OCG533, Fall 2002
Homework Assignment 20, for 1 November 2002
Advisory only—do not hand in.
Find the outlining feature on your
word-processing program and learn how to use it, including any keyboard commands
for promoting and demoting individual entries if present (WordPerfect). Then
outline two or three paragraphs on some topic that interests you, scientific or
otherwise. Each paragraph should have several sentences. Then create a few blank
lines above the outline and begin to write your paragraphs. Write a sentence
from the first entry in your outline, then delete that entry. Do the same for
the second sentence, and so on. You may wish to repeat the exercise two or three
times until you feel comfortable with this procedure. Note how the bottom of
your writing always corresponds to the top of the outline—you are always
writing directly above the “fresh” material in the outline. Come to class
Friday ready to share your newfound tips about outlining with the others.