OCG533, Fall 2002
Homework assignment 2, due 9 September 2002
Structure of sentences I: Groups of words as modifiers

To read:
Skim the chapters on noun phrases and verb phrases (15, 16) and note the role of phrases and clauses as postmodifiers of each. Watch out for nested prepositional phrases (as in sentence 3).

To do:
In each of the five sentences below, identify all groups of words that postmodify nouns and verbs. List each group, its function, and (if possible) its grammatical identity. Groups of words include prepositional phrases, participial phrases, and subordinate clauses (i.e., their grammatical identities). Functions will usually be adjectival or adverbial.

1. Millennia of spiritual torment and centuries of religious dispute might have been spared by the simple recognition of the female identity of God.

      of spiritual torment—adjectival prepositional phrase that modifies millennia
of religious dispute
—adjectival prepositional phrase that modifies centuries
by the simple recognition of the female identity of God
—adverbial prepositional phrase that modifies might have been spared
of the female identity of God
—adjectival prepositional phrase that modifies the simple recognition
of God
—adjectival prepositional phrase that modifies the female identity
(Note how of God is nested inside of the female identity of God.)

2. Among the commonest things in this New England scene are the glacial boulders scattered about.

      in this New England scene—adjectival prepositional phrase that modifies the commonest things
scattered about—adjectival (past) participial phrase that modifies glacial boulders

3. Shifts in the isotopic composition of atmospheric lead in major urban centers in Europe have been reported recently.

      in the isotopic composition of atmospheric lead in major urban centers in Europe—adjectival prepositional phrase that modifies shifts
of atmospheric lead in major urban centers in Europe—adjectival prepositional phrase that modifies the isotopic composition
in major urban centers in Europe—adjectival prepositional phrase that modifies atmospheric lead
in Europe—adjectival prepositional phrase that modifies major urban centers
Note the three levels of nesting.)

      4. The transfer of persistent organic pollutants from air to vegetation is an important air-surface exchange process that affects global cycling and can result in human and wildlife exposure via the terrestrial food chain.

      of persistent organic pollutants—adjectival prepositional phrase that modifies the transfer
from air to vegetation—adjectival prepositional phrase that modifies The transfer of persistent organic pollutants
(Note: These two prepositional phrases are not nested.)

      that affects global cycling and can result in human and wildlife exposure via the terrestrial food chain—adjectival subordinate clause that modifies an important air-surface exchange process
via the terrestrial food chain—adjectival prepositional phrase that modifies human and wildlife exposure
(Note: result in is a phrasal verb with human and wildlife… as direct object. It is roughly the same as produce.)

      5. The skeletal remains of Chandra Ann Levy were found on a steep, isolated slope in Rock Creek Park yesterday, more than a year after her disappearance touched off an investigation that fascinated the nation and ended the career of Rep. Gary Condit of California.

      of Chandra Ann Levy—adjectival prepositional phrase that modifies the skeletal remains
on a steep, isolated slope in Rock Creek Park—adverbial prepositional phrase that modifies were found
in Rock Creek Park—adjectival prepositional phrase that modifies a steep, isolated slope
after her disappearance touched off an investigation that fascinated the nation and ended the career of Rep. Gary Condit of California—adjectival prepositional phrase that modifies a year
that fascinated the nation and ended the career of Rep. Gary Condit of California—compound adjectival subordinate clause that modifies an investigation
of Rep. Gary Condit of California—adjectival prepositional phrase that modifies the career
of California—adjectival prepositional phrase that modifies Rep. Gary Condit
(Note the nesting of these last two phrases.)
(Note that touched off is a phrasal verb.)

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