
- There is a map right behind you.
(Discussion off the record)
- Mr. Belin.
- Back on the record again.
- Mr. Dulles.
- Would you state exactly where you were riding? We know a good deal about this, the cars the way they were paced. There was a car right behind the President's car that followed it, I think 6 or 7 feet right behind the President's car
- Mr. Baker.
- That was the Secret Service car.
- Mr. Dulles.
- That is right. Were you in that gap between the two cars or what?
- Mr. Baker.
- No, sir; I was, it seemed to me like, there was this car.
- Mr. Dulles.
- When you say "this car" what do you mean?
- Mr. Baker.
- That Secret Service car.
- Mr. Dulles.
- The Secret Service car right behind the President?
- Mr. Baker.
- And there was one more car in there.
- Mr. Dulles.
- Behind that?
- Mr. Baker.
- Yes, sir.
- Mr. Dulles.
- That was the Vice President's car, wasn't it?
- Mr. Baker.
- Yes, sir.
- Mr. Dulles.
- And then?
- Mr. Baker.
- There were four press cars carrying the press and I was right at the side of that last one.
- Representative Boggs.
- The last press car?
- Mr. Dulles.
- The last press car?
- Mr. Baker.
- Yes, sir.
- Mr. Dulles.
- So you were roughly how far behind the President's car at this stage?
- Mr. Baker.
- Sometimes we got, at this stage we were possibly a half block.
- Mr. Dulles.
- A half block?
- Mr. Baker.
- Yes, sir; as I say as I turned the corner the front of it was turning the corner at Elm Street.
- Mr. Belin.
- You mean as you were turning right from Main on to Houston Street heading north onto Houston, the President's car had already turned to the left off Houston heading down that entrance to the expressway, is that correct?
- Mr. Baker.
- That is right.
- Mr. Belin.
- All right.
I believe pardon me, Mr. Dulles, does that answer your question?
- Mr. Dulles.
- That answers my question. I wanted to see where he was.
- Mr. Belin.
- You said you were going down Main Street at around Record at from 5 to 10 miles an hour?
- Mr. Baker.
- Yes, sir.
- Mr. Belin.
- All right.
Will you take up your trip from there, please?
- Mr. Baker.
- As we approached the corner there of Main and Houston we were making a right turn, and as I came out behind that building there, which is the county courthouse, the sheriff building, well, there was a strong wind hit me and I almost lost my balance.
- Mr. Belin.
- How fast would you estimate the speed of your motorcycle as you turned the corner, if you know?
- Mr. Baker.
- I would say--it wasn't very fast. I almost lost balance, we were just creeping along real slowly.
- Mr. Dulles.
- That is turning from Main into Houston?
- Mr. Baker.
- That is right, sir.
- Mr. Belin.
- You turned-do you have any actual speed estimate as you turned that corner at all or just you would say very slow?
- Mr. Baker.
- I would say from around 5 to 6 or 7 miles an hour, because you can't hardly travel under that and you know keep your balance.
- Mr. Belin.
- From what direction was the wind coming When it hit you?
- Mr. Baker.
- Due north.
- Mr. Belin.
- All right.
Now, tell us what happened after you turned on to Houston Street?
- Mr. Baker.
- AS I got myself straightened up there, I guess it took me some 20, 30 feet, something like that, and it was about that time that I heard these shots come out.
- Mr. Belin.
- All right.
Could you just tell us what you heard and what you saw and what you did?
- Mr. Baker.
- As I got, like I say as I got straightened up there, I was, I don't know when these shots started coming off, I just--it seemed to me like they were high, and I just happened to look right straight up---
- Mr. Dulles.
- I wonder if you would just tell us on that chart and I will try to follow with the record where you were at this time, you were coming down Houston.
- Mr. Belin.
- Sir, if you can--I plan to get that actual chart in a minute. If we could----
- Mr. Dulles.
- I want to see where he was vis-a-vis the building on the chart there.
- Mr. Baker.
- This is Main Street and this is Houston. This is the corner that I am speaking of; I made the right turn here. The motorcade and all, as I was here turning the front car was turning up here, and as I got somewhere about right here----
- Mr. Dulles.
- That is halfway down the first block.
- Mr. Belin.
- No, sir; can I interrupt you for a minute?
- Mr. Dulles.
- Certainly.
- Mr. Belin.
- Officer Baker, when we were in Dallas on March 20, Friday, you walked over with me and showed me about the point you thought your motorcycle was when you heard the first shot, do you remember doing that?
