At the top and down again
We made it to the top, and the view was just as spectacular as our American friends had promised. Here are some pictures of what we saw from there and on the way back down.
The Wall, of course, continued far beyond our summit. Looking at this picture, one could almost believe it went on forever.
A view to the north from the summit.
Looking to the west.
To the east-northeast.
Looking to the south. On the right is the cable-car terminus. In the distance you can see the abundant Asian haze.
A view to the southeast.
This is another of my favorite pictures. The air to the south looks almost smoky, but it's not.
Yours truly with a view to the west.
Inside one of the parapets.
Zhuoga looking out to the south.
Essence of Great Wall in spring.
As we were descending, we came upon this group of Chinese tourists getting their picture taken. I joined in the fun.
Descending those same steps from the beginning.
The Kodak canopy marks the entrance and exit to the Great Wall.