OCG533, Fall 2001
Answers to homework assignment 1
Parts of speech


Underneath each word in the paragraph below, write its part of speech. Use the following abbreviations:

N = Noun              Adj = Adjective      Prep = Preposition      Part = Participle
Pro = Pronoun      Art = Article             C = Conjunction        Ger = Gerund
V = Verb                Det = Determiner      Int = Interjection      Inf = Infinitive
Adv = Adverb

From Witness the Arctic, Spring 2000:


   Many  signs of  change  in  the  arctic environment have

       Adj (Det)                N         Prep             N                  Prep      Art                Adj                          N  

been  identified  through  scientific  research.  Familiar

                  V                                                   Prep                            Adj                                   N                                   Adj

examples include  a  thinning  of  sea  ice, earlier growing

              N                         V                    Art          Gerund (N)         Prep  Adj(Nom)      N               Adj              Adj(Nom-ger)

seasons  on  land, and rising temperatures  in  permafrost.

          N                     Prep           N       C(coord)       Part                           N                               Prep                      N

Other signs  of  change have been observed by indigenous

          Adj              N             Prep              N                                         V                                             Prep                    Adj

residents  of  the  Arctic, who report changes  in  sea-ice

             N                     Prep     Art         N (Proper)         Pro(Rel)           V                      N                Prep          Adj (Nom)

characteristics,  a  greater frequency  of  extreme weather,

                      N                              Art               Adj                     N                          Prep                   Adj                  N

and declines in the availability  or body condition of some

      C              N                     Prep     Art                N                        C(coord) Adj(Nom)              N                   Prep       Adj(Det)

marine  mammals.

          Adj                        N

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