- Mr. Baker.
- Yes, sir.
- Mr. Belin.
- And then we paced this off measuring it from a distance which could be described as the north curbline of Main Street as extended?
- Mr. Baker.
- Yes, sir; that would be this one right across here.
- Mr. Belin.
- And we paced it off as to where you thought your motorcycle was when you heard the first shot and do you remember offhand about where you said this was as to what distance it was, north of the north curbline of Main Street?
- Mr. Baker.
- We approximated it was 60 to 80 feet there, north of the north curbline of Main on Houston.
- Mr. Dulles.
- Thank you.
- Mr. Belin.
- Does that answer your question?
- Mr. Dulles.
- That answers my question entirely.
- Mr. Belin.
- In any event you heard the first shot, or when you heard this noise did you believe it was a shot or did you believe it was something else?
- Mr. Baker.
- It hit me all at once that it was a rifle shot because I had just got back from deer hunting and I had heard them pop over there for about a week.
- Mr. Belin.
- What kind of a weapon did it sound like it was coming from?
- Mr. Baker.
- It sounded to me like it was a high-powered rifle.
- Mr. Belin.
- All right. When you heard the first shot or the first noise, what did you do and what did you see?
- Mr. Baker.
- Well, to me, it sounded high and I immediately kind of looked up, and I had a feeling that it came from the building, either right in front of me or of the one across to the right of it.
- Mr. Belin.
- What would the building right in front of you be?
- Mr. Baker.
- It would be this Book Depository Building.
- Mr. Belin.
- That would be the building located on what corner of Houston and Elm?
- Mr. Baker.
- That would be the northwest corner.
- Mr. Belin.
- All right. And you thought it was either from that building or the building located where?
- Mr. Baker.
- On the northeast corner.
- Mr. Belin.
- All right. Did you see or hear or do anything else after you heard the first noise?
- Mr. Baker.
- Yes, sir. As I was looking up, all these pigeons began to fly up to the top of the buildings here and I saw those come up and start flying around.
- Mr. Belin.
- From what building, if you know, do you think those pigeons came from?
- Mr. Baker.
- I wasn't sure, but I am pretty sure they came from the building right on the northwest corner.
- Mr. Belin.
- Then what did you see or do?
- Mr. Baker.
- Well, I immediately revved that motorcycle up and was going up there to see if I could help anybody or see what was going on because I couldn't see around this bend.
- Mr. Belin.
- Well, between the time you revved up the motorcycle had you heard any more shots?
- Mr. Baker.
- Yes, sir; I heard--now before I revved up this motorcycle, I heard the, you know, the two extra shots, the three shots.
- Mr. Belin.
- Do you have any time estimate as to the spacing of any of these shots?
- Mr. Baker.
- It seemed to me like they just went bang, bang, bang; they were pretty well even to me.
- Mr. Belin.
- They were pretty well even.
Anything else between the time of the first shot and the time of the last shot that you did up to the time or saw--
- Mr. Baker.
- No, sir; except I was looking up and I could tell it was high and I was looking up there and I saw those pigeons flying around there.
- Mr. Belin.
- Did you notice anything in either of those two buildings either on the northeast or northwest corner of Houston and Elm?
- Mr. Baker.
- No, sir; I didn't.
- Mr. Belin.
- Were you looking at any of those windows?
- Mr. Baker.
- I kind of glanced over them, but I couldn't see anything.
- Mr. Belin.
- How many shots did you hear?
- Mr. Baker.
- Three.
- Mr. Belin.
- All right. After the third shot, then, what did you do?
- Mr. Baker.
- Well, I revved that motorcycle up and I went down to the corner which would be approximately 180 to 200 feet from the point where we had first stated, you know, that we heard the shots.
- Mr. Belin.
- What distance did you state? What we did on Friday afternoon, we paced off from the point you thought you heard the first shot to the point at which you parked the motorcycle, and this paced off to how much?
- Mr. Baker.
- From 180 to 200 feet.
- Mr. Belin.
- That is where you parked the motorcycle?
- Mr. Baker.
- Yes.
- Mr. Belin.
- All right.
I wonder if we could go on this plat, Officer Baker, and first if you could put on here with this pen, and I have turned it upside down.
With Exhibit 361, show us the spot at which you stopped your motorcycle approximately and put a "B" on it, if you would.
- Mr. Baker.
- Somewhere at this position here, which is approximately 10 feet from this signal light here on the northwest corner of Elm and Houston.
- Mr. Belin.
- All right.
