OCG123, Spring 2001
Answers to third hourly exam, Monday 2 April 2001
Chapters 7, 8
Definitions (3 points each; 30
points total)
1. pH—The negative logarithm of the
hydrogen-ion concentration in a solution.
2. Biological pump—The transfer of CO2
and nutrients from the surface waters to the deep waters by the sinking of dead
phytoplankton, dead zooplankton, and fecal matter and their subsequent decay in
the deep.
3. Reduced carbon—Carbon that is
combined mainly with hydrogen, nitrogen, and other carbon rather than with
4. Residence time—The average
lifetime of a substance in a reservoir, defined by the ratio of mass in the
reservoir to rate of input or output of that mass at steady state.
5. Phytoplankton—Free-floating
photosynthetic marine plants.
6. Impact degassing—The process by
which extraterrestrial bodies release volatile substances such as CO2
from rocks that they slam into.
7. Lead-lead dating—The process of
determining the age of rocks by measuring the abundances of two lead isotopes
produced from uranium isotopes with different half-lives.
8. Glacial striations—Parallel
grooves carved into bedrock by rocks frozen into the base of a moving glacier.
9. Terrestrial planets—The four
rocky, earthlike planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars.
10. Heavy bombardment period—The
period from 4.6 to about 3.8 billion years ago when the earth was regularly
bombarded by large planetesimals.
Short answers (5 points each; 40
points total)
1. The atmosphere contains 760 Gton carbon
in carbon dioxide. 60 Gton leaves each year by photosynthesis. Calculate the
residence time of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to the proper number of
significant figures. 760 Gton/60 Gton yr-1 = 12.7 yr. Rounding to
one significant figure gives 10 yr. You can also say 10–20 yr.
2. Explain the sequence of steps by which
atmospheric CO2 dissolves in ocean water. Write the reaction for each
step. First the CO2 from the air dissolves in the water. Then it
reacts with a water molecule to form carbonic acid. The weak carbonic acid then
ionizes in two steps to form bicarbonate and carbonate.
CO2 (g) → CO2
CO2 (aq) + H2O → H2CO3 (aq)
H2CO3 (aq) → H+ (aq) + HCO3-
HCO3- (aq) → H+ (aq) + CO32-
3. Explain the difference between the short-term and the long-term carbon
cycles. The short-term carbon cycles involve processes that cycle carbon
through reservoirs with periods of up to thousands of years or so. Examples are
cycling in and out of the atmosphere and soils. The long-term cycle involves
sedimentary rocks, mostly marine, whose cycling times are millions of years.
4. What is the oxygen-minimum zone, and
how is it created? Use a diagram if you wish. The oxygen-minimum zone is a
broad layer of the ocean centered on a depth of 1 km or so where oxygen is
depleted relative to waters above and below it. The layer is created by the
decay of sinking organic matter, which uses up some of the dissolved oxygen to
“combust” the organic matter. the layer does not extend all the way to the
bottom because most of the material is oxidized at intermediate depths. See Box
Figure 7-1 on page 137 of the text.
5. List three possible mechanisms for
forming the moon and cite the pieces of evidence that point to the one currently
regarded as correct. The potential mechanisms for forming the moon include
gravitational capture as it was passing by, coaccretion with the earth, fission
of a rapidly rotating earth, and tearing off of material as the result of a
side-swipe collision with a Mars-sized planetesimal. The last one is currently
favored because the moon’s oxygen isotopic ratios resemble those of the
earth’s mantle (from which it would have been removed), its density is less
than that of the total earth (and like the mantle), and it is depleted in
volatile elements and had a molten surface (consistent with a big collision that
melted the surface of the earth as it was tearing off molten matter).
6. Explain the “faint young sun”
paradox and its most likely resolution. The paradox is that the sun was faint
enough in its early days (70% of the present luminosity) to make a very cold
earth, but the earth wasn’t correspondingly cold then. The earth was
apparently kept warm by a very large greenhouse effect created by the very high
concentrations of CO2 in the early atmosphere. The concentrations
were so high because the early continents were too small to remove much of the
CO2 by weathering.
7. How do we know that the Mesozoic was so
warm at high latitudes? Because ferns grew in Siberia and dinosaurs roamed to
north of the Arctic Circle. What might have made it that way? Lack of a
polar ice pack and strongly developed Hadley circulation, among other things.
8. How can a supercontinent at the equator
become glaciated? By being weathered actively enough to draw down global CO2
enough to reduce the greenhouse effect to the point that ice sheets could form
at the points of land farthest from the equator and spread all over the
Problems and longer answers (15
points each; 30 points total)
1. Recall that the intrahemispheric and
interhemispheric mixing times of tropospheric air are several months and a year
or two, respectively, and that the carbon in fallen leaves spends about 50 years
in soil before it is oxidized to CO2. Starting from your answer to
short-answer question 1, describe the short-term terrestrial organic carbon
cycle that is followed by the carbon atom of a molecule of CO2 after
it enters the atmosphere from the soil. Be as quantitative as possible.
(See page 129 ff. for details of the
journey of Molly the Molecule.) The molecule’s atmospheric residence time of
10–20 years allows it to fully mix within the NH and move back and forth
several times between NH and SH. It then enters the pores of a leaf, where it
stays for a growing season if the leaf is not eaten first. The leaf falls to the
forest floor, where it gradually decays for 50 years before the newly formed CO2
diffuses back into the atmosphere to begin the cycle over again.
2. Describe the general sequence of events by which our solar system was formed,
including the sun and the planets. Explain the kind of early environment for
earth this created and how it differed so strikingly from today. Show how this
environment created much of the earth’s atmosphere, and note how the new
explanation differs from earlier ideas. Which constituents dominated the early
No tricks here—see pages 155 ff. in
the book. Briefly, an irregular cloud of interstellar dust collapsed into a
rotating blob that collapsed further into a central star and a plane of material
that became a series of planets. The nearby planets lost their volatiles; the
outer planets didn’t. For the first billion years there were all sorts of
planetesimals flying around, which gradually coalesced into planets that were
regularly bombarded by other planetesimals. These impacts formed much of the
atmosphere and ocean by impact degassing and from their own materials, but made
the surface uninhabitable for a billion years. The early atmosphere was mostly
CO2 and nitrogen; the oxygen came later. This violent past of the
earth differs greatly from earlier ideas of a cold, quiet place the changed only