PSC404, Spring 2001

26 April—Review session and Zapruder film
    Tomorrow, Friday the 27th, we will be viewing the Zapruder film in class. I expect everyone to attend. One week from today, on Thursday May 3rd, we will have a review session at 7 p.m. in our regular classroom. I remind you that your critical reviews are due next Monday, on the last day of class. We will also be doing the SETs then.

13 April—Guest speaker
    Next Monday, the 16th, Tony Marsh will address our class. His topic will be "Myths on both sides of the JFK debate." YOu may wish to spend some time considering what on the nonconspiracy or agnostics sides might be considered a myth. I expect everyone to attend, and I will come down harshly on anyone who fails to show up. Anyone who wishes to go to the Lai Lai Restaurant afterwards with Tony and me is welcome, and it's on me. What a deal!

11 April—New manuscript on head wounds now available
    I have placed the manuscript by Ricky Tobias, "Ballistic Findings in the John F. Kennedy Autopsy Photographs," in the JFK section under Issues and Evidence/Frontal Shot(s). Have a look. If anyone wants to critique this document instead of a book, it would be fine, provided that you understand I will want more words per page of text than you would have to produce for a book.

6 AprilSource for JFK books
    The JFK bookseller I mentioned in class today is Andy Winiarczyk, who operated The Last Hurrah Bookshop in Williamsport, PA. You may call him at (570) 321-1150, E-mail him at, or go to his web site at . He will be happy to speak with you and help you find the best book.

30 March—Review sessions
    After discussing potential review sessions on the NAA in class today, I have reserved Washburn 220 for 7 to 9 p.m. on the evenings of 9 and 11 April (Monday and Wednesday). Please bone up on the NAA beforehand and come prepared with specific questions. Also, please reprint the document late in the weekend, as I am constantly updating it.

26 March
    After class today, three of the students indicated that they had had major trouble with the assignment on NAA. This is the reason that I gave it nearly two weeks of class time, with all sorts of opportunities to ask questions. Because NAA is so important to understanding the JFK assassination, I am willing to give review sessions for one two evenings soon. Assuming that I can schedule a room, they would start at 7 p.m. and continue for as long as anyone wished to stay. We would discuss any aspect of the NAA that you wish. Mondays and Wednesdays are best for me. Please think about which days would be best for you. We will discuss this further in class Wednesday.

7 March
    The final exam has been rescheduled to Monday 7 May from 3 to 6 p.m.

24 January
    Sharp-eyed students have found ambiguities in questions 2 and 5 of the first written assignment. I have just fixed them. To see the new version, click here.

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