You have put a dot on Exhibit 361 with the line going to "B" and the dot represents that signal light, is that correct?
- Mr. Baker.
- That is right, sir.
- Mr. Belin.
- You, on Friday, March 20, parked your motorcycle where you thought it was parked on November 22 and then we paced off the distance from the nearest point of the motorcycle to the stop light and it was 10 feet, is that correct?
- Mr. Baker.
- That is correct, sir.
- Mr. Belin.
- All right.
Now, I show you Exhibit 478 and ask you if you will, on this exhibit put an arrow with the letter "B" to this stoplight.
- Mr. Baker.
- Talking about this one here?
- Mr. Belin.
- The stoplight from which we measured the distance to the motorcycle. The arrow with the letter "B" points to the stoplight, is that correct?
- Mr. Baker.
- That is correct, sir.
- Mr. Belin.
- And you stopped your motorcycle 10 feet to the east of that stoplight, is that correct?
- Mr. Baker.
- That is correct, sir.
- Mr. Belin.
- We then paced off the distance as to approximately how far it was from the place your motorcycle was parked to the doorway of the School Book Depository Building, do you remember doing that, on March 20?
- Mr. Baker.
- Yes, sir.
- Mr. Belin.
- And it appears on Exhibit 477 that that doorway is recessed, is that correct?
- Mr. Baker.
- That is correct, sir.
- Mr. Belin.
- Do you remember how far that was from the place your motorcycle was parked to the doorway?
- Mr. Baker.
- Approximately 45 feet.
- Mr. Belin.
- This same stoplight appears as you look at Exhibit 477 to the left of the entranceway to the building, is that correct?
- Mr. Baker.
- That is correct, sir.
- Mr. Belin.
- After you parked your motorcycle, did you notice anything that was going on in the area?
- Mr. Baker.
- Yes, sir. As I parked here
- Mr. Belin.
- You are pointing on Exhibit 361 to the place that you have marked with "B."
- Mr. Baker.
- And I was looking westward which would be in this direction.
- Mr. Belin.
- By that, you are pointing down the entrance to the freeway and kind of what I will call the peninsula of the park there?
- Mr. Baker.
- Yes, sir.
- Mr. Belin.
- Toward the triple underpass.
- Representative Boggs.
- Where is the underpass?
- Mr. Baker.
- The underpass is down here. This is really Elm Street, and this would be Main and Commerce and they all come together here, and there is a triple overpass.
- Representative Boggs.
- Right.
- Mr. Baker.
- At this point, I looked down here as I was parking my motorcycle and these people on this ground here, on the sidewalk, there were several of them falling, and they were rolling around down there, and all these people were rushing back, a lot of them were grabbing their children, and I noticed one, I didn't know who he was, but there was a man ran out into the crowd and back.
- Mr. Belin.
- Did you notice anything else?
- Mr. Baker.
- Except there was a woman standing--well, all these people were running, and there was a woman screaming, "Oh, they have shot that man, they have shot that man."
- Mr. Belin.
- All right.
Now, you are on Exhibit 361, and you are pointing to people along the area or bordering the entrance to that expressway and that bit of land lying to the west and north, as to where you describe these people, is that correct?
- Mr. Baker.
- That is correct, sir.
- Mr. Dulles.
- Would you mark where the overpass would be, right at the end of those lines, just so we get oriented on it.
- Mr. Belin.
- I am trying to see down here.
- Mr. Dulles.
- I just wanted to get a general idea.
- Mr. Belin.
- On Exhibit 361, sir, it wouldn't show but it basically would be off in this direction coming down this way. The entrance to the freeway would go down here and the overpass would roughly be down here.
- Mr. Dulles.
- As far as that?
- Mr. Belin.
- Yes, sir; I think Mr. Redlich is going to get a picture that will better describe it.
- Mr. Dulles.
- All right.
- Mr. Belin.
- All right.
Is there anything else you saw there, Officer Baker, before you ran to the building?
- Mr. Baker.
- No, sir; not at that time.
- Mr. Belin.
- All right.
Then what did you do after surveying the situation?
- Mr. Baker.
- I had it in mind that the shots came from the top of this building here.
- Mr. Belin.
- By this building, you are referring to what?
- Mr. Baker.
- The Book Depository Building.
- Mr. Belin.
- Go on.
- Representative Boggs.
- You were parked right in front of the Building?
- Mr. Baker.
- Yes, sir; ran right straight to it.
- Representative Boggs.
- Right.
