Tony Marsh's shooting scenario

    Although I wanted to have Tony give us his explanation for the assassination at the end of his presentation today, there wasn't enough time. So instead, I discussed it with him over lunch. Here is his outline for the shots. His scenario is complicated enough that we couldn't have gotten it in, anyhow.

Shot number Z-frame number Origin Weapon Shooter Comments
1—Early miss. 180 SN, TSBD MC ?? Probably not Oswald because he said he was eating lunch on the first floor then. A "late" early shot that missed. Earlier shot may have been blocked by arm supporting traffic light at Houston and Elm.
2—JFK's back. 210 SN, TSBD MC Same as shot 1. Hit JFK in back (low position). Deflected upward 10 to 20 degrees by lowest thoracic vertebra and out the hole in throat on upward course that took it over the car.

Five-second lull as Oswald's rifle jams. (Shown by empty cartridge that had a dented lip.)

3—Connally's back and thigh. 230 Window #10 of sixth floor ?? Different shooter than from the SN because too soon after shot 2. Left no physical traces. Possible "inserted" shot. Fits acoustics record but rejected by HSCA because of being too close in time to #2. Problem solved by invoking second shooter on sixth floor. Hit Connally's back and lodged in his left thigh as CE 399. Missed his wrist.
4—Frontal hit to head. 313 Grassy knoll May be special weapon with shortened barrel (makes easier to carry to and from knoll and fire without being seen. Probably rifle rather than pistol. ?? No physical traces, but glimpse of shooter seen in Moorman photo, about eight feet W of corner of picket fence. Seen fleetingly later in Z film. Hit JFK in right front of head; exploded head and passed out. Exploding bullet. No wound in rear of head.
5—Connally's wrist. 329–330 SN, TSBD MC Same as shot 1. Hit Connally's wrist. Two large fragments ricocheted off windshield and chrome strip and landed on front seat and next to it (Q2 and Q3).

Brief comments.
    1. This scenario is quite ingenious overall. But it is very complex, and leaves some key pieces of physical evidence dangling.
    2. It posits five bullets even though fragments of only two were found. Missing are the bullets from shots no. 1, 2, and 3.
    3. Two of its three shooters left no physical traces of themselves.
    4. It relies on the highly unusual reverse beveling for the large head wound.
    5. It creates the explosion in the head by an exploding bullet rather than by conventional two-phase ballistics of high-speed missiles and organs.
    6. At a couple of junctures it chooses the complex option rather than the simple one:
        a. The shot into Kennedy's back was deflected upward by a vertebra and escaped via his throat wound.
        b. The head shot, so clearly from the rear, really came from the front. Its lead vanished out the top of the head moving backward.
    7. His theory is at odds with the Zapruder film in that he has the head shot coming from the front. I believe he denies that the head snapped forward, saying instead that frame 313 is too blurred to tell anything about movement.
    8. His scenario is also at serious odds with the NAA results. He has the two large fragments found on the front seat coming from the wrist shot rather than from the head shot that they match chemically. I also think he believes that CE 399 was planted, which makes its chemical match with the wrist fragment accidental.

    In short, he is proposing an extremely complex scenario where two of the three shooters are undocumented, three of the five bullets left no traces, there is no wound in the back of the head, and the clear, simple scenario from the NAA is rejected. So he disallows the facts that are backed up by positive evidence and substitutes alternatives that have weak evidence or none at all.

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