Syllabus, OCG123, Spring 2001 (Revised)
“Oceans, Atmospheres, and Global Change”

Lectures MWF 9, Pastore 234; Labs M 10,11, Greenhouse 154

Kenneth A. Rahn 874-6713;;
Center for Atmospheric Chemistry Studies
Graduate School of Oceanography
CACS Room 212 (Bay Campus)

Teaching Assistant: Joanne Bintz 874-6633,
Graduate School of Oceanography
Coastal Institute Room 334 (Bay Campus)

The main goal of this course is to give you a solid introduction to the earth as a unified climatic system, to the forces that act on the various parts of that system (such as oceans, atmosphere, biosphere, and solid earth), to the ways in which those parts are currently changing, and the extent to which those changes are affected by human activities. This is a difficult task in principle because many of the observations that serve as raw data are too short, such as the one or two centuries of direct measurements of temperature. Therefore, we are forced to guess at many important questions that we would really like to answer unambiguously. We will therefore spend much of this class dealing with principles such as how the earth gets its heat, redistributes it, stores it, changes it into different forms, and eventually releases it back to space. We will then examine some factors than can perturb these processes, including a changing sun, changes in the earth’s orbit, variable ocean currents, drifting continents, and last but not least, human effects on the atmosphere and possibly via the atmosphere to climate.
A secondary goal will be to develop skills in critical thinking. Throughout the semester, we will constantly be working with chains of reasoning and evaluating the multiple explanations possible for various observations. For example, one of the most important questions will be the simplest possible one: “Is the earth warming?” The answer to this basic question may not be as obvious as it seems, for reasons that may surprise you.

The text for this course is The Earth System by Lee R. Kump, James F. Kasting, and Robert G. Crane. This is a brand-new book that appears to be excellent. It is full of valuable interdisciplinary information, and will be a challenge for you to master. If needed, we will supplement it with materials from other sources, including the Worldwide Web.

Format, homework, exams, grading
We meet MWF at 9 a.m. for the full 50 minutes. I expect you to attend every class and to be prompt. Typically, we will first discuss the reading or the homework assigned for that day and then introduce the material to be read for the next class. Discussion will often be lively. Questions are encouraged, and differences in viewpoints will be respected provided that they can be defended logically.
We will cover one chapter of the book each week. This amounts to 7 or 8 pages for each class. I expect you to have read the pages before each class and be prepared to discuss them. Absences and lack of preparation will lower your grade. Written assignments will be due roughly weekly, and will be graded and returned the following week. Most will be drawn from the critical-thinking problems at the end of each chapter. The quality of writing is important—sentences and paragraphs are to be constructed to the highest standards of written English. Typewritten answers are greatly preferred, but handwritten answers will be accepted as long as they are neat and easy to read. Late assignments will be penalized by 50%. You should be prepared to spend up to three hours outside class for each hour inside. Working significantly less will diminish the value of the experience and lower your grade.
Each student must sign up for one of the two laboratories on Mondays. The exercises conducted there will help you understand some of the important ideas discussed in the lectures. The labs will be run by our teaching assistant Ms. Joanne Bintz, who will also be available WF at 10:00 a.m. in the tutoring room on the second floor of Pastore (by appointment). Written reports will be turned in for each of the labs. The labs before the first two hourlies and the final will be used for review sessions. Take maximum advantage of these opportunities to learn.
We will have three hourly exams and a final. The hourlies will be during the class periods of 7 February, 2 March, and 2 April; the final will be on Tuesday 8 May, 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. [NOTE CHANGE!!]. The final grade will be based 50% on the exams, 25% on the homework assignments for the lectures, and 25% on the labs. The 50% for the exams will be 10% for each of the hourlies and 20% for the final.
    This class has its own web site, whose home page is listed above. It will contain the assignments and answers, answers to the hourly exams, and notices. You should check there at least weekly.

Most important of all
We are here to help you learn as much as possible about global change and how to think about it. Help us make this a great educational experience for all of us.

Revised schedule of lectures


Chapter No; Topic

17–22 January

1—Global Change

24–29 January

2—Daisyworld: Intro. to Systems

31 Jan.–5 Feb.

3—Global Energy Balance; Greenhouse Effect

7 February

Hourly Exam #1, Chapters 1–3

9–14 February

4—Atmospheric Circulation

16–21 February

5—Oceanic Circulation

23–28 February

6—Circulation in the Solid Earth

2 March

Hourly Exam #2, Chapters 4–6

7–21 March

7—The Carbon Cycle

23–30 March

8—Long Term Regulation of Climate

2 April

Hourly Exam #3, Chapters 7–8

4–11 April

9—Evolution of the Atmosphere

13–20 April

11—Glaciations in the Pleistocene

23–30 April

12—Short-term Variability of Climate

8 May, 11:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Final Exam, half on Chapters 9–12 and half on Chapters 1–8

Provisional schedule of laboratories (Mondays except where noted)



Goes with

22 January

Geological Time Scales

Global Change (1)

29 January

Coriolis Effect

Atmospheric Circulation (4)

5 February


Hourly Exam #1

12 February

Global Hydrological Cycle

Atmospheric Circulation (4)

20 February

Density of Seawater

Oceanic Circulation (5)

26 February


Hourly Exam #2

5 March

Plate Tectonics

Circulation of the Solid Earth (6)

19 March

CO2 and Changes in Climate

Carbon Cycle (7)

26 March


Hourly Exam #3

2 April

No meeting

Hourly Exam #3 that day

9 April

Glacial-Interglacial Cycles

Glaciation in the Pleistocene (11)

16 April


Short-term variations in climate (12)

23 April


Final Exam

30 April


Final Exam

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