Let me ask you a question. How far away, approximately, were these people who were running and falling and so forth from the entrance to the Building?
- Mr. Baker.
- Well, now, let me say this. From this position here.
- Mr. Belin.
- That is position "B" on Exhibit 361?
- Mr. Baker.
- There were people running all over this here.
- Mr. Belin.
- And you are pointing to the street and the parkway all in front of the School Building?
- Mr. Baker.
- You see, it looked to me like there were maybe 500 or 600 people in this area here.
- Representative Boggs.
- Yes.
- Mr. Baker.
- As those shots rang out, why they started running, you know, every direction, just trying to get back out of the way.
- Mr. Dulles.
- For the record, by this area right here, you have that little peninsula between the Elm Street extension and the Building?
- Mr. Baker.
- That is right. This little street runs down in front of the building down here to the property of the railroad tracks and this is all a parkway.
- Mr. Dulles.
- Yes. I just wanted to get it for the record.
- Mr. Belin.
- You then ran into the Building, is that correct?
- Mr. Baker.
- That is correct, sir.
- Mr. Belin.
- What did you see and what did you do as you ran into the building?
- Mr. Baker.
- As I entered this building, there was, it seems to me like there was outside doors and then there is a little lobby.
- Mr. Belin.
- All right.
- Mr. Baker.
- And then there are some inner doors and another door you have to go through, a swinging door type.
As I entered this lobby there were people going in as I entered. And I asked, I just spoke out and asked where the stairs or elevator was, and this man, Mr. Truly, spoke up and says, it seems to me like he says, "I am a building manager. Follow me, officer, and I will show you." So we immediately went out through the second set of doors, and we ran into the swinging door.
- Mr. Belin.
- All right.
Now, during the course of running into the swinging door, did you bump into the back of Mr. Truly?
- Mr. Baker.
- Yes, sir; I did.
- Mr. Belin.
- Then what happened?
- Mr. Baker.
- We finally backed up and got through that little swinging door there and we kind of all ran, not real fast but, you know, a good trot, to the back of the Building, I was following him.
- Mr. Belin.
- All right.
Then what did you do?
- Mr. Baker.
- We went to the northwest corner, we was kind of on the, I would say, the southeast corner of the Building there where we entered it, and we went across it to the northwest corner which is in the rear, back there.
- Mr. Belin.
- All right.
- Mr. Baker.
- And he was trying to get that service elevator down there.
- Mr. Belin.
- All right. What did you see Mr. Truly do?
- Mr. Baker.
- He ran over there and pushed the button to get it down.
- Mr. Belin.
- Did the elevator come down after he pushed the button?
- Mr. Baker.
- No, sir; it didn't.
- Mr. Belin.
- Then what did he do?
- Mr. Baker.
- He hollered for it, said, "Bring that elevator down here."
- Mr. Belin.
- How many times did he holler, to the best of your recollection?
- Mr. Baker.
- It seemed like he did it twice.
- Mr. Belin.
- All right.
Then what did he do?
- Mr. Baker.
- I said let's take the stairs.
- Mr. Belin.
- All right. Then what did you do?
- Mr. Baker.
- He said, "Okay" and so he immediately turned around, which the stairs is just to the, would be to the, well, the west of this elevator.
- Mr. Belin.
- All right.
- Mr. Baker.
- And we went up them.
- Mr. Belin.
- You went up the stairs then?
- Mr. Baker.
- Yes, sir.
- Mr. Belin.
- When you started up the stairs what was your intention at that--
- Mr. Baker.
- My intention was to go all the way to the top where I thought the shots had come from, to see if I could find something there, you know, to indicate that.
- Mr. Belin.
- And did you go all the way up to the top of the stairs right away?
- Mr. Baker.
- No, sir; we didn't.
- Mr. Baker.
- What happened?
- Mr. Baker.
- As I came out to the second floor there, Mr. Truly was ahead of me, and as I come out I was kind of scanning, you know, the rooms, and I caught a glimpse of this man walking away from this--I happened to see him through this window in this door. I don't know how come I saw him, but I had a glimpse of him coming down there.
- Mr. Dulles.
- Where was he coming from, do you know?
- Mr. Baker.
- No, sir. All I seen of him was a glimpse of him go away from me.
- Mr. Belin.
- What did you do then?
- Mr. Baker.
- I ran on over there
- Representative Boggs.
- You mean where he was?
- Mr. Baker.
