Apportionments of Barrow with 19 elements

    We present four apportionments for Barrow winter average aerosol with 19 elements, a European solution (the best), an Arctic solution, a North American solution, and an East Asian solution. The steps are summarized in the table below. The thread for the European solution is shown below, the other threads on separate pages for Arctic solution, North American solution, and Japan/Korea solution. Links are provided for quick scanning of the threads.

Barrow, Alaska, winter

22 elements

19 elements


Arctic solution

European solution

Arctic solution

North American solution

Japan/Korea solution

Step 0

Nothing chosen

Nothing chosen

Step 2 Sea and best crust (FEC) chosen

Sea and best crust (FEC) chosen

Step 3 Norway added, fit 2.42 Laptev added, fit 0.94 Norway added, fit 1.18 Akron added, fit 3.26 Ube added, fit 2.98
Step 4   North Sea added, fit 0.71 Bear Island added, fit 0.75 Sudbury added, fit 2.69 Seoul added, fit 2.49
Step 5   TransEur added, fit 0.69 Ny-Ålesund added, fit 0.66 West Point Added, fit 2.34 Oku winter added, fit 1.80
Step 6       DCref added, fit 1.92  

     The European solution shown below in red italic. It reaches a very good fit after adding three place-signatures. It is also the preferred solution.

Barrow, Alaska, winter

22 elements

19 elements


Arctic solution

European solution

Arctic solution

North American solution

East Asian solution

Step 0 Nothing chosen Nothing chosen
Step 2 Sea and best crust (FEC) chosen Sea and best crust (FEC) chosen
Step 3 Norway added, fit 2.42 Laptev added, fit 0.94 Norway added, fit 1.18 Akron added, fit 3.26 Ube added, fit 2.98
Step 4   North Sea added, fit 0.71 Bear Island added, fit 0.75 Sudbury added, fit 2.69 Seoul added, fit 2.49
Step 5   TransEur added, fit 0.69 Ny-Ålesund added, fit 0.66 West Point Added, fit 2.34 Oku winter added, fit 1.80
Step 6       DCref added, fit 1.92  

    Step 0 for the 19 elements is shown below. It resembles the earlier step 0, but with the Arctic sites standing out more above the background of everywhere else.

    The new step 2, with sea and FEC chosen, also resembles the previous step 2 but with the Arctic sites standing out more. The degree of fit is about the same as for the previous step 2.

    The big advantage of the 19-element suite shows up in step 3, where Laptev Sea is chosen. (Although the Laptev Sea is Arctic geographically, it represents Europe because the air flowing to it in winter comes from Russian sources to the southwest.) This step collapses most of the other signatures and produces a reasonable fit of 0.94 (vs. the previous 2.42 for the first place-source with 22 elements). The two high F-ratios at Arctic sites will be ignored here because this is a European thread.

    Step 4 chooses the next-highest European signature, the North Sea, as shown below. The fit improves to a creditable 0.71.

    The last step in the European thread, 5, chooses the next-largest European signature, TransEur. The fit improves marginally, to 0.69, and the thread stops here. Thus the European solution for Barrow winter is Laptev, North Sea, and TransEur (plus the usual crust and sea, of course). This solution is significant because it is the first time we have been able to jump from Barrow over the Arctic and into European source regions in a single step. Better resolution of the European sources can, of course, come from apportioning nearer receptors such as Norway and the Laptev Sea.

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