OCG533, Fall 2002
Homework assignment 18, for 28 October
Exercise 2-2. Historical changes in style of scientific writing

This assignment is advisory only—you don’t have to hand in any answers.

Read: The articles in the seven issues of Nature that range from 1873 to 1950 (Appendix A).

Think about these questions:
1. List the main differences between the older and the newer styles of scientific writing.
2. Do you find one of the styles easier to read than the other? If so, why?
3. What aspects of scientific research are highlighted by the old style? What aspects are highlighted by the new style?
4. Do you find that one of the styles better represents the actual conduct of the research?
5. Comment on the timing of the changes from the older style to the newer. In particular, was there any period when the style changed particularly rapidly? If so, what forces of that period might have been responsible for the changes?

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