- Yes, sir. There is a door there with a glass, it seemed to me like about a 2 by 2, something like that, and then there is another door which is 6 foot on over there, and there is a hallway over there and a hallway entering into a lunchroom, and when I got to where I could. see him he was walking away from me about 20 feet away from me in the lunchroom.
- Mr. Belin.
- What did you do?
- Mr. Baker.
- I hollered at him at that time and said, "Come here." He turned and walked right straight back to me.
- Mr. Belin.
- Where were you at the time you hollered?
- Mr. Baker.
- I was standing in the hallway between this door and the second door, right at the edge of the second door.
- Mr. Belin.
- He walked back toward you then?
- Mr. Baker.
- Yes, sir.
- Mr. Belin.
- I hand you what has been marked Commission Exhibit 497 which appears to be a diagram of the second floor of the School Book Depository, and you will notice on this diagram there are circles with arrows. I want you to state, if you will, what number or the arrow approximates the point at which you were standing when you told him to "Come here". Is there a number on there at all or not?
- Mr. Baker.
- This 24 would be the position where I was standing.
- Mr. Belin.
- The arrow which is represented by No. 24, is that correct?
- Mr. Baker.
- That is correct.
- Mr. Belin.
- On Exhibit 497. When you first saw him in which direction was he walking?
- Mr. Baker.
- He was walking east.
- Mr. Belin.
- Was--his back was away from you, or not, as you first saw him?
- Mr. Baker.
- As I first caught that glimpse of him, or as I saw him, really saw him?
- Mr. Belin.
- As you really saw him.
- Mr. Baker.
- He was walking away from me with his back toward me.
- Mr. Dulles.
- Can I suggest if you will do this, put on there where the officer was and where Lee Oswald was, or the man who turned out to be Lee Oswald, and which direction he was walking in. I think that is quite important.
- Mr. Belin.
- Yes, sir. We are going to get to that with one more question, if I can, sir. When you saw him, he then turned around, is that correct, and then walked back toward you?
- Mr. Baker.
- Yes, sir.
- Mr. Belin.
- Was he carrying anything in his hands?
- Mr. Baker.
- He had nothing at that time.
- Mr. Belin.
- All right. Were you carrying anything in either of your hands?
- Mr. Baker.
- Yes, sir; I was.
- Mr. Belin.
- What were you carrying?
- Mr. Baker.
- I had my revolver out.
- Mr. Belin.
- When did you take your revolver out?
- Mr. Baker.
- AS I was starting up the stairway.
- Mr. Belin.
- All right. Now, turning to Exhibit 497, if you would approximate on Exhibit 497 with a pen the point at which you saw this man in the lunch room when you told him to turn around.
- Mr. Dulles.
- Could we get first where he first saw him.
- Representative Boggs.
- You have that already.
- Mr. Dulles.
- I don't think you have it on the chart where he was.
- Mr. Belin.
- This is when he first saw him after he got in the room, sir. If I can go off the record.
- Mr. Dulles.
- What I wanted to get is where he first saw him as he was standing down here, as he was going up the stairs and stopped and then in what direction he was--he seemed to be moving at that time before he saw.
- Mr. Belin.
- Just answer the question, if you will. Where were you when you first caught a glimpse of this man?
- Mr. Baker.
- I was just coming up these stain just around this corner right here.
- Mr. Belin.
- All right. You were coming up the stairs at the point on Exhibit 497 where there are the letters "DN" marking down.
- Mr. Baker.
- Yes, sir.
- Mr. Belin.
- And you saw something move through a door which is marked as what number on Exhibit 497?
- Mr. Dulles.
- Where was he when you first saw him?
- Mr. Baker.
- At this doorway right here, this 23.
- Mr. Belin.
- At 23.
- Representative Boggs.
- May I ask a couple of questions because I have to--
- Mr. Belin.
- Surely.
- Representative Boggs.
- Were you suspicious of this man?
- Mr. Baker.
- No, sir; I wasn't.
- Representative Boggs.
- And he came up to you, did he say anything to you?
- Mr. Baker.
- Let me start over. I assumed that I was suspicious of everybody because I had my pistol out.
- Representative Boggs.
- Right.
- Mr. Baker.
- And as soon as I saw him, I caught a glimpse of him and I ran over there and opened that door and hollered at him.
- Representative Boggs.
- Right.
- Mr. Dulles.
- He had not seen you up to that point probably?
- Mr. Baker.
- I don't know whether he had or not.
- Representative Boggs.
- He came up to you?
- Mr. Baker.
- Yes, sir; and when I hollered at him he turned around and walked back to me.
- Representative Boggs.