PSC404, Spring 2001
Assignment 8, for Monday 9 April 2001
Pre-WCR Reactions by the Left: Mark Lane

Read: “Oswald Innocent? A Lawyer’s Brief,” by Mark Lane. Also read Lane’s biography to get some further background on him.

Answer these questions (briefly):

      1. What is a lawyer’s brief for the defense, and how does it differ from our normal class discussions?

      2. Analyze Lane’s response to each of Henry Wade’s 15 assertions and see how strong and germane each is. If necessary, check the WCR or other sources for relevant facts.

      3. List Lane’s “flaws in the ‘airtight’ case” and comment critically on each.

      4. Lane’s “affirmative case” presents “facts that tend to prove that Oswald did not shoot President Kennedy.”

      (a) Comment on the phrase “tend to prove.”

      (b) Examine critically as many of Lane’s “facts” as you can.

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