Anatomy of a Newsgroup Discussion
Kenneth A. Rahn
Third draft, 17 December 2000
(Two messages added to Thread 8)
Thread 1—Irrelevancies
Thread 2—Is Oswald
part of nonconspiracy scenario?
Thread 3—KR's
"Scientific method"
Thread 4—A new investigation that actually follows the
Thread 5—Epistemology, weak evidence, planted
fragments, and NAA
Thread 6—Incoherence on LNers
Thread 7—Following the evidence will convict the
Thread 8—Nonconspiracy is thoroughly discredited.
Thread 9—Theories and testimony
Thread 10—Nutty charges against nonconspiracy
Thread 11—Don't mix science and politics
Thread 12—Don't analyze Z-film objectively.