Delhi to Agra

    The trip to Agra was quite the experience. First we had to get up REALLY early (4:30 a.m. pickup at the hotel) for our flight to Delhi. There we boarded a bus for the four-hour ride southwest to Agra, where the Taj Mahal is located. But heavy traffic in and around Delhi lengthened the tip to more like six hours. Since I was taking so many pictures, they let me sit up with the driver. The pictures that follow represent a reasonable sample of the sights that we saw along the road.
    Our guide told us that we would be passing through "primitive villages" along the way. Boy, was he right! I hope that these pictures will give you a faithful sense of the deep countryside in modern India.

DelhiAgra 1

DelhiAgra 2

DelhiAgra 3

DelhiAgra 4

DelhiAgra 5

DelhiAgra 6

DelhiAgra 7

Back to India December 2005